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      1 //===--- ASTMatchersInternal.h - Structural query framework -----*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 //  Implements the base layer of the matcher framework.
     11 //
     12 //  Matchers are methods that return a Matcher<T> which provides a method
     13 //  Matches(...) which is a predicate on an AST node. The Matches method's
     14 //  parameters define the context of the match, which allows matchers to recurse
     15 //  or store the current node as bound to a specific string, so that it can be
     16 //  retrieved later.
     17 //
     18 //  In general, matchers have two parts:
     19 //  1. A function Matcher<T> MatcherName(<arguments>) which returns a Matcher<T>
     20 //     based on the arguments and optionally on template type deduction based
     21 //     on the arguments. Matcher<T>s form an implicit reverse hierarchy
     22 //     to clang's AST class hierarchy, meaning that you can use a Matcher<Base>
     23 //     everywhere a Matcher<Derived> is required.
     24 //  2. An implementation of a class derived from MatcherInterface<T>.
     25 //
     26 //  The matcher functions are defined in ASTMatchers.h. To make it possible
     27 //  to implement both the matcher function and the implementation of the matcher
     28 //  interface in one place, ASTMatcherMacros.h defines macros that allow
     29 //  implementing a matcher in a single place.
     30 //
     31 //  This file contains the base classes needed to construct the actual matchers.
     32 //
     33 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     38 #include "clang/AST/ASTTypeTraits.h"
     39 #include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
     40 #include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
     41 #include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
     42 #include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
     43 #include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
     44 #include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h"
     45 #include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
     46 #include "clang/AST/StmtCXX.h"
     47 #include "clang/AST/StmtObjC.h"
     48 #include "clang/AST/Type.h"
     49 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
     50 #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
     51 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
     52 #include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
     53 #include <map>
     54 #include <string>
     55 #include <vector>
     57 namespace clang {
     58 namespace ast_matchers {
     60 class BoundNodes;
     62 namespace internal {
     64 /// \brief Variadic function object.
     65 ///
     66 /// Most of the functions below that use VariadicFunction could be implemented
     67 /// using plain C++11 variadic functions, but the function object allows us to
     68 /// capture it on the dynamic matcher registry.
     69 template <typename ResultT, typename ArgT,
     70           ResultT (*Func)(ArrayRef<const ArgT *>)>
     71 struct VariadicFunction {
     72   ResultT operator()() const { return Func(None); }
     74   template <typename... ArgsT>
     75   ResultT operator()(const ArgT &Arg1, const ArgsT &... Args) const {
     76     return Execute(Arg1, static_cast<const ArgT &>(Args)...);
     77   }
     79   // We also allow calls with an already created array, in case the caller
     80   // already had it.
     81   ResultT operator()(ArrayRef<ArgT> Args) const {
     82     SmallVector<const ArgT*, 8> InnerArgs;
     83     for (const ArgT &Arg : Args)
     84       InnerArgs.push_back(&Arg);
     85     return Func(InnerArgs);
     86   }
     88 private:
     89   // Trampoline function to allow for implicit conversions to take place
     90   // before we make the array.
     91   template <typename... ArgsT> ResultT Execute(const ArgsT &... Args) const {
     92     const ArgT *const ArgsArray[] = {&Args...};
     93     return Func(ArrayRef<const ArgT *>(ArgsArray, sizeof...(ArgsT)));
     94   }
     95 };
     97 /// \brief Unifies obtaining the underlying type of a regular node through
     98 /// `getType` and a TypedefNameDecl node through `getUnderlyingType`.
     99 inline QualType getUnderlyingType(const Expr &Node) { return Node.getType(); }
    101 inline QualType getUnderlyingType(const ValueDecl &Node) {
    102   return Node.getType();
    103 }
    105 inline QualType getUnderlyingType(const TypedefNameDecl &Node) {
    106   return Node.getUnderlyingType();
    107 }
    109 /// \brief Unifies obtaining the FunctionProtoType pointer from both
    110 /// FunctionProtoType and FunctionDecl nodes..
    111 inline const FunctionProtoType *
    112 getFunctionProtoType(const FunctionProtoType &Node) {
    113   return &Node;
    114 }
    116 inline const FunctionProtoType *getFunctionProtoType(const FunctionDecl &Node) {
    117   return Node.getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
    118 }
    120 /// \brief Internal version of BoundNodes. Holds all the bound nodes.
    121 class BoundNodesMap {
    122 public:
    123   /// \brief Adds \c Node to the map with key \c ID.
    124   ///
    125   /// The node's base type should be in NodeBaseType or it will be unaccessible.
    126   void addNode(StringRef ID, const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode& DynNode) {
    127     NodeMap[ID] = DynNode;
    128   }
    130   /// \brief Returns the AST node bound to \c ID.
    131   ///
    132   /// Returns NULL if there was no node bound to \c ID or if there is a node but
    133   /// it cannot be converted to the specified type.
    134   template <typename T>
    135   const T *getNodeAs(StringRef ID) const {
    136     IDToNodeMap::const_iterator It = NodeMap.find(ID);
    137     if (It == NodeMap.end()) {
    138       return nullptr;
    139     }
    140     return It->second.get<T>();
    141   }
    143   ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode getNode(StringRef ID) const {
    144     IDToNodeMap::const_iterator It = NodeMap.find(ID);
    145     if (It == NodeMap.end()) {
    146       return ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode();
    147     }
    148     return It->second;
    149   }
    151   /// \brief Imposes an order on BoundNodesMaps.
    152   bool operator<(const BoundNodesMap &Other) const {
    153     return NodeMap < Other.NodeMap;
    154   }
    156   /// \brief A map from IDs to the bound nodes.
    157   ///
    158   /// Note that we're using std::map here, as for memoization:
    159   /// - we need a comparison operator
    160   /// - we need an assignment operator
    161   typedef std::map<std::string, ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode> IDToNodeMap;
    163   const IDToNodeMap &getMap() const {
    164     return NodeMap;
    165   }
    167   /// \brief Returns \c true if this \c BoundNodesMap can be compared, i.e. all
    168   /// stored nodes have memoization data.
    169   bool isComparable() const {
    170     for (const auto &IDAndNode : NodeMap) {
    171       if (!IDAndNode.second.getMemoizationData())
    172         return false;
    173     }
    174     return true;
    175   }
    177 private:
    178   IDToNodeMap NodeMap;
    179 };
    181 /// \brief Creates BoundNodesTree objects.
    182 ///
    183 /// The tree builder is used during the matching process to insert the bound
    184 /// nodes from the Id matcher.
    185 class BoundNodesTreeBuilder {
    186 public:
    187   /// \brief A visitor interface to visit all BoundNodes results for a
    188   /// BoundNodesTree.
    189   class Visitor {
    190   public:
    191     virtual ~Visitor() {}
    193     /// \brief Called multiple times during a single call to VisitMatches(...).
    194     ///
    195     /// 'BoundNodesView' contains the bound nodes for a single match.
    196     virtual void visitMatch(const BoundNodes& BoundNodesView) = 0;
    197   };
    199   /// \brief Add a binding from an id to a node.
    200   void setBinding(StringRef Id, const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &DynNode) {
    201     if (Bindings.empty())
    202       Bindings.emplace_back();
    203     for (BoundNodesMap &Binding : Bindings)
    204       Binding.addNode(Id, DynNode);
    205   }
    207   /// \brief Adds a branch in the tree.
    208   void addMatch(const BoundNodesTreeBuilder &Bindings);
    210   /// \brief Visits all matches that this BoundNodesTree represents.
    211   ///
    212   /// The ownership of 'ResultVisitor' remains at the caller.
    213   void visitMatches(Visitor* ResultVisitor);
    215   template <typename ExcludePredicate>
    216   bool removeBindings(const ExcludePredicate &Predicate) {
    217     Bindings.erase(std::remove_if(Bindings.begin(), Bindings.end(), Predicate),
    218                    Bindings.end());
    219     return !Bindings.empty();
    220   }
    222   /// \brief Imposes an order on BoundNodesTreeBuilders.
    223   bool operator<(const BoundNodesTreeBuilder &Other) const {
    224     return Bindings < Other.Bindings;
    225   }
    227   /// \brief Returns \c true if this \c BoundNodesTreeBuilder can be compared,
    228   /// i.e. all stored node maps have memoization data.
    229   bool isComparable() const {
    230     for (const BoundNodesMap &NodesMap : Bindings) {
    231       if (!NodesMap.isComparable())
    232         return false;
    233     }
    234     return true;
    235   }
    237 private:
    238   SmallVector<BoundNodesMap, 16> Bindings;
    239 };
    241 class ASTMatchFinder;
    243 /// \brief Generic interface for all matchers.
    244 ///
    245 /// Used by the implementation of Matcher<T> and DynTypedMatcher.
    246 /// In general, implement MatcherInterface<T> or SingleNodeMatcherInterface<T>
    247 /// instead.
    248 class DynMatcherInterface
    249     : public llvm::ThreadSafeRefCountedBase<DynMatcherInterface> {
    250 public:
    251   virtual ~DynMatcherInterface() {}
    253   /// \brief Returns true if \p DynNode can be matched.
    254   ///
    255   /// May bind \p DynNode to an ID via \p Builder, or recurse into
    256   /// the AST via \p Finder.
    257   virtual bool dynMatches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &DynNode,
    258                           ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    259                           BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const = 0;
    260 };
    262 /// \brief Generic interface for matchers on an AST node of type T.
    263 ///
    264 /// Implement this if your matcher may need to inspect the children or
    265 /// descendants of the node or bind matched nodes to names. If you are
    266 /// writing a simple matcher that only inspects properties of the
    267 /// current node and doesn't care about its children or descendants,
    268 /// implement SingleNodeMatcherInterface instead.
    269 template <typename T>
    270 class MatcherInterface : public DynMatcherInterface {
    271 public:
    272   /// \brief Returns true if 'Node' can be matched.
    273   ///
    274   /// May bind 'Node' to an ID via 'Builder', or recurse into
    275   /// the AST via 'Finder'.
    276   virtual bool matches(const T &Node,
    277                        ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    278                        BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const = 0;
    280   bool dynMatches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &DynNode,
    281                   ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    282                   BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
    283     return matches(DynNode.getUnchecked<T>(), Finder, Builder);
    284   }
    285 };
    287 /// \brief Interface for matchers that only evaluate properties on a single
    288 /// node.
    289 template <typename T>
    290 class SingleNodeMatcherInterface : public MatcherInterface<T> {
    291 public:
    292   /// \brief Returns true if the matcher matches the provided node.
    293   ///
    294   /// A subclass must implement this instead of Matches().
    295   virtual bool matchesNode(const T &Node) const = 0;
    297 private:
    298   /// Implements MatcherInterface::Matches.
    299   bool matches(const T &Node,
    300                ASTMatchFinder * /* Finder */,
    301                BoundNodesTreeBuilder * /*  Builder */) const override {
    302     return matchesNode(Node);
    303   }
    304 };
    306 template <typename> class Matcher;
    308 /// \brief Matcher that works on a \c DynTypedNode.
    309 ///
    310 /// It is constructed from a \c Matcher<T> object and redirects most calls to
    311 /// underlying matcher.
    312 /// It checks whether the \c DynTypedNode is convertible into the type of the
    313 /// underlying matcher and then do the actual match on the actual node, or
    314 /// return false if it is not convertible.
    315 class DynTypedMatcher {
    316 public:
    317   /// \brief Takes ownership of the provided implementation pointer.
    318   template <typename T>
    319   DynTypedMatcher(MatcherInterface<T> *Implementation)
    320       : AllowBind(false),
    321         SupportedKind(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>()),
    322         RestrictKind(SupportedKind), Implementation(Implementation) {}
    324   /// \brief Construct from a variadic function.
    325   enum VariadicOperator {
    326     /// \brief Matches nodes for which all provided matchers match.
    327     VO_AllOf,
    328     /// \brief Matches nodes for which at least one of the provided matchers
    329     /// matches.
    330     VO_AnyOf,
    331     /// \brief Matches nodes for which at least one of the provided matchers
    332     /// matches, but doesn't stop at the first match.
    333     VO_EachOf,
    334     /// \brief Matches nodes that do not match the provided matcher.
    335     ///
    336     /// Uses the variadic matcher interface, but fails if
    337     /// InnerMatchers.size() != 1.
    338     VO_UnaryNot
    339   };
    340   static DynTypedMatcher
    341   constructVariadic(VariadicOperator Op,
    342                     ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind SupportedKind,
    343                     std::vector<DynTypedMatcher> InnerMatchers);
    345   /// \brief Get a "true" matcher for \p NodeKind.
    346   ///
    347   /// It only checks that the node is of the right kind.
    348   static DynTypedMatcher trueMatcher(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind NodeKind);
    350   void setAllowBind(bool AB) { AllowBind = AB; }
    352   /// \brief Check whether this matcher could ever match a node of kind \p Kind.
    353   /// \return \c false if this matcher will never match such a node. Otherwise,
    354   /// return \c true.
    355   bool canMatchNodesOfKind(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind Kind) const;
    357   /// \brief Return a matcher that points to the same implementation, but
    358   ///   restricts the node types for \p Kind.
    359   DynTypedMatcher dynCastTo(const ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind Kind) const;
    361   /// \brief Returns true if the matcher matches the given \c DynNode.
    362   bool matches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &DynNode,
    363                ASTMatchFinder *Finder, BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const;
    365   /// \brief Same as matches(), but skips the kind check.
    366   ///
    367   /// It is faster, but the caller must ensure the node is valid for the
    368   /// kind of this matcher.
    369   bool matchesNoKindCheck(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &DynNode,
    370                           ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    371                           BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const;
    373   /// \brief Bind the specified \p ID to the matcher.
    374   /// \return A new matcher with the \p ID bound to it if this matcher supports
    375   ///   binding. Otherwise, returns an empty \c Optional<>.
    376   llvm::Optional<DynTypedMatcher> tryBind(StringRef ID) const;
    378   /// \brief Returns a unique \p ID for the matcher.
    379   ///
    380   /// Casting a Matcher<T> to Matcher<U> creates a matcher that has the
    381   /// same \c Implementation pointer, but different \c RestrictKind. We need to
    382   /// include both in the ID to make it unique.
    383   ///
    384   /// \c MatcherIDType supports operator< and provides strict weak ordering.
    385   typedef std::pair<ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind, uint64_t> MatcherIDType;
    386   MatcherIDType getID() const {
    387     /// FIXME: Document the requirements this imposes on matcher
    388     /// implementations (no new() implementation_ during a Matches()).
    389     return std::make_pair(RestrictKind,
    390                           reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(Implementation.get()));
    391   }
    393   /// \brief Returns the type this matcher works on.
    394   ///
    395   /// \c matches() will always return false unless the node passed is of this
    396   /// or a derived type.
    397   ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind getSupportedKind() const {
    398     return SupportedKind;
    399   }
    401   /// \brief Returns \c true if the passed \c DynTypedMatcher can be converted
    402   ///   to a \c Matcher<T>.
    403   ///
    404   /// This method verifies that the underlying matcher in \c Other can process
    405   /// nodes of types T.
    406   template <typename T> bool canConvertTo() const {
    407     return canConvertTo(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>());
    408   }
    409   bool canConvertTo(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind To) const;
    411   /// \brief Construct a \c Matcher<T> interface around the dynamic matcher.
    412   ///
    413   /// This method asserts that \c canConvertTo() is \c true. Callers
    414   /// should call \c canConvertTo() first to make sure that \c this is
    415   /// compatible with T.
    416   template <typename T> Matcher<T> convertTo() const {
    417     assert(canConvertTo<T>());
    418     return unconditionalConvertTo<T>();
    419   }
    421   /// \brief Same as \c convertTo(), but does not check that the underlying
    422   ///   matcher can handle a value of T.
    423   ///
    424   /// If it is not compatible, then this matcher will never match anything.
    425   template <typename T> Matcher<T> unconditionalConvertTo() const;
    427 private:
    428  DynTypedMatcher(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind SupportedKind,
    429                  ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind RestrictKind,
    430                  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DynMatcherInterface> Implementation)
    431      : AllowBind(false),
    432        SupportedKind(SupportedKind),
    433        RestrictKind(RestrictKind),
    434        Implementation(std::move(Implementation)) {}
    436   bool AllowBind;
    437   ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind SupportedKind;
    438   /// \brief A potentially stricter node kind.
    439   ///
    440   /// It allows to perform implicit and dynamic cast of matchers without
    441   /// needing to change \c Implementation.
    442   ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind RestrictKind;
    443   IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DynMatcherInterface> Implementation;
    444 };
    446 /// \brief Wrapper base class for a wrapping matcher.
    447 ///
    448 /// This is just a container for a DynTypedMatcher that can be used as a base
    449 /// class for another matcher.
    450 template <typename T>
    451 class WrapperMatcherInterface : public MatcherInterface<T> {
    452 protected:
    453   explicit WrapperMatcherInterface(DynTypedMatcher &&InnerMatcher)
    454       : InnerMatcher(std::move(InnerMatcher)) {}
    456   const DynTypedMatcher InnerMatcher;
    457 };
    459 /// \brief Wrapper of a MatcherInterface<T> *that allows copying.
    460 ///
    461 /// A Matcher<Base> can be used anywhere a Matcher<Derived> is
    462 /// required. This establishes an is-a relationship which is reverse
    463 /// to the AST hierarchy. In other words, Matcher<T> is contravariant
    464 /// with respect to T. The relationship is built via a type conversion
    465 /// operator rather than a type hierarchy to be able to templatize the
    466 /// type hierarchy instead of spelling it out.
    467 template <typename T>
    468 class Matcher {
    469 public:
    470   /// \brief Takes ownership of the provided implementation pointer.
    471   explicit Matcher(MatcherInterface<T> *Implementation)
    472       : Implementation(Implementation) {}
    474   /// \brief Implicitly converts \c Other to a Matcher<T>.
    475   ///
    476   /// Requires \c T to be derived from \c From.
    477   template <typename From>
    478   Matcher(const Matcher<From> &Other,
    479           typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<From, T>::value &&
    480                                !std::is_same<From, T>::value>::type * = nullptr)
    481       : Implementation(restrictMatcher(Other.Implementation)) {
    482     assert(Implementation.getSupportedKind().isSame(
    483         ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>()));
    484   }
    486   /// \brief Implicitly converts \c Matcher<Type> to \c Matcher<QualType>.
    487   ///
    488   /// The resulting matcher is not strict, i.e. ignores qualifiers.
    489   template <typename TypeT>
    490   Matcher(const Matcher<TypeT> &Other,
    491           typename std::enable_if<
    492             std::is_same<T, QualType>::value &&
    493             std::is_same<TypeT, Type>::value>::type* = nullptr)
    494       : Implementation(new TypeToQualType<TypeT>(Other)) {}
    496   /// \brief Convert \c this into a \c Matcher<T> by applying dyn_cast<> to the
    497   /// argument.
    498   /// \c To must be a base class of \c T.
    499   template <typename To>
    500   Matcher<To> dynCastTo() const {
    501     static_assert(std::is_base_of<To, T>::value, "Invalid dynCast call.");
    502     return Matcher<To>(Implementation);
    503   }
    505   /// \brief Forwards the call to the underlying MatcherInterface<T> pointer.
    506   bool matches(const T &Node,
    507                ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    508                BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
    509     return Implementation.matches(ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(Node),
    510                                   Finder, Builder);
    511   }
    513   /// \brief Returns an ID that uniquely identifies the matcher.
    514   DynTypedMatcher::MatcherIDType getID() const {
    515     return Implementation.getID();
    516   }
    518   /// \brief Extract the dynamic matcher.
    519   ///
    520   /// The returned matcher keeps the same restrictions as \c this and remembers
    521   /// that it is meant to support nodes of type \c T.
    522   operator DynTypedMatcher() const { return Implementation; }
    524   /// \brief Allows the conversion of a \c Matcher<Type> to a \c
    525   /// Matcher<QualType>.
    526   ///
    527   /// Depending on the constructor argument, the matcher is either strict, i.e.
    528   /// does only matches in the absence of qualifiers, or not, i.e. simply
    529   /// ignores any qualifiers.
    530   template <typename TypeT>
    531   class TypeToQualType : public WrapperMatcherInterface<QualType> {
    532   public:
    533     TypeToQualType(const Matcher<TypeT> &InnerMatcher)
    534         : TypeToQualType::WrapperMatcherInterface(InnerMatcher) {}
    536     bool matches(const QualType &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    537                  BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
    538       if (Node.isNull())
    539         return false;
    540       return this->InnerMatcher.matches(
    541           ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(*Node), Finder, Builder);
    542     }
    543   };
    545 private:
    546   // For Matcher<T> <=> Matcher<U> conversions.
    547   template <typename U> friend class Matcher;
    548   // For DynTypedMatcher::unconditionalConvertTo<T>.
    549   friend class DynTypedMatcher;
    551   static DynTypedMatcher restrictMatcher(const DynTypedMatcher &Other) {
    552     return Other.dynCastTo(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>());
    553   }
    555   explicit Matcher(const DynTypedMatcher &Implementation)
    556       : Implementation(restrictMatcher(Implementation)) {
    557     assert(this->Implementation.getSupportedKind()
    558                .isSame(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>()));
    559   }
    561   DynTypedMatcher Implementation;
    562 };  // class Matcher
    564 /// \brief A convenient helper for creating a Matcher<T> without specifying
    565 /// the template type argument.
    566 template <typename T>
    567 inline Matcher<T> makeMatcher(MatcherInterface<T> *Implementation) {
    568   return Matcher<T>(Implementation);
    569 }
    571 /// \brief Specialization of the conversion functions for QualType.
    572 ///
    573 /// This specialization provides the Matcher<Type>->Matcher<QualType>
    574 /// conversion that the static API does.
    575 template <>
    576 inline Matcher<QualType> DynTypedMatcher::convertTo<QualType>() const {
    577   assert(canConvertTo<QualType>());
    578   const ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind SourceKind = getSupportedKind();
    579   if (SourceKind.isSame(
    580           ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<Type>())) {
    581     // We support implicit conversion from Matcher<Type> to Matcher<QualType>
    582     return unconditionalConvertTo<Type>();
    583   }
    584   return unconditionalConvertTo<QualType>();
    585 }
    587 /// \brief Finds the first node in a range that matches the given matcher.
    588 template <typename MatcherT, typename IteratorT>
    589 bool matchesFirstInRange(const MatcherT &Matcher, IteratorT Start,
    590                          IteratorT End, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    591                          BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) {
    592   for (IteratorT I = Start; I != End; ++I) {
    593     BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result(*Builder);
    594     if (Matcher.matches(*I, Finder, &Result)) {
    595       *Builder = std::move(Result);
    596       return true;
    597     }
    598   }
    599   return false;
    600 }
    602 /// \brief Finds the first node in a pointer range that matches the given
    603 /// matcher.
    604 template <typename MatcherT, typename IteratorT>
    605 bool matchesFirstInPointerRange(const MatcherT &Matcher, IteratorT Start,
    606                                 IteratorT End, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    607                                 BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) {
    608   for (IteratorT I = Start; I != End; ++I) {
    609     BoundNodesTreeBuilder Result(*Builder);
    610     if (Matcher.matches(**I, Finder, &Result)) {
    611       *Builder = std::move(Result);
    612       return true;
    613     }
    614   }
    615   return false;
    616 }
    618 // Metafunction to determine if type T has a member called getDecl.
    619 template <typename Ty>
    620 class has_getDecl {
    621   typedef char yes[1];
    622   typedef char no[2];
    624   template <typename Inner>
    625   static yes& test(Inner *I, decltype(I->getDecl()) * = nullptr);
    627   template <typename>
    628   static no& test(...);
    630 public:
    631   static const bool value = sizeof(test<Ty>(nullptr)) == sizeof(yes);
    632 };
    634 /// \brief Matches overloaded operators with a specific name.
    635 ///
    636 /// The type argument ArgT is not used by this matcher but is used by
    637 /// PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1 and should be StringRef.
    638 template <typename T, typename ArgT>
    639 class HasOverloadedOperatorNameMatcher : public SingleNodeMatcherInterface<T> {
    640   static_assert(std::is_same<T, CXXOperatorCallExpr>::value ||
    641                 std::is_base_of<FunctionDecl, T>::value,
    642                 "unsupported class for matcher");
    643   static_assert(std::is_same<ArgT, StringRef>::value,
    644                 "argument type must be StringRef");
    646 public:
    647   explicit HasOverloadedOperatorNameMatcher(const StringRef Name)
    648       : SingleNodeMatcherInterface<T>(), Name(Name) {}
    650   bool matchesNode(const T &Node) const override {
    651     return matchesSpecialized(Node);
    652   }
    654 private:
    656   /// \brief CXXOperatorCallExpr exist only for calls to overloaded operators
    657   /// so this function returns true if the call is to an operator of the given
    658   /// name.
    659   bool matchesSpecialized(const CXXOperatorCallExpr &Node) const {
    660     return getOperatorSpelling(Node.getOperator()) == Name;
    661   }
    663   /// \brief Returns true only if CXXMethodDecl represents an overloaded
    664   /// operator and has the given operator name.
    665   bool matchesSpecialized(const FunctionDecl &Node) const {
    666     return Node.isOverloadedOperator() &&
    667            getOperatorSpelling(Node.getOverloadedOperator()) == Name;
    668   }
    670   std::string Name;
    671 };
    673 /// \brief Matches named declarations with a specific name.
    674 ///
    675 /// See \c hasName() and \c hasAnyName() in ASTMatchers.h for details.
    676 class HasNameMatcher : public SingleNodeMatcherInterface<NamedDecl> {
    677  public:
    678   explicit HasNameMatcher(std::vector<std::string> Names);
    680   bool matchesNode(const NamedDecl &Node) const override;
    682  private:
    683   /// \brief Unqualified match routine.
    684   ///
    685   /// It is much faster than the full match, but it only works for unqualified
    686   /// matches.
    687   bool matchesNodeUnqualified(const NamedDecl &Node) const;
    689   /// \brief Full match routine
    690   ///
    691   /// Fast implementation for the simple case of a named declaration at
    692   /// namespace or RecordDecl scope.
    693   /// It is slower than matchesNodeUnqualified, but faster than
    694   /// matchesNodeFullSlow.
    695   bool matchesNodeFullFast(const NamedDecl &Node) const;
    697   /// \brief Full match routine
    698   ///
    699   /// It generates the fully qualified name of the declaration (which is
    700   /// expensive) before trying to match.
    701   /// It is slower but simple and works on all cases.
    702   bool matchesNodeFullSlow(const NamedDecl &Node) const;
    704   const bool UseUnqualifiedMatch;
    705   const std::vector<std::string> Names;
    706 };
    708 /// \brief Trampoline function to use VariadicFunction<> to construct a
    709 ///        HasNameMatcher.
    710 Matcher<NamedDecl> hasAnyNameFunc(ArrayRef<const StringRef *> NameRefs);
    712 /// \brief Matches declarations for QualType and CallExpr.
    713 ///
    714 /// Type argument DeclMatcherT is required by PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1 but
    715 /// not actually used.
    716 template <typename T, typename DeclMatcherT>
    717 class HasDeclarationMatcher : public WrapperMatcherInterface<T> {
    718   static_assert(std::is_same<DeclMatcherT, Matcher<Decl>>::value,
    719                 "instantiated with wrong types");
    721 public:
    722   explicit HasDeclarationMatcher(const Matcher<Decl> &InnerMatcher)
    723       : HasDeclarationMatcher::WrapperMatcherInterface(InnerMatcher) {}
    725   bool matches(const T &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    726                BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
    727     return matchesSpecialized(Node, Finder, Builder);
    728   }
    730 private:
    731   /// \brief If getDecl exists as a member of U, returns whether the inner
    732   /// matcher matches Node.getDecl().
    733   template <typename U>
    734   bool matchesSpecialized(
    735       const U &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder, BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder,
    736       typename std::enable_if<has_getDecl<U>::value, int>::type = 0) const {
    737     return matchesDecl(Node.getDecl(), Finder, Builder);
    738   }
    740   /// \brief Extracts the TagDecl of a QualType and returns whether the inner
    741   /// matcher matches on it.
    742   bool matchesSpecialized(const QualType &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    743                           BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
    744     if (Node.isNull())
    745       return false;
    747     if (auto *TD = Node->getAsTagDecl())
    748       return matchesDecl(TD, Finder, Builder);
    749     else if (auto *TT = Node->getAs<TypedefType>())
    750       return matchesDecl(TT->getDecl(), Finder, Builder);
    751     // Do not use getAs<TemplateTypeParmType> instead of the direct dyn_cast.
    752     // Calling getAs will return the canonical type, but that type does not
    753     // store a TemplateTypeParmDecl. We *need* the uncanonical type, if it is
    754     // available, and using dyn_cast ensures that.
    755     else if (auto *TTP = dyn_cast<TemplateTypeParmType>(Node.getTypePtr()))
    756       return matchesDecl(TTP->getDecl(), Finder, Builder);
    757     else if (auto *OCIT = Node->getAs<ObjCInterfaceType>())
    758       return matchesDecl(OCIT->getDecl(), Finder, Builder);
    759     else if (auto *UUT = Node->getAs<UnresolvedUsingType>())
    760       return matchesDecl(UUT->getDecl(), Finder, Builder);
    761     else if (auto *ICNT = Node->getAs<InjectedClassNameType>())
    762       return matchesDecl(ICNT->getDecl(), Finder, Builder);
    763     return false;
    764   }
    766   /// \brief Gets the TemplateDecl from a TemplateSpecializationType
    767   /// and returns whether the inner matches on it.
    768   bool matchesSpecialized(const TemplateSpecializationType &Node,
    769                           ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    770                           BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
    771     return matchesDecl(Node.getTemplateName().getAsTemplateDecl(),
    772                        Finder, Builder);
    773   }
    775   /// \brief Extracts the Decl of the callee of a CallExpr and returns whether
    776   /// the inner matcher matches on it.
    777   bool matchesSpecialized(const CallExpr &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    778                           BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
    779     return matchesDecl(Node.getCalleeDecl(), Finder, Builder);
    780   }
    782   /// \brief Extracts the Decl of the constructor call and returns whether the
    783   /// inner matcher matches on it.
    784   bool matchesSpecialized(const CXXConstructExpr &Node,
    785                           ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    786                           BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
    787     return matchesDecl(Node.getConstructor(), Finder, Builder);
    788   }
    790   /// \brief Extracts the \c ValueDecl a \c MemberExpr refers to and returns
    791   /// whether the inner matcher matches on it.
    792   bool matchesSpecialized(const MemberExpr &Node,
    793                           ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    794                           BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
    795     return matchesDecl(Node.getMemberDecl(), Finder, Builder);
    796   }
    798   /// \brief Extracts the \c LabelDecl a \c AddrLabelExpr refers to and returns
    799   /// whether the inner matcher matches on it.
    800   bool matchesSpecialized(const AddrLabelExpr &Node,
    801                           ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    802                           BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
    803     return matchesDecl(Node.getLabel(), Finder, Builder);
    804   }
    806   /// \brief Returns whether the inner matcher \c Node. Returns false if \c Node
    807   /// is \c NULL.
    808   bool matchesDecl(const Decl *Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
    809                    BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
    810     return Node != nullptr &&
    811            this->InnerMatcher.matches(
    812                ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(*Node), Finder, Builder);
    813   }
    814 };
    816 /// \brief IsBaseType<T>::value is true if T is a "base" type in the AST
    817 /// node class hierarchies.
    818 template <typename T>
    819 struct IsBaseType {
    820   static const bool value =
    821       std::is_same<T, Decl>::value ||
    822       std::is_same<T, Stmt>::value ||
    823       std::is_same<T, QualType>::value ||
    824       std::is_same<T, Type>::value ||
    825       std::is_same<T, TypeLoc>::value ||
    826       std::is_same<T, NestedNameSpecifier>::value ||
    827       std::is_same<T, NestedNameSpecifierLoc>::value ||
    828       std::is_same<T, CXXCtorInitializer>::value;
    829 };
    830 template <typename T>
    831 const bool IsBaseType<T>::value;
    833 /// \brief Interface that allows matchers to traverse the AST.
    834 /// FIXME: Find a better name.
    835 ///
    836 /// This provides three entry methods for each base node type in the AST:
    837 /// - \c matchesChildOf:
    838 ///   Matches a matcher on every child node of the given node. Returns true
    839 ///   if at least one child node could be matched.
    840 /// - \c matchesDescendantOf:
    841 ///   Matches a matcher on all descendant nodes of the given node. Returns true
    842 ///   if at least one descendant matched.
    843 /// - \c matchesAncestorOf:
    844 ///   Matches a matcher on all ancestors of the given node. Returns true if
    845 ///   at least one ancestor matched.
    846 ///
    847 /// FIXME: Currently we only allow Stmt and Decl nodes to start a traversal.
    848 /// In the future, we want to implement this for all nodes for which it makes
    849 /// sense. In the case of matchesAncestorOf, we'll want to implement it for
    850 /// all nodes, as all nodes have ancestors.
    851 class ASTMatchFinder {
    852 public:
    853   /// \brief Defines how we descend a level in the AST when we pass
    854   /// through expressions.
    855   enum TraversalKind {
    856     /// Will traverse any child nodes.
    857     TK_AsIs,
    858     /// Will not traverse implicit casts and parentheses.
    859     TK_IgnoreImplicitCastsAndParentheses
    860   };
    862   /// \brief Defines how bindings are processed on recursive matches.
    863   enum BindKind {
    864     /// Stop at the first match and only bind the first match.
    865     BK_First,
    866     /// Create results for all combinations of bindings that match.
    867     BK_All
    868   };
    870   /// \brief Defines which ancestors are considered for a match.
    871   enum AncestorMatchMode {
    872     /// All ancestors.
    873     AMM_All,
    874     /// Direct parent only.
    875     AMM_ParentOnly
    876   };
    878   virtual ~ASTMatchFinder() {}
    880   /// \brief Returns true if the given class is directly or indirectly derived
    881   /// from a base type matching \c base.
    882   ///
    883   /// A class is considered to be also derived from itself.
    884   virtual bool classIsDerivedFrom(const CXXRecordDecl *Declaration,
    885                                   const Matcher<NamedDecl> &Base,
    886                                   BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) = 0;
    888   template <typename T>
    889   bool matchesChildOf(const T &Node,
    890                       const DynTypedMatcher &Matcher,
    891                       BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder,
    892                       TraversalKind Traverse,
    893                       BindKind Bind) {
    894     static_assert(std::is_base_of<Decl, T>::value ||
    895                   std::is_base_of<Stmt, T>::value ||
    896                   std::is_base_of<NestedNameSpecifier, T>::value ||
    897                   std::is_base_of<NestedNameSpecifierLoc, T>::value ||
    898                   std::is_base_of<TypeLoc, T>::value ||
    899                   std::is_base_of<QualType, T>::value,
    900                   "unsupported type for recursive matching");
    901    return matchesChildOf(ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(Node),
    902                           Matcher, Builder, Traverse, Bind);
    903   }
    905   template <typename T>
    906   bool matchesDescendantOf(const T &Node,
    907                            const DynTypedMatcher &Matcher,
    908                            BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder,
    909                            BindKind Bind) {
    910     static_assert(std::is_base_of<Decl, T>::value ||
    911                   std::is_base_of<Stmt, T>::value ||
    912                   std::is_base_of<NestedNameSpecifier, T>::value ||
    913                   std::is_base_of<NestedNameSpecifierLoc, T>::value ||
    914                   std::is_base_of<TypeLoc, T>::value ||
    915                   std::is_base_of<QualType, T>::value,
    916                   "unsupported type for recursive matching");
    917     return matchesDescendantOf(ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(Node),
    918                                Matcher, Builder, Bind);
    919   }
    921   // FIXME: Implement support for BindKind.
    922   template <typename T>
    923   bool matchesAncestorOf(const T &Node,
    924                          const DynTypedMatcher &Matcher,
    925                          BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder,
    926                          AncestorMatchMode MatchMode) {
    927     static_assert(std::is_base_of<Decl, T>::value ||
    928                       std::is_base_of<NestedNameSpecifierLoc, T>::value ||
    929                       std::is_base_of<Stmt, T>::value ||
    930                       std::is_base_of<TypeLoc, T>::value,
    931                   "type not allowed for recursive matching");
    932     return matchesAncestorOf(ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(Node),
    933                              Matcher, Builder, MatchMode);
    934   }
    936   virtual ASTContext &getASTContext() const = 0;
    938 protected:
    939   virtual bool matchesChildOf(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &Node,
    940                               const DynTypedMatcher &Matcher,
    941                               BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder,
    942                               TraversalKind Traverse,
    943                               BindKind Bind) = 0;
    945   virtual bool matchesDescendantOf(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &Node,
    946                                    const DynTypedMatcher &Matcher,
    947                                    BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder,
    948                                    BindKind Bind) = 0;
    950   virtual bool matchesAncestorOf(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &Node,
    951                                  const DynTypedMatcher &Matcher,
    952                                  BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder,
    953                                  AncestorMatchMode MatchMode) = 0;
    954 };
    956 /// \brief A type-list implementation.
    957 ///
    958 /// A "linked list" of types, accessible by using the ::head and ::tail
    959 /// typedefs.
    960 template <typename... Ts> struct TypeList {}; // Empty sentinel type list.
    962 template <typename T1, typename... Ts> struct TypeList<T1, Ts...> {
    963   /// \brief The first type on the list.
    964   typedef T1 head;
    966   /// \brief A sublist with the tail. ie everything but the head.
    967   ///
    968   /// This type is used to do recursion. TypeList<>/EmptyTypeList indicates the
    969   /// end of the list.
    970   typedef TypeList<Ts...> tail;
    971 };
    973 /// \brief The empty type list.
    974 typedef TypeList<> EmptyTypeList;
    976 /// \brief Helper meta-function to determine if some type \c T is present or
    977 ///   a parent type in the list.
    978 template <typename AnyTypeList, typename T>
    979 struct TypeListContainsSuperOf {
    980   static const bool value =
    981       std::is_base_of<typename AnyTypeList::head, T>::value ||
    982       TypeListContainsSuperOf<typename AnyTypeList::tail, T>::value;
    983 };
    984 template <typename T>
    985 struct TypeListContainsSuperOf<EmptyTypeList, T> {
    986   static const bool value = false;
    987 };
    989 /// \brief A "type list" that contains all types.
    990 ///
    991 /// Useful for matchers like \c anything and \c unless.
    992 typedef TypeList<Decl, Stmt, NestedNameSpecifier, NestedNameSpecifierLoc,
    993                  QualType, Type, TypeLoc, CXXCtorInitializer> AllNodeBaseTypes;
    995 /// \brief Helper meta-function to extract the argument out of a function of
    996 ///   type void(Arg).
    997 ///
    998 /// See AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES for details.
    999 template <class T> struct ExtractFunctionArgMeta;
   1000 template <class T> struct ExtractFunctionArgMeta<void(T)> {
   1001   typedef T type;
   1002 };
   1004 /// \brief Default type lists for ArgumentAdaptingMatcher matchers.
   1005 typedef AllNodeBaseTypes AdaptativeDefaultFromTypes;
   1006 typedef TypeList<Decl, Stmt, NestedNameSpecifier, NestedNameSpecifierLoc,
   1007                  TypeLoc, QualType> AdaptativeDefaultToTypes;
   1009 /// \brief All types that are supported by HasDeclarationMatcher above.
   1010 typedef TypeList<CallExpr, CXXConstructExpr, DeclRefExpr, EnumType,
   1011                  InjectedClassNameType, LabelStmt, AddrLabelExpr, MemberExpr,
   1012                  QualType, RecordType, TagType, TemplateSpecializationType,
   1013                  TemplateTypeParmType, TypedefType,
   1014                  UnresolvedUsingType> HasDeclarationSupportedTypes;
   1016 /// \brief Converts a \c Matcher<T> to a matcher of desired type \c To by
   1017 /// "adapting" a \c To into a \c T.
   1018 ///
   1019 /// The \c ArgumentAdapterT argument specifies how the adaptation is done.
   1020 ///
   1021 /// For example:
   1022 ///   \c ArgumentAdaptingMatcher<HasMatcher, T>(InnerMatcher);
   1023 /// Given that \c InnerMatcher is of type \c Matcher<T>, this returns a matcher
   1024 /// that is convertible into any matcher of type \c To by constructing
   1025 /// \c HasMatcher<To, T>(InnerMatcher).
   1026 ///
   1027 /// If a matcher does not need knowledge about the inner type, prefer to use
   1028 /// PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1.
   1029 template <template <typename ToArg, typename FromArg> class ArgumentAdapterT,
   1030           typename FromTypes = AdaptativeDefaultFromTypes,
   1031           typename ToTypes = AdaptativeDefaultToTypes>
   1032 struct ArgumentAdaptingMatcherFunc {
   1033   template <typename T> class Adaptor {
   1034   public:
   1035     explicit Adaptor(const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher)
   1036         : InnerMatcher(InnerMatcher) {}
   1038     typedef ToTypes ReturnTypes;
   1040     template <typename To> operator Matcher<To>() const {
   1041       return Matcher<To>(new ArgumentAdapterT<To, T>(InnerMatcher));
   1042     }
   1044   private:
   1045     const Matcher<T> InnerMatcher;
   1046   };
   1048   template <typename T>
   1049   static Adaptor<T> create(const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher) {
   1050     return Adaptor<T>(InnerMatcher);
   1051   }
   1053   template <typename T>
   1054   Adaptor<T> operator()(const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher) const {
   1055     return create(InnerMatcher);
   1056   }
   1057 };
   1059 /// \brief A PolymorphicMatcherWithParamN<MatcherT, P1, ..., PN> object can be
   1060 /// created from N parameters p1, ..., pN (of type P1, ..., PN) and
   1061 /// used as a Matcher<T> where a MatcherT<T, P1, ..., PN>(p1, ..., pN)
   1062 /// can be constructed.
   1063 ///
   1064 /// For example:
   1065 /// - PolymorphicMatcherWithParam0<IsDefinitionMatcher>()
   1066 ///   creates an object that can be used as a Matcher<T> for any type T
   1067 ///   where an IsDefinitionMatcher<T>() can be constructed.
   1068 /// - PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<ValueEqualsMatcher, int>(42)
   1069 ///   creates an object that can be used as a Matcher<T> for any type T
   1070 ///   where a ValueEqualsMatcher<T, int>(42) can be constructed.
   1071 template <template <typename T> class MatcherT,
   1072           typename ReturnTypesF = void(AllNodeBaseTypes)>
   1073 class PolymorphicMatcherWithParam0 {
   1074 public:
   1075   typedef typename ExtractFunctionArgMeta<ReturnTypesF>::type ReturnTypes;
   1076   template <typename T>
   1077   operator Matcher<T>() const {
   1078     static_assert(TypeListContainsSuperOf<ReturnTypes, T>::value,
   1079                   "right polymorphic conversion");
   1080     return Matcher<T>(new MatcherT<T>());
   1081   }
   1082 };
   1084 template <template <typename T, typename P1> class MatcherT,
   1085           typename P1,
   1086           typename ReturnTypesF = void(AllNodeBaseTypes)>
   1087 class PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1 {
   1088 public:
   1089   explicit PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1(const P1 &Param1)
   1090       : Param1(Param1) {}
   1092   typedef typename ExtractFunctionArgMeta<ReturnTypesF>::type ReturnTypes;
   1094   template <typename T>
   1095   operator Matcher<T>() const {
   1096     static_assert(TypeListContainsSuperOf<ReturnTypes, T>::value,
   1097                   "right polymorphic conversion");
   1098     return Matcher<T>(new MatcherT<T, P1>(Param1));
   1099   }
   1101 private:
   1102   const P1 Param1;
   1103 };
   1105 template <template <typename T, typename P1, typename P2> class MatcherT,
   1106           typename P1, typename P2,
   1107           typename ReturnTypesF = void(AllNodeBaseTypes)>
   1108 class PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2 {
   1109 public:
   1110   PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2(const P1 &Param1, const P2 &Param2)
   1111       : Param1(Param1), Param2(Param2) {}
   1113   typedef typename ExtractFunctionArgMeta<ReturnTypesF>::type ReturnTypes;
   1115   template <typename T>
   1116   operator Matcher<T>() const {
   1117     static_assert(TypeListContainsSuperOf<ReturnTypes, T>::value,
   1118                   "right polymorphic conversion");
   1119     return Matcher<T>(new MatcherT<T, P1, P2>(Param1, Param2));
   1120   }
   1122 private:
   1123   const P1 Param1;
   1124   const P2 Param2;
   1125 };
   1127 /// \brief Matches any instance of the given NodeType.
   1128 ///
   1129 /// This is useful when a matcher syntactically requires a child matcher,
   1130 /// but the context doesn't care. See for example: anything().
   1131 class TrueMatcher {
   1132  public:
   1133   typedef AllNodeBaseTypes ReturnTypes;
   1135   template <typename T>
   1136   operator Matcher<T>() const {
   1137     return DynTypedMatcher::trueMatcher(
   1138                ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>())
   1139         .template unconditionalConvertTo<T>();
   1140   }
   1141 };
   1143 /// \brief A Matcher that allows binding the node it matches to an id.
   1144 ///
   1145 /// BindableMatcher provides a \a bind() method that allows binding the
   1146 /// matched node to an id if the match was successful.
   1147 template <typename T>
   1148 class BindableMatcher : public Matcher<T> {
   1149 public:
   1150   explicit BindableMatcher(const Matcher<T> &M) : Matcher<T>(M) {}
   1151   explicit BindableMatcher(MatcherInterface<T> *Implementation)
   1152     : Matcher<T>(Implementation) {}
   1154   /// \brief Returns a matcher that will bind the matched node on a match.
   1155   ///
   1156   /// The returned matcher is equivalent to this matcher, but will
   1157   /// bind the matched node on a match.
   1158   Matcher<T> bind(StringRef ID) const {
   1159     return DynTypedMatcher(*this)
   1160         .tryBind(ID)
   1161         ->template unconditionalConvertTo<T>();
   1162   }
   1164   /// \brief Same as Matcher<T>'s conversion operator, but enables binding on
   1165   /// the returned matcher.
   1166   operator DynTypedMatcher() const {
   1167     DynTypedMatcher Result = static_cast<const Matcher<T>&>(*this);
   1168     Result.setAllowBind(true);
   1169     return Result;
   1170   }
   1171 };
   1173 /// \brief Matches nodes of type T that have child nodes of type ChildT for
   1174 /// which a specified child matcher matches.
   1175 ///
   1176 /// ChildT must be an AST base type.
   1177 template <typename T, typename ChildT>
   1178 class HasMatcher : public WrapperMatcherInterface<T> {
   1180 public:
   1181   explicit HasMatcher(const Matcher<ChildT> &ChildMatcher)
   1182       : HasMatcher::WrapperMatcherInterface(ChildMatcher) {}
   1184   bool matches(const T &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
   1185                BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
   1186     return Finder->matchesChildOf(Node, this->InnerMatcher, Builder,
   1187                                   ASTMatchFinder::TK_AsIs,
   1188                                   ASTMatchFinder::BK_First);
   1189   }
   1190 };
   1192 /// \brief Matches nodes of type T that have child nodes of type ChildT for
   1193 /// which a specified child matcher matches. ChildT must be an AST base
   1194 /// type.
   1195 /// As opposed to the HasMatcher, the ForEachMatcher will produce a match
   1196 /// for each child that matches.
   1197 template <typename T, typename ChildT>
   1198 class ForEachMatcher : public WrapperMatcherInterface<T> {
   1199   static_assert(IsBaseType<ChildT>::value,
   1200                 "for each only accepts base type matcher");
   1202  public:
   1203    explicit ForEachMatcher(const Matcher<ChildT> &ChildMatcher)
   1204        : ForEachMatcher::WrapperMatcherInterface(ChildMatcher) {}
   1206   bool matches(const T& Node, ASTMatchFinder* Finder,
   1207                BoundNodesTreeBuilder* Builder) const override {
   1208     return Finder->matchesChildOf(
   1209         Node, this->InnerMatcher, Builder,
   1210         ASTMatchFinder::TK_IgnoreImplicitCastsAndParentheses,
   1211         ASTMatchFinder::BK_All);
   1212   }
   1213 };
   1215 /// \brief VariadicOperatorMatcher related types.
   1216 /// @{
   1218 /// \brief Polymorphic matcher object that uses a \c
   1219 /// DynTypedMatcher::VariadicOperator operator.
   1220 ///
   1221 /// Input matchers can have any type (including other polymorphic matcher
   1222 /// types), and the actual Matcher<T> is generated on demand with an implicit
   1223 /// coversion operator.
   1224 template <typename... Ps> class VariadicOperatorMatcher {
   1225 public:
   1226   VariadicOperatorMatcher(DynTypedMatcher::VariadicOperator Op, Ps &&... Params)
   1227       : Op(Op), Params(std::forward<Ps>(Params)...) {}
   1229   template <typename T> operator Matcher<T>() const {
   1230     return DynTypedMatcher::constructVariadic(
   1231                Op, ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>(),
   1232                getMatchers<T>(llvm::index_sequence_for<Ps...>()))
   1233         .template unconditionalConvertTo<T>();
   1234   }
   1236 private:
   1237   // Helper method to unpack the tuple into a vector.
   1238   template <typename T, std::size_t... Is>
   1239   std::vector<DynTypedMatcher> getMatchers(llvm::index_sequence<Is...>) const {
   1240     return {Matcher<T>(std::get<Is>(Params))...};
   1241   }
   1243   const DynTypedMatcher::VariadicOperator Op;
   1244   std::tuple<Ps...> Params;
   1245 };
   1247 /// \brief Overloaded function object to generate VariadicOperatorMatcher
   1248 ///   objects from arbitrary matchers.
   1249 template <unsigned MinCount, unsigned MaxCount>
   1250 struct VariadicOperatorMatcherFunc {
   1251   DynTypedMatcher::VariadicOperator Op;
   1253   template <typename... Ms>
   1254   VariadicOperatorMatcher<Ms...> operator()(Ms &&... Ps) const {
   1255     static_assert(MinCount <= sizeof...(Ms) && sizeof...(Ms) <= MaxCount,
   1256                   "invalid number of parameters for variadic matcher");
   1257     return VariadicOperatorMatcher<Ms...>(Op, std::forward<Ms>(Ps)...);
   1258   }
   1259 };
   1261 /// @}
   1263 template <typename T>
   1264 inline Matcher<T> DynTypedMatcher::unconditionalConvertTo() const {
   1265   return Matcher<T>(*this);
   1266 }
   1268 /// \brief Creates a Matcher<T> that matches if all inner matchers match.
   1269 template<typename T>
   1270 BindableMatcher<T> makeAllOfComposite(
   1271     ArrayRef<const Matcher<T> *> InnerMatchers) {
   1272   // For the size() == 0 case, we return a "true" matcher.
   1273   if (InnerMatchers.size() == 0) {
   1274     return BindableMatcher<T>(TrueMatcher());
   1275   }
   1276   // For the size() == 1 case, we simply return that one matcher.
   1277   // No need to wrap it in a variadic operation.
   1278   if (InnerMatchers.size() == 1) {
   1279     return BindableMatcher<T>(*InnerMatchers[0]);
   1280   }
   1282   typedef llvm::pointee_iterator<const Matcher<T> *const *> PI;
   1283   std::vector<DynTypedMatcher> DynMatchers(PI(InnerMatchers.begin()),
   1284                                            PI(InnerMatchers.end()));
   1285   return BindableMatcher<T>(
   1286       DynTypedMatcher::constructVariadic(
   1287           DynTypedMatcher::VO_AllOf,
   1288           ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>(),
   1289           std::move(DynMatchers))
   1290           .template unconditionalConvertTo<T>());
   1291 }
   1293 /// \brief Creates a Matcher<T> that matches if
   1294 /// T is dyn_cast'able into InnerT and all inner matchers match.
   1295 ///
   1296 /// Returns BindableMatcher, as matchers that use dyn_cast have
   1297 /// the same object both to match on and to run submatchers on,
   1298 /// so there is no ambiguity with what gets bound.
   1299 template<typename T, typename InnerT>
   1300 BindableMatcher<T> makeDynCastAllOfComposite(
   1301     ArrayRef<const Matcher<InnerT> *> InnerMatchers) {
   1302   return BindableMatcher<T>(
   1303       makeAllOfComposite(InnerMatchers).template dynCastTo<T>());
   1304 }
   1306 /// \brief Matches nodes of type T that have at least one descendant node of
   1307 /// type DescendantT for which the given inner matcher matches.
   1308 ///
   1309 /// DescendantT must be an AST base type.
   1310 template <typename T, typename DescendantT>
   1311 class HasDescendantMatcher : public WrapperMatcherInterface<T> {
   1312   static_assert(IsBaseType<DescendantT>::value,
   1313                 "has descendant only accepts base type matcher");
   1315 public:
   1316   explicit HasDescendantMatcher(const Matcher<DescendantT> &DescendantMatcher)
   1317       : HasDescendantMatcher::WrapperMatcherInterface(DescendantMatcher) {}
   1319   bool matches(const T &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
   1320                BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
   1321     return Finder->matchesDescendantOf(Node, this->InnerMatcher, Builder,
   1322                                        ASTMatchFinder::BK_First);
   1323   }
   1324 };
   1326 /// \brief Matches nodes of type \c T that have a parent node of type \c ParentT
   1327 /// for which the given inner matcher matches.
   1328 ///
   1329 /// \c ParentT must be an AST base type.
   1330 template <typename T, typename ParentT>
   1331 class HasParentMatcher : public WrapperMatcherInterface<T> {
   1332   static_assert(IsBaseType<ParentT>::value,
   1333                 "has parent only accepts base type matcher");
   1335 public:
   1336   explicit HasParentMatcher(const Matcher<ParentT> &ParentMatcher)
   1337       : HasParentMatcher::WrapperMatcherInterface(ParentMatcher) {}
   1339   bool matches(const T &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
   1340                BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
   1341     return Finder->matchesAncestorOf(Node, this->InnerMatcher, Builder,
   1342                                      ASTMatchFinder::AMM_ParentOnly);
   1343   }
   1344 };
   1346 /// \brief Matches nodes of type \c T that have at least one ancestor node of
   1347 /// type \c AncestorT for which the given inner matcher matches.
   1348 ///
   1349 /// \c AncestorT must be an AST base type.
   1350 template <typename T, typename AncestorT>
   1351 class HasAncestorMatcher : public WrapperMatcherInterface<T> {
   1352   static_assert(IsBaseType<AncestorT>::value,
   1353                 "has ancestor only accepts base type matcher");
   1355 public:
   1356   explicit HasAncestorMatcher(const Matcher<AncestorT> &AncestorMatcher)
   1357       : HasAncestorMatcher::WrapperMatcherInterface(AncestorMatcher) {}
   1359   bool matches(const T &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
   1360                BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
   1361     return Finder->matchesAncestorOf(Node, this->InnerMatcher, Builder,
   1362                                      ASTMatchFinder::AMM_All);
   1363   }
   1364 };
   1366 /// \brief Matches nodes of type T that have at least one descendant node of
   1367 /// type DescendantT for which the given inner matcher matches.
   1368 ///
   1369 /// DescendantT must be an AST base type.
   1370 /// As opposed to HasDescendantMatcher, ForEachDescendantMatcher will match
   1371 /// for each descendant node that matches instead of only for the first.
   1372 template <typename T, typename DescendantT>
   1373 class ForEachDescendantMatcher : public WrapperMatcherInterface<T> {
   1374   static_assert(IsBaseType<DescendantT>::value,
   1375                 "for each descendant only accepts base type matcher");
   1377 public:
   1378   explicit ForEachDescendantMatcher(
   1379       const Matcher<DescendantT> &DescendantMatcher)
   1380       : ForEachDescendantMatcher::WrapperMatcherInterface(DescendantMatcher) {}
   1382   bool matches(const T &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
   1383                BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
   1384     return Finder->matchesDescendantOf(Node, this->InnerMatcher, Builder,
   1385                                        ASTMatchFinder::BK_All);
   1386   }
   1387 };
   1389 /// \brief Matches on nodes that have a getValue() method if getValue() equals
   1390 /// the value the ValueEqualsMatcher was constructed with.
   1391 template <typename T, typename ValueT>
   1392 class ValueEqualsMatcher : public SingleNodeMatcherInterface<T> {
   1393   static_assert(std::is_base_of<CharacterLiteral, T>::value ||
   1394                 std::is_base_of<CXXBoolLiteralExpr, T>::value ||
   1395                 std::is_base_of<FloatingLiteral, T>::value ||
   1396                 std::is_base_of<IntegerLiteral, T>::value,
   1397                 "the node must have a getValue method");
   1399 public:
   1400   explicit ValueEqualsMatcher(const ValueT &ExpectedValue)
   1401       : ExpectedValue(ExpectedValue) {}
   1403   bool matchesNode(const T &Node) const override {
   1404     return Node.getValue() == ExpectedValue;
   1405   }
   1407 private:
   1408   const ValueT ExpectedValue;
   1409 };
   1411 /// \brief Template specializations to easily write matchers for floating point
   1412 /// literals.
   1413 template <>
   1414 inline bool ValueEqualsMatcher<FloatingLiteral, double>::matchesNode(
   1415     const FloatingLiteral &Node) const {
   1416   if ((&Node.getSemantics()) == &llvm::APFloat::IEEEsingle)
   1417     return Node.getValue().convertToFloat() == ExpectedValue;
   1418   if ((&Node.getSemantics()) == &llvm::APFloat::IEEEdouble)
   1419     return Node.getValue().convertToDouble() == ExpectedValue;
   1420   return false;
   1421 }
   1422 template <>
   1423 inline bool ValueEqualsMatcher<FloatingLiteral, float>::matchesNode(
   1424     const FloatingLiteral &Node) const {
   1425   if ((&Node.getSemantics()) == &llvm::APFloat::IEEEsingle)
   1426     return Node.getValue().convertToFloat() == ExpectedValue;
   1427   if ((&Node.getSemantics()) == &llvm::APFloat::IEEEdouble)
   1428     return Node.getValue().convertToDouble() == ExpectedValue;
   1429   return false;
   1430 }
   1431 template <>
   1432 inline bool ValueEqualsMatcher<FloatingLiteral, llvm::APFloat>::matchesNode(
   1433     const FloatingLiteral &Node) const {
   1434   return ExpectedValue.compare(Node.getValue()) == llvm::APFloat::cmpEqual;
   1435 }
   1437 /// \brief A VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<SourceT, TargetT> object is a
   1438 /// variadic functor that takes a number of Matcher<TargetT> and returns a
   1439 /// Matcher<SourceT> that matches TargetT nodes that are matched by all of the
   1440 /// given matchers, if SourceT can be dynamically casted into TargetT.
   1441 ///
   1442 /// For example:
   1443 ///   const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<
   1444 ///       Decl, CXXRecordDecl> record;
   1445 /// Creates a functor record(...) that creates a Matcher<Decl> given
   1446 /// a variable number of arguments of type Matcher<CXXRecordDecl>.
   1447 /// The returned matcher matches if the given Decl can by dynamically
   1448 /// casted to CXXRecordDecl and all given matchers match.
   1449 template <typename SourceT, typename TargetT>
   1450 class VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher
   1451     : public VariadicFunction<BindableMatcher<SourceT>, Matcher<TargetT>,
   1452                               makeDynCastAllOfComposite<SourceT, TargetT>> {
   1453 public:
   1454   VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher() {}
   1455 };
   1457 /// \brief A \c VariadicAllOfMatcher<T> object is a variadic functor that takes
   1458 /// a number of \c Matcher<T> and returns a \c Matcher<T> that matches \c T
   1459 /// nodes that are matched by all of the given matchers.
   1460 ///
   1461 /// For example:
   1462 ///   const VariadicAllOfMatcher<NestedNameSpecifier> nestedNameSpecifier;
   1463 /// Creates a functor nestedNameSpecifier(...) that creates a
   1464 /// \c Matcher<NestedNameSpecifier> given a variable number of arguments of type
   1465 /// \c Matcher<NestedNameSpecifier>.
   1466 /// The returned matcher matches if all given matchers match.
   1467 template <typename T>
   1468 class VariadicAllOfMatcher
   1469     : public VariadicFunction<BindableMatcher<T>, Matcher<T>,
   1470                               makeAllOfComposite<T>> {
   1471 public:
   1472   VariadicAllOfMatcher() {}
   1473 };
   1475 /// \brief Matches nodes of type \c TLoc for which the inner
   1476 /// \c Matcher<T> matches.
   1477 template <typename TLoc, typename T>
   1478 class LocMatcher : public WrapperMatcherInterface<TLoc> {
   1479 public:
   1480   explicit LocMatcher(const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher)
   1481       : LocMatcher::WrapperMatcherInterface(InnerMatcher) {}
   1483   bool matches(const TLoc &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
   1484                BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
   1485     if (!Node)
   1486       return false;
   1487     return this->InnerMatcher.matches(extract(Node), Finder, Builder);
   1488   }
   1490 private:
   1491   static ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode
   1492   extract(const NestedNameSpecifierLoc &Loc) {
   1493     return ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(*Loc.getNestedNameSpecifier());
   1494   }
   1495 };
   1497 /// \brief Matches \c TypeLocs based on an inner matcher matching a certain
   1498 /// \c QualType.
   1499 ///
   1500 /// Used to implement the \c loc() matcher.
   1501 class TypeLocTypeMatcher : public WrapperMatcherInterface<TypeLoc> {
   1502 public:
   1503   explicit TypeLocTypeMatcher(const Matcher<QualType> &InnerMatcher)
   1504       : TypeLocTypeMatcher::WrapperMatcherInterface(InnerMatcher) {}
   1506   bool matches(const TypeLoc &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
   1507                BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
   1508     if (!Node)
   1509       return false;
   1510     return this->InnerMatcher.matches(
   1511         ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(Node.getType()), Finder, Builder);
   1512   }
   1513 };
   1515 /// \brief Matches nodes of type \c T for which the inner matcher matches on a
   1516 /// another node of type \c T that can be reached using a given traverse
   1517 /// function.
   1518 template <typename T>
   1519 class TypeTraverseMatcher : public WrapperMatcherInterface<T> {
   1520 public:
   1521   explicit TypeTraverseMatcher(const Matcher<QualType> &InnerMatcher,
   1522                                QualType (T::*TraverseFunction)() const)
   1523       : TypeTraverseMatcher::WrapperMatcherInterface(InnerMatcher),
   1524         TraverseFunction(TraverseFunction) {}
   1526   bool matches(const T &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
   1527                BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
   1528     QualType NextNode = (Node.*TraverseFunction)();
   1529     if (NextNode.isNull())
   1530       return false;
   1531     return this->InnerMatcher.matches(
   1532         ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(NextNode), Finder, Builder);
   1533   }
   1535 private:
   1536   QualType (T::*TraverseFunction)() const;
   1537 };
   1539 /// \brief Matches nodes of type \c T in a ..Loc hierarchy, for which the inner
   1540 /// matcher matches on a another node of type \c T that can be reached using a
   1541 /// given traverse function.
   1542 template <typename T>
   1543 class TypeLocTraverseMatcher : public WrapperMatcherInterface<T> {
   1544 public:
   1545   explicit TypeLocTraverseMatcher(const Matcher<TypeLoc> &InnerMatcher,
   1546                                   TypeLoc (T::*TraverseFunction)() const)
   1547       : TypeLocTraverseMatcher::WrapperMatcherInterface(InnerMatcher),
   1548         TraverseFunction(TraverseFunction) {}
   1550   bool matches(const T &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
   1551                BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
   1552     TypeLoc NextNode = (Node.*TraverseFunction)();
   1553     if (!NextNode)
   1554       return false;
   1555     return this->InnerMatcher.matches(
   1556         ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(NextNode), Finder, Builder);
   1557   }
   1559 private:
   1560   TypeLoc (T::*TraverseFunction)() const;
   1561 };
   1563 /// \brief Converts a \c Matcher<InnerT> to a \c Matcher<OuterT>, where
   1564 /// \c OuterT is any type that is supported by \c Getter.
   1565 ///
   1566 /// \code Getter<OuterT>::value() \endcode returns a
   1567 /// \code InnerTBase (OuterT::*)() \endcode, which is used to adapt a \c OuterT
   1568 /// object into a \c InnerT
   1569 template <typename InnerTBase,
   1570           template <typename OuterT> class Getter,
   1571           template <typename OuterT> class MatcherImpl,
   1572           typename ReturnTypesF>
   1573 class TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher {
   1574 private:
   1575   typedef TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher<InnerTBase, Getter, MatcherImpl,
   1576                                          ReturnTypesF> Self;
   1577   static Self create(ArrayRef<const Matcher<InnerTBase> *> InnerMatchers);
   1579 public:
   1580   typedef typename ExtractFunctionArgMeta<ReturnTypesF>::type ReturnTypes;
   1582   explicit TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher(
   1583       ArrayRef<const Matcher<InnerTBase> *> InnerMatchers)
   1584       : InnerMatcher(makeAllOfComposite(InnerMatchers)) {}
   1586   template <typename OuterT> operator Matcher<OuterT>() const {
   1587     return Matcher<OuterT>(
   1588         new MatcherImpl<OuterT>(InnerMatcher, Getter<OuterT>::value()));
   1589   }
   1591   struct Func
   1592       : public VariadicFunction<Self, Matcher<InnerTBase>, &Self::create> {
   1593     Func() {}
   1594   };
   1596 private:
   1597   const Matcher<InnerTBase> InnerMatcher;
   1598 };
   1600 /// \brief A simple memoizer of T(*)() functions.
   1601 ///
   1602 /// It will call the passed 'Func' template parameter at most once.
   1603 /// Used to support AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION() macro.
   1604 template <typename Matcher, Matcher (*Func)()> class MemoizedMatcher {
   1605   struct Wrapper {
   1606     Wrapper() : M(Func()) {}
   1607     Matcher M;
   1608   };
   1610 public:
   1611   static const Matcher &getInstance() {
   1612     static llvm::ManagedStatic<Wrapper> Instance;
   1613     return Instance->M;
   1614   }
   1615 };
   1617 // Define the create() method out of line to silence a GCC warning about
   1618 // the struct "Func" having greater visibility than its base, which comes from
   1619 // using the flag -fvisibility-inlines-hidden.
   1620 template <typename InnerTBase, template <typename OuterT> class Getter,
   1621           template <typename OuterT> class MatcherImpl, typename ReturnTypesF>
   1622 TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher<InnerTBase, Getter, MatcherImpl, ReturnTypesF>
   1623 TypeTraversePolymorphicMatcher<
   1624     InnerTBase, Getter, MatcherImpl,
   1625     ReturnTypesF>::create(ArrayRef<const Matcher<InnerTBase> *> InnerMatchers) {
   1626   return Self(InnerMatchers);
   1627 }
   1629 // FIXME: unify ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl and TemplateSpecializationType's
   1630 // APIs for accessing the template argument list.
   1631 inline ArrayRef<TemplateArgument>
   1632 getTemplateSpecializationArgs(const ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl &D) {
   1633   return D.getTemplateArgs().asArray();
   1634 }
   1636 inline ArrayRef<TemplateArgument>
   1637 getTemplateSpecializationArgs(const TemplateSpecializationType &T) {
   1638   return llvm::makeArrayRef(T.getArgs(), T.getNumArgs());
   1639 }
   1641 struct NotEqualsBoundNodePredicate {
   1642   bool operator()(const internal::BoundNodesMap &Nodes) const {
   1643     return Nodes.getNode(ID) != Node;
   1644   }
   1645   std::string ID;
   1646   ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode Node;
   1647 };
   1649 template <typename Ty>
   1650 struct GetBodyMatcher {
   1651   static const Stmt *get(const Ty &Node) {
   1652     return Node.getBody();
   1653   }
   1654 };
   1656 template <>
   1657 inline const Stmt *GetBodyMatcher<FunctionDecl>::get(const FunctionDecl &Node) {
   1658   return Node.doesThisDeclarationHaveABody() ? Node.getBody() : nullptr;
   1659 }
   1661 template <typename Ty>
   1662 struct HasSizeMatcher {
   1663   static bool hasSize(const Ty &Node, unsigned int N) {
   1664     return Node.getSize() == N;
   1665   }
   1666 };
   1668 template <>
   1669 inline bool HasSizeMatcher<StringLiteral>::hasSize(
   1670     const StringLiteral &Node, unsigned int N) {
   1671   return Node.getLength() == N;
   1672 }
   1674 template <typename Ty>
   1675 struct GetSourceExpressionMatcher {
   1676   static const Expr *get(const Ty &Node) {
   1677     return Node.getSubExpr();
   1678   }
   1679 };
   1681 template <>
   1682 inline const Expr *GetSourceExpressionMatcher<OpaqueValueExpr>::get(
   1683     const OpaqueValueExpr &Node) {
   1684   return Node.getSourceExpr();
   1685 }
   1687 template <typename Ty>
   1688 struct CompoundStmtMatcher {
   1689   static const CompoundStmt *get(const Ty &Node) {
   1690     return &Node;
   1691   }
   1692 };
   1694 template <>
   1695 inline const CompoundStmt *
   1696 CompoundStmtMatcher<StmtExpr>::get(const StmtExpr &Node) {
   1697   return Node.getSubStmt();
   1698 }
   1701 } // end namespace internal
   1702 } // end namespace ast_matchers
   1703 } // end namespace clang