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      1 /** @file
      2   Member functions of EFI_SHELL_PROTOCOL and functions for creation,
      3   manipulation, and initialization of EFI_SHELL_PROTOCOL.
      5   (C) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
      6   Copyright (c) 2009 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
      7   This program and the accompanying materials
      8   are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
      9   which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
     10   http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
     15 **/
     17 #ifndef _SHELL_PROTOCOL_HEADER_
     18 #define _SHELL_PROTOCOL_HEADER_
     20 #include "Shell.h"
     22 typedef struct {
     23   LIST_ENTRY                Link;
     24   EFI_SHELL_PROTOCOL        *Interface;
     25   EFI_HANDLE                Handle;
     28 // flags values...
     31 /**
     32   Function to create and install on the current handle.
     34   Will overwrite any existing ShellProtocols in the system to be sure that
     35   the current shell is in control.
     37   This must be removed via calling CleanUpShellProtocol().
     39   @param[in, out] NewShell   The pointer to the pointer to the structure
     40   to install.
     42   @retval EFI_SUCCESS     The operation was successful.
     43   @return                 An error from LocateHandle, CreateEvent, or other core function.
     44 **/
     45 EFI_STATUS
     46 CreatePopulateInstallShellProtocol (
     47   IN OUT EFI_SHELL_PROTOCOL  **NewShell
     48   );
     50 /**
     51   Opposite of CreatePopulateInstallShellProtocol.
     53   Free all memory and restore the system to the state it was in before calling
     54   CreatePopulateInstallShellProtocol.
     56   @param[in, out] NewShell   The pointer to the new shell protocol structure.
     58   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The operation was successful.
     59 **/
     60 EFI_STATUS
     61 CleanUpShellProtocol (
     62   IN OUT EFI_SHELL_PROTOCOL  *NewShell
     63   );
     65 /**
     66   Cleanup the shell environment.
     68   @param[in, out] NewShell   The pointer to the new shell protocol structure.
     70   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The operation was successful.
     71 **/
     72 EFI_STATUS
     73 CleanUpShellEnvironment (
     74   IN OUT EFI_SHELL_PROTOCOL  *NewShell
     75   );
     77 /**
     78   This function creates a mapping for a device path.
     80   @param DevicePath             Points to the device path. If this is NULL and Mapping points to a valid mapping,
     81                                 then the mapping will be deleted.
     82   @param Mapping                Points to the NULL-terminated mapping for the device path.  Must end with a ':'
     84   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Mapping created or deleted successfully.
     85   @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING        There is no handle that corresponds exactly to DevicePath. See the
     86                                 boot service function LocateDevicePath().
     87   @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The mapping is a built-in alias.
     88   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Mapping was NULL
     89   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Mapping did not end with a ':'
     90   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER DevicePath was not pointing at a device that had a SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL installed.
     91   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         There was no mapping found to delete
     92   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Memory allocation failed
     93 **/
     94 EFI_STATUS
     95 EFIAPI
     96 EfiShellSetMap(
     98   IN CONST CHAR16 *Mapping
     99   );
    101 /**
    102   Gets the device path from the mapping.
    104   This function gets the device path associated with a mapping.
    106   @param Mapping                A pointer to the mapping
    108   @retval !=NULL                Pointer to the device path that corresponds to the
    109                                 device mapping. The returned pointer does not need
    110                                 to be freed.
    111   @retval NULL                  There is no device path associated with the
    112                                 specified mapping.
    113 **/
    115 EFIAPI
    116 EfiShellGetDevicePathFromMap(
    117   IN CONST CHAR16 *Mapping
    118   );
    120 /**
    121   Gets the mapping that most closely matches the device path.
    123   This function gets the mapping which corresponds to the device path *DevicePath. If
    124   there is no exact match, then the mapping which most closely matches *DevicePath
    125   is returned, and *DevicePath is updated to point to the remaining portion of the
    126   device path. If there is an exact match, the mapping is returned and *DevicePath
    127   points to the end-of-device-path node.
    129   @param DevicePath             On entry, points to a device path pointer. On
    130                                 exit, updates the pointer to point to the
    131                                 portion of the device path after the mapping.
    133   @retval NULL                  No mapping was found.
    134   @return !=NULL                Pointer to NULL-terminated mapping. The buffer
    135                                 is callee allocated and should be freed by the caller.
    136 **/
    137 CONST CHAR16 *
    138 EFIAPI
    139 EfiShellGetMapFromDevicePath(
    141   );
    143 /**
    144   Converts a device path to a file system-style path.
    146   This function converts a device path to a file system path by replacing part, or all, of
    147   the device path with the file-system mapping. If there are more than one application
    148   file system mappings, the one that most closely matches Path will be used.
    150   @param Path                   The pointer to the device path
    152   @retval NULL                  the device path could not be found.
    153   @return all                   The pointer of the NULL-terminated file path. The path
    154                                 is callee-allocated and should be freed by the caller.
    155 **/
    156 CHAR16 *
    157 EFIAPI
    158 EfiShellGetFilePathFromDevicePath(
    160   );
    162 /**
    163   Converts a file system style name to a device path.
    165   This function converts a file system style name to a device path, by replacing any
    166   mapping references to the associated device path.
    168   @param Path                   the pointer to the path
    170   @return all                   The pointer of the file path. The file path is callee
    171                                 allocated and should be freed by the caller.
    172 **/
    174 EFIAPI
    175 EfiShellGetDevicePathFromFilePath(
    176   IN CONST CHAR16 *Path
    177   );
    179 /**
    180   Gets the name of the device specified by the device handle.
    182   This function gets the user-readable name of the device specified by the device
    183   handle. If no user-readable name could be generated, then *BestDeviceName will be
    184   NULL and EFI_NOT_FOUND will be returned.
    186   If EFI_DEVICE_NAME_USE_COMPONENT_NAME is set, then the function will return the
    187   device's name using the EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL, if present on
    188   DeviceHandle.
    190   If EFI_DEVICE_NAME_USE_DEVICE_PATH is set, then the function will return the
    191   device's name using the EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL, if present on DeviceHandle.
    193   EFI_DEVICE_NAME_USE_DEVICE_PATH are set, then
    194   EFI_DEVICE_NAME_USE_COMPONENT_NAME will have higher priority.
    196   @param DeviceHandle           The handle of the device.
    197   @param Flags                  Determines the possible sources of component names.
    198                                 Valid bits are:
    199                                   EFI_DEVICE_NAME_USE_COMPONENT_NAME
    200                                   EFI_DEVICE_NAME_USE_DEVICE_PATH
    201   @param Language               A pointer to the language specified for the device
    202                                 name, in the same format as described in the UEFI
    203                                 specification, Appendix M
    204   @param BestDeviceName         On return, points to the callee-allocated NULL-
    205                                 terminated name of the device. If no device name
    206                                 could be found, points to NULL. The name must be
    207                                 freed by the caller...
    209   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Get the name successfully.
    210   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         Fail to get the device name.
    211   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Flags did not have a valid bit set.
    212   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER BestDeviceName was NULL
    213   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER DeviceHandle was NULL
    214 **/
    215 EFI_STATUS
    216 EFIAPI
    217 EfiShellGetDeviceName(
    218   IN EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle,
    220   IN CHAR8 *Language,
    221   OUT CHAR16 **BestDeviceName
    222   );
    224 /**
    225   Opens the root directory of a device on a handle
    227   This function opens the root directory of a device and returns a file handle to it.
    229   @param DeviceHandle           The handle of the device that contains the volume.
    230   @param FileHandle             On exit, points to the file handle corresponding to the root directory on the
    231                                 device.
    233   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Root opened successfully.
    234   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM could not be found or the root directory
    235                                 could not be opened.
    236   @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  The data structures in the volume were corrupted.
    237   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The device had an error
    238 **/
    239 EFI_STATUS
    240 EFIAPI
    241 EfiShellOpenRootByHandle(
    242   IN EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle,
    243   OUT SHELL_FILE_HANDLE *FileHandle
    244   );
    246 /**
    247   Opens the root directory of a device.
    249   This function opens the root directory of a device and returns a file handle to it.
    251   @param DevicePath             Points to the device path corresponding to the device where the
    252                                 EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL is installed.
    253   @param FileHandle             On exit, points to the file handle corresponding to the root directory on the
    254                                 device.
    256   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Root opened successfully.
    257   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM could not be found or the root directory
    258                                 could not be opened.
    259   @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  The data structures in the volume were corrupted.
    260   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The device had an error
    261 **/
    262 EFI_STATUS
    263 EFIAPI
    264 EfiShellOpenRoot(
    265   IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath,
    266   OUT SHELL_FILE_HANDLE *FileHandle
    267   );
    269 /**
    270   Returns whether any script files are currently being processed.
    272   @retval TRUE                 There is at least one script file active.
    273   @retval FALSE                No script files are active now.
    275 **/
    276 BOOLEAN
    277 EFIAPI
    278 EfiShellBatchIsActive (
    279   VOID
    280   );
    282 /**
    283   Worker function to open a file based on a device path.  this will open the root
    284   of the volume and then traverse down to the file itself.
    286   @param DevicePath2                 Device Path of the file
    287   @param FileHandle               Pointer to the file upon a successful return
    288   @param OpenMode                 mode to open file in.
    289   @param Attributes               the File Attributes to use when creating a new file
    291   @retval EFI_SUCCESS             the file is open and FileHandle is valid
    292   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED         the device path cotained non-path elements
    293   @retval other                   an error ocurred.
    294 **/
    295 EFI_STATUS
    296 InternalOpenFileDevicePath(
    298   OUT SHELL_FILE_HANDLE             *FileHandle,
    299   IN UINT64                       OpenMode,
    300   IN UINT64                       Attributes OPTIONAL
    301   );
    303 /**
    304   Creates a file or directory by name.
    306   This function creates an empty new file or directory with the specified attributes and
    307   returns the new file's handle. If the file already exists and is read-only, then
    308   EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER will be returned.
    310   If the file already existed, it is truncated and its attributes updated. If the file is
    311   created successfully, the FileHandle is the file's handle, else, the FileHandle is NULL.
    313   If the file name begins with >v, then the file handle which is returned refers to the
    314   shell environment variable with the specified name. If the shell environment variable
    315   already exists and is non-volatile then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned.
    317   @param FileName           Pointer to NULL-terminated file path
    318   @param FileAttribs        The new file's attrbiutes.  the different attributes are
    319                             described in EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL.Open().
    320   @param FileHandle         On return, points to the created file handle or directory's handle
    322   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The file was opened.  FileHandle points to the new file's handle.
    323   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters has an invalid value.
    324   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED   could not open the file path
    325   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND     the specified file could not be found on the devide, or could not
    326                             file the file system on the device.
    327   @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA      the device has no medium.
    328   @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED The device has a different medium in it or the medium is no
    329                             longer supported.
    330   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device reported an error or can't get the file path according
    331                             the DirName.
    332   @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The file system structures are corrupted.
    333   @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED An attempt was made to create a file, or open a file for write
    334                             when the media is write-protected.
    335   @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The service denied access to the file.
    336   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough resources were available to open the file.
    337   @retval EFI_VOLUME_FULL   The volume is full.
    338 **/
    339 EFI_STATUS
    340 EFIAPI
    341 EfiShellCreateFile(
    342   IN CONST CHAR16     *FileName,
    343   IN UINT64           FileAttribs,
    344   OUT SHELL_FILE_HANDLE *FileHandle
    345   );
    347 /**
    348   Opens a file or a directory by file name.
    350   This function opens the specified file in the specified OpenMode and returns a file
    351   handle.
    352   If the file name begins with >v, then the file handle which is returned refers to the
    353   shell environment variable with the specified name. If the shell environment variable
    354   exists, is non-volatile and the OpenMode indicates EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE, then
    355   EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned.
    357   If the file name is >i, then the file handle which is returned refers to the standard
    358   input. If the OpenMode indicates EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER
    359   is returned.
    361   If the file name is >o, then the file handle which is returned refers to the standard
    362   output. If the OpenMode indicates EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER
    363   is returned.
    365   If the file name is >e, then the file handle which is returned refers to the standard
    366   error. If the OpenMode indicates EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER
    367   is returned.
    369   If the file name is NUL, then the file handle that is returned refers to the standard NUL
    370   file. If the OpenMode indicates EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is
    371   returned.
    373   If return EFI_SUCCESS, the FileHandle is the opened file's handle, else, the
    374   FileHandle is NULL.
    376   @param FileName               Points to the NULL-terminated UCS-2 encoded file name.
    377   @param FileHandle             On return, points to the file handle.
    378   @param OpenMode               File open mode. Either EFI_FILE_MODE_READ or
    379                                 EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE from section 12.4 of the UEFI
    380                                 Specification.
    381   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The file was opened. FileHandle has the opened file's handle.
    382   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters has an invalid value. FileHandle is NULL.
    383   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       Could not open the file path. FileHandle is NULL.
    384   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The specified file could not be found on the device or the file
    385                                 system could not be found on the device. FileHandle is NULL.
    386   @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA          The device has no medium. FileHandle is NULL.
    387   @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED     The device has a different medium in it or the medium is no
    388                                 longer supported. FileHandle is NULL.
    389   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The device reported an error or can't get the file path according
    390                                 the FileName. FileHandle is NULL.
    391   @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  The file system structures are corrupted. FileHandle is NULL.
    392   @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED   An attempt was made to create a file, or open a file for write
    393                                 when the media is write-protected. FileHandle is NULL.
    394   @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The service denied access to the file. FileHandle is NULL.
    395   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Not enough resources were available to open the file. FileHandle
    396                                 is NULL.
    397   @retval EFI_VOLUME_FULL       The volume is full. FileHandle is NULL.
    398 **/
    399 EFI_STATUS
    400 EFIAPI
    401 EfiShellOpenFileByName(
    402   IN CONST CHAR16 *FileName,
    403   OUT SHELL_FILE_HANDLE *FileHandle,
    404   IN UINT64 OpenMode
    405   );
    407 /**
    408   Deletes the file specified by the file name.
    410   This function deletes a file.
    412   @param FileName                 Points to the NULL-terminated file name.
    414   @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The file was closed and deleted, and the handle was closed.
    415   @retval EFI_WARN_DELETE_FAILURE The handle was closed but the file was not deleted.
    416   @sa EfiShellCreateFile
    417   @sa FileHandleDelete
    418 **/
    419 EFI_STATUS
    420 EFIAPI
    421 EfiShellDeleteFileByName(
    422   IN CONST CHAR16 *FileName
    423   );
    425 /**
    426   Disables the page break output mode.
    427 **/
    428 VOID
    429 EFIAPI
    430 EfiShellDisablePageBreak (
    431   VOID
    432   );
    434 /**
    435   Enables the page break output mode.
    436 **/
    437 VOID
    438 EFIAPI
    439 EfiShellEnablePageBreak (
    440   VOID
    441   );
    443 /**
    444   internal worker function to run a command via Device Path
    446   @param ParentImageHandle      A handle of the image that is executing the specified
    447                                 command line.
    448   @param DevicePath             device path of the file to execute
    449   @param CommandLine            Points to the NULL-terminated UCS-2 encoded string
    450                                 containing the command line. If NULL then the command-
    451                                 line will be empty.
    452   @param Environment            Points to a NULL-terminated array of environment
    453                                 variables with the format 'x=y', where x is the
    454                                 environment variable name and y is the value. If this
    455                                 is NULL, then the current shell environment is used.
    456   @param[out] StartImageStatus  Returned status from gBS->StartImage.
    458   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The command executed successfully. The  status code
    459                             returned by the command is pointed to by StatusCode.
    460   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameters are invalid.
    461   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Out of resources.
    462   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED   Nested shell invocations are not allowed.
    463 **/
    464 EFI_STATUS
    465 InternalShellExecuteDevicePath(
    466   IN CONST EFI_HANDLE               *ParentImageHandle,
    468   IN CONST CHAR16                   *CommandLine OPTIONAL,
    469   IN CONST CHAR16                   **Environment OPTIONAL,
    470   OUT EFI_STATUS                    *StartImageStatus OPTIONAL
    471   );
    473 /**
    474   Execute the command line.
    476   This function creates a nested instance of the shell and executes the specified
    477   command (CommandLine) with the specified environment (Environment). Upon return,
    478   the status code returned by the specified command is placed in StatusCode.
    480   If Environment is NULL, then the current environment is used and all changes made
    481   by the commands executed will be reflected in the current environment. If the
    482   Environment is non-NULL, then the changes made will be discarded.
    484   The CommandLine is executed from the current working directory on the current
    485   device.
    487   @param ParentImageHandle      A handle of the image that is executing the specified
    488                                 command line.
    489   @param CommandLine            Points to the NULL-terminated UCS-2 encoded string
    490                                 containing the command line. If NULL then the command-
    491                                 line will be empty.
    492   @param Environment            Points to a NULL-terminated array of environment
    493                                 variables with the format 'x=y', where x is the
    494                                 environment variable name and y is the value. If this
    495                                 is NULL, then the current shell environment is used.
    496   @param StatusCode             Points to the status code returned by the command.
    498   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The command executed successfully. The  status code
    499                                 returned by the command is pointed to by StatusCode.
    500   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameters are invalid.
    501   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Out of resources.
    502   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       Nested shell invocations are not allowed.
    503 **/
    504 EFI_STATUS
    505 EFIAPI
    506 EfiShellExecute(
    507   IN EFI_HANDLE *ParentImageHandle,
    508   IN CHAR16 *CommandLine OPTIONAL,
    509   IN CHAR16 **Environment OPTIONAL,
    510   OUT EFI_STATUS *StatusCode OPTIONAL
    511   );
    513 /**
    514   Utility cleanup function for EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO objects.
    516   1) frees all pointers (non-NULL)
    517   2) Closes the SHELL_FILE_HANDLE
    519   @param FileListNode     pointer to the list node to free
    520 **/
    521 VOID
    522 FreeShellFileInfoNode(
    523   IN EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO *FileListNode
    524   );
    526 /**
    527   Frees the file list.
    529   This function cleans up the file list and any related data structures. It has no
    530   impact on the files themselves.
    532   @param FileList               The file list to free. Type EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO is
    533                                 defined in OpenFileList()
    535   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Free the file list successfully.
    536   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER FileList was NULL or *FileList was NULL;
    537 **/
    538 EFI_STATUS
    539 EFIAPI
    540 EfiShellFreeFileList(
    541   IN EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO **FileList
    542   );
    544 /**
    545   Deletes the duplicate file names files in the given file list.
    547   This function deletes the reduplicate files in the given file list.
    549   @param FileList               A pointer to the first entry in the file list.
    551   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Always success.
    552   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER FileList was NULL or *FileList was NULL;
    553 **/
    554 EFI_STATUS
    555 EFIAPI
    556 EfiShellRemoveDupInFileList(
    557   IN EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO **FileList
    558   );
    560 /**
    561   Allocates and populates a EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO structure.  if any memory operation
    562   failed it will return NULL.
    564   @param[in] BasePath         the Path to prepend onto filename for FullPath
    565   @param[in] Status           Status member initial value.
    566   @param[in] FileName         FileName member initial value.
    567   @param[in] Handle           Handle member initial value.
    568   @param[in] Info             Info struct to copy.
    570 **/
    572 CreateAndPopulateShellFileInfo(
    573   IN CONST CHAR16 *BasePath,
    574   IN CONST EFI_STATUS Status,
    575   IN CONST CHAR16 *FileName,
    577   IN CONST EFI_FILE_INFO *Info
    578   );
    580 /**
    581   Find all files in a specified directory.
    583   @param FileDirHandle     Handle of the directory to search.
    584   @param FileList          On return, points to the list of files in the directory
    585                            or NULL if there are no files in the directory.
    587   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           File information was returned successfully.
    588   @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  The file system structures have been corrupted.
    589   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The device reported an error.
    590   @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA          The device media is not present.
    591   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The FileDirHandle was not a directory.
    592 **/
    593 EFI_STATUS
    594 EFIAPI
    595 EfiShellFindFilesInDir(
    596   IN SHELL_FILE_HANDLE FileDirHandle,
    597   OUT EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO **FileList
    598   );
    600 /**
    601   Find files that match a specified pattern.
    603   This function searches for all files and directories that match the specified
    604   FilePattern. The FilePattern can contain wild-card characters. The resulting file
    605   information is placed in the file list FileList.
    607   Wildcards are processed
    608   according to the rules specified in UEFI Shell 2.0 spec section 3.7.1.
    610   The files in the file list are not opened. The OpenMode field is set to 0 and the FileInfo
    611   field is set to NULL.
    613   if *FileList is not NULL then it must be a pre-existing and properly initialized list.
    615   @param FilePattern      Points to a NULL-terminated shell file path, including wildcards.
    616   @param FileList         On return, points to the start of a file list containing the names
    617                           of all matching files or else points to NULL if no matching files
    618                           were found.  only on a EFI_SUCCESS return will; this be non-NULL.
    620   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Files found.  FileList is a valid list.
    621   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         No files found.
    622   @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA          The device has no media
    623   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The device reported an error
    624   @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  The file system structures are corrupted
    625 **/
    626 EFI_STATUS
    627 EFIAPI
    628 EfiShellFindFiles(
    629   IN CONST CHAR16 *FilePattern,
    630   OUT EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO **FileList
    631   );
    633 /**
    634   Opens the files that match the path specified.
    636   This function opens all of the files specified by Path. Wildcards are processed
    637   according to the rules specified in UEFI Shell 2.0 spec section 3.7.1. Each
    638   matching file has an EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO structure created in a linked list.
    640   @param Path                   A pointer to the path string.
    641   @param OpenMode               Specifies the mode used to open each file, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ or
    642                                 EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE.
    643   @param FileList               Points to the start of a list of files opened.
    645   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Create the file list successfully.
    646   @return Others                Can't create the file list.
    647 **/
    648 EFI_STATUS
    649 EFIAPI
    650 EfiShellOpenFileList(
    651   IN CHAR16 *Path,
    652   IN UINT64 OpenMode,
    653   IN OUT EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO **FileList
    654   );
    656 /**
    657   Gets the environment variable.
    659   This function returns the current value of the specified environment variable.
    661   @param Name                   A pointer to the environment variable name
    663   @retval !=NULL                The environment variable's value. The returned
    664                                 pointer does not need to be freed by the caller.
    665   @retval NULL                  The environment variable doesn't exist.
    666 **/
    667 CONST CHAR16 *
    668 EFIAPI
    669 EfiShellGetEnv(
    670   IN CONST CHAR16 *Name
    671   );
    673 /**
    674   Sets the environment variable.
    676   This function changes the current value of the specified environment variable. If the
    677   environment variable exists and the Value is an empty string, then the environment
    678   variable is deleted. If the environment variable exists and the Value is not an empty
    679   string, then the value of the environment variable is changed. If the environment
    680   variable does not exist and the Value is an empty string, there is no action. If the
    681   environment variable does not exist and the Value is a non-empty string, then the
    682   environment variable is created and assigned the specified value.
    684   For a description of volatile and non-volatile environment variables, see UEFI Shell
    685   2.0 specification section 3.6.1.
    687   @param Name                   Points to the NULL-terminated environment variable name.
    688   @param Value                  Points to the NULL-terminated environment variable value. If the value is an
    689                                 empty string then the environment variable is deleted.
    690   @param Volatile               Indicates whether the variable is non-volatile (FALSE) or volatile (TRUE).
    692   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The environment variable was successfully updated.
    693 **/
    694 EFI_STATUS
    695 EFIAPI
    696 EfiShellSetEnv(
    697   IN CONST CHAR16 *Name,
    698   IN CONST CHAR16 *Value,
    699   IN BOOLEAN Volatile
    700   );
    702 /**
    703   Returns the current directory on the specified device.
    705   If FileSystemMapping is NULL, it returns the current working directory. If the
    706   FileSystemMapping is not NULL, it returns the current directory associated with the
    707   FileSystemMapping. In both cases, the returned name includes the file system
    708   mapping (i.e. fs0:\current-dir).
    710   @param FileSystemMapping      A pointer to the file system mapping. If NULL,
    711                                 then the current working directory is returned.
    713   @retval !=NULL                The current directory.
    714   @retval NULL                  Current directory does not exist.
    715 **/
    716 CONST CHAR16 *
    717 EFIAPI
    718 EfiShellGetCurDir(
    719   IN CONST CHAR16 *FileSystemMapping OPTIONAL
    720   );
    722 /**
    723   Changes the current directory on the specified device.
    725   If the FileSystem is NULL, and the directory Dir does not contain a file system's
    726   mapped name, this function changes the current working directory. If FileSystem is
    727   NULL and the directory Dir contains a mapped name, then the current file system and
    728   the current directory on that file system are changed.
    730   If FileSystem is not NULL, and Dir is NULL, then this changes the current working file
    731   system.
    733   If FileSystem is not NULL and Dir is not NULL, then this function changes the current
    734   directory on the specified file system.
    736   If the current working directory or the current working file system is changed then the
    737   %cwd% environment variable will be updated
    739   @param FileSystem             A pointer to the file system's mapped name. If NULL, then the current working
    740                                 directory is changed.
    741   @param Dir                    Points to the NULL-terminated directory on the device specified by FileSystem.
    743   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The operation was sucessful
    744 **/
    745 EFI_STATUS
    746 EFIAPI
    747 EfiShellSetCurDir(
    748   IN CONST CHAR16 *FileSystem OPTIONAL,
    749   IN CONST CHAR16 *Dir
    750   );
    752 /**
    753   Return help information about a specific command.
    755   This function returns the help information for the specified command. The help text
    756   can be internal to the shell or can be from a UEFI Shell manual page.
    758   If Sections is specified, then each section name listed will be compared in a casesensitive
    759   manner, to the section names described in Appendix B. If the section exists,
    760   it will be appended to the returned help text. If the section does not exist, no
    761   information will be returned. If Sections is NULL, then all help text information
    762   available will be returned.
    764   @param Command                Points to the NULL-terminated UEFI Shell command name.
    765   @param Sections               Points to the NULL-terminated comma-delimited
    766                                 section names to return. If NULL, then all
    767                                 sections will be returned.
    768   @param HelpText               On return, points to a callee-allocated buffer
    769                                 containing all specified help text.
    771   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The help text was returned.
    772   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  The necessary buffer could not be allocated to hold the
    773                                 returned help text.
    774   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER HelpText is NULL
    775   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         There is no help text available for Command.
    776 **/
    777 EFI_STATUS
    778 EFIAPI
    779 EfiShellGetHelpText(
    780   IN CONST CHAR16 *Command,
    781   IN CONST CHAR16 *Sections OPTIONAL,
    782   OUT CHAR16 **HelpText
    783   );
    785 /**
    786   Gets the enable status of the page break output mode.
    788   User can use this function to determine current page break mode.
    790   @retval TRUE                  The page break output mode is enabled
    791   @retval FALSE                 The page break output mode is disabled
    792 **/
    793 BOOLEAN
    794 EFIAPI
    795 EfiShellGetPageBreak(
    796   VOID
    797   );
    799 /**
    800   Judges whether the active shell is the root shell.
    802   This function makes the user to know that whether the active Shell is the root shell.
    804   @retval TRUE                  The active Shell is the root Shell.
    805   @retval FALSE                 The active Shell is NOT the root Shell.
    806 **/
    807 BOOLEAN
    808 EFIAPI
    809 EfiShellIsRootShell(
    810   VOID
    811   );
    813 /**
    814   This function returns the command associated with a alias or a list of all
    815   alias'.
    817   @param[in] Command            Points to the NULL-terminated shell alias.
    818                                 If this parameter is NULL, then all
    819                                 aliases will be returned in ReturnedData.
    820   @param[out] Volatile          upon return of a single command if TRUE indicates
    821                                 this is stored in a volatile fashion.  FALSE otherwise.
    822   @return                      	If Alias is not NULL, it will return a pointer to
    823                                 the NULL-terminated command for that alias.
    824                                 If Alias is NULL, ReturnedData points to a ';'
    825                                 delimited list of alias (e.g.
    826                                 ReturnedData = "dir;del;copy;mfp") that is NULL-terminated.
    827   @retval NULL                  an error ocurred
    828   @retval NULL                  Alias was not a valid Alias
    829 **/
    830 CONST CHAR16 *
    831 EFIAPI
    832 EfiShellGetAlias(
    833   IN  CONST CHAR16 *Command,
    834   OUT BOOLEAN      *Volatile OPTIONAL
    835   );
    837 /**
    838   Changes a shell command alias.
    840   This function creates an alias for a shell command or if Alias is NULL it will delete an existing alias.
    842   this function does not check for built in alias'.
    844   @param[in] Command            Points to the NULL-terminated shell command or existing alias.
    845   @param[in] Alias              Points to the NULL-terminated alias for the shell command. If this is NULL, and
    846                                 Command refers to an alias, that alias will be deleted.
    847   @param[in] Volatile           if TRUE the Alias being set will be stored in a volatile fashion.  if FALSE the
    848                                 Alias being set will be stored in a non-volatile fashion.
    850   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Alias created or deleted successfully.
    851   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         the Alias intended to be deleted was not found
    852 **/
    853 EFI_STATUS
    854 InternalSetAlias(
    855   IN CONST CHAR16 *Command,
    856   IN CONST CHAR16 *Alias OPTIONAL,
    857   IN BOOLEAN Volatile
    858   );
    860 /**
    861   Changes a shell command alias.
    863   This function creates an alias for a shell command or if Alias is NULL it will delete an existing alias.
    866   @param[in] Command            Points to the NULL-terminated shell command or existing alias.
    867   @param[in] Alias              Points to the NULL-terminated alias for the shell command. If this is NULL, and
    868                                 Command refers to an alias, that alias will be deleted.
    869   @param[in] Replace            If TRUE and the alias already exists, then the existing alias will be replaced. If
    870                                 FALSE and the alias already exists, then the existing alias is unchanged and
    871                                 EFI_ACCESS_DENIED is returned.
    872   @param[in] Volatile           if TRUE the Alias being set will be stored in a volatile fashion.  if FALSE the
    873                                 Alias being set will be stored in a non-volatile fashion.
    875   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Alias created or deleted successfully.
    876   @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         the Alias intended to be deleted was not found
    877   @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The alias is a built-in alias or already existed and Replace was set to
    878                                 FALSE.
    879 **/
    880 EFI_STATUS
    881 EFIAPI
    882 EfiShellSetAlias(
    883   IN CONST CHAR16 *Command,
    884   IN CONST CHAR16 *Alias OPTIONAL,
    885   IN BOOLEAN Replace,
    886   IN BOOLEAN Volatile
    887   );
    889 /**
    890   Utility cleanup function for EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO objects.
    892   1) frees all pointers (non-NULL)
    893   2) Closes the SHELL_FILE_HANDLE
    895   @param FileListNode     pointer to the list node to free
    896 **/
    897 VOID
    898 InternalFreeShellFileInfoNode(
    899   IN EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO *FileListNode
    900   );
    902 /**
    903   Internal variable setting function.  Allows for setting of the read only variables.
    905   @param Name                   Points to the NULL-terminated environment variable name.
    906   @param Value                  Points to the NULL-terminated environment variable value. If the value is an
    907                                 empty string then the environment variable is deleted.
    908   @param Volatile               Indicates whether the variable is non-volatile (FALSE) or volatile (TRUE).
    910   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The environment variable was successfully updated.
    911 **/
    912 EFI_STATUS
    913 InternalEfiShellSetEnv(
    914   IN CONST CHAR16 *Name,
    915   IN CONST CHAR16 *Value,
    916   IN BOOLEAN Volatile
    917   );
    919 /**
    920   Function to start monitoring for CTRL-C using SimpleTextInputEx.  This
    921   feature's enabled state was not known when the shell initially launched.
    923   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The feature is enabled.
    924   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  There is not enough mnemory available.
    925 **/
    926 EFI_STATUS
    927 InernalEfiShellStartMonitor(
    928   VOID
    929   );
    931 /**
    932   Notification function for keystrokes.
    934   @param[in] KeyData    The key that was pressed.
    936   @retval EFI_SUCCESS   The operation was successful.
    937 **/
    938 EFI_STATUS
    939 EFIAPI
    940 NotificationFunction(
    941   IN EFI_KEY_DATA *KeyData
    942   );
    943 #endif //_SHELL_PROTOCOL_HEADER_