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      1 /******************************************************************************
      2  *
      3  * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
      4  *
      5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
      8  *
      9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  * limitations under the License.
     16  *
     17  *****************************************************************************
     18  * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
     19 */
     21 /*****************************************************************************/
     22 /*                                                                           */
     23 /*  File Name         : osal_thread.c                                        */
     24 /*                                                                           */
     25 /*  Description       : This file contains Thread API's implemented for      */
     26 /*                      different platforms.                                 */
     27 /*                                                                           */
     28 /*  List of Functions : osal_thread_create                                   */
     29 /*                      osal_thread_destroy                                  */
     30 /*                      osal_func                                            */
     31 /*                      osal_set_thread_priority                             */
     32 /*                      osal_set_thread_core_affinity                        */
     33 /*                      osal_thread_sleep                                    */
     34 /*                      osal_thread_yield                                    */
     35 /*                      osal_thread_suspend                                  */
     36 /*                      osal_thread_resume                                   */
     37 /*                      osal_thread_wait                                     */
     38 /*                      osal_get_thread_handle                               */
     39 /*                      osal_get_time                                        */
     40 /*                      osal_get_time_usec                                   */
     41 /*                      osal_get_last_error                                  */
     42 /*                      osal_print_last_error                                */
     43 /*                                                                           */
     44 /*  Issues / Problems : None                                                 */
     45 /*                                                                           */
     46 /*  Revision History  :                                                      */
     47 /*                                                                           */
     48 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
     49 /*         06 03 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
     50 /*                                                                           */
     51 /*****************************************************************************/
     53 /*****************************************************************************/
     54 /* File Includes                                                             */
     55 /*****************************************************************************/
     57 /* System include files */
     58 #include <stdio.h>
     60 #include <semaphore.h>
     61 #include <pthread.h>
     62 #include <errno.h>
     63 #include <sys/time.h>
     64 #include <sys/resource.h>
     66 #include <unistd.h>
     67 #include <math.h>
     68 #include <sched.h> /*for CPU_SET, etc.. */
     69 #include <linux/unistd.h>
     70 #include <sys/syscall.h>
     72 /* User include files */
     73 #include "cast_types.h"
     74 #include "osal.h"
     75 #include "osal_handle.h"
     76 #include "osal_thread.h"
     77 #include "osal_errno.h"
     79 /*****************************************************************************/
     80 /* Static Function Declarations                                              */
     81 /*****************************************************************************/
     83 static void osal_func(void *param);
     85 /*****************************************************************************/
     86 /*                                                                           */
     87 /*  Function Name : osal_thread_create                                       */
     88 /*                                                                           */
     89 /*  Description   : This function create a new thread.                       */
     90 /*                                                                           */
     91 /*  Inputs        : OSAL handle                                              */
     92 /*                  Memory Manager Handle                                    */
     93 /*                  Thread creation attributes                               */
     94 /*                                                                           */
     95 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
     96 /*                                                                           */
     97 /*  Processing    : This function calls OS specific thread create API's and  */
     98 /*                  creates a new thread with specified attributes.          */
     99 /*                                                                           */
    100 /*  Outputs       : Status of thread creation                                */
    101 /*                                                                           */
    102 /*  Returns       : On SUCCESS - 0                                           */
    103 /*                  On FAILURE - -1                                          */
    104 /*                                                                           */
    105 /*  Issues        : Only supports creating threads with default attributes   */
    106 /*                                                                           */
    107 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    108 /*                                                                           */
    109 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    110 /*         06 03 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    111 /*                                                                           */
    112 /*****************************************************************************/
    114 void *osal_thread_create(IN void *osal_handle, IN osal_thread_attr_t *attr)
    115 {
    116     osal_t *handle = (osal_t *)osal_handle;
    117     WORD32 priority = 0;
    118     void *mmr_handle = 0;
    120     /* If Handle or attributes are not valid, return ERRORED. */
    121     if(0 == attr)
    122         return 0;
    124     if(0 == handle || 0 == handle->alloc || 0 == handle->free)
    125         return 0;
    127     /* Initialize MMR handle */
    128     mmr_handle = handle->mmr_handle;
    130     {
    131         pthread_attr_t tattr;
    132         thread_handle_t *hdl = 0;
    134         attr->sched_policy = OSAL_SCHED_RR;
    136         /* Allocate memory for thread handle */
    137         hdl = handle->alloc(mmr_handle, sizeof(thread_handle_t));
    138         if(0 == hdl)
    139             return 0;
    141         /* Initialize thread handle parameters */
    142         hdl->mmr_handle = mmr_handle;
    143         hdl->hdl = handle;
    144         hdl->exit_code = attr->exit_code;
    145         hdl->priority = priority;
    146         hdl->thread_func = attr->thread_func;
    147         hdl->thread_param = attr->thread_param;
    149         /* initialized with default attributes */
    150         if(0 != pthread_attr_init(&tattr))
    151         {
    152             handle->free(hdl->mmr_handle, hdl);
    153             return 0;
    154         }
    156         /* Create the thread */
    157         hdl->thread_id = pthread_create(
    158             &(hdl->thread_handle), /* Thread Handle   */
    159             &tattr, /* Attributes      */
    160             (void *(*)(void *))osal_func,
    161             hdl); /* Parameters      */
    163         /* In case of error in thread creationn, Free the handle memory and  */
    164         /* return error.                                                     */
    165         if(0 != hdl->thread_id)
    166         {
    167             handle->free(hdl->mmr_handle, hdl);
    168             return 0;
    169         }
    171         pthread_attr_destroy(&tattr);
    173         return hdl;
    174     }
    175 }
    177 /*****************************************************************************/
    178 /*                                                                           */
    179 /*  Function Name : osal_thread_destroy                                      */
    180 /*                                                                           */
    181 /*  Description   : This function calls OS specific API's to close a thread  */
    182 /*                  which is represented by specified handle.                */
    183 /*                                                                           */
    184 /*  Inputs        : Initialized thread handle                                */
    185 /*                                                                           */
    186 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    187 /*                                                                           */
    188 /*  Processing    : Closing other threads is supported only in windows. So,  */
    189 /*                  only windows platform supports this API.                 */
    190 /*                                                                           */
    191 /*  Outputs       : Status of thread close                                   */
    192 /*                                                                           */
    193 /*  Returns       : On SUCCESS - 0                                           */
    194 /*                  On FAILURE - -1                                          */
    195 /*                                                                           */
    196 /*  Issues        : None                                                     */
    197 /*                                                                           */
    198 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    199 /*                                                                           */
    200 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    201 /*         06 03 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    202 /*                                                                           */
    203 /*****************************************************************************/
    205 WORD32 osal_thread_destroy(IN void *thread_handle)
    206 {
    207     /* If thread handle is not valid, return error */
    208     if(0 == thread_handle)
    209         return OSAL_ERROR;
    211     {
    212         thread_handle_t *hdl = (thread_handle_t *)thread_handle;
    214         /* Free memory allocated for Thread handle */
    215         ((osal_t *)hdl->hdl)->free(hdl->mmr_handle, hdl);
    217         return OSAL_SUCCESS;
    218     }
    219 }
    221 /*****************************************************************************/
    222 /*                                                                           */
    223 /*  Function Name : osal_func                                                */
    224 /*                                                                           */
    225 /*  Description   : This function calls the registered threads calling       */
    226 /*                  function                                                 */
    227 /*                                                                           */
    228 /*  Inputs        : Thread Handle                                            */
    229 /*                                                                           */
    230 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    231 /*                                                                           */
    232 /*  Processing    : Calls each registered thread function                    */
    233 /*                                                                           */
    234 /*  Outputs       : None                                                     */
    235 /*  Returns       : None                                                     */
    236 /*                                                                           */
    237 /*  Issues        : None                                                     */
    238 /*                                                                           */
    239 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    240 /*                                                                           */
    241 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    242 /*         10 05 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    243 /*                                                                           */
    244 /*****************************************************************************/
    246 void osal_func(IN void *param)
    247 {
    248     thread_handle_t *hdl = (thread_handle_t *)param;
    250     while(1)
    251     {
    252         /* Untill thread returns exit code, invoke the thread function */
    253         if(hdl->exit_code == hdl->thread_func(hdl->thread_param))
    254             break;
    255     }
    257     /* On Linux platforms call pthread_exit() to release all the resources   */
    258     /* allocated.                                                            */
    259     pthread_exit(NULL);
    260 }
    262 /*****************************************************************************/
    263 /*                                                                           */
    264 /*  Function Name : osal_thread_sleep                                        */
    265 /*                                                                           */
    266 /*  Description   : This function calls OS specific API and makes thread     */
    267 /*                  sleep for specified number of milli seconds.             */
    268 /*                                                                           */
    269 /*  Inputs        : Initialized thread handle                                */
    270 /*                  Time to sleep in millisceonds                            */
    271 /*                                                                           */
    272 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    273 /*                                                                           */
    274 /*  Processing    : Calls API to sleep for specified number of milli seconds */
    275 /*                                                                           */
    276 /*  Outputs       : Status of sleep                                          */
    277 /*                                                                           */
    278 /*  Returns       : On SUCCESS - 0                                           */
    279 /*                  On FAILURE - -1                                          */
    280 /*                                                                           */
    281 /*  Issues        : None                                                     */
    282 /*                                                                           */
    283 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    284 /*                                                                           */
    285 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    286 /*         06 03 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    287 /*                                                                           */
    288 /*****************************************************************************/
    290 WORD32 osal_thread_sleep(IN UWORD32 milli_seconds)
    291 {
    292     {
    293         struct timespec timer;
    295         /* Convert time in milliseconds into seconds and nano seconds */
    296         timer.tv_sec = milli_seconds / 1000;
    297         milli_seconds -= (timer.tv_sec * 1000);
    298         timer.tv_nsec = milli_seconds * MEGA_CONST;
    300         /* Using Monotonic clock to sleep, also flag is set to 0 for relative */
    301         /* time to current clock time                                         */
    302         if(0 == clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0, &timer, NULL))
    303         {
    304             return OSAL_SUCCESS;
    305         }
    307         return OSAL_ERROR;
    308     }
    309 }
    311 /*****************************************************************************/
    312 /*                                                                           */
    313 /*  Function Name : osal_thread_yield                                        */
    314 /*                                                                           */
    315 /*  Description   : This function causes the yield its execution.            */
    316 /*                                                                           */
    317 /*  Inputs        : Thread Handle                                            */
    318 /*                                                                           */
    319 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    320 /*                                                                           */
    321 /*  Processing    : Calls OS specific yield calls.                           */
    322 /*                                                                           */
    323 /*  Outputs       : Status of Thread Yield                                   */
    324 /*                                                                           */
    325 /*  Returns       : On SUCCESS - 0                                           */
    326 /*                  On FAILURE - -1                                          */
    327 /*                                                                           */
    328 /*  Issues        : Yield in WIN32 (whihc is a 16 - bit API) is still present*/
    329 /*                  only to maintian backward compatibility. Can get         */
    330 /*                  deprecated in future.                                    */
    331 /*                                                                           */
    332 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    333 /*                                                                           */
    334 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    335 /*         06 03 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    336 /*                                                                           */
    337 /*****************************************************************************/
    339 WORD32 osal_thread_yield()
    340 {
    341     if(0 == sched_yield())
    342         return OSAL_SUCCESS;
    344     return OSAL_ERROR;
    345 }
    347 /*****************************************************************************/
    348 /*                                                                           */
    349 /*  Function Name : osal_thread_suspend                                      */
    350 /*                                                                           */
    351 /*  Description   : This function causes the suspension its execution.       */
    352 /*                                                                           */
    353 /*  Inputs        : Thread Handle                                            */
    354 /*                                                                           */
    355 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    356 /*                                                                           */
    357 /*  Processing    : Calls OS specific suspend calls.                         */
    358 /*                                                                           */
    359 /*  Outputs       : Status of Thread Suspend                                 */
    360 /*                                                                           */
    361 /*  Returns       : On SUCCESS - 0                                           */
    362 /*                  On FAILURE - -1                                          */
    363 /*                                                                           */
    364 /*  Issues        : API not supported in Redhat Linux. Refer Redhat          */
    365 /*                  documentation in:                                        */
    366 /*                  http://www.redhat.com/docs/wp/solaris_port/c1347.html    */
    367 /*                                                                           */
    368 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    369 /*                                                                           */
    370 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    371 /*         30 03 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    372 /*                                                                           */
    373 /*****************************************************************************/
    375 WORD32 osal_thread_suspend(IN void *thread_handle)
    376 {
    377     /* If thread handle is not valid, return error */
    378     if(0 == thread_handle)
    379         return OSAL_ERROR;
    381     {
    382         /* Thread suspend are not supported in Redhat Linux. Refer link      */
    383         /* http://www.redhat.com/docs/wp/solaris_port/c1347.html             */
    385         return OSAL_NOT_SUPPORTED;
    386     }
    387 }
    389 /*****************************************************************************/
    390 /*                                                                           */
    391 /*  Function Name : osal_thread_resume                                       */
    392 /*                                                                           */
    393 /*  Description   : This function causes the resumption its execution.       */
    394 /*                                                                           */
    395 /*  Inputs        : Thread Handle                                            */
    396 /*                                                                           */
    397 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    398 /*                                                                           */
    399 /*  Processing    : Calls OS specific resume calls.                          */
    400 /*                                                                           */
    401 /*  Outputs       : Status of Thread Suspend                                 */
    402 /*                                                                           */
    403 /*  Returns       : On SUCCESS - 0                                           */
    404 /*                  On FAILURE - -1                                          */
    405 /*                                                                           */
    406 /*  Issues        : API not supported in Redhat Linux. Refer Redhat          */
    407 /*                  documentation in:                                        */
    408 /*                  http://www.redhat.com/docs/wp/solaris_port/c1347.html    */
    409 /*                                                                           */
    410 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    411 /*                                                                           */
    412 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    413 /*         30 03 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    414 /*                                                                           */
    415 /*****************************************************************************/
    417 WORD32 osal_thread_resume(IN void *thread_handle)
    418 {
    419     /* If thread handle is not valid, return error */
    420     if(0 == thread_handle)
    421         return OSAL_ERROR;
    423     {
    424         /* Thread suspend are not supported in Redhat Linux. Refer link      */
    425         /* http://www.redhat.com/docs/wp/solaris_port/c1347.html             */
    427         return OSAL_NOT_SUPPORTED;
    428     }
    429 }
    431 /*****************************************************************************/
    432 /*                                                                           */
    433 /*  Function Name : osal_thread_wait                                         */
    434 /*                                                                           */
    435 /*  Description   : This function causes the wait untill called thread       */
    436 /*                  finishes execution                                       */
    437 /*                                                                           */
    438 /*  Inputs        : Thread Handle                                            */
    439 /*                                                                           */
    440 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    441 /*                                                                           */
    442 /*  Processing    : Calls OS specific wait call for wait on another thread   */
    443 /*                                                                           */
    444 /*  Outputs       : Status of Thread wait                                    */
    445 /*                                                                           */
    446 /*  Returns       : On SUCCESS - 0                                           */
    447 /*                  On FAILURE - -1                                          */
    448 /*                                                                           */
    449 /*  Issues        : None                                                     */
    450 /*                                                                           */
    451 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    452 /*                                                                           */
    453 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    454 /*         30 03 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    455 /*                                                                           */
    456 /*****************************************************************************/
    458 WORD32 osal_thread_wait(IN void *thread_handle)
    459 {
    460     if(0 == thread_handle)
    461         return OSAL_ERROR;
    463     {
    464         WORD32 result = 0;
    465         void *status = 0;
    467         thread_handle_t *hdl = (thread_handle_t *)thread_handle;
    469         /* Join the thread to wait for thread to complete execution */
    470         result = pthread_join(hdl->thread_handle, (void **)&status);
    472         return result;
    473     }
    474 }
    476 /*****************************************************************************/
    477 /*                                                                           */
    478 /*  Function Name : osal_get_thread_handle                                   */
    479 /*                                                                           */
    480 /*  Description   : This function gets current thread handle. Currently not  */
    481 /*                  supported                                                */
    482 /*                                                                           */
    483 /*  Inputs        : OSAL handle.                                             */
    484 /*                                                                           */
    485 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    486 /*                                                                           */
    487 /*  Processing    : Gets all the thread properities and constructs a new     */
    488 /*                  thread handle .                                          */
    489 /*                                                                           */
    490 /*  Outputs       : Thread handle to current thread.                         */
    491 /*                                                                           */
    492 /*  Returns       : On SUCCESS - Current thread handle                       */
    493 /*                  On FAILURE - NULL                                        */
    494 /*                                                                           */
    495 /*  Issues        : Not supported on Linux and BIOS platforms.               */
    496 /*                                                                           */
    497 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    498 /*                                                                           */
    499 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    500 /*         10 05 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    501 /*                                                                           */
    502 /*****************************************************************************/
    504 void *osal_get_thread_handle(IN void *osal_handle)
    505 {
    506     osal_t *handle = (osal_t *)osal_handle;
    508     if(0 == osal_handle)
    509         return 0;
    511     {
    512         thread_handle_t *hdl = handle->alloc(handle->mmr_handle, sizeof(thread_handle_t));
    513         WORD32 schedpolicy;
    514         struct sched_param schedparam;
    516         if(0 == hdl)
    517             return 0;
    519         hdl->mmr_handle = handle->mmr_handle;
    520         hdl->hdl = handle;
    521         hdl->exit_code = 0;
    522         hdl->thread_func = 0;
    523         hdl->thread_param = 0;
    524         hdl->thread_handle = pthread_self();
    525         hdl->thread_id = 0;
    526         hdl->priority = schedparam.sched_priority;
    528         /* Get thread priority from scheduling parameters */
    529         if(0 != pthread_getschedparam(hdl->thread_handle, &schedpolicy, &schedparam))
    530         {
    531             return 0;
    532         }
    534         return hdl;
    535     }
    536 }
    538 /*****************************************************************************/
    539 /*                                                                           */
    540 /*  Function Name : osal_get_time                                            */
    541 /*                                                                           */
    542 /*  Description   : This function returns absolute time in milli seconds     */
    543 /*                                                                           */
    544 /*  Inputs        : None                                                     */
    545 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    546 /*                                                                           */
    547 /*  Processing    : Gets the absolute time by calling OS specific API's.     */
    548 /*                                                                           */
    549 /*  Outputs       : Absolute time in milli seconds.                          */
    550 /*                                                                           */
    551 /*  Returns       : +ve 32 bit value                                         */
    552 /*                                                                           */
    553 /*  Issues        : None                                                     */
    554 /*                                                                           */
    555 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    556 /*                                                                           */
    557 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    558 /*         06 03 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    559 /*                                                                           */
    560 /*****************************************************************************/
    562 UWORD32 osal_get_time()
    563 {
    564     {
    565         struct timespec time_val;
    566         int cur_time;
    568         /* Get the Monotonic time */
    569         clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time_val);
    571         /* Convert time in seconds and micro seconds into milliseconds time */
    572         cur_time = time_val.tv_sec * 1000 + time_val.tv_nsec / 1000000;
    573         return cur_time;
    574     }
    575 }
    577 /*****************************************************************************/
    578 /*                                                                           */
    579 /*  Function Name : osal_get_time_usec                                       */
    580 /*                                                                           */
    581 /*  Description   : This function returns absolute time in micro seconds     */
    582 /*                                                                           */
    583 /*  Inputs        : None                                                     */
    584 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    585 /*                                                                           */
    586 /*  Processing    : Gets the absolute time by calling OS specific API's.     */
    587 /*                                                                           */
    588 /*  Outputs       : Absolute time in micro seconds.                          */
    589 /*                                                                           */
    590 /*  Returns       : +ve 32 bit value                                         */
    591 /*                                                                           */
    592 /*  Issues        : None                                                     */
    593 /*                                                                           */
    594 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    595 /*                                                                           */
    596 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    597 /*         06 03 2009   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    598 /*                                                                           */
    599 /*****************************************************************************/
    601 WORD32 osal_get_time_usec(UWORD32 *sec, UWORD32 *usec)
    602 {
    603     if((0 == sec) || (0 == usec))
    604         return OSAL_ERROR;
    606     {
    607         struct timespec time_val;
    609         /* Get the Monotonic time */
    610         clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time_val);
    612         /* Convert time in seconds and micro seconds into milliseconds time */
    613         *sec = time_val.tv_sec;
    614         *usec = time_val.tv_nsec / 1000;
    616         return OSAL_SUCCESS;
    617     }
    618 }
    620 /*****************************************************************************/
    621 /*                                                                           */
    622 /*  Function Name : osal_get_last_error                                      */
    623 /*                                                                           */
    624 /*  Description   : This function gets the last error code.                  */
    625 /*                                                                           */
    626 /*  Inputs        : None                                                     */
    627 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    628 /*                                                                           */
    629 /*  Processing    : Gets the last occured error code by calling OS specific  */
    630 /*                  API call.                                                */
    631 /*                                                                           */
    632 /*  Outputs       : Error Number                                             */
    633 /*                                                                           */
    634 /*  Returns       : If no error - 0                                          */
    635 /*                  Else        - +ve number                                 */
    636 /*                                                                           */
    637 /*  Issues        : None                                                     */
    638 /*                                                                           */
    639 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    640 /*                                                                           */
    641 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    642 /*         06 03 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    643 /*                                                                           */
    644 /*****************************************************************************/
    646 UWORD32 osal_get_last_error()
    647 {
    648     UWORD32 get_linux_error(void);
    649     return get_linux_error();
    650 }
    652 /*****************************************************************************/
    653 /*                                                                           */
    654 /*  Function Name : osal_print_last_error                                    */
    655 /*                                                                           */
    656 /*  Description   : This function prints the last error message.             */
    657 /*                                                                           */
    658 /*  Inputs        : None                                                     */
    659 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    660 /*                                                                           */
    661 /*  Processing    : Gets the last occured error code by calling OS specific  */
    662 /*                  API call. It prints argument string (if not NULL),       */
    663 /*                  followed by ': ' then the error_string and <new_line>.   */
    664 /*                                                                           */
    665 /*  Outputs       : None                                                     */
    666 /*                                                                           */
    667 /*  Returns       : None                                                     */
    668 /*                                                                           */
    669 /*  Issues        : None                                                     */
    670 /*                                                                           */
    671 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    672 /*                                                                           */
    673 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    674 /*         10 03 2006   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    675 /*                                                                           */
    676 /*****************************************************************************/
    678 void osal_print_last_error(IN const STRWORD8 *string)
    679 {
    680     perror(string);
    681 }
    683 /*****************************************************************************/
    684 /*                                                                           */
    685 /*  Function Name : osal_get_current_tid                                     */
    686 /*                                                                           */
    687 /*  Description   : Gets the tid of the thread in whose context this call    */
    688 /*                  was made                                                 */
    689 /*                                                                           */
    690 /*  Inputs        : None                                                     */
    691 /*  Globals       : None                                                     */
    692 /*  Processing    : None                                                     */
    693 /*  Outputs       : None                                                     */
    694 /*  Returns       : Thread ID, as a WORD32                                   */
    695 /*  Issues        : None                                                     */
    696 /*                                                                           */
    697 /*  Revision History:                                                        */
    698 /*                                                                           */
    699 /*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
    700 /*         07 05 2015   Ittiam          Draft                                */
    701 /*                                                                           */
    702 /*****************************************************************************/
    704 WORD32 osal_get_current_tid(void)
    705 {
    706     return syscall(__NR_gettid);
    707 }