1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3 // found in the LICENSE file. 4 5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com 6 7 #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_widgettp.h" 8 9 #include <algorithm> 10 #include <utility> 11 12 #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" 13 #include "xfa/fde/cfde_textout.h" 14 #include "xfa/fgas/font/cfgas_fontmgr.h" 15 #include "xfa/fgas/font/cfgas_gefont.h" 16 #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_themebackground.h" 17 #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_themepart.h" 18 #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_themetext.h" 19 #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_widget.h" 20 #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_widgetmgr.h" 21 #include "xfa/fwl/ifwl_themeprovider.h" 22 #include "xfa/fxgraphics/cxfa_gecolor.h" 23 #include "xfa/fxgraphics/cxfa_gepath.h" 24 #include "xfa/fxgraphics/cxfa_geshading.h" 25 26 CFWL_WidgetTP::CFWL_WidgetTP() 27 : m_dwRefCount(1), m_pFDEFont(nullptr), m_pColorData(nullptr) {} 28 29 CFWL_WidgetTP::~CFWL_WidgetTP() {} 30 31 void CFWL_WidgetTP::Initialize() {} 32 33 void CFWL_WidgetTP::Finalize() { 34 if (m_pTextOut) 35 FinalizeTTO(); 36 } 37 38 void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawBackground(CFWL_ThemeBackground* pParams) {} 39 40 void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawText(CFWL_ThemeText* pParams) { 41 if (!m_pTextOut) 42 InitTTO(); 43 44 int32_t iLen = pParams->m_wsText.GetLength(); 45 if (iLen <= 0) 46 return; 47 48 CXFA_Graphics* pGraphics = pParams->m_pGraphics; 49 m_pTextOut->SetStyles(pParams->m_dwTTOStyles); 50 m_pTextOut->SetAlignment(pParams->m_iTTOAlign); 51 52 CFX_Matrix* pMatrix = &pParams->m_matrix; 53 pMatrix->Concat(*pGraphics->GetMatrix()); 54 m_pTextOut->SetMatrix(*pMatrix); 55 m_pTextOut->DrawLogicText(pGraphics->GetRenderDevice(), 56 WideStringView(pParams->m_wsText.c_str(), iLen), 57 pParams->m_rtPart); 58 } 59 60 const RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont>& CFWL_WidgetTP::GetFont() const { 61 return m_pFDEFont; 62 } 63 64 void CFWL_WidgetTP::InitializeArrowColorData() { 65 if (m_pColorData) 66 return; 67 68 m_pColorData = pdfium::MakeUnique<CColorData>(); 69 m_pColorData->clrBorder[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 202, 216, 249); 70 m_pColorData->clrBorder[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 171, 190, 233); 71 m_pColorData->clrBorder[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 135, 147, 219); 72 m_pColorData->clrBorder[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 172, 168, 153); 73 m_pColorData->clrStart[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 225, 234, 254); 74 m_pColorData->clrStart[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 253, 255, 255); 75 m_pColorData->clrStart[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 110, 142, 241); 76 m_pColorData->clrStart[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 254, 254, 251); 77 m_pColorData->clrEnd[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 175, 204, 251); 78 m_pColorData->clrEnd[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 185, 218, 251); 79 m_pColorData->clrEnd[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 210, 222, 235); 80 m_pColorData->clrEnd[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 243, 241, 236); 81 m_pColorData->clrSign[0] = ArgbEncode(255, 77, 97, 133); 82 m_pColorData->clrSign[1] = ArgbEncode(255, 77, 97, 133); 83 m_pColorData->clrSign[2] = ArgbEncode(255, 77, 97, 133); 84 m_pColorData->clrSign[3] = ArgbEncode(255, 128, 128, 128); 85 } 86 87 88 void CFWL_WidgetTP::InitTTO() { 89 if (m_pTextOut) 90 return; 91 92 m_pFDEFont = CFWL_FontManager::GetInstance()->FindFont(L"Helvetica", 0, 0); 93 m_pTextOut = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFDE_TextOut>(); 94 m_pTextOut->SetFont(m_pFDEFont); 95 m_pTextOut->SetFontSize(FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_FontSize); 96 m_pTextOut->SetTextColor(FWLTHEME_CAPACITY_TextColor); 97 } 98 99 void CFWL_WidgetTP::FinalizeTTO() { 100 m_pTextOut.reset(); 101 } 102 103 void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawBorder(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphics, 104 const CFX_RectF* pRect, 105 CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { 106 if (!pGraphics || !pRect) 107 return; 108 109 CXFA_GEPath path; 110 path.AddRectangle(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width, pRect->height); 111 path.AddRectangle(pRect->left + 1, pRect->top + 1, pRect->width - 2, 112 pRect->height - 2); 113 pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); 114 pGraphics->SetFillColor(CXFA_GEColor(ArgbEncode(255, 0, 0, 0))); 115 pGraphics->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_ALTERNATE, pMatrix); 116 pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); 117 } 118 119 void CFWL_WidgetTP::FillBackground(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphics, 120 const CFX_RectF* pRect, 121 CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { 122 FillSoildRect(pGraphics, FWLTHEME_COLOR_Background, pRect, pMatrix); 123 } 124 125 void CFWL_WidgetTP::FillSoildRect(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphics, 126 FX_ARGB fillColor, 127 const CFX_RectF* pRect, 128 CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { 129 if (!pGraphics || !pRect) 130 return; 131 132 CXFA_GEPath path; 133 path.AddRectangle(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width, pRect->height); 134 pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); 135 pGraphics->SetFillColor(CXFA_GEColor(fillColor)); 136 pGraphics->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_WINDING, pMatrix); 137 pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); 138 } 139 140 void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawAxialShading(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphics, 141 float fx1, 142 float fy1, 143 float fx2, 144 float fy2, 145 FX_ARGB beginColor, 146 FX_ARGB endColor, 147 CXFA_GEPath* path, 148 int32_t fillMode, 149 CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { 150 if (!pGraphics || !path) 151 return; 152 153 CFX_PointF begPoint(fx1, fy1); 154 CFX_PointF endPoint(fx2, fy2); 155 CXFA_GEShading shading(begPoint, endPoint, false, false, beginColor, 156 endColor); 157 pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); 158 pGraphics->SetFillColor(CXFA_GEColor(&shading)); 159 pGraphics->FillPath(path, fillMode, pMatrix); 160 pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); 161 } 162 163 void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawFocus(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphics, 164 const CFX_RectF* pRect, 165 CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { 166 if (!pGraphics || !pRect) 167 return; 168 169 float DashPattern[2] = {1, 1}; 170 CXFA_GEPath path; 171 path.AddRectangle(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width, pRect->height); 172 pGraphics->SaveGraphState(); 173 pGraphics->SetStrokeColor(CXFA_GEColor(0xFF000000)); 174 pGraphics->SetLineDash(0.0f, DashPattern, 2); 175 pGraphics->StrokePath(&path, pMatrix); 176 pGraphics->RestoreGraphState(); 177 } 178 179 void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawArrow(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphics, 180 const CFX_RectF* pRect, 181 FWLTHEME_DIRECTION eDict, 182 FX_ARGB argSign, 183 CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { 184 bool bVert = 185 (eDict == FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Up || eDict == FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Down); 186 float fLeft = 187 (float)(((pRect->width - (bVert ? 9 : 6)) / 2 + pRect->left) + 0.5); 188 float fTop = 189 (float)(((pRect->height - (bVert ? 6 : 9)) / 2 + pRect->top) + 0.5); 190 CXFA_GEPath path; 191 switch (eDict) { 192 case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Down: { 193 path.MoveTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft, fTop + 1)); 194 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 4, fTop + 5)); 195 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 8, fTop + 1)); 196 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 7, fTop)); 197 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 4, fTop + 3)); 198 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 1, fTop)); 199 break; 200 } 201 case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Up: { 202 path.MoveTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft, fTop + 4)); 203 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 4, fTop)); 204 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 8, fTop + 4)); 205 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 7, fTop + 5)); 206 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 4, fTop + 2)); 207 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 1, fTop + 5)); 208 break; 209 } 210 case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Right: { 211 path.MoveTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 1, fTop)); 212 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 5, fTop + 4)); 213 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 1, fTop + 8)); 214 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft, fTop + 7)); 215 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 3, fTop + 4)); 216 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft, fTop + 1)); 217 break; 218 } 219 case FWLTHEME_DIRECTION_Left: { 220 path.MoveTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft, fTop + 4)); 221 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 4, fTop)); 222 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 5, fTop + 1)); 223 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 2, fTop + 4)); 224 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 5, fTop + 7)); 225 path.LineTo(CFX_PointF(fLeft + 4, fTop + 8)); 226 break; 227 } 228 } 229 pGraphics->SetFillColor(CXFA_GEColor(argSign)); 230 pGraphics->FillPath(&path, FXFILL_WINDING, pMatrix); 231 } 232 233 void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawBtn(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphics, 234 const CFX_RectF* pRect, 235 FWLTHEME_STATE eState, 236 CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { 237 InitializeArrowColorData(); 238 239 CXFA_GEPath path; 240 float fRight = pRect->right(); 241 float fBottom = pRect->bottom(); 242 path.AddRectangle(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->width, pRect->height); 243 DrawAxialShading(pGraphics, pRect->left, pRect->top, fRight, fBottom, 244 m_pColorData->clrStart[eState - 1], 245 m_pColorData->clrEnd[eState - 1], &path, FXFILL_WINDING, 246 pMatrix); 247 248 pGraphics->SetStrokeColor(CXFA_GEColor(m_pColorData->clrBorder[eState - 1])); 249 pGraphics->StrokePath(&path, pMatrix); 250 } 251 252 void CFWL_WidgetTP::DrawArrowBtn(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphics, 253 const CFX_RectF* pRect, 254 FWLTHEME_DIRECTION eDict, 255 FWLTHEME_STATE eState, 256 CFX_Matrix* pMatrix) { 257 DrawBtn(pGraphics, pRect, eState, pMatrix); 258 259 InitializeArrowColorData(); 260 DrawArrow(pGraphics, pRect, eDict, m_pColorData->clrSign[eState - 1], 261 pMatrix); 262 } 263 264 CFWL_FontData::CFWL_FontData() : m_dwStyles(0), m_dwCodePage(0) {} 265 266 CFWL_FontData::~CFWL_FontData() {} 267 268 bool CFWL_FontData::Equal(const WideStringView& wsFontFamily, 269 uint32_t dwFontStyles, 270 uint16_t wCodePage) { 271 return m_wsFamily == wsFontFamily && m_dwStyles == dwFontStyles && 272 m_dwCodePage == wCodePage; 273 } 274 275 bool CFWL_FontData::LoadFont(const WideStringView& wsFontFamily, 276 uint32_t dwFontStyles, 277 uint16_t dwCodePage) { 278 m_wsFamily = wsFontFamily; 279 m_dwStyles = dwFontStyles; 280 m_dwCodePage = dwCodePage; 281 if (!m_pFontMgr) { 282 m_pFontMgr = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFGAS_FontMgr>(); 283 if (!m_pFontMgr->EnumFonts()) 284 m_pFontMgr = nullptr; 285 } 286 287 // TODO(tsepez): check usage of c_str() below. 288 m_pFont = CFGAS_GEFont::LoadFont(wsFontFamily.unterminated_c_str(), 289 dwFontStyles, dwCodePage, m_pFontMgr.get()); 290 return !!m_pFont; 291 } 292 293 RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> CFWL_FontData::GetFont() const { 294 return m_pFont; 295 } 296 297 CFWL_FontManager* CFWL_FontManager::s_FontManager = nullptr; 298 CFWL_FontManager* CFWL_FontManager::GetInstance() { 299 if (!s_FontManager) 300 s_FontManager = new CFWL_FontManager; 301 return s_FontManager; 302 } 303 304 void CFWL_FontManager::DestroyInstance() { 305 delete s_FontManager; 306 s_FontManager = nullptr; 307 } 308 309 CFWL_FontManager::CFWL_FontManager() {} 310 311 CFWL_FontManager::~CFWL_FontManager() {} 312 313 RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> CFWL_FontManager::FindFont( 314 const WideStringView& wsFontFamily, 315 uint32_t dwFontStyles, 316 uint16_t wCodePage) { 317 for (const auto& pData : m_FontsArray) { 318 if (pData->Equal(wsFontFamily, dwFontStyles, wCodePage)) 319 return pData->GetFont(); 320 } 321 auto pFontData = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFWL_FontData>(); 322 if (!pFontData->LoadFont(wsFontFamily, dwFontStyles, wCodePage)) 323 return nullptr; 324 325 m_FontsArray.push_back(std::move(pFontData)); 326 return m_FontsArray.back()->GetFont(); 327 } 328 329 void FWLTHEME_Release() { 330 CFWL_FontManager::DestroyInstance(); 331 } 332