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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     20 #include <algorithm>
     21 #include <cmath>
     22 #include <limits>
     23 #include <ostream>
     25 #include "histogram.h"
     27 #include <android-base/logging.h>
     29 #include "bit_utils.h"
     30 #include "time_utils.h"
     31 #include "utils.h"
     33 namespace art {
     35 template <class Value> inline void Histogram<Value>::AddValue(Value value) {
     36   CHECK_GE(value, static_cast<Value>(0));
     37   if (value >= max_) {
     38     Value new_max = ((value + 1) / bucket_width_ + 1) * bucket_width_;
     39     DCHECK_GT(new_max, max_);
     40     GrowBuckets(new_max);
     41   }
     42   BucketiseValue(value);
     43 }
     45 template <class Value> inline void Histogram<Value>::AdjustAndAddValue(Value value) {
     46   AddValue(value / kAdjust);
     47 }
     49 template <class Value> inline Histogram<Value>::Histogram(const char* name)
     50     : kAdjust(0),
     51       kInitialBucketCount(0),
     52       name_(name),
     53       max_buckets_(0),
     54       sample_size_(0) {
     55 }
     57 template <class Value>
     58 inline Histogram<Value>::Histogram(const char* name, Value initial_bucket_width,
     59                                    size_t max_buckets)
     60     : kAdjust(1000),
     61       kInitialBucketCount(8),
     62       name_(name),
     63       max_buckets_(max_buckets),
     64       bucket_width_(initial_bucket_width) {
     65   Reset();
     66 }
     68 template <class Value>
     69 inline void Histogram<Value>::GrowBuckets(Value new_max) {
     70   while (max_ < new_max) {
     71     // If we have reached the maximum number of buckets, merge buckets together.
     72     if (frequency_.size() >= max_buckets_) {
     73       CHECK_ALIGNED(frequency_.size(), 2);
     74       // We double the width of each bucket to reduce the number of buckets by a factor of 2.
     75       bucket_width_ *= 2;
     76       const size_t limit = frequency_.size() / 2;
     77       // Merge the frequencies by adding each adjacent two together.
     78       for (size_t i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
     79         frequency_[i] = frequency_[i * 2] + frequency_[i * 2 + 1];
     80       }
     81       // Remove frequencies in the second half of the array which were added to the first half.
     82       while (frequency_.size() > limit) {
     83         frequency_.pop_back();
     84       }
     85     }
     86     max_ += bucket_width_;
     87     frequency_.push_back(0);
     88   }
     89 }
     91 template <class Value> inline size_t Histogram<Value>::FindBucket(Value val) const {
     92   // Since this is only a linear histogram, bucket index can be found simply with
     93   // dividing the value by the bucket width.
     94   DCHECK_GE(val, min_);
     95   DCHECK_LE(val, max_);
     96   const size_t bucket_idx = static_cast<size_t>((val - min_) / bucket_width_);
     97   DCHECK_GE(bucket_idx, 0ul);
     98   DCHECK_LE(bucket_idx, GetBucketCount());
     99   return bucket_idx;
    100 }
    102 template <class Value>
    103 inline void Histogram<Value>::BucketiseValue(Value val) {
    104   CHECK_LT(val, max_);
    105   sum_ += val;
    106   sum_of_squares_ += val * val;
    107   ++sample_size_;
    108   ++frequency_[FindBucket(val)];
    109   max_value_added_ = std::max(val, max_value_added_);
    110   min_value_added_ = std::min(val, min_value_added_);
    111 }
    113 template <class Value> inline void Histogram<Value>::Initialize() {
    114   for (size_t idx = 0; idx < kInitialBucketCount; idx++) {
    115     frequency_.push_back(0);
    116   }
    117   // Cumulative frequency and ranges has a length of 1 over frequency.
    118   max_ = bucket_width_ * GetBucketCount();
    119 }
    121 template <class Value> inline size_t Histogram<Value>::GetBucketCount() const {
    122   return frequency_.size();
    123 }
    125 template <class Value> inline void Histogram<Value>::Reset() {
    126   sum_of_squares_ = 0;
    127   sample_size_ = 0;
    128   min_ = 0;
    129   sum_ = 0;
    130   min_value_added_ = std::numeric_limits<Value>::max();
    131   max_value_added_ = std::numeric_limits<Value>::min();
    132   frequency_.clear();
    133   Initialize();
    134 }
    136 template <class Value> inline Value Histogram<Value>::GetRange(size_t bucket_idx) const {
    137   DCHECK_LE(bucket_idx, GetBucketCount());
    138   return min_ + bucket_idx * bucket_width_;
    139 }
    141 template <class Value> inline double Histogram<Value>::Mean() const {
    142   DCHECK_GT(sample_size_, 0ull);
    143   return static_cast<double>(sum_) / static_cast<double>(sample_size_);
    144 }
    146 template <class Value> inline double Histogram<Value>::Variance() const {
    147   DCHECK_GT(sample_size_, 0ull);
    148   // Using algorithms for calculating variance over a population:
    149   // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_for_calculating_variance
    150   Value sum_squared = sum_ * sum_;
    151   double sum_squared_by_n_squared =
    152       static_cast<double>(sum_squared) /
    153       static_cast<double>(sample_size_ * sample_size_);
    154   double sum_of_squares_by_n =
    155       static_cast<double>(sum_of_squares_) / static_cast<double>(sample_size_);
    156   return sum_of_squares_by_n - sum_squared_by_n_squared;
    157 }
    159 template <class Value>
    160 inline void Histogram<Value>::PrintBins(std::ostream& os, const CumulativeData& data) const {
    161   DCHECK_GT(sample_size_, 0ull);
    162   for (size_t bin_idx = 0; bin_idx < data.freq_.size(); ++bin_idx) {
    163     if (bin_idx > 0 && data.perc_[bin_idx] == data.perc_[bin_idx - 1]) {
    164       bin_idx++;
    165       continue;
    166     }
    167     os << GetRange(bin_idx) << ": " << data.freq_[bin_idx] << "\t"
    168        << data.perc_[bin_idx] * 100.0 << "%\n";
    169   }
    170 }
    172 template <class Value>
    173 inline void Histogram<Value>::DumpBins(std::ostream& os) const {
    174   DCHECK_GT(sample_size_, 0ull);
    175   bool dumped_one = false;
    176   for (size_t bin_idx = 0; bin_idx < frequency_.size(); ++bin_idx) {
    177     if (frequency_[bin_idx] != 0U) {
    178       if (dumped_one) {
    179         // Prepend a comma if not the first bin.
    180         os << ",";
    181       } else {
    182         dumped_one = true;
    183       }
    184       os << GetRange(bin_idx) << ":" << frequency_[bin_idx];
    185     }
    186   }
    187 }
    189 template <class Value>
    190 inline void Histogram<Value>::PrintConfidenceIntervals(std::ostream &os, double interval,
    191                                                        const CumulativeData& data) const {
    192   static constexpr size_t kFractionalDigits = 3;
    193   DCHECK_GT(interval, 0);
    194   DCHECK_LT(interval, 1.0);
    195   const double per_0 = (1.0 - interval) / 2.0;
    196   const double per_1 = per_0 + interval;
    197   const TimeUnit unit = GetAppropriateTimeUnit(Mean() * kAdjust);
    198   os << Name() << ":\tSum: " << PrettyDuration(Sum() * kAdjust) << " "
    199      << (interval * 100) << "% C.I. " << FormatDuration(Percentile(per_0, data) * kAdjust, unit,
    200                                                         kFractionalDigits)
    201      << "-" << FormatDuration(Percentile(per_1, data) * kAdjust, unit, kFractionalDigits) << " "
    202      << "Avg: " << FormatDuration(Mean() * kAdjust, unit, kFractionalDigits) << " Max: "
    203      << FormatDuration(Max() * kAdjust, unit, kFractionalDigits) << std::endl;
    204 }
    206 template <class Value>
    207 inline void Histogram<Value>::PrintMemoryUse(std::ostream &os) const {
    208   os << Name();
    209   if (sample_size_ != 0u) {
    210     os << ": Avg: " << PrettySize(Mean()) << " Max: "
    211        << PrettySize(Max()) << " Min: " << PrettySize(Min()) << "\n";
    212   } else {
    213     os << ": <no data>\n";
    214   }
    215 }
    217 template <class Value>
    218 inline void Histogram<Value>::CreateHistogram(CumulativeData* out_data) const {
    219   DCHECK_GT(sample_size_, 0ull);
    220   out_data->freq_.clear();
    221   out_data->perc_.clear();
    222   uint64_t accumulated = 0;
    223   out_data->freq_.push_back(accumulated);
    224   out_data->perc_.push_back(0.0);
    225   for (size_t idx = 0; idx < frequency_.size(); idx++) {
    226     accumulated += frequency_[idx];
    227     out_data->freq_.push_back(accumulated);
    228     out_data->perc_.push_back(static_cast<double>(accumulated) / static_cast<double>(sample_size_));
    229   }
    230   DCHECK_EQ(out_data->freq_.back(), sample_size_);
    231   DCHECK_LE(std::abs(out_data->perc_.back() - 1.0), 0.001);
    232 }
    234 #pragma clang diagnostic push
    235 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
    237 template <class Value>
    238 inline double Histogram<Value>::Percentile(double per, const CumulativeData& data) const {
    239   DCHECK_GT(data.perc_.size(), 0ull);
    240   size_t upper_idx = 0, lower_idx = 0;
    241   for (size_t idx = 0; idx < data.perc_.size(); idx++) {
    242     if (per <= data.perc_[idx]) {
    243       upper_idx = idx;
    244       break;
    245     }
    247     if (per >= data.perc_[idx] && idx != 0 && data.perc_[idx] != data.perc_[idx - 1]) {
    248       lower_idx = idx;
    249     }
    250   }
    252   const double lower_perc = data.perc_[lower_idx];
    253   const double lower_value = static_cast<double>(GetRange(lower_idx));
    254   if (per == lower_perc) {
    255     return lower_value;
    256   }
    258   const double upper_perc = data.perc_[upper_idx];
    259   const double upper_value = static_cast<double>(GetRange(upper_idx));
    260   if (per == upper_perc) {
    261     return upper_value;
    262   }
    263   DCHECK_GT(upper_perc, lower_perc);
    265   double value = lower_value + (upper_value - lower_value) *
    266                                (per - lower_perc) / (upper_perc - lower_perc);
    268   if (value < min_value_added_) {
    269     value = min_value_added_;
    270   } else if (value > max_value_added_) {
    271     value = max_value_added_;
    272   }
    274   return value;
    275 }
    277 #pragma clang diagnostic pop
    279 }  // namespace art