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      1 /*
      2  *
      3  * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
      4  *
      5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8  *
      9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  * limitations under the License.
     16  *
     17  */
     22 #include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
     24 #include <assert.h>
     25 #include <grpc/support/alloc.h>
     26 #include <grpc/support/log.h>
     27 #include <stdbool.h>
     28 #include "src/core/lib/gpr/mpscq.h"
     29 #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/error.h"
     30 #include "src/core/lib/profiling/timers.h"
     32 struct grpc_closure;
     33 typedef struct grpc_closure grpc_closure;
     35 extern grpc_core::DebugOnlyTraceFlag grpc_trace_closure;
     37 typedef struct grpc_closure_list {
     38   grpc_closure* head;
     39   grpc_closure* tail;
     40 } grpc_closure_list;
     42 /** gRPC Callback definition.
     43  *
     44  * \param arg Arbitrary input.
     45  * \param error GRPC_ERROR_NONE if no error occurred, otherwise some grpc_error
     46  *              describing what went wrong.
     47  *              Error contract: it is not the cb's job to unref this error;
     48  *              the closure scheduler will do that after the cb returns */
     49 typedef void (*grpc_iomgr_cb_func)(void* arg, grpc_error* error);
     51 typedef struct grpc_closure_scheduler grpc_closure_scheduler;
     53 typedef struct grpc_closure_scheduler_vtable {
     54   /* NOTE: for all these functions, closure->scheduler == the scheduler that was
     55            used to find this vtable */
     56   void (*run)(grpc_closure* closure, grpc_error* error);
     57   void (*sched)(grpc_closure* closure, grpc_error* error);
     58   const char* name;
     59 } grpc_closure_scheduler_vtable;
     61 /** Abstract type that can schedule closures for execution */
     62 struct grpc_closure_scheduler {
     63   const grpc_closure_scheduler_vtable* vtable;
     64 };
     66 /** A closure over a grpc_iomgr_cb_func. */
     67 struct grpc_closure {
     68   /** Once queued, next indicates the next queued closure; before then, scratch
     69    *  space */
     70   union {
     71     grpc_closure* next;
     72     gpr_mpscq_node atm_next;
     73     uintptr_t scratch;
     74   } next_data;
     76   /** Bound callback. */
     77   grpc_iomgr_cb_func cb;
     79   /** Arguments to be passed to "cb". */
     80   void* cb_arg;
     82   /** Scheduler to schedule against: nullptr to schedule against current
     83      execution context */
     84   grpc_closure_scheduler* scheduler;
     86   /** Once queued, the result of the closure. Before then: scratch space */
     87   union {
     88     grpc_error* error;
     89     uintptr_t scratch;
     90   } error_data;
     92 // extra tracing and debugging for grpc_closure. This incurs a decent amount of
     93 // overhead per closure, so it must be enabled at compile time.
     94 #ifndef NDEBUG
     95   bool scheduled;
     96   bool run;  // true = run, false = scheduled
     97   const char* file_created;
     98   int line_created;
     99   const char* file_initiated;
    100   int line_initiated;
    101 #endif
    102 };
    104 #ifndef NDEBUG
    105 inline grpc_closure* grpc_closure_init(const char* file, int line,
    106                                        grpc_closure* closure,
    107                                        grpc_iomgr_cb_func cb, void* cb_arg,
    108                                        grpc_closure_scheduler* scheduler) {
    109 #else
    110 inline grpc_closure* grpc_closure_init(grpc_closure* closure,
    111                                        grpc_iomgr_cb_func cb, void* cb_arg,
    112                                        grpc_closure_scheduler* scheduler) {
    113 #endif
    114   closure->cb = cb;
    115   closure->cb_arg = cb_arg;
    116   closure->scheduler = scheduler;
    117 #ifndef NDEBUG
    118   closure->scheduled = false;
    119   closure->file_initiated = nullptr;
    120   closure->line_initiated = 0;
    121   closure->run = false;
    122   closure->file_created = file;
    123   closure->line_created = line;
    124 #endif
    125   return closure;
    126 }
    128 /** Initializes \a closure with \a cb and \a cb_arg. Returns \a closure. */
    129 #ifndef NDEBUG
    130 #define GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(closure, cb, cb_arg, scheduler) \
    131   grpc_closure_init(__FILE__, __LINE__, closure, cb, cb_arg, scheduler)
    132 #else
    133 #define GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(closure, cb, cb_arg, scheduler) \
    134   grpc_closure_init(closure, cb, cb_arg, scheduler)
    135 #endif
    137 namespace closure_impl {
    139 typedef struct {
    140   grpc_iomgr_cb_func cb;
    141   void* cb_arg;
    142   grpc_closure wrapper;
    143 } wrapped_closure;
    145 inline void closure_wrapper(void* arg, grpc_error* error) {
    146   wrapped_closure* wc = static_cast<wrapped_closure*>(arg);
    147   grpc_iomgr_cb_func cb = wc->cb;
    148   void* cb_arg = wc->cb_arg;
    149   gpr_free(wc);
    150   cb(cb_arg, error);
    151 }
    153 }  // namespace closure_impl
    155 #ifndef NDEBUG
    156 inline grpc_closure* grpc_closure_create(const char* file, int line,
    157                                          grpc_iomgr_cb_func cb, void* cb_arg,
    158                                          grpc_closure_scheduler* scheduler) {
    159 #else
    160 inline grpc_closure* grpc_closure_create(grpc_iomgr_cb_func cb, void* cb_arg,
    161                                          grpc_closure_scheduler* scheduler) {
    162 #endif
    163   closure_impl::wrapped_closure* wc =
    164       static_cast<closure_impl::wrapped_closure*>(gpr_malloc(sizeof(*wc)));
    165   wc->cb = cb;
    166   wc->cb_arg = cb_arg;
    167 #ifndef NDEBUG
    168   grpc_closure_init(file, line, &wc->wrapper, closure_impl::closure_wrapper, wc,
    169                     scheduler);
    170 #else
    171   grpc_closure_init(&wc->wrapper, closure_impl::closure_wrapper, wc, scheduler);
    172 #endif
    173   return &wc->wrapper;
    174 }
    176 /* Create a heap allocated closure: try to avoid except for very rare events */
    177 #ifndef NDEBUG
    178 #define GRPC_CLOSURE_CREATE(cb, cb_arg, scheduler) \
    179   grpc_closure_create(__FILE__, __LINE__, cb, cb_arg, scheduler)
    180 #else
    181 #define GRPC_CLOSURE_CREATE(cb, cb_arg, scheduler) \
    182   grpc_closure_create(cb, cb_arg, scheduler)
    183 #endif
    185 #define GRPC_CLOSURE_LIST_INIT \
    186   { nullptr, nullptr }
    188 inline void grpc_closure_list_init(grpc_closure_list* closure_list) {
    189   closure_list->head = closure_list->tail = nullptr;
    190 }
    192 /** add \a closure to the end of \a list
    193     and set \a closure's result to \a error
    194     Returns true if \a list becomes non-empty */
    195 inline bool grpc_closure_list_append(grpc_closure_list* closure_list,
    196                                      grpc_closure* closure, grpc_error* error) {
    197   if (closure == nullptr) {
    198     GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(error);
    199     return false;
    200   }
    201   closure->error_data.error = error;
    202   closure->next_data.next = nullptr;
    203   bool was_empty = (closure_list->head == nullptr);
    204   if (was_empty) {
    205     closure_list->head = closure;
    206   } else {
    207     closure_list->tail->next_data.next = closure;
    208   }
    209   closure_list->tail = closure;
    210   return was_empty;
    211 }
    213 /** force all success bits in \a list to false */
    214 inline void grpc_closure_list_fail_all(grpc_closure_list* list,
    215                                        grpc_error* forced_failure) {
    216   for (grpc_closure* c = list->head; c != nullptr; c = c->next_data.next) {
    217     if (c->error_data.error == GRPC_ERROR_NONE) {
    218       c->error_data.error = GRPC_ERROR_REF(forced_failure);
    219     }
    220   }
    221   GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(forced_failure);
    222 }
    224 /** append all closures from \a src to \a dst and empty \a src. */
    225 inline void grpc_closure_list_move(grpc_closure_list* src,
    226                                    grpc_closure_list* dst) {
    227   if (src->head == nullptr) {
    228     return;
    229   }
    230   if (dst->head == nullptr) {
    231     *dst = *src;
    232   } else {
    233     dst->tail->next_data.next = src->head;
    234     dst->tail = src->tail;
    235   }
    236   src->head = src->tail = nullptr;
    237 }
    239 /** return whether \a list is empty. */
    240 inline bool grpc_closure_list_empty(grpc_closure_list closure_list) {
    241   return closure_list.head == nullptr;
    242 }
    244 #ifndef NDEBUG
    245 inline void grpc_closure_run(const char* file, int line, grpc_closure* c,
    246                              grpc_error* error) {
    247 #else
    248 inline void grpc_closure_run(grpc_closure* c, grpc_error* error) {
    249 #endif
    250   GPR_TIMER_SCOPE("grpc_closure_run", 0);
    251   if (c != nullptr) {
    252 #ifndef NDEBUG
    253     c->file_initiated = file;
    254     c->line_initiated = line;
    255     c->run = true;
    256     GPR_ASSERT(c->cb != nullptr);
    257 #endif
    258     c->scheduler->vtable->run(c, error);
    259   } else {
    260     GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(error);
    261   }
    262 }
    264 /** Run a closure directly. Caller ensures that no locks are being held above.
    265  *  Note that calling this at the end of a closure callback function itself is
    266  *  by definition safe. */
    267 #ifndef NDEBUG
    268 #define GRPC_CLOSURE_RUN(closure, error) \
    269   grpc_closure_run(__FILE__, __LINE__, closure, error)
    270 #else
    271 #define GRPC_CLOSURE_RUN(closure, error) grpc_closure_run(closure, error)
    272 #endif
    274 #ifndef NDEBUG
    275 inline void grpc_closure_sched(const char* file, int line, grpc_closure* c,
    276                                grpc_error* error) {
    277 #else
    278 inline void grpc_closure_sched(grpc_closure* c, grpc_error* error) {
    279 #endif
    280   GPR_TIMER_SCOPE("grpc_closure_sched", 0);
    281   if (c != nullptr) {
    282 #ifndef NDEBUG
    283     if (c->scheduled) {
    284       gpr_log(GPR_ERROR,
    285               "Closure already scheduled. (closure: %p, created: [%s:%d], "
    286               "previously scheduled at: [%s: %d], newly scheduled at [%s: %d], "
    287               "run?: %s",
    288               c, c->file_created, c->line_created, c->file_initiated,
    289               c->line_initiated, file, line, c->run ? "true" : "false");
    290       abort();
    291     }
    292     c->scheduled = true;
    293     c->file_initiated = file;
    294     c->line_initiated = line;
    295     c->run = false;
    296     GPR_ASSERT(c->cb != nullptr);
    297 #endif
    298     c->scheduler->vtable->sched(c, error);
    299   } else {
    300     GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(error);
    301   }
    302 }
    304 /** Schedule a closure to be run. Does not need to be run from a safe point. */
    305 #ifndef NDEBUG
    306 #define GRPC_CLOSURE_SCHED(closure, error) \
    307   grpc_closure_sched(__FILE__, __LINE__, closure, error)
    308 #else
    309 #define GRPC_CLOSURE_SCHED(closure, error) grpc_closure_sched(closure, error)
    310 #endif
    312 #ifndef NDEBUG
    313 inline void grpc_closure_list_sched(const char* file, int line,
    314                                     grpc_closure_list* list) {
    315 #else
    316 inline void grpc_closure_list_sched(grpc_closure_list* list) {
    317 #endif
    318   grpc_closure* c = list->head;
    319   while (c != nullptr) {
    320     grpc_closure* next = c->next_data.next;
    321 #ifndef NDEBUG
    322     if (c->scheduled) {
    323       gpr_log(GPR_ERROR,
    324               "Closure already scheduled. (closure: %p, created: [%s:%d], "
    325               "previously scheduled at: [%s: %d] run?: %s",
    326               c, c->file_created, c->line_created, c->file_initiated,
    327               c->line_initiated, c->run ? "true" : "false");
    328       abort();
    329     }
    330     c->scheduled = true;
    331     c->file_initiated = file;
    332     c->line_initiated = line;
    333     c->run = false;
    334     GPR_ASSERT(c->cb != nullptr);
    335 #endif
    336     c->scheduler->vtable->sched(c, c->error_data.error);
    337     c = next;
    338   }
    339   list->head = list->tail = nullptr;
    340 }
    342 /** Schedule all closures in a list to be run. Does not need to be run from a
    343  * safe point. */
    344 #ifndef NDEBUG
    345 #define GRPC_CLOSURE_LIST_SCHED(closure_list) \
    346   grpc_closure_list_sched(__FILE__, __LINE__, closure_list)
    347 #else
    348 #define GRPC_CLOSURE_LIST_SCHED(closure_list) \
    349   grpc_closure_list_sched(closure_list)
    350 #endif
    352 #endif /* GRPC_CORE_LIB_IOMGR_CLOSURE_H */