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     41 /*
     42 //  Purpose:
     43 //     Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Cryptography Primitives.
     44 //     Internal Miscellaneous BNU Definitions & Function Prototypes
     45 //
     46 //
     47 */
     49 #if !defined(_PCP_BNUMISC_H)
     50 #define _PCP_BNUMISC_H
     52 #include "pcpbnuimpl.h"
     55 /* bit operations */
     56 #define BITSIZE_BNU(p,ns)  ((ns)*BNU_CHUNK_BITS-cpNLZ_BNU((p)[(ns)-1]))
     57 #define BIT_BNU(bnu, ns,nbit) ((((nbit)>>BNU_CHUNK_LOG2) < (ns))? ((((bnu))[(nbit)>>BNU_CHUNK_LOG2] >>((nbit)&(BNU_CHUNK_BITS))) &1) : 0)
     59 #define TST_BIT(bnu, nbit)    (((Ipp8u*)(bnu))[(nbit)/8] &  ((1<<((nbit)%8)) &0xFF))
     60 #define SET_BIT(bnu, nbit)    (((Ipp8u*)(bnu))[(nbit)/8] |= ((1<<((nbit)%8)) &0xFF))
     61 #define CLR_BIT(bnu, nbit)    (((Ipp8u*)(bnu))[(nbit)/8] &=~((1<<((nbit)%8)) &0xFF))
     63 /* convert bitsize nbits into  the number of BNU_CHUNK_T */
     64 #define BITS_BNU_CHUNK(nbits) (((nbits)+BNU_CHUNK_BITS-1)/BNU_CHUNK_BITS)
     66 /* mask for top BNU_CHUNK_T */
     67 #define MASK_BNU_CHUNK(nbits) ((BNU_CHUNK_T)(-1) >>((BNU_CHUNK_BITS- ((nbits)&(BNU_CHUNK_BITS-1))) &(BNU_CHUNK_BITS-1)))
     69 /* copy BNU content */
     70 #define COPY_BNU(dst, src, len) \
     71 { \
     72    cpSize __idx; \
     73    for(__idx=0; __idx<(len); __idx++) (dst)[__idx] = (src)[__idx]; \
     74 }
     76 /* expand by zeros */
     77 #define ZEXPAND_BNU(srcdst,srcLen, dstLen) \
     78 { \
     79    cpSize __idx; \
     80    for(__idx=(srcLen); __idx<(dstLen); __idx++) (srcdst)[__idx] = 0; \
     81 }
     83 /* copy and expand by zeros */
     84 #define ZEXPAND_COPY_BNU(dst,dstLen, src,srcLen) \
     85 { \
     86    cpSize __idx; \
     87    for(__idx=0; __idx<(srcLen); __idx++) (dst)[__idx] = (src)[__idx]; \
     88    for(; __idx<(dstLen); __idx++)    (dst)[__idx] = 0; \
     89 }
     91 /* fix actual length */
     92 #define FIX_BNU(src,srcLen) \
     93    for(; ((srcLen)>1) && (0==(src)[(srcLen)-1]); (srcLen)--) {}
     96 /* copy and set */
     97 __INLINE void cpCpy_BNU(BNU_CHUNK_T* pDst, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pSrc, cpSize ns)
     98 {  COPY_BNU(pDst, pSrc, ns); }
    100 __INLINE void cpSet_BNU(BNU_CHUNK_T* pDst, cpSize ns, BNU_CHUNK_T val)
    101 {
    102    ZEXPAND_BNU(pDst, 0, ns);
    103    pDst[0] = val;
    104 }
    106 /* fix up */
    108 /*   Name: cpFix_BNU
    109 //
    110 // Purpose: fix up BigNums.
    111 //
    112 // Returns:
    113 //    fixed nsA
    114 //
    115 // Parameters:
    116 //    pA       BigNum ctx
    117 //    nsA      Size of pA
    118 //
    119 */
    121 __INLINE int cpFix_BNU(const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, int nsA)
    122 {
    123    FIX_BNU(pA, nsA);
    124    return nsA;
    125 }
    127 /*   Name: cpCmp_BNU
    128 //
    129 // Purpose: Compare two BigNums.
    130 //
    131 // Returns:
    132 //    negative, if A < B
    133 //           0, if A = B
    134 //    positive, if A > B
    135 //
    136 // Parameters:
    137 //    pA       BigNum ctx
    138 //    nsA      Size of pA
    139 //    pB       BigNum ctx
    140 //    nsB      Size of pB
    141 //
    142 */
    143 __INLINE int cpCmp_BNU(const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, cpSize nsA, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB, cpSize nsB)
    144 {
    145    if(nsA!=nsB)
    146       return nsA>nsB? 1 : -1;
    147    else {
    148       for(; nsA>0; nsA--) {
    149          if(pA[nsA-1] > pB[nsA-1])
    150             return 1;
    151          else if(pA[nsA-1] < pB[nsA-1])
    152             return -1;
    153       }
    154       return 0;
    155    }
    156 }
    158 /*   Name: cpEqu_BNU_CHUNK
    159 //
    160 // Purpose: Compare two BNU_CHUNKs.
    161 //
    162 // Returns:
    163 //    positive, if A  = b
    164 //    0       , if A != b
    165 //
    166 // Parameters:
    167 //    pA       BigNum ctx
    168 //    nsA      Size of pA
    169 //    b        BNU_CHUNK_T to compare
    170 //
    171 */
    173 __INLINE int cpEqu_BNU_CHUNK(const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, cpSize nsA, BNU_CHUNK_T b)
    174 {
    175    return (pA[0]==b && 1==cpFix_BNU(pA, nsA));
    176 }
    178 /*
    179 // test
    180 //
    181 // returns
    182 //     0, if A = 0
    183 //    >0, if A > 0
    184 //    <0, looks like impossible (or error) case
    185 */
    186 __INLINE int cpTst_BNU(const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, int nsA)
    187 {
    188    for(; (nsA>0) && (0==pA[nsA-1]); nsA--) ;
    189    return nsA;
    190 }
    192 /* number of leading/trailing zeros */
    193 #define cpNLZ_BNU OWNAPI(cpNLZ_BNU)
    194  cpSize cpNLZ_BNU(BNU_CHUNK_T x);
    196 #define cpNTZ_BNU OWNAPI(cpNTZ_BNU)
    197  cpSize cpNTZ_BNU(BNU_CHUNK_T x);
    199 /* logical shift left/right */
    200 #define cpLSR_BNU OWNAPI(cpLSR_BNU)
    201     int cpLSR_BNU(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, cpSize nsA, cpSize nBits);
    203 /* most significant BNU bit */
    204 #define cpMSBit_BNU OWNAPI(cpMSBit_BNU)
    205     int cpMSBit_BNU(const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, cpSize nsA);
    207 /* BNU <-> hex-string conversion */
    208 #define cpToOctStr_BNU OWNAPI(cpToOctStr_BNU)
    209     int cpToOctStr_BNU(Ipp8u* pStr, cpSize strLen, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, cpSize nsA);
    210 #define cpFromOctStr_BNU OWNAPI(cpFromOctStr_BNU)
    211     int cpFromOctStr_BNU(BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, const Ipp8u* pStr, cpSize strLen);
    213 #endif /* _PCP_BNUMISC_H */