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      1 //  2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
      2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
      3 /*
      4 *******************************************************************************
      5 *
      6 *   Copyright (C) 2012-2016, International Business Machines
      7 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      8 *
      9 *******************************************************************************
     10 *   file name:  listformattertest.cpp
     11 *   encoding:   UTF-8
     12 *   tab size:   8 (not used)
     13 *   indentation:4
     14 *
     15 *   created on: 2012aug27
     16 *   created by: Umesh P. Nair
     17 */
     19 #include "listformattertest.h"
     20 #include "unicode/ulistformatter.h"
     21 #include <string.h>
     25 namespace {
     26 const char* attrString(int32_t attrId) {
     27   switch (attrId) {
     28     case ULISTFMT_LITERAL_FIELD: return "literal";
     29     case ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD: return "element";
     30     default: return "xxx";
     31   }
     32 }
     33 }  // namespace
     35 void ListFormatterTest::ExpectPositions(FieldPositionIterator& iter,
     36                                         int32_t *values, int32_t tupleCount) {
     37     UBool found[10];
     38     FieldPosition fp;
     39     if (tupleCount > 10) {
     40       assertTrue("internal error, tupleCount too large", FALSE);
     41     } else {
     42         for (int i = 0; i < tupleCount; ++i) {
     43             found[i] = FALSE;
     44         }
     45     }
     46     while (iter.next(fp)) {
     47         UBool ok = FALSE;
     48         int32_t id = fp.getField();
     49         int32_t start = fp.getBeginIndex();
     50         int32_t limit = fp.getEndIndex();
     51         char buf[128];
     52         sprintf(buf, "%24s %3d %3d %3d", attrString(id), id, start, limit);
     53         logln(buf);
     54         for (int i = 0; i < tupleCount; ++i) {
     55             if (found[i]) {
     56                 continue;
     57             }
     58             if (values[i*3] == id && values[i*3+1] == start && values[i*3+2] == limit) {
     59                 found[i] = ok = TRUE;
     60                 break;
     61             }
     62         }
     63         assertTrue((UnicodeString)"found [" + attrString(id) + "," + start + "," + limit + "]", ok);
     64     }
     65     // check that all were found
     66     UBool ok = TRUE;
     67     for (int i = 0; i < tupleCount; ++i) {
     68         if (!found[i]) {
     69             ok = FALSE;
     70             assertTrue((UnicodeString) "missing [" + attrString(values[i*3]) + "," + values[i*3+1] +
     71                        "," + values[i*3+2] + "]", found[i]);
     72         }
     73     }
     74     assertTrue("no expected values were missing", ok);
     75 }
     77 ListFormatterTest::ListFormatterTest() :
     78         prefix("Prefix: ", -1, US_INV),
     79         one("Alice", -1, US_INV), two("Bob", -1, US_INV),
     80         three("Charlie", -1, US_INV), four("Delta", -1, US_INV) {
     81 }
     83 void ListFormatterTest::CheckFormatting(const ListFormatter* formatter, UnicodeString data[], int32_t dataSize,
     84                                         const UnicodeString& expected_result, const char* testName) {
     85     UnicodeString actualResult(prefix);
     86     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, testName);
     87     formatter->format(data, dataSize, actualResult, errorCode);
     88     UnicodeString expectedStringWithPrefix = prefix + expected_result;
     89     if (expectedStringWithPrefix != actualResult) {
     90         errln(UnicodeString("Expected: |") + expectedStringWithPrefix +  "|, Actual: |" + actualResult + "|");
     91     }
     92 }
     94 void ListFormatterTest::CheckFourCases(const char* locale_string, UnicodeString one, UnicodeString two,
     95         UnicodeString three, UnicodeString four, UnicodeString results[4], const char* testName) {
     96     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, testName);
     97     LocalPointer<ListFormatter> formatter(ListFormatter::createInstance(Locale(locale_string), errorCode));
     98     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
     99         dataerrln("ListFormatter::createInstance(Locale(\"%s\"), errorCode) failed in CheckFourCases: %s", locale_string, u_errorName(errorCode));
    100         return;
    101     }
    102     UnicodeString input1[] = {one};
    103     CheckFormatting(formatter.getAlias(), input1, 1, results[0], testName);
    105     UnicodeString input2[] = {one, two};
    106     CheckFormatting(formatter.getAlias(), input2, 2, results[1], testName);
    108     UnicodeString input3[] = {one, two, three};
    109     CheckFormatting(formatter.getAlias(), input3, 3, results[2], testName);
    111     UnicodeString input4[] = {one, two, three, four};
    112     CheckFormatting(formatter.getAlias(), input4, 4, results[3], testName);
    113 }
    115 UBool ListFormatterTest::RecordFourCases(const Locale& locale, UnicodeString one, UnicodeString two,
    116         UnicodeString three, UnicodeString four, UnicodeString results[4], const char* testName)  {
    117     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, testName);
    118     LocalPointer<ListFormatter> formatter(ListFormatter::createInstance(locale, errorCode));
    119     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    120         dataerrln("ListFormatter::createInstance(\"%s\", errorCode) failed in RecordFourCases: %s", locale.getName(), u_errorName(errorCode));
    121         return FALSE;
    122     }
    123     UnicodeString input1[] = {one};
    124     formatter->format(input1, 1, results[0], errorCode);
    125     UnicodeString input2[] = {one, two};
    126     formatter->format(input2, 2, results[1], errorCode);
    127     UnicodeString input3[] = {one, two, three};
    128     formatter->format(input3, 3, results[2], errorCode);
    129     UnicodeString input4[] = {one, two, three, four};
    130     formatter->format(input4, 4, results[3], errorCode);
    131     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    132         errln("RecordFourCases failed: %s", u_errorName(errorCode));
    133         return FALSE;
    134     }
    135     return TRUE;
    136 }
    138 void ListFormatterTest::TestRoot() {
    139     UnicodeString results[4] = {
    140         one,
    141         one + ", " + two,
    142         one + ", " + two + ", " + three,
    143         one + ", " + two + ", " + three + ", " + four
    144     };
    146     CheckFourCases("", one, two, three, four, results, "TestRoot()");
    147 }
    149 // Bogus locale should fallback to root.
    150 void ListFormatterTest::TestBogus() {
    151     UnicodeString results[4];
    152     if (RecordFourCases(Locale::getDefault(), one, two, three, four, results, "TestBogus()")) {
    153       CheckFourCases("ex_PY", one, two, three, four, results, "TestBogus()");
    154     }
    155 }
    157 // Formatting in English.
    158 // "and" is used before the last element, and all elements up to (and including) the penultimate are followed by a comma.
    159 void ListFormatterTest::TestEnglish() {
    160     UnicodeString results[4] = {
    161         one,
    162         one + " and " + two,
    163         one + ", " + two + ", and " + three,
    164         one + ", " + two + ", " + three + ", and " + four
    165     };
    167     CheckFourCases("en", one, two, three, four, results, "TestEnglish()");
    168 }
    170 void ListFormatterTest::Test9946() {
    171     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "Test9946()");
    172     LocalPointer<ListFormatter> formatter(ListFormatter::createInstance(Locale("en"), errorCode));
    173     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    174         dataerrln(
    175             "ListFormatter::createInstance(Locale(\"en\"), errorCode) failed in Test9946: %s",
    176             u_errorName(errorCode));
    177         return;
    178     }
    179     UnicodeString data[3] = {"{0}", "{1}", "{2}"};
    180     UnicodeString actualResult;
    181     formatter->format(data, 3, actualResult, errorCode);
    182     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    183         dataerrln(
    184             "ListFormatter::createInstance(Locale(\"en\"), errorCode) failed in Test9946: %s",
    185             u_errorName(errorCode));
    186         return;
    187     }
    188     UnicodeString expected("{0}, {1}, and {2}");
    189     if (expected != actualResult) {
    190         errln("Expected " + expected + ", got " + actualResult);
    191     }
    192 }
    194 void ListFormatterTest::TestEnglishUS() {
    195     UnicodeString results[4] = {
    196         one,
    197         one + " and " + two,
    198         one + ", " + two + ", and " + three,
    199         one + ", " + two + ", " + three + ", and " + four
    200     };
    202     CheckFourCases("en_US", one, two, three, four, results, "TestEnglishUS()");
    203 }
    205 // Tests resource loading and inheritance when region sublocale
    206 // has only partial data for the listPattern element (overriding
    207 // some of the parent data). #12994
    208 void ListFormatterTest::TestEnglishGB() {
    209     UnicodeString results[4] = {
    210         one,
    211         one + " and " + two,
    212         one + ", " + two + " and " + three,
    213         one + ", " + two + ", " + three + " and " + four
    214     };
    216     CheckFourCases("en_GB", one, two, three, four, results, "TestEnglishGB()");
    217 }
    219 void ListFormatterTest::TestFieldPositionIteratorWontCrash() {
    220     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestFieldPositionIteratorWontCrash()");
    221     LocalPointer<ListFormatter> formatter(
    222         ListFormatter::createInstance(Locale("en"), errorCode));
    223     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    224         dataerrln(
    225             "ListFormatter::createInstance(Locale(\"en\"), errorCode) failed in "
    226             "TestFieldPositionIteratorWontCrash: %s",
    227             u_errorName(errorCode));
    228         return;
    229     }
    230     UnicodeString data[3] = {"a", "bbb", "cc"};
    231     UnicodeString actualResult;
    232      // make sure NULL as FieldPositionIterator won't caused crash.
    233     formatter->format(data, 3, actualResult, nullptr, errorCode);
    234     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    235         dataerrln(
    236             "ListFormatter::format(data, 3, nullptr, errorCode) "
    237             "failed in TestFieldPositionIteratorWontCrash: %s",
    238             u_errorName(errorCode));
    239         return;
    240     }
    241 }
    243 void ListFormatterTest::RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithFormatter(
    244         ListFormatter* formatter,
    245         UnicodeString data[], int32_t n, int32_t expected[], int32_t tupleCount,
    246         UnicodeString& appendTo, const char16_t *expectedFormatted,
    247         const char* testName) {
    248     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, testName);
    249     FieldPositionIterator iter;
    250     formatter->format(data, n, appendTo, &iter, errorCode);
    251     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    252         dataerrln(
    253             "ListFormatter::format(data, %d, &iter, errorCode) "
    254             "failed in %s: %s", n, testName, u_errorName(errorCode));
    255         return;
    256     }
    257     if (appendTo != expectedFormatted) {
    258         errln(UnicodeString("Expected: |") + expectedFormatted +  "|, Actual: |" + appendTo + "|");
    259     }
    260     ExpectPositions(iter, expected, tupleCount);
    261 }
    263 void ListFormatterTest::RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithNItemsPatternShift(
    264         UnicodeString data[], int32_t n, int32_t expected[], int32_t tupleCount,
    265         UnicodeString& appendTo, const char16_t *expectedFormatted,
    266         const char* testName) {
    267     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, testName);
    268     LocalPointer<ListFormatter> formatter(
    269         ListFormatter::createInstance(Locale("ur", "IN"), "unit-narrow", errorCode));
    270     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    271         dataerrln(
    272             "ListFormatter::createInstance(Locale(\"ur\", \"IN\"), \"unit-narrow\", errorCode) failed in "
    273             "%s: %s", testName, u_errorName(errorCode));
    274         return;
    275     }
    276     RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithFormatter(
    277         formatter.getAlias(),
    278         data, n, expected, tupleCount, appendTo, expectedFormatted, testName);
    279 }
    281 void ListFormatterTest::RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithNItems(
    282         UnicodeString data[], int32_t n, int32_t expected[], int32_t tupleCount,
    283         UnicodeString& appendTo, const char16_t *expectedFormatted,
    284         const char* testName) {
    285     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, testName);
    286     LocalPointer<ListFormatter> formatter(
    287         ListFormatter::createInstance(Locale("en"), errorCode));
    288     if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    289         dataerrln(
    290             "ListFormatter::createInstance(Locale(\"en\"), errorCode) failed in "
    291             "%s: %s", testName, u_errorName(errorCode));
    292         return;
    293     }
    294     RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithFormatter(
    295         formatter.getAlias(),
    296         data, n, expected, tupleCount, appendTo, expectedFormatted, testName);
    297 }
    299 void ListFormatterTest::TestFieldPositionIteratorWith3ItemsAndDataBefore() {
    300     //  0         1         2
    301     //  0123456789012345678901234567
    302     // "Hello World: a, bbb, and cc"
    303     UnicodeString data[3] = {"a", "bbb", "cc"};
    304     int32_t expected[] = {
    305         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 13, 14,
    306         ULISTFMT_LITERAL_FIELD, 14, 16,
    307         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 16, 19,
    308         ULISTFMT_LITERAL_FIELD, 19, 25,
    309         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 25, 27
    310     };
    311     int32_t tupleCount = sizeof(expected)/(3 * sizeof(*expected));
    312     UnicodeString appendTo(u"Hello World: ");
    313     RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithNItems(
    314         data, 3, expected, tupleCount, appendTo,
    315         u"Hello World: a, bbb, and cc",
    316         "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith3ItemsAndDataBefore");
    317 }
    319 void ListFormatterTest::TestFieldPositionIteratorWith3Items() {
    320     //  0         1
    321     //  012345678901234
    322     // "a, bbb, and cc"
    323     UnicodeString data[3] = {"a", "bbb", "cc"};
    324     int32_t expected[] = {
    325         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 0, 1,
    326         ULISTFMT_LITERAL_FIELD, 1, 3,
    327         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 3, 6,
    328         ULISTFMT_LITERAL_FIELD, 6, 12,
    329         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 12, 14
    330     };
    331     int32_t tupleCount = sizeof(expected)/(3 * sizeof(*expected));
    332     UnicodeString appendTo;
    333     RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithNItems(
    334         data, 3, expected, tupleCount, appendTo,
    335         u"a, bbb, and cc",
    336         "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith3Items");
    337 }
    339 void ListFormatterTest::TestFieldPositionIteratorWith3ItemsPatternShift() {
    340     //  0         1
    341     //  012345678901234
    342     // "cc bbb a"
    343     UnicodeString data[3] = {"a", "bbb", "cc"};
    344     int32_t expected[] = {
    345         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 7, 8,
    346         ULISTFMT_LITERAL_FIELD, 6, 7,
    347         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 3, 6,
    348         ULISTFMT_LITERAL_FIELD, 2, 3,
    349         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 0, 2
    350     };
    351     int32_t tupleCount = sizeof(expected)/(3 * sizeof(*expected));
    352     UnicodeString appendTo;
    353     RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithNItemsPatternShift(
    354         data, 3, expected, tupleCount, appendTo,
    355         u"cc bbb a",
    356         "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith3ItemsPatternShift");
    357 }
    359 void ListFormatterTest::TestFieldPositionIteratorWith2ItemsAndDataBefore() {
    360     //  0         1
    361     //  0123456789012345
    362     // "Foo: bbb and cc"
    363     UnicodeString data[2] = {"bbb", "cc"};
    364     int32_t expected[] = {
    365         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 5, 8,
    366         ULISTFMT_LITERAL_FIELD, 8, 13,
    367         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 13, 15
    368     };
    369     int32_t tupleCount = sizeof(expected)/(3 * sizeof(*expected));
    370     UnicodeString appendTo("Foo: ");
    371     RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithNItems(
    372         data, 2, expected, tupleCount, appendTo,
    373         u"Foo: bbb and cc",
    374         "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith2ItemsAndDataBefore");
    375 }
    377 void ListFormatterTest::TestFieldPositionIteratorWith2Items() {
    378     //  0         1
    379     //  01234567890
    380     // "bbb and cc"
    381     UnicodeString data[2] = {"bbb", "cc"};
    382     int32_t expected[] = {
    383         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 0, 3,
    384         ULISTFMT_LITERAL_FIELD, 3, 8,
    385         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 8, 10
    386     };
    387     int32_t tupleCount = sizeof(expected)/(3 * sizeof(*expected));
    388     UnicodeString appendTo;
    389     RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithNItems(
    390         data, 2, expected, tupleCount, appendTo,
    391         u"bbb and cc",
    392         "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith2Items");
    393 }
    395 void ListFormatterTest::TestFieldPositionIteratorWith2ItemsPatternShift() {
    396     //  0         1
    397     //  01234567890
    398     // "cc bbb"
    399     UnicodeString data[2] = {"bbb", "cc"};
    400     int32_t expected[] = {
    401         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 3, 6,
    402         ULISTFMT_LITERAL_FIELD, 2, 3,
    403         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 0, 2
    404     };
    405     int32_t tupleCount = sizeof(expected)/(3 * sizeof(*expected));
    406     UnicodeString appendTo;
    407     RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithNItemsPatternShift(
    408         data, 2, expected, tupleCount, appendTo,
    409         u"cc bbb",
    410         "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith2ItemsPatternShift");
    411 }
    413 void ListFormatterTest::TestFieldPositionIteratorWith1ItemAndDataBefore() {
    414     //  012345678
    415     // "Hello cc"
    416     UnicodeString data[1] = {"cc"};
    417     int32_t expected[] = {
    418         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 6, 8
    419     };
    420     int32_t tupleCount = sizeof(expected)/(3 * sizeof(*expected));
    421     UnicodeString appendTo("Hello ");
    422     RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithNItems(
    423         data, 1, expected, tupleCount, appendTo,
    424         u"Hello cc",
    425         "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith1ItemAndDataBefore");
    426 }
    428 void ListFormatterTest::TestFieldPositionIteratorWith1Item() {
    429     //  012
    430     // "cc"
    431     UnicodeString data[1] = {"cc"};
    432     int32_t expected[] = {
    433         ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD, 0, 2
    434     };
    435     int32_t tupleCount = sizeof(expected)/(3 * sizeof(*expected));
    436     UnicodeString appendTo;
    437     RunTestFieldPositionIteratorWithNItems(
    438         data, 1, expected, tupleCount, appendTo,
    439         u"cc",
    440         "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith1Item");
    441 }
    443 // Tests resource loading and inheritance when region sublocale
    444 // has only partial data for the listPattern element (overriding
    445 // some of the parent data). #12994
    446 void ListFormatterTest::TestNynorsk() {
    447     UnicodeString results[4] = {
    448         one,
    449         one + " og " + two,
    450         one + ", " + two + " og " + three,
    451         one + ", " + two + ", " + three + " og " + four
    452     };
    454     CheckFourCases("nn", one, two, three, four, results, "TestNynorsk()");
    455 }
    457 // Tests resource loading and inheritance when region sublocale
    458 // has only partial data for the listPattern element (overriding
    459 // some of the parent data). #12994
    460 void ListFormatterTest::TestChineseTradHK() {
    461     UnicodeString and_string = UnicodeString("\\u53CA", -1, US_INV).unescape();
    462     UnicodeString comma_string = UnicodeString("\\u3001", -1, US_INV).unescape();
    463     UnicodeString results[4] = {
    464         one,
    465         one + and_string + two,
    466         one + comma_string + two + and_string + three,
    467         one + comma_string + two + comma_string + three + and_string + four
    468     };
    470     CheckFourCases("zh_Hant_HK", one, two, three, four, results, "TestChineseTradHK()");
    471 }
    473 // Formatting in Russian.
    474 // "\\u0438" is used before the last element, and all elements up to (but not including) the penultimate are followed by a comma.
    475 void ListFormatterTest::TestRussian() {
    476     UnicodeString and_string = UnicodeString(" \\u0438 ", -1, US_INV).unescape();
    477     UnicodeString results[4] = {
    478         one,
    479         one + and_string + two,
    480         one + ", " + two + and_string + three,
    481         one + ", " + two + ", " + three + and_string + four
    482     };
    484     CheckFourCases("ru", one, two, three, four, results, "TestRussian()");
    485 }
    487 // Formatting in Malayalam.
    488 // For two elements, "\\u0d15\\u0d42\\u0d1f\\u0d3e\\u0d24\\u0d46" is inserted in between.
    489 // For more than two elements, comma is inserted between all elements up to (and including) the penultimate,
    490 // and the word \\u0d0e\\u0d28\\u0d4d\\u0d28\\u0d3f\\u0d35 is inserted in the end.
    491 void ListFormatterTest::TestMalayalam() {
    492     UnicodeString pair_string = UnicodeString(" \\u0d15\\u0d42\\u0d1f\\u0d3e\\u0d24\\u0d46 ", -1, US_INV).unescape();
    493     UnicodeString total_string = UnicodeString(" \\u0d0e\\u0d28\\u0d4d\\u0d28\\u0d3f\\u0d35", -1, US_INV).unescape();
    494     UnicodeString results[4] = {
    495         one,
    496         one + pair_string + two,
    497         one + ", " + two + ", " + three + total_string,
    498         one + ", " + two + ", " + three + ", " + four + total_string
    499     };
    501     CheckFourCases("ml", one, two, three, four, results, "TestMalayalam()");
    502 }
    504 // Formatting in Zulu.
    505 // "and" is used before the last element, and all elements up to (and including) the penultimate are followed by a comma.
    506 void ListFormatterTest::TestZulu() {
    507     UnicodeString results[4] = {
    508         one,
    509         one + " ne-" + two,
    510         one + ", " + two + ", ne-" + three,
    511         one + ", " + two + ", " + three + ", ne-" + four
    512     };
    514     CheckFourCases("zu", one, two, three, four, results, "TestZulu()");
    515 }
    517 void ListFormatterTest::TestOutOfOrderPatterns() {
    518     UnicodeString results[4] = {
    519         one,
    520         two + " after " + one,
    521         three + " in the last after " + two + " after the first " + one,
    522         four + " in the last after " + three + " after " + two + " after the first " + one
    523     };
    525     IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestOutOfOrderPatterns()");
    526     ListFormatData data("{1} after {0}", "{1} after the first {0}",
    527                         "{1} after {0}", "{1} in the last after {0}");
    528     ListFormatter formatter(data, errorCode);
    530     UnicodeString input1[] = {one};
    531     CheckFormatting(&formatter, input1, 1, results[0], "TestOutOfOrderPatterns()");
    533     UnicodeString input2[] = {one, two};
    534     CheckFormatting(&formatter, input2, 2, results[1], "TestOutOfOrderPatterns()");
    536     UnicodeString input3[] = {one, two, three};
    537     CheckFormatting(&formatter, input3, 3, results[2], "TestOutOfOrderPatterns()");
    539     UnicodeString input4[] = {one, two, three, four};
    540     CheckFormatting(&formatter, input4, 4, results[3], "TestOutOfOrderPatterns()");
    541 }
    543 void ListFormatterTest::runIndexedTest(int32_t index, UBool exec,
    544                                        const char* &name, char* /*par */) {
    545     switch(index) {
    546         case 0: name = "TestRoot"; if (exec) TestRoot(); break;
    547         case 1: name = "TestBogus"; if (exec) TestBogus(); break;
    548         case 2: name = "TestEnglish"; if (exec) TestEnglish(); break;
    549         case 3: name = "TestEnglishUS"; if (exec) TestEnglishUS(); break;
    550         case 4: name = "TestRussian"; if (exec) TestRussian(); break;
    551         case 5: name = "TestMalayalam"; if (exec) TestMalayalam(); break;
    552         case 6: name = "TestZulu"; if (exec) TestZulu(); break;
    553         case 7: name = "TestOutOfOrderPatterns"; if (exec) TestOutOfOrderPatterns(); break;
    554         case 8: name = "Test9946"; if (exec) Test9946(); break;
    555         case 9: name = "TestEnglishGB"; if (exec) TestEnglishGB(); break;
    556         case 10: name = "TestNynorsk"; if (exec) TestNynorsk(); break;
    557         case 11: name = "TestChineseTradHK"; if (exec) TestChineseTradHK(); break;
    558         case 12: name = "TestFieldPositionIteratorWontCrash";
    559                  if (exec) TestFieldPositionIteratorWontCrash();
    560                  break;
    561         case 13: name = "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith1Item";
    562                  if (exec) TestFieldPositionIteratorWith1Item();
    563                  break;
    564         case 14: name = "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith1ItemAndDataBefore";
    565                  if (exec) TestFieldPositionIteratorWith1ItemAndDataBefore();
    566                  break;
    567         case 15: name = "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith2Items";
    568                  if (exec) TestFieldPositionIteratorWith2Items();
    569                  break;
    570         case 16: name = "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith2ItemsAndDataBefore";
    571                  if (exec) TestFieldPositionIteratorWith2ItemsAndDataBefore();
    572                  break;
    573         case 17: name = "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith2ItemsPatternShift";
    574                  if (exec) TestFieldPositionIteratorWith2ItemsPatternShift();
    575                  break;
    576         case 18: name = "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith3Items";
    577                  if (exec) TestFieldPositionIteratorWith3Items();
    578                  break;
    579         case 19: name = "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith3ItemsAndDataBefore";
    580                  if (exec) TestFieldPositionIteratorWith3ItemsAndDataBefore();
    581                  break;
    582         case 20: name = "TestFieldPositionIteratorWith3ItemsPatternShift";
    583                  if (exec) TestFieldPositionIteratorWith3ItemsPatternShift();
    584                  break;
    585         default: name = ""; break;
    586     }
    587 }
    589 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */