Lines Matching refs:DEBUG_puts
1118 DEBUG_puts("2_ppdOpen: Processing Custom option...");
1145 DEBUG_puts("1_ppdOpen: Unable to add Custom choice!");
1185 DEBUG_puts("1_ppdOpen: Unable to add Custom choice!");
1429 DEBUG_puts("1_ppdOpen: Unable to add Custom choice!");
1532 DEBUG_puts("1_ppdOpen: Unable to add Custom choice!");
3385 DEBUG_puts("5ppd_update_filters: No cupsFilter2 keywords present.");
3409 DEBUG_puts("5ppd_update_filters: Bad cupsFilter2 line.");
3422 DEBUG_puts("5ppd_update_filters: Found maxsize(nnn).");
3453 DEBUG_puts("5ppd_update_filters: Out of memory.");
3467 DEBUG_puts("5ppd_update_filters: Completed OK.");