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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include <assert.h>
     18 #include <errno.h>
     19 #include <stdio.h>
     21 #include <map>
     23 #include <glog/logging.h>
     25 #include "common/libs/fs/shared_select.h"
     26 #include "host/commands/launch/process_monitor.h"
     28 namespace cvd {
     30 namespace {
     32 void NotifyThread(SharedFD fd) {
     33   // The restarter thread is (likely) blocked on a call to select, to make it
     34   // wake up and do some work we write something (anything, the content is not
     35   // important) into the main side of the socket pair so that the call to select
     36   // returns and the notification fd (restarter side of the socket pair) is
     37   // marked as ready to read.
     38   char buffer = 'a';
     39   fd->Write(&buffer, sizeof(buffer));
     40 }
     42 void ConsumeNotifications(SharedFD fd) {
     43   // Once the starter thread is waken up due to a notification, the calls to
     44   // select will continue to return immediately unless we read what was written
     45   // on the main side of the socket pair. More than one notification can
     46   // accumulate before the restarter thread consumes them, so we attempt to read
     47   // more than it's written to consume them all at once. In the unlikely case of
     48   // more than 8 notifications acummulating we simply read the first 8 and have
     49   // another iteration on the restarter thread loop.
     50   char buffer[8];
     51   fd->Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
     52 }
     54 }  // namespace
     56 ProcessMonitor::ProcessMonitor() {
     57   if (!SharedFD::SocketPair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0, &thread_comm_main_,
     58                             &thread_comm_monitor_)) {
     59     LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create restarter communication socket pair: "
     60                << strerror(errno);
     61     return;
     62   }
     63   monitor_thread_ = std::thread([this]() { MonitorRoutine(); });
     64 }
     66 void ProcessMonitor::StartSubprocess(Command cmd, OnSocketReadyCb callback) {
     67   auto proc = cmd.Start(true);
     68   if (!proc.Started()) {
     69     LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start process";
     70     return;
     71   }
     72   MonitorExistingSubprocess(std::move(cmd), std::move(proc), callback);
     73 }
     75 void ProcessMonitor::MonitorExistingSubprocess(Command cmd, Subprocess proc,
     76                                                OnSocketReadyCb callback) {
     77   {
     78     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(processes_mutex_);
     79     monitored_processes_.push_back(MonitorEntry());
     80     auto& entry = monitored_processes_.back();
     81     entry.cmd.reset(new Command(std::move(cmd)));
     82     entry.proc.reset(new Subprocess(std::move(proc)));
     83     entry.on_control_socket_ready_cb = callback;
     84   }
     85   // Wake the restarter thread up so that it starts monitoring this subprocess
     86   // Do this after releasing the lock so that the restarter thread is free to
     87   // begin work as soon as select returns.
     88   NotifyThread(thread_comm_main_);
     89 }
     91 bool ProcessMonitor::RestartOnExitCb(MonitorEntry* entry) {
     92   // Make sure the process actually exited
     93   char buffer[16];
     94   auto bytes_read = entry->proc->control_socket()->Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
     95   if (bytes_read > 0) {
     96     LOG(WARNING) << "Subprocess " << entry->cmd->GetShortName() << " wrote "
     97                  << bytes_read
     98                  << " bytes on the control socket, this is unexpected";
     99     // The process may not have exited, continue monitoring without restarting
    100     return true;
    101   }
    103   LOG(INFO) << "Detected exit of monitored subprocess";
    104   // Make sure the subprocess isn't left in a zombie state, and that the
    105   // pid is logged
    106   int wstatus;
    107   auto wait_ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(entry->proc->Wait(&wstatus, 0));
    108   // None of the error conditions specified on waitpid(2) apply
    109   assert(wait_ret > 0);
    110   if (WIFEXITED(wstatus)) {
    111     LOG(INFO) << "Subprocess " << entry->cmd->GetShortName() << " ("
    112               << wait_ret << ") has exited with exit code "
    113               << WEXITSTATUS(wstatus);
    114   } else if (WIFSIGNALED(wstatus)) {
    115     LOG(ERROR) << "Subprocess " << entry->cmd->GetShortName() << " ("
    116                << wait_ret << ") was interrupted by a signal: "
    117                << WTERMSIG(wstatus);
    118   } else {
    119     LOG(INFO) << "subprocess " << entry->cmd->GetShortName() << " ("
    120                << wait_ret << ") has exited for unknown reasons";
    121   }
    122   entry->proc.reset(new Subprocess(entry->cmd->Start(true)));
    123   return true;
    124 }
    126 bool ProcessMonitor::DoNotMonitorCb(MonitorEntry*) {
    127   return false;
    128 }
    130 void ProcessMonitor::MonitorRoutine() {
    131   LOG(INFO) << "Started monitoring subprocesses";
    132   do {
    133     SharedFDSet read_set;
    134     read_set.Set(thread_comm_monitor_);
    135     {
    136       std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(processes_mutex_);
    137       for (auto& monitored_process: monitored_processes_) {
    138         auto control_socket = monitored_process.proc->control_socket();
    139         if (!control_socket->IsOpen())  {
    140           LOG(ERROR) << "The control socket for "
    141                      << monitored_process.cmd->GetShortName()
    142                      << " is closed, it's effectively NOT being monitored";
    143         }
    144         read_set.Set(control_socket);
    145       }
    146     }
    147     // We can't call select while holding the lock as it would lead to a
    148     // deadlock (restarter thread waiting for notifications from main thread,
    149     // main thread waiting for the lock)
    150     int num_fds = cvd::Select(&read_set, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    151     if (num_fds < 0) {
    152       LOG(ERROR) << "Select call returned error on restarter thread: "
    153                  << strerror(errno);
    154     }
    155     if (num_fds > 0) {
    156       // Try the communication fd, it's the most likely to be set
    157       if (read_set.IsSet(thread_comm_monitor_)) {
    158         --num_fds;
    159         ConsumeNotifications(thread_comm_monitor_);
    160       }
    161     }
    162     {
    163       std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(processes_mutex_);
    164       // Keep track of the number of file descriptors ready for read, chances
    165       // are we don't need to go over the entire list of subprocesses
    166       auto it = monitored_processes_.begin();
    167       while (it != monitored_processes_.end()) {
    168         auto control_socket = it->proc->control_socket();
    169         bool keep_monitoring = true;
    170         if (read_set.IsSet(control_socket)) {
    171           --num_fds;
    172           keep_monitoring = it->on_control_socket_ready_cb(&(*it));
    173         }
    174         if (keep_monitoring) {
    175           ++it;
    176         } else {
    177           it = monitored_processes_.erase(it);
    178         }
    179       }
    180     }
    181     assert(num_fds == 0);
    182   } while (true);
    183 }
    185 }  // namespace cvd