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      1 /*
      2  *
      3  * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
      4  *
      5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8  *
      9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  * limitations under the License.
     16  *
     17  */
     22 #include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
     24 #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/client_channel_channelz.h"
     25 #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/client_channel_factory.h"
     26 #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/subchannel.h"
     27 #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/abstract.h"
     28 #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/orphanable.h"
     29 #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h"
     30 #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/combiner.h"
     31 #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/polling_entity.h"
     32 #include "src/core/lib/transport/connectivity_state.h"
     34 extern grpc_core::DebugOnlyTraceFlag grpc_trace_lb_policy_refcount;
     36 namespace grpc_core {
     38 /// Interface for load balancing policies.
     39 ///
     40 /// Note: All methods with a "Locked" suffix must be called from the
     41 /// combiner passed to the constructor.
     42 ///
     43 /// Any I/O done by the LB policy should be done under the pollset_set
     44 /// returned by \a interested_parties().
     45 class LoadBalancingPolicy
     46     : public InternallyRefCountedWithTracing<LoadBalancingPolicy> {
     47  public:
     48   struct Args {
     49     /// The combiner under which all LB policy calls will be run.
     50     /// Policy does NOT take ownership of the reference to the combiner.
     51     // TODO(roth): Once we have a C++-like interface for combiners, this
     52     // API should change to take a smart pointer that does pass ownership
     53     // of a reference.
     54     grpc_combiner* combiner = nullptr;
     55     /// Used to create channels and subchannels.
     56     grpc_client_channel_factory* client_channel_factory = nullptr;
     57     /// Channel args from the resolver.
     58     /// Note that the LB policy gets the set of addresses from the
     59     /// GRPC_ARG_LB_ADDRESSES channel arg.
     60     grpc_channel_args* args = nullptr;
     61   };
     63   /// State used for an LB pick.
     64   struct PickState {
     65     /// Initial metadata associated with the picking call.
     66     grpc_metadata_batch* initial_metadata;
     67     /// Bitmask used for selective cancelling. See
     68     /// \a CancelMatchingPicksLocked() and \a GRPC_INITIAL_METADATA_* in
     69     /// grpc_types.h.
     70     uint32_t initial_metadata_flags;
     71     /// Storage for LB token in \a initial_metadata, or nullptr if not used.
     72     grpc_linked_mdelem lb_token_mdelem_storage;
     73     /// Closure to run when pick is complete, if not completed synchronously.
     74     /// If null, pick will fail if a result is not available synchronously.
     75     grpc_closure* on_complete;
     76     /// Will be set to the selected subchannel, or nullptr on failure or when
     77     /// the LB policy decides to drop the call.
     78     RefCountedPtr<ConnectedSubchannel> connected_subchannel;
     79     /// Will be populated with context to pass to the subchannel call, if
     80     /// needed.
     81     grpc_call_context_element subchannel_call_context[GRPC_CONTEXT_COUNT];
     82     /// Upon success, \a *user_data will be set to whatever opaque information
     83     /// may need to be propagated from the LB policy, or nullptr if not needed.
     84     // TODO(roth): As part of revamping our metadata APIs, try to find a
     85     // way to clean this up and C++-ify it.
     86     void** user_data;
     87     /// Next pointer.  For internal use by LB policy.
     88     PickState* next;
     89   };
     91   // Not copyable nor movable.
     92   LoadBalancingPolicy(const LoadBalancingPolicy&) = delete;
     93   LoadBalancingPolicy& operator=(const LoadBalancingPolicy&) = delete;
     95   /// Updates the policy with a new set of \a args from the resolver.
     96   /// Note that the LB policy gets the set of addresses from the
     97   /// GRPC_ARG_LB_ADDRESSES channel arg.
     98   virtual void UpdateLocked(const grpc_channel_args& args) GRPC_ABSTRACT;
    100   /// Finds an appropriate subchannel for a call, based on data in \a pick.
    101   /// \a pick must remain alive until the pick is complete.
    102   ///
    103   /// If a result is known immediately, returns true, setting \a *error
    104   /// upon failure.  Otherwise, \a pick->on_complete will be invoked once
    105   /// the pick is complete with its error argument set to indicate success
    106   /// or failure.
    107   ///
    108   /// If \a pick->on_complete is null and no result is known immediately,
    109   /// a synchronous failure will be returned (i.e., \a *error will be
    110   /// set and true will be returned).
    111   virtual bool PickLocked(PickState* pick, grpc_error** error) GRPC_ABSTRACT;
    113   /// Cancels \a pick.
    114   /// The \a on_complete callback of the pending pick will be invoked with
    115   /// \a pick->connected_subchannel set to null.
    116   virtual void CancelPickLocked(PickState* pick,
    117                                 grpc_error* error) GRPC_ABSTRACT;
    119   /// Cancels all pending picks for which their \a initial_metadata_flags (as
    120   /// given in the call to \a PickLocked()) matches
    121   /// \a initial_metadata_flags_eq when ANDed with
    122   /// \a initial_metadata_flags_mask.
    123   virtual void CancelMatchingPicksLocked(uint32_t initial_metadata_flags_mask,
    124                                          uint32_t initial_metadata_flags_eq,
    125                                          grpc_error* error) GRPC_ABSTRACT;
    127   /// Requests a notification when the connectivity state of the policy
    128   /// changes from \a *state.  When that happens, sets \a *state to the
    129   /// new state and schedules \a closure.
    130   virtual void NotifyOnStateChangeLocked(grpc_connectivity_state* state,
    131                                          grpc_closure* closure) GRPC_ABSTRACT;
    133   /// Returns the policy's current connectivity state.  Sets \a error to
    134   /// the associated error, if any.
    135   virtual grpc_connectivity_state CheckConnectivityLocked(
    136       grpc_error** connectivity_error) GRPC_ABSTRACT;
    138   /// Hands off pending picks to \a new_policy.
    139   virtual void HandOffPendingPicksLocked(LoadBalancingPolicy* new_policy)
    140       GRPC_ABSTRACT;
    142   /// Tries to enter a READY connectivity state.
    143   /// TODO(roth): As part of restructuring how we handle IDLE state,
    144   /// consider whether this method is still needed.
    145   virtual void ExitIdleLocked() GRPC_ABSTRACT;
    147   /// Resets connection backoff.
    148   virtual void ResetBackoffLocked() GRPC_ABSTRACT;
    150   /// Populates child_subchannels and child_channels with the uuids of this
    151   /// LB policy's referenced children. This is not invoked from the
    152   /// client_channel's combiner. The implementation is responsible for
    153   /// providing its own synchronization.
    154   virtual void FillChildRefsForChannelz(ChildRefsList* child_subchannels,
    155                                         ChildRefsList* child_channels)
    156       GRPC_ABSTRACT;
    158   void Orphan() override {
    159     // Invoke ShutdownAndUnrefLocked() inside of the combiner.
    161         GRPC_CLOSURE_CREATE(&LoadBalancingPolicy::ShutdownAndUnrefLocked, this,
    162                             grpc_combiner_scheduler(combiner_)),
    163         GRPC_ERROR_NONE);
    164   }
    166   /// Sets the re-resolution closure to \a request_reresolution.
    167   void SetReresolutionClosureLocked(grpc_closure* request_reresolution) {
    168     GPR_ASSERT(request_reresolution_ == nullptr);
    169     request_reresolution_ = request_reresolution;
    170   }
    172   grpc_pollset_set* interested_parties() const { return interested_parties_; }
    176  protected:
    179   explicit LoadBalancingPolicy(const Args& args);
    180   virtual ~LoadBalancingPolicy();
    182   grpc_combiner* combiner() const { return combiner_; }
    183   grpc_client_channel_factory* client_channel_factory() const {
    184     return client_channel_factory_;
    185   }
    187   /// Shuts down the policy.  Any pending picks that have not been
    188   /// handed off to a new policy via HandOffPendingPicksLocked() will be
    189   /// failed.
    190   virtual void ShutdownLocked() GRPC_ABSTRACT;
    192   /// Tries to request a re-resolution.
    193   void TryReresolutionLocked(grpc_core::TraceFlag* grpc_lb_trace,
    194                              grpc_error* error);
    196  private:
    197   static void ShutdownAndUnrefLocked(void* arg, grpc_error* ignored) {
    198     LoadBalancingPolicy* policy = static_cast<LoadBalancingPolicy*>(arg);
    199     policy->ShutdownLocked();
    200     policy->Unref();
    201   }
    203   /// Combiner under which LB policy actions take place.
    204   grpc_combiner* combiner_;
    205   /// Client channel factory, used to create channels and subchannels.
    206   grpc_client_channel_factory* client_channel_factory_;
    207   /// Owned pointer to interested parties in load balancing decisions.
    208   grpc_pollset_set* interested_parties_;
    209   /// Callback to force a re-resolution.
    210   grpc_closure* request_reresolution_;
    212   // Dummy classes needed for alignment issues.
    213   // See https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/16032 for context.
    214   // TODO(ncteisen): remove this as soon as the issue is resolved.
    215   ChildRefsList dummy_list_foo;
    216   ChildRefsList dummy_list_bar;
    217 };
    219 }  // namespace grpc_core