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      1 package org.testng.internal;
      4 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
      5 import java.util.List;
      6 import java.util.Set;
      8 import org.testng.ITestMethodFinder;
      9 import org.testng.ITestNGMethod;
     10 import org.testng.annotations.IConfigurationAnnotation;
     11 import org.testng.annotations.ITestAnnotation;
     12 import org.testng.collections.Lists;
     13 import org.testng.internal.annotations.AnnotationHelper;
     14 import org.testng.internal.annotations.IAnnotationFinder;
     15 import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;
     17 /**
     18  * The default strategy for finding test methods:  look up
     19  * annotations @Test in front of methods.
     20  *
     21  * @author Cedric Beust, May 3, 2004
     22  * @author <a href='mailto:the_mindstorm (at) evolva.ro'>Alexandru Popescu</a>
     23  */
     24 public class TestNGMethodFinder implements ITestMethodFinder {
     25   private static final int BEFORE_SUITE = 1;
     26   private static final int AFTER_SUITE = 2;
     27   private static final int BEFORE_TEST = 3;
     28   private static final int AFTER_TEST = 4;
     29   private static final int BEFORE_CLASS = 5;
     30   private static final int AFTER_CLASS = 6;
     31   private static final int BEFORE_TEST_METHOD = 7;
     32   private static final int AFTER_TEST_METHOD = 8;
     33   private static final int BEFORE_GROUPS = 9;
     34   private static final int AFTER_GROUPS = 10;
     36   private RunInfo m_runInfo = null;
     37   private IAnnotationFinder m_annotationFinder = null;
     39   public TestNGMethodFinder(RunInfo runInfo, IAnnotationFinder annotationFinder)
     40   {
     41     m_runInfo = runInfo;
     42     m_annotationFinder = annotationFinder;
     43   }
     45   @Override
     46   public ITestNGMethod[] getTestMethods(Class<?> clazz, XmlTest xmlTest) {
     47     return AnnotationHelper.findMethodsWithAnnotation(
     48         clazz, ITestAnnotation.class, m_annotationFinder, xmlTest);
     49   }
     51   @Override
     52   public ITestNGMethod[] getBeforeClassMethods(Class cls) {
     53     return findConfiguration(cls, BEFORE_CLASS);
     54   }
     56   @Override
     57   public ITestNGMethod[] getAfterClassMethods(Class cls) {
     58     return findConfiguration(cls, AFTER_CLASS);
     59   }
     61   @Override
     62   public ITestNGMethod[] getBeforeTestMethods(Class cls) {
     63     return findConfiguration(cls, BEFORE_TEST_METHOD);
     64   }
     66   @Override
     67   public ITestNGMethod[] getAfterTestMethods(Class cls) {
     68     return findConfiguration(cls, AFTER_TEST_METHOD);
     69   }
     71   @Override
     72   public ITestNGMethod[] getBeforeSuiteMethods(Class cls) {
     73     return findConfiguration(cls, BEFORE_SUITE);
     74   }
     76   @Override
     77   public ITestNGMethod[] getAfterSuiteMethods(Class cls) {
     78     return findConfiguration(cls, AFTER_SUITE);
     79   }
     81   @Override
     82   public ITestNGMethod[] getBeforeTestConfigurationMethods(Class clazz) {
     83     return findConfiguration(clazz, BEFORE_TEST);
     84   }
     86   @Override
     87   public ITestNGMethod[] getAfterTestConfigurationMethods(Class clazz) {
     88     return findConfiguration(clazz, AFTER_TEST);
     89   }
     91   @Override
     92   public ITestNGMethod[] getBeforeGroupsConfigurationMethods(Class clazz) {
     93     return findConfiguration(clazz, BEFORE_GROUPS);
     94   }
     96   @Override
     97   public ITestNGMethod[] getAfterGroupsConfigurationMethods(Class clazz) {
     98     return findConfiguration(clazz, AFTER_GROUPS);
     99   }
    101   private ITestNGMethod[] findConfiguration(final Class clazz, final int configurationType) {
    102     List<ITestNGMethod> vResult = Lists.newArrayList();
    104     Set<Method> methods = ClassHelper.getAvailableMethods(clazz);
    106     for (Method m : methods) {
    107       IConfigurationAnnotation configuration = AnnotationHelper.findConfiguration(m_annotationFinder, m);
    109       if (null == configuration) {
    110         continue;
    111       }
    113       boolean create = false;
    114       boolean isBeforeSuite = false;
    115       boolean isAfterSuite = false;
    116       boolean isBeforeTest = false;
    117       boolean isAfterTest = false;
    118       boolean isBeforeClass = false;
    119       boolean isAfterClass = false;
    120       boolean isBeforeTestMethod = false;
    121       boolean isAfterTestMethod = false;
    122       String[] beforeGroups = null;
    123       String[] afterGroups = null;
    125       switch(configurationType) {
    126         case BEFORE_SUITE:
    127           create = configuration.getBeforeSuite();
    128           isBeforeSuite = true;
    129           break;
    130         case AFTER_SUITE:
    131           create = configuration.getAfterSuite();
    132           isAfterSuite = true;
    133           break;
    134         case BEFORE_TEST:
    135           create = configuration.getBeforeTest();
    136           isBeforeTest = true;
    137           break;
    138         case AFTER_TEST:
    139           create = configuration.getAfterTest();
    140           isAfterTest = true;
    141           break;
    142         case BEFORE_CLASS:
    143           create = configuration.getBeforeTestClass();
    144           isBeforeClass = true;
    145           break;
    146         case AFTER_CLASS:
    147           create = configuration.getAfterTestClass();
    148           isAfterClass = true;
    149           break;
    150         case BEFORE_TEST_METHOD:
    151           create = configuration.getBeforeTestMethod();
    152           isBeforeTestMethod = true;
    153           break;
    154         case AFTER_TEST_METHOD:
    155           create = configuration.getAfterTestMethod();
    156           isAfterTestMethod = true;
    157           break;
    158         case BEFORE_GROUPS:
    159           beforeGroups = configuration.getBeforeGroups();
    160           create = beforeGroups.length > 0;
    161           isBeforeTestMethod = true;
    162           break;
    163         case AFTER_GROUPS:
    164           afterGroups = configuration.getAfterGroups();
    165           create = afterGroups.length > 0;
    166           isBeforeTestMethod = true;
    167           break;
    168       }
    170       if(create) {
    171         addConfigurationMethod(clazz,
    172                                vResult,
    173                                m,
    174                                isBeforeSuite,
    175                                isAfterSuite,
    176                                isBeforeTest,
    177                                isAfterTest,
    178                                isBeforeClass,
    179                                isAfterClass,
    180                                isBeforeTestMethod,
    181                                isAfterTestMethod,
    182                                beforeGroups,
    183                                afterGroups,
    184                                null); /* @@@ */
    185       }
    186     }
    188     List<ITestNGMethod> excludedMethods = Lists.newArrayList();
    189     boolean unique = configurationType == BEFORE_SUITE || configurationType == AFTER_SUITE;
    190     ITestNGMethod[] tmResult = MethodHelper.collectAndOrderMethods(Lists.newArrayList(vResult),
    191                                               false /* forTests */,
    192                                               m_runInfo,
    193                                               m_annotationFinder,
    194                                               unique,
    195                                               excludedMethods);
    197     return tmResult;
    198   }
    200   private void addConfigurationMethod(Class<?> clazz,
    201                                       List<ITestNGMethod> results,
    202                                       Method method,
    203                                       boolean isBeforeSuite,
    204                                       boolean isAfterSuite,
    205                                       boolean isBeforeTest,
    206                                       boolean isAfterTest,
    207                                       boolean isBeforeClass,
    208                                       boolean isAfterClass,
    209                                       boolean isBeforeTestMethod,
    210                                       boolean isAfterTestMethod,
    211                                       String[] beforeGroups,
    212                                       String[] afterGroups,
    213                                       Object instance)
    214   {
    215     if(method.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
    216       ITestNGMethod confMethod = new ConfigurationMethod(new ConstructorOrMethod(method),
    217                                                          m_annotationFinder,
    218                                                          isBeforeSuite,
    219                                                          isAfterSuite,
    220                                                          isBeforeTest,
    221                                                          isAfterTest,
    222                                                          isBeforeClass,
    223                                                          isAfterClass,
    224                                                          isBeforeTestMethod,
    225                                                          isAfterTestMethod,
    226                                                          beforeGroups,
    227                                                          afterGroups,
    228                                                          instance);
    229       results.add(confMethod);
    230     }
    231   }
    233 }