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     41 /*
     42 //  Purpose:
     43 //     Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives
     44 //     Cryptographic Primitives
     45 //     Internal GF(p) basic Definitions & Function Prototypes
     46 //
     47 */
     49 #if !defined(_PCP_GFP_H_)
     50 #define _PCP_GFP_H_
     52 #include "owncp.h"
     53 #include "pcpgfpmethod.h"
     54 #include "pcpmontgomery.h"
     56 /* GF element */
     57 typedef struct _cpGFpElement {
     58    IppCtxId    idCtx;   /* GF() element ident */
     59    int         length;  /* length of element (in BNU_CHUNK_T) */
     60    BNU_CHUNK_T*  pData;
     61 } cpGFpElement;
     63 #define GFPE_ID(pCtx)      ((pCtx)->idCtx)
     64 #define GFPE_ROOM(pCtx)    ((pCtx)->length)
     65 #define GFPE_DATA(pCtx)    ((pCtx)->pData)
     67 #define GFPE_TEST_ID(pCtx) (GFPE_ID((pCtx))==idCtxGFPE)
     70 /* GF(p) context */
     71 typedef struct _cpGFp {
     72    IppCtxId       idCtx;   /* GFp spec ident     */
     73    gsModEngine*   pGFE;    /* arithmethic engine */
     74 } cpGFp;
     76 #define GFP_ALIGNMENT   ((int)(sizeof(void*)))
     78 /* Local definitions */
     79 #define GFP_MAX_BITSIZE       (IPP_MAX_GF_BITSIZE)      /* max bitsize for GF element */
     80 #define GFP_POOL_SIZE         (16)//(IPP_MAX_EXPONENT_NUM+3)  /* num of elements into the pool */
     81 #define GFP_RAND_ADD_BITS     (128)                     /* parameter of random element generation ?? == febits/2 */
     83 #define GFP_ID(pCtx)          ((pCtx)->idCtx)
     84 #define GFP_PMA(pCtx)         ((pCtx)->pGFE)
     86 #define GFP_PARENT(pCtx)      MOD_PARENT((pCtx))
     87 #define GFP_EXTDEGREE(pCtx)   MOD_EXTDEG((pCtx))
     88 #define GFP_FEBITLEN(pCtx)    MOD_BITSIZE((pCtx))
     89 #define GFP_FELEN(pCtx)       MOD_LEN((pCtx))
     90 #define GFP_FELEN32(pCtx)     MOD_LEN32((pCtx))
     91 #define GFP_PELEN(pCtx)       MOD_PELEN((pCtx))
     92 #define GFP_METHOD(pCtx)      MOD_METHOD((pCtx))
     93 #define GFP_MODULUS(pCtx)     MOD_MODULUS((pCtx))
     94 #define GFP_MNT_FACTOR(pCtx)  MOD_MNT_FACTOR((pCtx))
     95 #define GFP_MNT_R(pCtx)       MOD_MNT_R((pCtx))
     96 #define GFP_MNT_RR(pCtx)      MOD_MNT_R2((pCtx))
     97 #define GFP_HMODULUS(pCtx)    MOD_HMODULUS((pCtx))
     98 #define GFP_QNR(pCtx)         MOD_QNR((pCtx))
     99 #define GFP_POOL(pCtx)        MOD_POOL_BUF((pCtx))
    100 #define GFP_MAXPOOL(pCtx)     MOD_MAXPOOL((pCtx))
    101 #define GFP_USEDPOOL(pCtx)    MOD_USEDPOOL((pCtx))
    103 #define GFP_IS_BASIC(pCtx)    (GFP_PARENT((pCtx))==NULL)
    104 #define GFP_TEST_ID(pCtx)     (GFP_ID((pCtx))==idCtxGFP)
    106 /*
    107 // get/release n element from/to the pool
    108 */
    109 #define cpGFpGetPool(n, gfe)     gsModPoolAlloc((gfe), (n))
    110 #define cpGFpReleasePool(n, gfe) gsModPoolFree((gfe), (n))
    113 __INLINE int cpGFpElementLen(const BNU_CHUNK_T* pE, int nsE)
    114 {
    115    for(; nsE>1 && 0==pE[nsE-1]; nsE--) ;
    116    return nsE;
    117 }
    118 __INLINE BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpElementCopy(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pE, int nsE)
    119 {
    120    int n;
    121    for(n=0; n<nsE; n++) pR[n] = pE[n];
    122    return pR;
    123 }
    124 __INLINE BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpElementPadd(BNU_CHUNK_T* pE, int nsE, BNU_CHUNK_T filler)
    125 {
    126    int n;
    127    for(n=0; n<nsE; n++) pE[n] = filler;
    128    return pE;
    129 }
    130 __INLINE BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpElementCopyPadd(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, int nsR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pE, int nsE)
    131 {
    132    int n;
    133    for(n=0; n<nsE; n++) pR[n] = pE[n];
    134    for(; n<nsR; n++) pR[n] = 0;
    135    return pR;
    136 }
    137 __INLINE int cpGFpElementCmp(const BNU_CHUNK_T* pE, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pX, int nsE)
    138 {
    139    for(; nsE>1 && pE[nsE-1]==pX[nsE-1]; nsE--)
    140       ;
    141    return pE[nsE-1]==pX[nsE-1]? 0 : pE[nsE-1]>pX[nsE-1]? 1:-1;
    142 }
    144 __INLINE int cpGFpElementIsEquChunk(const BNU_CHUNK_T* pE, int nsE, BNU_CHUNK_T x)
    145 {
    146    int isEqu = (pE[0] == x);
    147    return isEqu && (1==cpGFpElementLen(pE, nsE));
    148 }
    150 __INLINE BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpElementSetChunk(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, int nsR, BNU_CHUNK_T x)
    151 {
    152    return cpGFpElementCopyPadd(pR, nsR, &x, 1);
    153 }
    155 __INLINE BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpAdd(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB, gsModEngine* pGFE)
    156 {
    157    return GFP_METHOD(pGFE)->add(pR, pA, pB, pGFE);
    158 }
    160 __INLINE BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpSub(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB, gsModEngine* pGFE)
    161 {
    162    return GFP_METHOD(pGFE)->sub(pR, pA, pB, pGFE);
    163 }
    165 __INLINE BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpNeg(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, gsModEngine* pGFE)
    166 {
    167    return GFP_METHOD(pGFE)->neg(pR, pA, pGFE);
    168 }
    170 __INLINE BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpMul(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB, gsModEngine* pGFE)
    171 {
    172    return GFP_METHOD(pGFE)->mul(pR, pA, pB, pGFE);
    173 }
    175 __INLINE BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpSqr(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, gsModEngine* pGFE)
    176 {
    177    return GFP_METHOD(pGFE)->sqr(pR, pA, pGFE);
    178 }
    180 __INLINE BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpHalve(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, gsModEngine* pGFE)
    181 {
    182    return GFP_METHOD(pGFE)->div2(pR, pA, pGFE);
    183 }
    186 #define GFP_LT(a,b,size)  (-1==cpGFpElementCmp((a),(b),(size)))
    187 #define GFP_EQ(a,b,size)  ( 0==cpGFpElementCmp((a),(b),(size)))
    188 #define GFP_GT(a,b,size)  ( 1==cpGFpElementCmp((a),(b),(size)))
    190 #define GFP_IS_ZERO(a,size)  cpGFpElementIsEquChunk((a),(size), 0)
    191 #define GFP_IS_ONE(a,size)   cpGFpElementIsEquChunk((a),(size), 1)
    193 #define GFP_ZERO(a,size)      cpGFpElementSetChunk((a),(size), 0)
    194 #define GFP_ONE(a,size)       cpGFpElementSetChunk((a),(size), 1)
    196 #define GFP_IS_EVEN(a)  (0==((a)[0]&1))
    197 #define GFP_IS_ODD(a)   (1==((a)[0]&1))
    200 /* construct GF element */
    201 __INLINE IppsGFpElement* cpGFpElementConstruct(IppsGFpElement* pR, BNU_CHUNK_T* pDataBufer, int ns)
    202 {
    203    GFPE_ID(pR) = idCtxGFPE;
    204    GFPE_ROOM(pR) = ns;
    205    GFPE_DATA(pR) = pDataBufer;
    206    return pR;
    207 }
    210 /* size of GFp context, init and setup */
    211 #define cpGFpGetSize OWNAPI(cpGFpGetSize)
    212 int     cpGFpGetSize(int feBitSize, int peBitSize, int numpe);
    214 #define   cpGFpInitGFp OWNAPI(cpGFpInitGFp)
    215 IppStatus cpGFpInitGFp(int primeBitSize, IppsGFpState* pGF);
    217 #define   cpGFpSetGFp OWNAPI(cpGFpSetGFp)
    218 IppStatus cpGFpSetGFp(const BNU_CHUNK_T* pPrime, int primeBitSize, const IppsGFpMethod* method, IppsGFpState* pGF);
    220 /* operations */
    221 #define      cpGFpRand OWNAPI(cpGFpRand)
    222 BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpRand(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, gsModEngine* pGFE, IppBitSupplier rndFunc, void* pRndParam);
    224 #define      cpGFpSet OWNAPI(cpGFpSet)
    225 BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpSet (BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pDataA, int nsA, gsModEngine* pGFE);
    227 #define      cpGFpGet OWNAPI(cpGFpGet)
    228 BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpGet (BNU_CHUNK_T* pDataA, int nsA, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, gsModEngine* pGFE);
    230 #define      cpGFpSetOctString OWNAPI(cpGFpSetOctString)
    231 BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpSetOctString(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const Ipp8u* pStr, int strSize, gsModEngine* pGFE);
    233 #define cpGFpGetOctString OWNAPI(cpGFpGetOctString)
    234 Ipp8u*  cpGFpGetOctString(Ipp8u* pStr, int strSize, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, gsModEngine* pGFE);
    236 #define      cpGFpInv OWNAPI(cpGFpInv)
    237 BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpInv  (BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, gsModEngine* pGFE);
    239 #define      cpGFpExp OWNAPI(cpGFpExp)
    240 BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpExp  (BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pE, int nsE, gsModEngine* pGFE);
    242 #define cpGFpSqrt OWNAPI(cpGFpSqrt)
    243 int     cpGFpSqrt(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, gsModEngine* pGFE);
    245 #define cpGFEqnr OWNAPI(cpGFEqnr)
    246 void cpGFEqnr(gsModEngine* pGFE);
    248 #endif /* _PCP_GFP_H_ */