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      1 /** @file
      2   This file contains the DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 option definitions and other configuration.
      3   They are used to carry additional information and parameters in DHCP messages.
      5   Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
      6   This program and the accompanying materials
      7   are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
      8   which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
      9   http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
     13 **/
     15 #ifndef _DHCP_H_
     16 #define _DHCP_H_
     18 ///
     19 /// Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv4 (DHCPv4)
     20 ///
     21 /// Dhcpv4 Options, definitions from RFC 2132
     22 ///
     23 #define DHCP4_TAG_PAD                0    /// Pad Option
     24 #define DHCP4_TAG_EOP                255  /// End Option
     25 #define DHCP4_TAG_NETMASK            1    /// Subnet Mask
     26 #define DHCP4_TAG_TIME_OFFSET        2    /// Time Offset from UTC
     27 #define DHCP4_TAG_ROUTER             3    /// Router option,
     28 #define DHCP4_TAG_TIME_SERVER        4    /// Time Server
     29 #define DHCP4_TAG_NAME_SERVER        5    /// Name Server
     30 #define DHCP4_TAG_DNS_SERVER         6    /// Domain Name Server
     31 #define DHCP4_TAG_LOG_SERVER         7    /// Log Server
     32 #define DHCP4_TAG_COOKIE_SERVER      8    /// Cookie Server
     33 #define DHCP4_TAG_LPR_SERVER         9    /// LPR Print Server
     34 #define DHCP4_TAG_IMPRESS_SERVER     10   /// Impress Server
     35 #define DHCP4_TAG_RL_SERVER          11   /// Resource Location Server
     36 #define DHCP4_TAG_HOSTNAME           12   /// Host Name
     37 #define DHCP4_TAG_BOOTFILE_LEN       13   /// Boot File Size
     38 #define DHCP4_TAG_DUMP               14   /// Merit Dump File
     39 #define DHCP4_TAG_DOMAINNAME         15   /// Domain Name
     40 #define DHCP4_TAG_SWAP_SERVER        16   /// Swap Server
     41 #define DHCP4_TAG_ROOTPATH           17   /// Root path
     42 #define DHCP4_TAG_EXTEND_PATH        18   /// Extensions Path
     43 #define DHCP4_TAG_IPFORWARD          19   /// IP Forwarding Enable/Disable
     44 #define DHCP4_TAG_NONLOCAL_SRR       20   /// on-Local Source Routing Enable/Disable
     45 #define DHCP4_TAG_POLICY_SRR         21   /// Policy Filter
     46 #define DHCP4_TAG_EMTU               22   /// Maximum Datagram Reassembly Size
     47 #define DHCP4_TAG_TTL                23   /// Default IP Time-to-live
     48 #define DHCP4_TAG_PATHMTU_AGE        24   /// Path MTU Aging Timeout
     49 #define DHCP4_TAG_PATHMTU_PLATEAU    25   /// Path MTU Plateau Table
     50 #define DHCP4_TAG_IFMTU              26   /// Interface MTU
     51 #define DHCP4_TAG_SUBNET_LOCAL       27   /// All Subnets are Local
     52 #define DHCP4_TAG_BROADCAST          28   /// Broadcast Address
     53 #define DHCP4_TAG_DISCOVER_MASK      29   /// Perform Mask Discovery
     54 #define DHCP4_TAG_SUPPLY_MASK        30   /// Mask Supplier
     55 #define DHCP4_TAG_DISCOVER_ROUTE     31   /// Perform Router Discovery
     56 #define DHCP4_TAG_ROUTER_SOLICIT     32   /// Router Solicitation Address
     57 #define DHCP4_TAG_STATIC_ROUTE       33   /// Static Route
     58 #define DHCP4_TAG_TRAILER            34   /// Trailer Encapsulation
     59 #define DHCP4_TAG_ARPAGE             35   /// ARP Cache Timeout
     60 #define DHCP4_TAG_ETHER_ENCAP        36   /// Ethernet Encapsulation
     61 #define DHCP4_TAG_TCP_TTL            37   /// TCP Default TTL
     62 #define DHCP4_TAG_KEEP_INTERVAL      38   /// TCP Keepalive Interval
     63 #define DHCP4_TAG_KEEP_GARBAGE       39   /// TCP Keepalive Garbage
     64 #define DHCP4_TAG_NIS_DOMAIN         40   /// Network Information Service Domain
     65 #define DHCP4_TAG_NIS_SERVER         41   /// Network Information Servers
     66 #define DHCP4_TAG_NTP_SERVER         42   /// Network Time Protocol Servers
     67 #define DHCP4_TAG_VENDOR             43   /// Vendor Specific Information
     68 #define DHCP4_TAG_NBNS               44   /// NetBIOS over TCP/IP Name Server
     69 #define DHCP4_TAG_NBDD               45   /// NetBIOS Datagram Distribution Server
     70 #define DHCP4_TAG_NBTYPE             46   /// NetBIOS over TCP/IP Node Type
     71 #define DHCP4_TAG_NBSCOPE            47   /// NetBIOS over TCP/IP Scope
     72 #define DHCP4_TAG_XFONT              48   /// X Window System Font Server
     73 #define DHCP4_TAG_XDM                49   /// X Window System Display Manager
     74 #define DHCP4_TAG_REQUEST_IP         50   /// Requested IP Address
     75 #define DHCP4_TAG_LEASE              51   /// IP Address Lease Time
     76 #define DHCP4_TAG_OVERLOAD           52   /// Option Overload
     77 #define DHCP4_TAG_MSG_TYPE           53   /// DHCP Message Type
     78 #define DHCP4_TAG_SERVER_ID          54   /// Server Identifier
     79 #define DHCP4_TAG_PARA_LIST          55   /// Parameter Request List
     80 #define DHCP4_TAG_MESSAGE            56   /// Message
     81 #define DHCP4_TAG_MAXMSG             57   /// Maximum DHCP Message Size
     82 #define DHCP4_TAG_T1                 58   /// Renewal (T1) Time Value
     83 #define DHCP4_TAG_T2                 59   /// Rebinding (T2) Time Value
     84 #define DHCP4_TAG_VENDOR_CLASS_ID    60   /// Vendor class identifier
     85 #define DHCP4_TAG_CLIENT_ID          61   /// Client-identifier
     86 #define DHCP4_TAG_NISPLUS            64   /// Network Information Service+ Domain
     87 #define DHCP4_TAG_NISPLUS_SERVER     65   /// Network Information Service+ Servers
     88 #define DHCP4_TAG_TFTP               66   /// TFTP server name
     89 #define DHCP4_TAG_BOOTFILE           67   /// Bootfile name
     90 #define DHCP4_TAG_MOBILEIP           68   /// Mobile IP Home Agent
     91 #define DHCP4_TAG_SMTP               69   /// Simple Mail Transport Protocol Server
     92 #define DHCP4_TAG_POP3               70   /// Post Office Protocol (POP3) Server
     93 #define DHCP4_TAG_NNTP               71   /// Network News Transport Protocol Server
     94 #define DHCP4_TAG_WWW                72   /// Default World Wide Web (WWW) Server
     95 #define DHCP4_TAG_FINGER             73   /// Default Finger Server
     96 #define DHCP4_TAG_IRC                74   /// Default Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Server
     97 #define DHCP4_TAG_STTALK             75   /// StreetTalk Server
     98 #define DHCP4_TAG_STDA               76   /// StreetTalk Directory Assistance Server
     99 #define DHCP4_TAG_USER_CLASS_ID      77   /// User class identifier
    100 #define DHCP4_TAG_ARCH               93   /// Client System Architecture Type, RFC 4578
    101 #define DHCP4_TAG_UNDI               94   /// Client Network Interface Identifier, RFC 4578
    102 #define DHCP4_TAG_UUID               97   /// Client Machine Identifier, RFC 4578
    103 #define DHCP4_TAG_CLASSLESS_ROUTE    121  /// Classless Route
    106 ///
    107 /// Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)
    108 ///
    109 /// Enumeration of Dhcp6 message type, refers to section-5.3 of rfc-3315.
    110 ///
    111 typedef enum {
    112   Dhcp6MsgSolicit               = 1,
    113   Dhcp6MsgAdvertise             = 2,
    114   Dhcp6MsgRequest               = 3,
    115   Dhcp6MsgConfirm               = 4,
    116   Dhcp6MsgRenew                 = 5,
    117   Dhcp6MsgRebind                = 6,
    118   Dhcp6MsgReply                 = 7,
    119   Dhcp6MsgRelease               = 8,
    120   Dhcp6MsgDecline               = 9,
    121   Dhcp6MsgReconfigure           = 10,
    122   Dhcp6MsgInfoRequest           = 11
    123 } DHCP6_MSG_TYPE;
    125 ///
    126 /// Enumeration of option code in Dhcp6 packet, refers to section-24.3 of rfc-3315.
    127 ///
    128 typedef enum {
    129   Dhcp6OptClientId              = 1,
    130   Dhcp6OptServerId              = 2,
    131   Dhcp6OptIana                  = 3,
    132   Dhcp6OptIata                  = 4,
    133   Dhcp6OptIaAddr                = 5,
    134   Dhcp6OptRequestOption         = 6,
    135   Dhcp6OptPreference            = 7,
    136   Dhcp6OptElapsedTime           = 8,
    137   Dhcp6OptReplayMessage         = 9,
    138   Dhcp6OptAuthentication        = 11,
    139   Dhcp6OptServerUnicast         = 12,
    140   Dhcp6OptStatusCode            = 13,
    141   Dhcp6OptRapidCommit           = 14,
    142   Dhcp6OptUserClass             = 15,
    143   Dhcp6OptVendorClass           = 16,
    144   Dhcp6OptVendorInfo            = 17,
    145   Dhcp6OptInterfaceId           = 18,
    146   Dhcp6OptReconfigMessage       = 19,
    147   Dhcp6OptReconfigureAccept     = 20
    148 } DHCP6_OPT_CODE;
    150 ///
    151 /// Enumeration of status code recorded by IANA, refers to section-24.4 of rfc-3315.
    152 ///
    153 typedef enum {
    154   Dhcp6StsSuccess               = 0,
    155   Dhcp6StsUnspecFail            = 1,
    156   Dhcp6StsNoAddrsAvail          = 2,
    157   Dhcp6StsNoBinding             = 3,
    158   Dhcp6StsNotOnLink             = 4,
    159   Dhcp6StsUseMulticast          = 5
    160 } DHCP6_STS_CODE;
    162 ///
    163 /// Enumeration of Duid type recorded by IANA, refers to section-24.5 of rfc-3315.
    164 ///
    165 typedef enum {
    166   Dhcp6DuidTypeLlt              = 1,
    167   Dhcp6DuidTypeEn               = 2,
    168   Dhcp6DuidTypeLl               = 3,
    169   Dhcp6DuidTypeUuid             = 4
    170 } DHCP6_DUID_TYPE;
    172 /// Transmission and Retransmission Parameters
    173 /// This section presents a table of values used to describe the message
    174 /// transmission behavior of clients and servers.
    175 ///
    176 /// Transmit parameters of solicit message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
    177 ///
    178 #define DHCP6_SOL_MAX_DELAY       1
    179 #define DHCP6_SOL_IRT             1
    180 #define DHCP6_SOL_MRC             0
    181 #define DHCP6_SOL_MRT             120
    182 #define DHCP6_SOL_MRD             0
    183 ///
    184 /// Transmit parameters of request message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
    185 ///
    186 #define DHCP6_REQ_IRT             1
    187 #define DHCP6_REQ_MRC             10
    188 #define DHCP6_REQ_MRT             30
    189 #define DHCP6_REQ_MRD             0
    190 ///
    191 /// Transmit parameters of confirm message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
    192 ///
    193 #define DHCP6_CNF_MAX_DELAY       1
    194 #define DHCP6_CNF_IRT             1
    195 #define DHCP6_CNF_MRC             0
    196 #define DHCP6_CNF_MRT             4
    197 #define DHCP6_CNF_MRD             10
    198 ///
    199 /// Transmit parameters of renew message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
    200 ///
    201 #define DHCP6_REN_IRT             10
    202 #define DHCP6_REN_MRC             0
    203 #define DHCP6_REN_MRT             600
    204 #define DHCP6_REN_MRD             0
    205 ///
    206 /// Transmit parameters of rebind message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
    207 ///
    208 #define DHCP6_REB_IRT             10
    209 #define DHCP6_REB_MRC             0
    210 #define DHCP6_REB_MRT             600
    211 #define DHCP6_REB_MRD             0
    212 ///
    213 /// Transmit parameters of information request message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
    214 ///
    215 #define DHCP6_INF_MAX_DELAY       1
    216 #define DHCP6_INF_IRT             1
    217 #define DHCP6_INF_MRC             0
    218 #define DHCP6_INF_MRT             120
    219 #define DHCP6_INF_MRD             0
    220 ///
    221 /// Transmit parameters of release message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
    222 ///
    223 #define DHCP6_REL_IRT             1
    224 #define DHCP6_REL_MRC             5
    225 #define DHCP6_REL_MRT             0
    226 #define DHCP6_REL_MRD             0
    227 ///
    228 /// Transmit parameters of decline message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
    229 ///
    230 #define DHCP6_DEC_IRT             1
    231 #define DHCP6_DEC_MRC             5
    232 #define DHCP6_DEC_MRT             0
    233 #define DHCP6_DEC_MRD             0
    235 ////
    236 //// DHCPv6 Options, definitions from RFC 3315,RFC 5970 and RFC 3646.
    237 ////
    238 #define DHCP6_OPT_CLIENT_ID         1    /// Client Identifier Option
    239 #define DHCP6_OPT_SERVER_ID         2    /// Server Identifier Option
    240 #define DHCP6_OPT_IA_NA             3    /// The Identity Association for Non-temporary Addresses option
    241 #define DHCP6_OPT_IA_TA             4    /// The Identity Association for the Temporary Addresses
    242 #define DHCP6_OPT_IAADDR            5    /// IA Address option
    243 #define DHCP6_OPT_ORO               6    /// Request option
    244 #define DHCP6_OPT_PREFERENCE        7    /// Preference option
    245 #define DHCP6_OPT_ELAPSED_TIME      8    /// Elapsed Time Option
    246 #define DHCP6_OPT_REPLAY_MSG        9    /// Relay Message option
    247 #define DHCP6_OPT_AUTH              11   /// Authentication option
    248 #define DHCP6_OPT_UNICAST           12   /// Server Unicast Option
    249 #define DHCP6_OPT_STATUS_CODE       13   /// Status Code Option
    250 #define DHCP6_OPT_RAPID_COMMIT      14   /// Rapid Commit option
    251 #define DHCP6_OPT_USER_CLASS        15   /// User Class option
    252 #define DHCP6_OPT_VENDOR_CLASS      16   /// Vendor Class Option
    253 #define DHCP6_OPT_VENDOR_OPTS       17   /// Vendor-specific Information Option
    254 #define DHCP6_OPT_INTERFACE_ID      18   /// Interface-Id Option
    255 #define DHCP6_OPT_RECONFIG_MSG      19   /// Reconfigure Message Option
    256 #define DHCP6_OPT_RECONFIG_ACCEPT   20   /// Reconfigure Accept Option
    257 #define DHCP6_OPT_DNS_SERVERS       23   /// DNS Configuration options, RFC 3646
    258 #define DHCP6_OPT_BOOT_FILE_URL     59   /// Assigned by IANA, RFC 5970
    259 #define DHCP6_OPT_BOOT_FILE_PARAM   60   /// Assigned by IANA, RFC 5970
    260 #define DHCP6_OPT_ARCH              61   /// Assigned by IANA, RFC 5970
    261 #define DHCP6_OPT_UNDI              62   /// Assigned by IANA, RFC 5970
    263 ///
    264 /// Processor Architecture Types
    265 /// These identifiers are defined by IETF:
    266 /// http://www.ietf.org/assignments/dhcpv6-parameters/dhcpv6-parameters.xml
    267 ///
    268 #define PXE_CLIENT_ARCH_X86_BIOS         0x0000    /// x86 BIOS for PXE
    269 #define PXE_CLIENT_ARCH_IPF              0x0002    /// Itanium for PXE
    270 #define PXE_CLIENT_ARCH_IA32             0x0006    /// x86 uefi for PXE
    271 #define PXE_CLIENT_ARCH_X64              0x0007    /// x64 uefi for PXE
    272 #define PXE_CLIENT_ARCH_EBC              0x0009    /// EBC for PXE
    273 #define PXE_CLIENT_ARCH_ARM              0x000A    /// Arm uefi 32 for PXE
    274 #define PXE_CLIENT_ARCH_AARCH64          0x000B    /// Arm uefi 64 for PXE
    276 #define HTTP_CLIENT_ARCH_IA32            0x000F    /// x86 uefi boot from http
    277 #define HTTP_CLIENT_ARCH_X64             0x0010    /// x64 uefi boot from http
    278 #define HTTP_CLIENT_ARCH_EBC             0x0011    /// EBC boot from http
    279 #define HTTP_CLIENT_ARCH_ARM             0x0012    /// Arm uefi 32 boot from http
    280 #define HTTP_CLIENT_ARCH_AARCH64         0x0013    /// Arm uefi 64 boot from http
    282 #endif