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      1 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef V8_PARSING_PARSER_H_
      6 #define V8_PARSING_PARSER_H_
      8 #include <cstddef>
     10 #include "src/ast/ast-source-ranges.h"
     11 #include "src/ast/ast.h"
     12 #include "src/ast/scopes.h"
     13 #include "src/base/compiler-specific.h"
     14 #include "src/globals.h"
     15 #include "src/parsing/parser-base.h"
     16 #include "src/parsing/parsing.h"
     17 #include "src/parsing/preparser.h"
     18 #include "src/utils.h"
     19 #include "src/zone/zone-chunk-list.h"
     21 namespace v8 {
     23 class ScriptCompiler;
     25 namespace internal {
     27 class ConsumedPreParsedScopeData;
     28 class ParseInfo;
     29 class ParserTarget;
     30 class ParserTargetScope;
     31 class PendingCompilationErrorHandler;
     32 class PreParsedScopeData;
     34 class FunctionEntry BASE_EMBEDDED {
     35  public:
     36   enum {
     37     kStartPositionIndex,
     38     kEndPositionIndex,
     39     kNumParametersIndex,
     40     kFlagsIndex,
     41     kNumInnerFunctionsIndex,
     42     kSize
     43   };
     45   explicit FunctionEntry(Vector<unsigned> backing)
     46     : backing_(backing) { }
     48   FunctionEntry() : backing_() { }
     50   class LanguageModeField : public BitField<LanguageMode, 0, 1> {};
     51   class UsesSuperPropertyField
     52       : public BitField<bool, LanguageModeField::kNext, 1> {};
     54   static uint32_t EncodeFlags(LanguageMode language_mode,
     55                               bool uses_super_property) {
     56     return LanguageModeField::encode(language_mode) |
     57            UsesSuperPropertyField::encode(uses_super_property);
     58   }
     60   int start_pos() const { return backing_[kStartPositionIndex]; }
     61   int end_pos() const { return backing_[kEndPositionIndex]; }
     62   int num_parameters() const { return backing_[kNumParametersIndex]; }
     63   LanguageMode language_mode() const {
     64     return LanguageModeField::decode(backing_[kFlagsIndex]);
     65   }
     66   bool uses_super_property() const {
     67     return UsesSuperPropertyField::decode(backing_[kFlagsIndex]);
     68   }
     69   int num_inner_functions() const { return backing_[kNumInnerFunctionsIndex]; }
     71   bool is_valid() const { return !backing_.is_empty(); }
     73  private:
     74   Vector<unsigned> backing_;
     75 };
     78 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     81 class Parser;
     84 struct ParserFormalParameters : FormalParametersBase {
     85   struct Parameter : public ZoneObject {
     86     Parameter(const AstRawString* name, Expression* pattern,
     87               Expression* initializer, int position,
     88               int initializer_end_position, bool is_rest)
     89         : name(name),
     90           pattern(pattern),
     91           initializer(initializer),
     92           position(position),
     93           initializer_end_position(initializer_end_position),
     94           is_rest(is_rest) {}
     95     const AstRawString* name;
     96     Expression* pattern;
     97     Expression* initializer;
     98     int position;
     99     int initializer_end_position;
    100     bool is_rest;
    101     Parameter* next_parameter = nullptr;
    102     bool is_simple() const {
    103       return pattern->IsVariableProxy() && initializer == nullptr && !is_rest;
    104     }
    106     Parameter** next() { return &next_parameter; }
    107     Parameter* const* next() const { return &next_parameter; }
    108   };
    110   explicit ParserFormalParameters(DeclarationScope* scope)
    111       : FormalParametersBase(scope) {}
    112   ThreadedList<Parameter> params;
    113 };
    115 template <>
    116 struct ParserTypes<Parser> {
    117   typedef ParserBase<Parser> Base;
    118   typedef Parser Impl;
    120   // Return types for traversing functions.
    121   typedef const AstRawString* Identifier;
    122   typedef v8::internal::Expression* Expression;
    123   typedef v8::internal::FunctionLiteral* FunctionLiteral;
    124   typedef ObjectLiteral::Property* ObjectLiteralProperty;
    125   typedef ClassLiteral::Property* ClassLiteralProperty;
    126   typedef v8::internal::Suspend* Suspend;
    127   typedef v8::internal::RewritableExpression* RewritableExpression;
    128   typedef ZonePtrList<v8::internal::Expression>* ExpressionList;
    129   typedef ZonePtrList<ObjectLiteral::Property>* ObjectPropertyList;
    130   typedef ZonePtrList<ClassLiteral::Property>* ClassPropertyList;
    131   typedef ParserFormalParameters FormalParameters;
    132   typedef v8::internal::Statement* Statement;
    133   typedef ZonePtrList<v8::internal::Statement>* StatementList;
    134   typedef v8::internal::Block* Block;
    135   typedef v8::internal::BreakableStatement* BreakableStatement;
    136   typedef v8::internal::ForStatement* ForStatement;
    137   typedef v8::internal::IterationStatement* IterationStatement;
    139   // For constructing objects returned by the traversing functions.
    140   typedef AstNodeFactory Factory;
    142   typedef ParserTarget Target;
    143   typedef ParserTargetScope TargetScope;
    144 };
    146 class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Parser : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(ParserBase<Parser>) {
    147  public:
    148   explicit Parser(ParseInfo* info);
    149   ~Parser() {
    150     delete reusable_preparser_;
    151     reusable_preparser_ = nullptr;
    152   }
    154   static bool IsPreParser() { return false; }
    156   void ParseOnBackground(ParseInfo* info);
    158   // Deserialize the scope chain prior to parsing in which the script is going
    159   // to be executed. If the script is a top-level script, or the scope chain
    160   // consists of only a native context, maybe_outer_scope_info should be an
    161   // empty handle.
    162   //
    163   // This only deserializes the scope chain, but doesn't connect the scopes to
    164   // their corresponding scope infos. Therefore, looking up variables in the
    165   // deserialized scopes is not possible.
    166   void DeserializeScopeChain(Isolate* isolate, ParseInfo* info,
    167                              MaybeHandle<ScopeInfo> maybe_outer_scope_info);
    169   // Move statistics to Isolate
    170   void UpdateStatistics(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Script> script);
    171   void HandleSourceURLComments(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Script> script);
    173  private:
    174   friend class ParserBase<Parser>;
    175   friend class v8::internal::ExpressionClassifier<ParserTypes<Parser>>;
    176   friend bool v8::internal::parsing::ParseProgram(ParseInfo*, Isolate*);
    177   friend bool v8::internal::parsing::ParseFunction(
    178       ParseInfo*, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info, Isolate*);
    180   bool AllowsLazyParsingWithoutUnresolvedVariables() const {
    181     return scope()->AllowsLazyParsingWithoutUnresolvedVariables(
    182         original_scope_);
    183   }
    185   bool parse_lazily() const { return mode_ == PARSE_LAZILY; }
    186   enum Mode { PARSE_LAZILY, PARSE_EAGERLY };
    188   class ParsingModeScope BASE_EMBEDDED {
    189    public:
    190     ParsingModeScope(Parser* parser, Mode mode)
    191         : parser_(parser), old_mode_(parser->mode_) {
    192       parser_->mode_ = mode;
    193     }
    194     ~ParsingModeScope() { parser_->mode_ = old_mode_; }
    196    private:
    197     Parser* parser_;
    198     Mode old_mode_;
    199   };
    201   // Runtime encoding of different completion modes.
    202   enum CompletionKind {
    203     kNormalCompletion,
    204     kThrowCompletion,
    205     kAbruptCompletion
    206   };
    208   Variable* NewTemporary(const AstRawString* name) {
    209     return scope()->NewTemporary(name);
    210   }
    212   void PrepareGeneratorVariables();
    214   // Returns nullptr if parsing failed.
    215   FunctionLiteral* ParseProgram(Isolate* isolate, ParseInfo* info);
    217   FunctionLiteral* ParseFunction(Isolate* isolate, ParseInfo* info,
    218                                  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info);
    219   FunctionLiteral* DoParseFunction(Isolate* isolate, ParseInfo* info,
    220                                    const AstRawString* raw_name);
    222   // Called by ParseProgram after setting up the scanner.
    223   FunctionLiteral* DoParseProgram(Isolate* isolate, ParseInfo* info);
    225   // Parse with the script as if the source is implicitly wrapped in a function.
    226   // We manually construct the AST and scopes for a top-level function and the
    227   // function wrapper.
    228   void ParseWrapped(Isolate* isolate, ParseInfo* info,
    229                     ZonePtrList<Statement>* body, DeclarationScope* scope,
    230                     Zone* zone, bool* ok);
    232   ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* PrepareWrappedArguments(Isolate* isolate,
    233                                                            ParseInfo* info,
    234                                                            Zone* zone);
    236   void StitchAst(ParseInfo* top_level_parse_info, Isolate* isolate);
    238   PreParser* reusable_preparser() {
    239     if (reusable_preparser_ == nullptr) {
    240       reusable_preparser_ =
    241           new PreParser(zone(), &scanner_, stack_limit_, ast_value_factory(),
    242                         pending_error_handler(), runtime_call_stats_, logger_,
    243                         -1, parsing_module_, parsing_on_main_thread_);
    244 #define SET_ALLOW(name) reusable_preparser_->set_allow_##name(allow_##name());
    245       SET_ALLOW(natives);
    246       SET_ALLOW(harmony_do_expressions);
    247       SET_ALLOW(harmony_public_fields);
    248       SET_ALLOW(harmony_static_fields);
    249       SET_ALLOW(harmony_dynamic_import);
    250       SET_ALLOW(harmony_import_meta);
    251       SET_ALLOW(harmony_bigint);
    252       SET_ALLOW(harmony_private_fields);
    253       SET_ALLOW(eval_cache);
    254 #undef SET_ALLOW
    255     }
    256     return reusable_preparser_;
    257   }
    259   void ParseModuleItemList(ZonePtrList<Statement>* body, bool* ok);
    260   Statement* ParseModuleItem(bool* ok);
    261   const AstRawString* ParseModuleSpecifier(bool* ok);
    262   void ParseImportDeclaration(bool* ok);
    263   Statement* ParseExportDeclaration(bool* ok);
    264   Statement* ParseExportDefault(bool* ok);
    265   struct ExportClauseData {
    266     const AstRawString* export_name;
    267     const AstRawString* local_name;
    268     Scanner::Location location;
    269   };
    270   ZoneChunkList<ExportClauseData>* ParseExportClause(
    271       Scanner::Location* reserved_loc, bool* ok);
    272   struct NamedImport : public ZoneObject {
    273     const AstRawString* import_name;
    274     const AstRawString* local_name;
    275     const Scanner::Location location;
    276     NamedImport(const AstRawString* import_name, const AstRawString* local_name,
    277                 Scanner::Location location)
    278         : import_name(import_name),
    279           local_name(local_name),
    280           location(location) {}
    281   };
    282   ZonePtrList<const NamedImport>* ParseNamedImports(int pos, bool* ok);
    283   Block* BuildInitializationBlock(DeclarationParsingResult* parsing_result,
    284                                   ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* names,
    285                                   bool* ok);
    286   void DeclareLabel(ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>** labels,
    287                     ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>** own_labels,
    288                     VariableProxy* expr, bool* ok);
    289   bool ContainsLabel(ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* labels,
    290                      const AstRawString* label);
    291   Expression* RewriteReturn(Expression* return_value, int pos);
    292   Statement* RewriteSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement* switch_statement,
    293                                     Scope* scope);
    294   void RewriteCatchPattern(CatchInfo* catch_info, bool* ok);
    295   void ValidateCatchBlock(const CatchInfo& catch_info, bool* ok);
    296   Statement* RewriteTryStatement(Block* try_block, Block* catch_block,
    297                                  const SourceRange& catch_range,
    298                                  Block* finally_block,
    299                                  const SourceRange& finally_range,
    300                                  const CatchInfo& catch_info, int pos);
    301   void ParseAndRewriteGeneratorFunctionBody(int pos, FunctionKind kind,
    302                                             ZonePtrList<Statement>* body,
    303                                             bool* ok);
    304   void ParseAndRewriteAsyncGeneratorFunctionBody(int pos, FunctionKind kind,
    305                                                  ZonePtrList<Statement>* body,
    306                                                  bool* ok);
    307   void DeclareFunctionNameVar(const AstRawString* function_name,
    308                               FunctionLiteral::FunctionType function_type,
    309                               DeclarationScope* function_scope);
    311   Statement* DeclareFunction(const AstRawString* variable_name,
    312                              FunctionLiteral* function, VariableMode mode,
    313                              int pos, bool is_sloppy_block_function,
    314                              ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* names, bool* ok);
    315   Variable* CreateSyntheticContextVariable(const AstRawString* synthetic_name,
    316                                            bool* ok);
    317   FunctionLiteral* CreateInitializerFunction(
    318       DeclarationScope* scope, ZonePtrList<ClassLiteral::Property>* fields);
    319   V8_INLINE Statement* DeclareClass(const AstRawString* variable_name,
    320                                     Expression* value,
    321                                     ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* names,
    322                                     int class_token_pos, int end_pos, bool* ok);
    323   V8_INLINE void DeclareClassVariable(const AstRawString* name,
    324                                       ClassInfo* class_info,
    325                                       int class_token_pos, bool* ok);
    326   V8_INLINE void DeclareClassProperty(const AstRawString* class_name,
    327                                       ClassLiteralProperty* property,
    328                                       const AstRawString* property_name,
    329                                       ClassLiteralProperty::Kind kind,
    330                                       bool is_static, bool is_constructor,
    331                                       bool is_computed_name,
    332                                       ClassInfo* class_info, bool* ok);
    333   V8_INLINE Expression* RewriteClassLiteral(Scope* block_scope,
    334                                             const AstRawString* name,
    335                                             ClassInfo* class_info, int pos,
    336                                             int end_pos, bool* ok);
    337   V8_INLINE Statement* DeclareNative(const AstRawString* name, int pos,
    338                                      bool* ok);
    340   V8_INLINE Block* IgnoreCompletion(Statement* statement);
    342   V8_INLINE Scope* NewHiddenCatchScope();
    344   // PatternRewriter and associated methods defined in pattern-rewriter.cc.
    345   friend class PatternRewriter;
    346   void DeclareAndInitializeVariables(
    347       Block* block, const DeclarationDescriptor* declaration_descriptor,
    348       const DeclarationParsingResult::Declaration* declaration,
    349       ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* names, bool* ok);
    350   void RewriteDestructuringAssignment(RewritableExpression* expr);
    351   Expression* RewriteDestructuringAssignment(Assignment* assignment);
    353   // [if (IteratorType == kAsync)]
    354   //     !%_IsJSReceiver(result = Await(next.[[Call]](iterator,  )) &&
    355   //         %ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject(result)
    356   // [else]
    357   //     !%_IsJSReceiver(result = next.[[Call]](iterator,  )) &&
    358   //         %ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject(result)
    359   // [endif]
    360   Expression* BuildIteratorNextResult(VariableProxy* iterator,
    361                                       VariableProxy* next, Variable* result,
    362                                       IteratorType type, int pos);
    364   // Initialize the components of a for-in / for-of statement.
    365   Statement* InitializeForEachStatement(ForEachStatement* stmt,
    366                                         Expression* each, Expression* subject,
    367                                         Statement* body);
    368   Statement* InitializeForOfStatement(ForOfStatement* stmt, Expression* each,
    369                                       Expression* iterable, Statement* body,
    370                                       bool finalize, IteratorType type,
    371                                       int next_result_pos = kNoSourcePosition);
    373   Block* RewriteForVarInLegacy(const ForInfo& for_info);
    374   void DesugarBindingInForEachStatement(ForInfo* for_info, Block** body_block,
    375                                         Expression** each_variable, bool* ok);
    376   Block* CreateForEachStatementTDZ(Block* init_block, const ForInfo& for_info,
    377                                    bool* ok);
    379   Statement* DesugarLexicalBindingsInForStatement(
    380       ForStatement* loop, Statement* init, Expression* cond, Statement* next,
    381       Statement* body, Scope* inner_scope, const ForInfo& for_info, bool* ok);
    383   Expression* RewriteDoExpression(Block* body, int pos, bool* ok);
    385   FunctionLiteral* ParseFunctionLiteral(
    386       const AstRawString* name, Scanner::Location function_name_location,
    387       FunctionNameValidity function_name_validity, FunctionKind kind,
    388       int function_token_position, FunctionLiteral::FunctionType type,
    389       LanguageMode language_mode,
    390       ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* arguments_for_wrapped_function,
    391       bool* ok);
    393   ObjectLiteral* InitializeObjectLiteral(ObjectLiteral* object_literal) {
    394     object_literal->CalculateEmitStore(main_zone());
    395     return object_literal;
    396   }
    398   // Check if the scope has conflicting var/let declarations from different
    399   // scopes. This covers for example
    400   //
    401   // function f() { { { var x; } let x; } }
    402   // function g() { { var x; let x; } }
    403   //
    404   // The var declarations are hoisted to the function scope, but originate from
    405   // a scope where the name has also been let bound or the var declaration is
    406   // hoisted over such a scope.
    407   void CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(Scope* scope, bool* ok);
    409   bool IsPropertyWithPrivateFieldKey(Expression* property);
    411   // Insert initializer statements for var-bindings shadowing parameter bindings
    412   // from a non-simple parameter list.
    413   void InsertShadowingVarBindingInitializers(Block* block);
    415   // Implement sloppy block-scoped functions, ES2015 Annex B 3.3
    416   void InsertSloppyBlockFunctionVarBindings(DeclarationScope* scope);
    418   VariableProxy* NewUnresolved(const AstRawString* name, int begin_pos,
    419                                VariableKind kind = NORMAL_VARIABLE);
    420   VariableProxy* NewUnresolved(const AstRawString* name);
    421   Variable* Declare(Declaration* declaration,
    422                     DeclarationDescriptor::Kind declaration_kind,
    423                     VariableMode mode, InitializationFlag init, bool* ok,
    424                     Scope* declaration_scope = nullptr,
    425                     int var_end_pos = kNoSourcePosition);
    426   Declaration* DeclareVariable(const AstRawString* name, VariableMode mode,
    427                                int pos, bool* ok);
    428   Declaration* DeclareVariable(const AstRawString* name, VariableMode mode,
    429                                InitializationFlag init, int pos, bool* ok);
    431   bool TargetStackContainsLabel(const AstRawString* label);
    432   BreakableStatement* LookupBreakTarget(const AstRawString* label, bool* ok);
    433   IterationStatement* LookupContinueTarget(const AstRawString* label, bool* ok);
    435   Statement* BuildAssertIsCoercible(Variable* var, ObjectLiteral* pattern);
    437   // Factory methods.
    438   FunctionLiteral* DefaultConstructor(const AstRawString* name, bool call_super,
    439                                       int pos, int end_pos);
    441   // Skip over a lazy function, either using cached data if we have it, or
    442   // by parsing the function with PreParser. Consumes the ending }.
    443   // If may_abort == true, the (pre-)parser may decide to abort skipping
    444   // in order to force the function to be eagerly parsed, after all.
    445   LazyParsingResult SkipFunction(
    446       const AstRawString* function_name, FunctionKind kind,
    447       FunctionLiteral::FunctionType function_type,
    448       DeclarationScope* function_scope, int* num_parameters,
    449       ProducedPreParsedScopeData** produced_preparsed_scope_data,
    450       bool is_inner_function, bool may_abort, bool* ok);
    452   Block* BuildParameterInitializationBlock(
    453       const ParserFormalParameters& parameters, bool* ok);
    454   Block* BuildRejectPromiseOnException(Block* block);
    456   ZonePtrList<Statement>* ParseFunction(
    457       const AstRawString* function_name, int pos, FunctionKind kind,
    458       FunctionLiteral::FunctionType function_type,
    459       DeclarationScope* function_scope, int* num_parameters,
    460       int* function_length, bool* has_duplicate_parameters,
    461       int* expected_property_count, int* suspend_count,
    462       ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* arguments_for_wrapped_function,
    463       bool* ok);
    465   void ThrowPendingError(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Script> script);
    467   class TemplateLiteral : public ZoneObject {
    468    public:
    469     TemplateLiteral(Zone* zone, int pos)
    470         : cooked_(8, zone), raw_(8, zone), expressions_(8, zone), pos_(pos) {}
    472     const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* cooked() const { return &cooked_; }
    473     const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* raw() const { return &raw_; }
    474     const ZonePtrList<Expression>* expressions() const { return &expressions_; }
    475     int position() const { return pos_; }
    477     void AddTemplateSpan(const AstRawString* cooked, const AstRawString* raw,
    478                          int end, Zone* zone) {
    479       DCHECK_NOT_NULL(raw);
    480       cooked_.Add(cooked, zone);
    481       raw_.Add(raw, zone);
    482     }
    484     void AddExpression(Expression* expression, Zone* zone) {
    485       DCHECK_NOT_NULL(expression);
    486       expressions_.Add(expression, zone);
    487     }
    489    private:
    490     ZonePtrList<const AstRawString> cooked_;
    491     ZonePtrList<const AstRawString> raw_;
    492     ZonePtrList<Expression> expressions_;
    493     int pos_;
    494   };
    496   typedef TemplateLiteral* TemplateLiteralState;
    498   TemplateLiteralState OpenTemplateLiteral(int pos);
    499   // "should_cook" means that the span can be "cooked": in tagged template
    500   // literals, both the raw and "cooked" representations are available to user
    501   // code ("cooked" meaning that escape sequences are converted to their
    502   // interpreted values). Invalid escape sequences cause the cooked span
    503   // to be represented by undefined, instead of being a syntax error.
    504   // "tail" indicates that this span is the last in the literal.
    505   void AddTemplateSpan(TemplateLiteralState* state, bool should_cook,
    506                        bool tail);
    507   void AddTemplateExpression(TemplateLiteralState* state,
    508                              Expression* expression);
    509   Expression* CloseTemplateLiteral(TemplateLiteralState* state, int start,
    510                                    Expression* tag);
    512   ArrayLiteral* ArrayLiteralFromListWithSpread(ZonePtrList<Expression>* list);
    513   Expression* SpreadCall(Expression* function, ZonePtrList<Expression>* args,
    514                          int pos, Call::PossiblyEval is_possibly_eval);
    515   Expression* SpreadCallNew(Expression* function, ZonePtrList<Expression>* args,
    516                             int pos);
    517   Expression* RewriteSuperCall(Expression* call_expression);
    519   void SetLanguageMode(Scope* scope, LanguageMode mode);
    520   void SetAsmModule();
    522   // Rewrite all DestructuringAssignments in the current FunctionState.
    523   V8_INLINE void RewriteDestructuringAssignments();
    525   Expression* RewriteSpreads(ArrayLiteral* lit);
    527   V8_INLINE void QueueDestructuringAssignmentForRewriting(
    528       RewritableExpression* assignment);
    530   friend class InitializerRewriter;
    531   void RewriteParameterInitializer(Expression* expr);
    533   Expression* BuildInitialYield(int pos, FunctionKind kind);
    534   Assignment* BuildCreateJSGeneratorObject(int pos, FunctionKind kind);
    535   Expression* BuildResolvePromise(Expression* value, int pos);
    536   Expression* BuildRejectPromise(Expression* value, int pos);
    537   Variable* PromiseVariable();
    538   Variable* AsyncGeneratorAwaitVariable();
    540   // Generic AST generator for throwing errors from compiled code.
    541   Expression* NewThrowError(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
    542                             MessageTemplate::Template message,
    543                             const AstRawString* arg, int pos);
    545   void FinalizeIteratorUse(Variable* completion, Expression* condition,
    546                            Variable* iter, Block* iterator_use, Block* result,
    547                            IteratorType type);
    549   Statement* FinalizeForOfStatement(ForOfStatement* loop, Variable* completion,
    550                                     IteratorType type, int pos);
    551   void BuildIteratorClose(ZonePtrList<Statement>* statements,
    552                           Variable* iterator, Variable* input, Variable* output,
    553                           IteratorType type);
    554   void BuildIteratorCloseForCompletion(ZonePtrList<Statement>* statements,
    555                                        Variable* iterator,
    556                                        Expression* completion,
    557                                        IteratorType type);
    558   Statement* CheckCallable(Variable* var, Expression* error, int pos);
    560   V8_INLINE void RewriteAsyncFunctionBody(ZonePtrList<Statement>* body,
    561                                           Block* block,
    562                                           Expression* return_value, bool* ok);
    564   void AddArrowFunctionFormalParameters(ParserFormalParameters* parameters,
    565                                         Expression* params, int end_pos,
    566                                         bool* ok);
    567   void SetFunctionName(Expression* value, const AstRawString* name,
    568                        const AstRawString* prefix = nullptr);
    570   // Helper functions for recursive descent.
    571   V8_INLINE bool IsEval(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
    572     return identifier == ast_value_factory()->eval_string();
    573   }
    575   V8_INLINE bool IsArguments(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
    576     return identifier == ast_value_factory()->arguments_string();
    577   }
    579   V8_INLINE bool IsEvalOrArguments(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
    580     return IsEval(identifier) || IsArguments(identifier);
    581   }
    583   // Returns true if the expression is of type "this.foo".
    584   V8_INLINE static bool IsThisProperty(Expression* expression) {
    585     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(expression);
    586     Property* property = expression->AsProperty();
    587     return property != nullptr && property->obj()->IsVariableProxy() &&
    588            property->obj()->AsVariableProxy()->is_this();
    589   }
    591   // This returns true if the expression is an indentifier (wrapped
    592   // inside a variable proxy).  We exclude the case of 'this', which
    593   // has been converted to a variable proxy.
    594   V8_INLINE static bool IsIdentifier(Expression* expression) {
    595     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(expression);
    596     VariableProxy* operand = expression->AsVariableProxy();
    597     return operand != nullptr && !operand->is_this() &&
    598            !operand->is_new_target();
    599   }
    601   V8_INLINE static const AstRawString* AsIdentifier(Expression* expression) {
    602     DCHECK(IsIdentifier(expression));
    603     return expression->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name();
    604   }
    606   V8_INLINE VariableProxy* AsIdentifierExpression(Expression* expression) {
    607     return expression->AsVariableProxy();
    608   }
    610   V8_INLINE bool IsConstructor(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
    611     return identifier == ast_value_factory()->constructor_string();
    612   }
    614   V8_INLINE bool IsName(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
    615     return identifier == ast_value_factory()->name_string();
    616   }
    618   V8_INLINE static bool IsBoilerplateProperty(
    619       ObjectLiteral::Property* property) {
    620     return !property->IsPrototype();
    621   }
    623   V8_INLINE bool IsNative(Expression* expr) const {
    624     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(expr);
    625     return expr->IsVariableProxy() &&
    626            expr->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name() ==
    627                ast_value_factory()->native_string();
    628   }
    630   V8_INLINE static bool IsArrayIndex(const AstRawString* string,
    631                                      uint32_t* index) {
    632     return string->AsArrayIndex(index);
    633   }
    635   V8_INLINE bool IsUseStrictDirective(Statement* statement) const {
    636     return IsStringLiteral(statement, ast_value_factory()->use_strict_string());
    637   }
    639   V8_INLINE bool IsUseAsmDirective(Statement* statement) const {
    640     return IsStringLiteral(statement, ast_value_factory()->use_asm_string());
    641   }
    643   // Returns true if the statement is an expression statement containing
    644   // a single string literal.  If a second argument is given, the literal
    645   // is also compared with it and the result is true only if they are equal.
    646   V8_INLINE bool IsStringLiteral(Statement* statement,
    647                                  const AstRawString* arg = nullptr) const {
    648     ExpressionStatement* e_stat = statement->AsExpressionStatement();
    649     if (e_stat == nullptr) return false;
    650     Literal* literal = e_stat->expression()->AsLiteral();
    651     if (literal == nullptr || !literal->IsString()) return false;
    652     return arg == nullptr || literal->AsRawString() == arg;
    653   }
    655   V8_INLINE void GetDefaultStrings(
    656       const AstRawString** default_string,
    657       const AstRawString** star_default_star_string) {
    658     *default_string = ast_value_factory()->default_string();
    659     *star_default_star_string = ast_value_factory()->star_default_star_string();
    660   }
    662   // Functions for encapsulating the differences between parsing and preparsing;
    663   // operations interleaved with the recursive descent.
    664   V8_INLINE void PushLiteralName(const AstRawString* id) {
    665     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(fni_);
    666     fni_->PushLiteralName(id);
    667   }
    669   V8_INLINE void PushVariableName(const AstRawString* id) {
    670     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(fni_);
    671     fni_->PushVariableName(id);
    672   }
    674   V8_INLINE void PushPropertyName(Expression* expression) {
    675     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(fni_);
    676     if (expression->IsPropertyName()) {
    677       fni_->PushLiteralName(expression->AsLiteral()->AsRawPropertyName());
    678     } else {
    679       fni_->PushLiteralName(ast_value_factory()->anonymous_function_string());
    680     }
    681   }
    683   V8_INLINE void PushEnclosingName(const AstRawString* name) {
    684     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(fni_);
    685     fni_->PushEnclosingName(name);
    686   }
    688   V8_INLINE void AddFunctionForNameInference(FunctionLiteral* func_to_infer) {
    689     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(fni_);
    690     fni_->AddFunction(func_to_infer);
    691   }
    693   V8_INLINE void InferFunctionName() {
    694     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(fni_);
    695     fni_->Infer();
    696   }
    698   // If we assign a function literal to a property we pretenure the
    699   // literal so it can be added as a constant function property.
    700   V8_INLINE static void CheckAssigningFunctionLiteralToProperty(
    701       Expression* left, Expression* right) {
    702     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(left);
    703     if (left->IsProperty() && right->IsFunctionLiteral()) {
    704       right->AsFunctionLiteral()->set_pretenure();
    705     }
    706   }
    708   // Determine if the expression is a variable proxy and mark it as being used
    709   // in an assignment or with a increment/decrement operator.
    710   V8_INLINE static void MarkExpressionAsAssigned(Expression* expression) {
    711     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(expression);
    712     if (expression->IsVariableProxy()) {
    713       expression->AsVariableProxy()->set_is_assigned();
    714     }
    715   }
    717   // A shortcut for performing a ToString operation
    718   V8_INLINE Expression* ToString(Expression* expr) {
    719     if (expr->IsStringLiteral()) return expr;
    720     ZonePtrList<Expression>* args =
    721         new (zone()) ZonePtrList<Expression>(1, zone());
    722     args->Add(expr, zone());
    723     return factory()->NewCallRuntime(Runtime::kInlineToString, args,
    724                                      expr->position());
    725   }
    727   // Returns true if we have a binary expression between two numeric
    728   // literals. In that case, *x will be changed to an expression which is the
    729   // computed value.
    730   bool ShortcutNumericLiteralBinaryExpression(Expression** x, Expression* y,
    731                                               Token::Value op, int pos);
    733   // Returns true if we have a binary operation between a binary/n-ary
    734   // expression (with the same operation) and a value, which can be collapsed
    735   // into a single n-ary expression. In that case, *x will be changed to an
    736   // n-ary expression.
    737   bool CollapseNaryExpression(Expression** x, Expression* y, Token::Value op,
    738                               int pos, const SourceRange& range);
    740   // Returns a UnaryExpression or, in one of the following cases, a Literal.
    741   // ! <literal> -> true / false
    742   // + <Number literal> -> <Number literal>
    743   // - <Number literal> -> <Number literal with value negated>
    744   // ~ <literal> -> true / false
    745   Expression* BuildUnaryExpression(Expression* expression, Token::Value op,
    746                                    int pos);
    748   // Generate AST node that throws a ReferenceError with the given type.
    749   V8_INLINE Expression* NewThrowReferenceError(
    750       MessageTemplate::Template message, int pos) {
    751     return NewThrowError(Runtime::kNewReferenceError, message,
    752                          ast_value_factory()->empty_string(), pos);
    753   }
    755   // Generate AST node that throws a SyntaxError with the given
    756   // type. The first argument may be null (in the handle sense) in
    757   // which case no arguments are passed to the constructor.
    758   V8_INLINE Expression* NewThrowSyntaxError(MessageTemplate::Template message,
    759                                             const AstRawString* arg, int pos) {
    760     return NewThrowError(Runtime::kNewSyntaxError, message, arg, pos);
    761   }
    763   // Generate AST node that throws a TypeError with the given
    764   // type. Both arguments must be non-null (in the handle sense).
    765   V8_INLINE Expression* NewThrowTypeError(MessageTemplate::Template message,
    766                                           const AstRawString* arg, int pos) {
    767     return NewThrowError(Runtime::kNewTypeError, message, arg, pos);
    768   }
    770   // Reporting errors.
    771   void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
    772                        MessageTemplate::Template message,
    773                        const char* arg = nullptr,
    774                        ParseErrorType error_type = kSyntaxError) {
    775     if (stack_overflow()) {
    776       // Suppress the error message (syntax error or such) in the presence of a
    777       // stack overflow. The isolate allows only one pending exception at at
    778       // time
    779       // and we want to report the stack overflow later.
    780       return;
    781     }
    782     pending_error_handler()->ReportMessageAt(source_location.beg_pos,
    783                                              source_location.end_pos, message,
    784                                              arg, error_type);
    785   }
    787   void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
    788                        MessageTemplate::Template message,
    789                        const AstRawString* arg,
    790                        ParseErrorType error_type = kSyntaxError) {
    791     if (stack_overflow()) {
    792       // Suppress the error message (syntax error or such) in the presence of a
    793       // stack overflow. The isolate allows only one pending exception at at
    794       // time
    795       // and we want to report the stack overflow later.
    796       return;
    797     }
    798     pending_error_handler()->ReportMessageAt(source_location.beg_pos,
    799                                              source_location.end_pos, message,
    800                                              arg, error_type);
    801   }
    803   // "null" return type creators.
    804   V8_INLINE static std::nullptr_t NullIdentifier() { return nullptr; }
    805   V8_INLINE static std::nullptr_t NullExpression() { return nullptr; }
    806   V8_INLINE static std::nullptr_t NullLiteralProperty() { return nullptr; }
    807   V8_INLINE static ZonePtrList<Expression>* NullExpressionList() {
    808     return nullptr;
    809   }
    810   V8_INLINE static ZonePtrList<Statement>* NullStatementList() {
    811     return nullptr;
    812   }
    813   V8_INLINE static std::nullptr_t NullStatement() { return nullptr; }
    815   template <typename T>
    816   V8_INLINE static bool IsNull(T subject) {
    817     return subject == nullptr;
    818   }
    820   // Non-null empty string.
    821   V8_INLINE const AstRawString* EmptyIdentifierString() const {
    822     return ast_value_factory()->empty_string();
    823   }
    825   // Producing data during the recursive descent.
    826   V8_INLINE const AstRawString* GetSymbol() const {
    827     const AstRawString* result = scanner()->CurrentSymbol(ast_value_factory());
    828     DCHECK_NOT_NULL(result);
    829     return result;
    830   }
    832   V8_INLINE const AstRawString* GetNextSymbol() const {
    833     return scanner()->NextSymbol(ast_value_factory());
    834   }
    836   V8_INLINE const AstRawString* GetNumberAsSymbol() const {
    837     double double_value = scanner()->DoubleValue();
    838     char array[100];
    839     const char* string = DoubleToCString(double_value, ArrayVector(array));
    840     return ast_value_factory()->GetOneByteString(string);
    841   }
    843   V8_INLINE Expression* ThisExpression(int pos = kNoSourcePosition) {
    844     return NewUnresolved(ast_value_factory()->this_string(), pos,
    845                          THIS_VARIABLE);
    846   }
    848   Expression* NewSuperPropertyReference(int pos);
    849   Expression* NewSuperCallReference(int pos);
    850   Expression* NewTargetExpression(int pos);
    851   Expression* ImportMetaExpression(int pos);
    853   Literal* ExpressionFromLiteral(Token::Value token, int pos);
    855   V8_INLINE VariableProxy* ExpressionFromIdentifier(
    856       const AstRawString* name, int start_position,
    857       InferName infer = InferName::kYes) {
    858     if (infer == InferName::kYes) {
    859       fni_->PushVariableName(name);
    860     }
    861     return NewUnresolved(name, start_position);
    862   }
    864   V8_INLINE Expression* ExpressionFromString(int pos) {
    865     const AstRawString* symbol = GetSymbol();
    866     fni_->PushLiteralName(symbol);
    867     return factory()->NewStringLiteral(symbol, pos);
    868   }
    870   V8_INLINE ZonePtrList<Expression>* NewExpressionList(int size) const {
    871     return new (zone()) ZonePtrList<Expression>(size, zone());
    872   }
    873   V8_INLINE ZonePtrList<ObjectLiteral::Property>* NewObjectPropertyList(
    874       int size) const {
    875     return new (zone()) ZonePtrList<ObjectLiteral::Property>(size, zone());
    876   }
    877   V8_INLINE ZonePtrList<ClassLiteral::Property>* NewClassPropertyList(
    878       int size) const {
    879     return new (zone()) ZonePtrList<ClassLiteral::Property>(size, zone());
    880   }
    881   V8_INLINE ZonePtrList<Statement>* NewStatementList(int size) const {
    882     return new (zone()) ZonePtrList<Statement>(size, zone());
    883   }
    885   V8_INLINE Expression* NewV8Intrinsic(const AstRawString* name,
    886                                        ZonePtrList<Expression>* args, int pos,
    887                                        bool* ok);
    889   V8_INLINE Statement* NewThrowStatement(Expression* exception, int pos) {
    890     return factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
    891         factory()->NewThrow(exception, pos), pos);
    892   }
    894   V8_INLINE void AddParameterInitializationBlock(
    895       const ParserFormalParameters& parameters, ZonePtrList<Statement>* body,
    896       bool is_async, bool* ok) {
    897     if (parameters.is_simple) return;
    898     auto* init_block = BuildParameterInitializationBlock(parameters, ok);
    899     if (!*ok) return;
    900     if (is_async) {
    901       init_block = BuildRejectPromiseOnException(init_block);
    902     }
    903     body->Add(init_block, zone());
    904   }
    906   V8_INLINE void AddFormalParameter(ParserFormalParameters* parameters,
    907                                     Expression* pattern,
    908                                     Expression* initializer,
    909                                     int initializer_end_position,
    910                                     bool is_rest) {
    911     parameters->UpdateArityAndFunctionLength(initializer != nullptr, is_rest);
    912     bool has_simple_name = pattern->IsVariableProxy() && initializer == nullptr;
    913     const AstRawString* name = has_simple_name
    914                                    ? pattern->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name()
    915                                    : ast_value_factory()->empty_string();
    916     auto parameter = new (parameters->scope->zone())
    917         ParserFormalParameters::Parameter(name, pattern, initializer,
    918                                           scanner()->location().beg_pos,
    919                                           initializer_end_position, is_rest);
    921     parameters->params.Add(parameter);
    922   }
    924   V8_INLINE void DeclareFormalParameters(
    925       DeclarationScope* scope,
    926       const ThreadedList<ParserFormalParameters::Parameter>& parameters,
    927       bool is_simple, bool* has_duplicate = nullptr) {
    928     if (!is_simple) scope->SetHasNonSimpleParameters();
    929     for (auto parameter : parameters) {
    930       bool is_optional = parameter->initializer != nullptr;
    931       // If the parameter list is simple, declare the parameters normally with
    932       // their names. If the parameter list is not simple, declare a temporary
    933       // for each parameter - the corresponding named variable is declared by
    934       // BuildParamerterInitializationBlock.
    935       scope->DeclareParameter(
    936           is_simple ? parameter->name : ast_value_factory()->empty_string(),
    937           is_simple ? VariableMode::kVar : VariableMode::kTemporary,
    938           is_optional, parameter->is_rest, has_duplicate, ast_value_factory(),
    939           parameter->position);
    940     }
    941   }
    943   void DeclareArrowFunctionFormalParameters(ParserFormalParameters* parameters,
    944                                             Expression* params,
    945                                             const Scanner::Location& params_loc,
    946                                             Scanner::Location* duplicate_loc,
    947                                             bool* ok);
    949   Expression* ExpressionListToExpression(ZonePtrList<Expression>* args);
    951   void SetFunctionNameFromPropertyName(LiteralProperty* property,
    952                                        const AstRawString* name,
    953                                        const AstRawString* prefix = nullptr);
    954   void SetFunctionNameFromPropertyName(ObjectLiteralProperty* property,
    955                                        const AstRawString* name,
    956                                        const AstRawString* prefix = nullptr);
    958   void SetFunctionNameFromIdentifierRef(Expression* value,
    959                                         Expression* identifier);
    961   V8_INLINE ZoneVector<typename ExpressionClassifier::Error>*
    962   GetReportedErrorList() const {
    963     return function_state_->GetReportedErrorList();
    964   }
    966   V8_INLINE void CountUsage(v8::Isolate::UseCounterFeature feature) {
    967     ++use_counts_[feature];
    968   }
    970   // Returns true iff we're parsing the first function literal during
    971   // CreateDynamicFunction().
    972   V8_INLINE bool ParsingDynamicFunctionDeclaration() const {
    973     return parameters_end_pos_ != kNoSourcePosition;
    974   }
    976   V8_INLINE void ConvertBinaryToNaryOperationSourceRange(
    977       BinaryOperation* binary_op, NaryOperation* nary_op) {
    978     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
    979     DCHECK_NULL(source_range_map_->Find(nary_op));
    981     BinaryOperationSourceRanges* ranges =
    982         static_cast<BinaryOperationSourceRanges*>(
    983             source_range_map_->Find(binary_op));
    984     if (ranges == nullptr) return;
    986     SourceRange range = ranges->GetRange(SourceRangeKind::kRight);
    987     source_range_map_->Insert(
    988         nary_op, new (zone()) NaryOperationSourceRanges(zone(), range));
    989   }
    991   V8_INLINE void AppendNaryOperationSourceRange(NaryOperation* node,
    992                                                 const SourceRange& range) {
    993     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
    994     NaryOperationSourceRanges* ranges =
    995         static_cast<NaryOperationSourceRanges*>(source_range_map_->Find(node));
    996     if (ranges == nullptr) return;
    998     ranges->AddRange(range);
    999     DCHECK_EQ(node->subsequent_length(), ranges->RangeCount());
   1000   }
   1002   V8_INLINE void RecordBlockSourceRange(Block* node,
   1003                                         int32_t continuation_position) {
   1004     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
   1005     source_range_map_->Insert(
   1006         node, new (zone()) BlockSourceRanges(continuation_position));
   1007   }
   1009   V8_INLINE void RecordCaseClauseSourceRange(CaseClause* node,
   1010                                              const SourceRange& body_range) {
   1011     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
   1012     source_range_map_->Insert(node,
   1013                               new (zone()) CaseClauseSourceRanges(body_range));
   1014   }
   1016   V8_INLINE void RecordConditionalSourceRange(Expression* node,
   1017                                               const SourceRange& then_range,
   1018                                               const SourceRange& else_range) {
   1019     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
   1020     source_range_map_->Insert(
   1021         node->AsConditional(),
   1022         new (zone()) ConditionalSourceRanges(then_range, else_range));
   1023   }
   1025   V8_INLINE void RecordBinaryOperationSourceRange(
   1026       Expression* node, const SourceRange& right_range) {
   1027     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
   1028     source_range_map_->Insert(node->AsBinaryOperation(),
   1029                               new (zone())
   1030                                   BinaryOperationSourceRanges(right_range));
   1031   }
   1033   V8_INLINE void RecordJumpStatementSourceRange(Statement* node,
   1034                                                 int32_t continuation_position) {
   1035     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
   1036     source_range_map_->Insert(
   1037         static_cast<JumpStatement*>(node),
   1038         new (zone()) JumpStatementSourceRanges(continuation_position));
   1039   }
   1041   V8_INLINE void RecordIfStatementSourceRange(Statement* node,
   1042                                               const SourceRange& then_range,
   1043                                               const SourceRange& else_range) {
   1044     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
   1045     source_range_map_->Insert(
   1046         node->AsIfStatement(),
   1047         new (zone()) IfStatementSourceRanges(then_range, else_range));
   1048   }
   1050   V8_INLINE void RecordIterationStatementSourceRange(
   1051       IterationStatement* node, const SourceRange& body_range) {
   1052     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
   1053     source_range_map_->Insert(
   1054         node, new (zone()) IterationStatementSourceRanges(body_range));
   1055   }
   1057   V8_INLINE void RecordSuspendSourceRange(Expression* node,
   1058                                           int32_t continuation_position) {
   1059     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
   1060     source_range_map_->Insert(static_cast<Suspend*>(node),
   1061                               new (zone())
   1062                                   SuspendSourceRanges(continuation_position));
   1063   }
   1065   V8_INLINE void RecordSwitchStatementSourceRange(
   1066       Statement* node, int32_t continuation_position) {
   1067     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
   1068     source_range_map_->Insert(
   1069         node->AsSwitchStatement(),
   1070         new (zone()) SwitchStatementSourceRanges(continuation_position));
   1071   }
   1073   V8_INLINE void RecordThrowSourceRange(Statement* node,
   1074                                         int32_t continuation_position) {
   1075     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
   1076     ExpressionStatement* expr_stmt = static_cast<ExpressionStatement*>(node);
   1077     Throw* throw_expr = expr_stmt->expression()->AsThrow();
   1078     source_range_map_->Insert(
   1079         throw_expr, new (zone()) ThrowSourceRanges(continuation_position));
   1080   }
   1082   V8_INLINE void RecordTryCatchStatementSourceRange(
   1083       TryCatchStatement* node, const SourceRange& body_range) {
   1084     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
   1085     source_range_map_->Insert(
   1086         node, new (zone()) TryCatchStatementSourceRanges(body_range));
   1087   }
   1089   V8_INLINE void RecordTryFinallyStatementSourceRange(
   1090       TryFinallyStatement* node, const SourceRange& body_range) {
   1091     if (source_range_map_ == nullptr) return;
   1092     source_range_map_->Insert(
   1093         node, new (zone()) TryFinallyStatementSourceRanges(body_range));
   1094   }
   1096   // Parser's private field members.
   1097   friend class DiscardableZoneScope;  // Uses reusable_preparser_.
   1098   // FIXME(marja): Make reusable_preparser_ always use its own temp Zone (call
   1099   // DeleteAll after each function), so this won't be needed.
   1101   Scanner scanner_;
   1102   PreParser* reusable_preparser_;
   1103   Mode mode_;
   1105   SourceRangeMap* source_range_map_ = nullptr;
   1107   friend class ParserTarget;
   1108   friend class ParserTargetScope;
   1109   ParserTarget* target_stack_;  // for break, continue statements
   1111   ScriptCompiler::CompileOptions compile_options_;
   1113   // Other information which will be stored in Parser and moved to Isolate after
   1114   // parsing.
   1115   int use_counts_[v8::Isolate::kUseCounterFeatureCount];
   1116   int total_preparse_skipped_;
   1117   bool allow_lazy_;
   1118   bool temp_zoned_;
   1119   ConsumedPreParsedScopeData* consumed_preparsed_scope_data_;
   1121   // If not kNoSourcePosition, indicates that the first function literal
   1122   // encountered is a dynamic function, see CreateDynamicFunction(). This field
   1123   // indicates the correct position of the ')' that closes the parameter list.
   1124   // After that ')' is encountered, this field is reset to kNoSourcePosition.
   1125   int parameters_end_pos_;
   1126 };
   1128 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1129 // Target is a support class to facilitate manipulation of the
   1130 // Parser's target_stack_ (the stack of potential 'break' and
   1131 // 'continue' statement targets). Upon construction, a new target is
   1132 // added; it is removed upon destruction.
   1134 class ParserTarget BASE_EMBEDDED {
   1135  public:
   1136   ParserTarget(ParserBase<Parser>* parser, BreakableStatement* statement)
   1137       : variable_(&parser->impl()->target_stack_),
   1138         statement_(statement),
   1139         previous_(parser->impl()->target_stack_) {
   1140     parser->impl()->target_stack_ = this;
   1141   }
   1143   ~ParserTarget() { *variable_ = previous_; }
   1145   ParserTarget* previous() { return previous_; }
   1146   BreakableStatement* statement() { return statement_; }
   1148  private:
   1149   ParserTarget** variable_;
   1150   BreakableStatement* statement_;
   1151   ParserTarget* previous_;
   1152 };
   1154 class ParserTargetScope BASE_EMBEDDED {
   1155  public:
   1156   explicit ParserTargetScope(ParserBase<Parser>* parser)
   1157       : variable_(&parser->impl()->target_stack_),
   1158         previous_(parser->impl()->target_stack_) {
   1159     parser->impl()->target_stack_ = nullptr;
   1160   }
   1162   ~ParserTargetScope() { *variable_ = previous_; }
   1164  private:
   1165   ParserTarget** variable_;
   1166   ParserTarget* previous_;
   1167 };
   1169 }  // namespace internal
   1170 }  // namespace v8
   1172 #endif  // V8_PARSING_PARSER_H_