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      1 /** @file
      2   Provides services to log the execution times and retrieve them later.
      4 Copyright (c) 2006 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
      5 This program and the accompanying materials
      6 are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
      7 which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
      8 http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
     13 **/
     15 #ifndef __PERFORMANCE_LIB_H__
     16 #define __PERFORMANCE_LIB_H__
     18 ///
     19 /// Performance library propery mask bits
     20 ///
     23 /**
     24   Creates a record for the beginning of a performance measurement.
     26   Creates a record that contains the Handle, Token, and Module.
     27   If TimeStamp is not zero, then TimeStamp is added to the record as the start time.
     28   If TimeStamp is zero, then this function reads the current time stamp
     29   and adds that time stamp value to the record as the start time.
     31   @param  Handle                  Pointer to environment specific context used
     32                                   to identify the component being measured.
     33   @param  Token                   Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
     34                                   that identifies the component being measured.
     35   @param  Module                  Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
     36                                   that identifies the module being measured.
     37   @param  TimeStamp               64-bit time stamp.
     39   @retval RETURN_SUCCESS          The start of the measurement was recorded.
     40   @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources to record the measurement.
     41   @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR     A device error reading the time stamp.
     43 **/
     45 EFIAPI
     46 StartPerformanceMeasurement (
     47   IN CONST VOID   *Handle,  OPTIONAL
     48   IN CONST CHAR8  *Token,   OPTIONAL
     49   IN CONST CHAR8  *Module,  OPTIONAL
     50   IN UINT64       TimeStamp
     51   );
     53 /**
     54   Fills in the end time of a performance measurement.
     56   Looks up the record that matches Handle, Token, and Module.
     57   If the record can not be found then return RETURN_NOT_FOUND.
     58   If the record is found and TimeStamp is not zero,
     59   then TimeStamp is added to the record as the end time.
     60   If the record is found and TimeStamp is zero, then this function reads
     61   the current time stamp and adds that time stamp value to the record as the end time.
     63   @param  Handle                  Pointer to environment specific context used
     64                                   to identify the component being measured.
     65   @param  Token                   Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
     66                                   that identifies the component being measured.
     67   @param  Module                  Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
     68                                   that identifies the module being measured.
     69   @param  TimeStamp               64-bit time stamp.
     71   @retval RETURN_SUCCESS          The end of  the measurement was recorded.
     72   @retval RETURN_NOT_FOUND        The specified measurement record could not be found.
     73   @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR     A device error reading the time stamp.
     75 **/
     77 EFIAPI
     78 EndPerformanceMeasurement (
     79   IN CONST VOID   *Handle,  OPTIONAL
     80   IN CONST CHAR8  *Token,   OPTIONAL
     81   IN CONST CHAR8  *Module,  OPTIONAL
     82   IN UINT64       TimeStamp
     83   );
     85 /**
     86   Attempts to retrieve a performance measurement log entry from the performance measurement log.
     87   It can also retrieve the log created by StartPerformanceMeasurementEx and EndPerformanceMeasurementEx,
     88   and then eliminate the Identifier.
     90   Attempts to retrieve the performance log entry specified by LogEntryKey.  If LogEntryKey is
     91   zero on entry, then an attempt is made to retrieve the first entry from the performance log,
     92   and the key for the second entry in the log is returned.  If the performance log is empty,
     93   then no entry is retrieved and zero is returned.  If LogEntryKey is not zero, then the performance
     94   log entry associated with LogEntryKey is retrieved, and the key for the next entry in the log is
     95   returned.  If LogEntryKey is the key for the last entry in the log, then the last log entry is
     96   retrieved and an implementation specific non-zero key value that specifies the end of the performance
     97   log is returned.  If LogEntryKey is equal this implementation specific non-zero key value, then no entry
     98   is retrieved and zero is returned.  In the cases where a performance log entry can be returned,
     99   the log entry is returned in Handle, Token, Module, StartTimeStamp, and EndTimeStamp.
    100   If LogEntryKey is not a valid log entry key for the performance measurement log, then ASSERT().
    101   If Handle is NULL, then ASSERT().
    102   If Token is NULL, then ASSERT().
    103   If Module is NULL, then ASSERT().
    104   If StartTimeStamp is NULL, then ASSERT().
    105   If EndTimeStamp is NULL, then ASSERT().
    107   @param  LogEntryKey             On entry, the key of the performance measurement log entry to retrieve.
    108                                   0, then the first performance measurement log entry is retrieved.
    109                                   On exit, the key of the next performance lof entry entry.
    110   @param  Handle                  Pointer to environment specific context used to identify the component
    111                                   being measured.
    112   @param  Token                   Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string that identifies the component
    113                                   being measured.
    114   @param  Module                  Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string that identifies the module
    115                                   being measured.
    116   @param  StartTimeStamp          Pointer to the 64-bit time stamp that was recorded when the measurement
    117                                   was started.
    118   @param  EndTimeStamp            Pointer to the 64-bit time stamp that was recorded when the measurement
    119                                   was ended.
    121   @return The key for the next performance log entry (in general case).
    123 **/
    124 UINTN
    125 EFIAPI
    126 GetPerformanceMeasurement (
    127   IN  UINTN       LogEntryKey,
    128   OUT CONST VOID  **Handle,
    129   OUT CONST CHAR8 **Token,
    130   OUT CONST CHAR8 **Module,
    131   OUT UINT64      *StartTimeStamp,
    132   OUT UINT64      *EndTimeStamp
    133   );
    135 /**
    136   Creates a record for the beginning of a performance measurement.
    138   Creates a record that contains the Handle, Token, Module and Identifier.
    139   If TimeStamp is not zero, then TimeStamp is added to the record as the start time.
    140   If TimeStamp is zero, then this function reads the current time stamp
    141   and adds that time stamp value to the record as the start time.
    143   @param  Handle                  Pointer to environment specific context used
    144                                   to identify the component being measured.
    145   @param  Token                   Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
    146                                   that identifies the component being measured.
    147   @param  Module                  Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
    148                                   that identifies the module being measured.
    149   @param  TimeStamp               64-bit time stamp.
    150   @param  Identifier              32-bit identifier. If the value is 0, the created record
    151                                   is same as the one created by StartPerformanceMeasurement.
    153   @retval RETURN_SUCCESS          The start of the measurement was recorded.
    154   @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources to record the measurement.
    155   @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR     A device error reading the time stamp.
    157 **/
    159 EFIAPI
    160 StartPerformanceMeasurementEx (
    161   IN CONST VOID   *Handle,  OPTIONAL
    162   IN CONST CHAR8  *Token,   OPTIONAL
    163   IN CONST CHAR8  *Module,  OPTIONAL
    164   IN UINT64       TimeStamp,
    165   IN UINT32       Identifier
    166   );
    168 /**
    169   Fills in the end time of a performance measurement.
    171   Looks up the record that matches Handle, Token and Module.
    172   If the record can not be found then return RETURN_NOT_FOUND.
    173   If the record is found and TimeStamp is not zero,
    174   then TimeStamp is added to the record as the end time.
    175   If the record is found and TimeStamp is zero, then this function reads
    176   the current time stamp and adds that time stamp value to the record as the end time.
    178   @param  Handle                  Pointer to environment specific context used
    179                                   to identify the component being measured.
    180   @param  Token                   Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
    181                                   that identifies the component being measured.
    182   @param  Module                  Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
    183                                   that identifies the module being measured.
    184   @param  TimeStamp               64-bit time stamp.
    185   @param  Identifier              32-bit identifier. If the value is 0, the found record
    186                                   is same as the one found by EndPerformanceMeasurement.
    188   @retval RETURN_SUCCESS          The end of  the measurement was recorded.
    189   @retval RETURN_NOT_FOUND        The specified measurement record could not be found.
    190   @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR     A device error reading the time stamp.
    192 **/
    194 EFIAPI
    195 EndPerformanceMeasurementEx (
    196   IN CONST VOID   *Handle,  OPTIONAL
    197   IN CONST CHAR8  *Token,   OPTIONAL
    198   IN CONST CHAR8  *Module,  OPTIONAL
    199   IN UINT64       TimeStamp,
    200   IN UINT32       Identifier
    201   );
    203 /**
    204   Attempts to retrieve a performance measurement log entry from the performance measurement log.
    205   It can also retrieve the log created by StartPerformanceMeasurement and EndPerformanceMeasurement,
    206   and then assign the Identifier with 0.
    208   Attempts to retrieve the performance log entry specified by LogEntryKey.  If LogEntryKey is
    209   zero on entry, then an attempt is made to retrieve the first entry from the performance log,
    210   and the key for the second entry in the log is returned.  If the performance log is empty,
    211   then no entry is retrieved and zero is returned.  If LogEntryKey is not zero, then the performance
    212   log entry associated with LogEntryKey is retrieved, and the key for the next entry in the log is
    213   returned.  If LogEntryKey is the key for the last entry in the log, then the last log entry is
    214   retrieved and an implementation specific non-zero key value that specifies the end of the performance
    215   log is returned.  If LogEntryKey is equal this implementation specific non-zero key value, then no entry
    216   is retrieved and zero is returned.  In the cases where a performance log entry can be returned,
    217   the log entry is returned in Handle, Token, Module, StartTimeStamp, EndTimeStamp and Identifier.
    218   If LogEntryKey is not a valid log entry key for the performance measurement log, then ASSERT().
    219   If Handle is NULL, then ASSERT().
    220   If Token is NULL, then ASSERT().
    221   If Module is NULL, then ASSERT().
    222   If StartTimeStamp is NULL, then ASSERT().
    223   If EndTimeStamp is NULL, then ASSERT().
    224   If Identifier is NULL, then ASSERT().
    226   @param  LogEntryKey             On entry, the key of the performance measurement log entry to retrieve.
    227                                   0, then the first performance measurement log entry is retrieved.
    228                                   On exit, the key of the next performance of entry entry.
    229   @param  Handle                  Pointer to environment specific context used to identify the component
    230                                   being measured.
    231   @param  Token                   Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string that identifies the component
    232                                   being measured.
    233   @param  Module                  Pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string that identifies the module
    234                                   being measured.
    235   @param  StartTimeStamp          Pointer to the 64-bit time stamp that was recorded when the measurement
    236                                   was started.
    237   @param  EndTimeStamp            Pointer to the 64-bit time stamp that was recorded when the measurement
    238                                   was ended.
    239   @param  Identifier              Pointer to the 32-bit identifier that was recorded.
    241   @return The key for the next performance log entry (in general case).
    243 **/
    244 UINTN
    245 EFIAPI
    246 GetPerformanceMeasurementEx (
    247   IN  UINTN       LogEntryKey,
    248   OUT CONST VOID  **Handle,
    249   OUT CONST CHAR8 **Token,
    250   OUT CONST CHAR8 **Module,
    251   OUT UINT64      *StartTimeStamp,
    252   OUT UINT64      *EndTimeStamp,
    253   OUT UINT32      *Identifier
    254   );
    256 /**
    257   Returns TRUE if the performance measurement macros are enabled.
    259   This function returns TRUE if the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of
    260   PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set.  Otherwise FALSE is returned.
    262   @retval TRUE                    The PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of
    263                                   PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set.
    264   @retval FALSE                   The PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of
    265                                   PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is clear.
    267 **/
    268 BOOLEAN
    269 EFIAPI
    270 PerformanceMeasurementEnabled (
    271   VOID
    272   );
    274 /**
    275   Macro that calls EndPerformanceMeasurement().
    277   If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
    278   then EndPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
    280 **/
    281 #define PERF_END(Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp)                    \
    282   do {                                                                \
    283     if (PerformanceMeasurementEnabled ()) {                           \
    284       EndPerformanceMeasurement (Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp);   \
    285     }                                                                 \
    286   } while (FALSE)
    288 /**
    289   Macro that calls StartPerformanceMeasurement().
    291   If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
    292   then StartPerformanceMeasurement() is called.
    294 **/
    295 #define PERF_START(Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp)                  \
    296   do {                                                                \
    297     if (PerformanceMeasurementEnabled ()) {                           \
    298       StartPerformanceMeasurement (Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp); \
    299     }                                                                 \
    300   } while (FALSE)
    302 /**
    303   Macro that calls EndPerformanceMeasurementEx().
    305   If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
    306   then EndPerformanceMeasurementEx() is called.
    308 **/
    309 #define PERF_END_EX(Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp, Identifier)                   \
    310   do {                                                                              \
    311     if (PerformanceMeasurementEnabled ()) {                                         \
    312       EndPerformanceMeasurementEx (Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp, Identifier);   \
    313     }                                                                               \
    314   } while (FALSE)
    316 /**
    317   Macro that calls StartPerformanceMeasurementEx().
    319   If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
    320   then StartPerformanceMeasurementEx() is called.
    322 **/
    323 #define PERF_START_EX(Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp, Identifier)                 \
    324   do {                                                                              \
    325     if (PerformanceMeasurementEnabled ()) {                                         \
    326       StartPerformanceMeasurementEx (Handle, Token, Module, TimeStamp, Identifier); \
    327     }                                                                               \
    328   } while (FALSE)
    330 /**
    331   Macro that marks the beginning of performance measurement source code.
    333   If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
    334   then this macro marks the beginning of source code that is included in a module.
    335   Otherwise, the source lines between PERF_CODE_BEGIN() and PERF_CODE_END() are not included in a module.
    337 **/
    338 #define PERF_CODE_BEGIN()  do { if (PerformanceMeasurementEnabled ()) { UINT8  __PerformanceCodeLocal
    340 /**
    341   Macro that marks the end of performance measurement source code.
    343   If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
    344   then this macro marks the end of source code that is included in a module.
    345   Otherwise, the source lines between PERF_CODE_BEGIN() and PERF_CODE_END() are not included in a module.
    347 **/
    348 #define PERF_CODE_END()    __PerformanceCodeLocal = 0; __PerformanceCodeLocal++; } } while (FALSE)
    350 /**
    351   Macro that declares a section of performance measurement source code.
    353   If the PERFORMANCE_LIBRARY_PROPERTY_MEASUREMENT_ENABLED bit of PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask is set,
    354   then the source code specified by Expression is included in a module.
    355   Otherwise, the source specified by Expression is not included in a module.
    357   @param  Expression              Performance measurement source code to include in a module.
    359 **/
    360 #define PERF_CODE(Expression)  \
    361   PERF_CODE_BEGIN ();          \
    362   Expression                   \
    363   PERF_CODE_END ()
    366 #endif