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      1 // Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 #ifndef sw_VertexProcessor_hpp
     16 #define sw_VertexProcessor_hpp
     18 #include "Matrix.hpp"
     19 #include "Context.hpp"
     20 #include "RoutineCache.hpp"
     21 #include "Shader/VertexShader.hpp"
     23 namespace sw
     24 {
     25 	struct DrawData;
     27 	struct VertexCache   // FIXME: Variable size
     28 	{
     29 		void clear();
     31 		Vertex vertex[16][4];
     32 		unsigned int tag[16];
     34 		int drawCall;
     35 	};
     37 	struct VertexTask
     38 	{
     39 		unsigned int vertexCount;
     40 		unsigned int primitiveStart;
     41 		VertexCache vertexCache;
     42 	};
     44 	class VertexProcessor
     45 	{
     46 	public:
     47 		struct States
     48 		{
     49 			unsigned int computeHash();
     51 			uint64_t shaderID;
     53 			bool fixedFunction             : 1;   // TODO: Eliminate by querying shader.
     54 			bool textureSampling           : 1;   // TODO: Eliminate by querying shader.
     55 			unsigned int positionRegister  : BITS(MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUTS);   // TODO: Eliminate by querying shader.
     56 			unsigned int pointSizeRegister : BITS(MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUTS);   // TODO: Eliminate by querying shader.
     58 			unsigned int vertexBlendMatrixCount               : 3;
     59 			bool indexedVertexBlendEnable                     : 1;
     60 			bool vertexNormalActive                           : 1;
     61 			bool normalizeNormals                             : 1;
     62 			bool vertexLightingActive                         : 1;
     63 			bool diffuseActive                                : 1;
     64 			bool specularActive                               : 1;
     65 			bool vertexSpecularActive                         : 1;
     66 			unsigned int vertexLightActive                    : 8;
     67 			MaterialSource vertexDiffuseMaterialSourceActive  : BITS(MATERIAL_LAST);
     68 			MaterialSource vertexSpecularMaterialSourceActive : BITS(MATERIAL_LAST);
     69 			MaterialSource vertexAmbientMaterialSourceActive  : BITS(MATERIAL_LAST);
     70 			MaterialSource vertexEmissiveMaterialSourceActive : BITS(MATERIAL_LAST);
     71 			bool fogActive                                    : 1;
     72 			FogMode vertexFogMode                             : BITS(FOG_LAST);
     73 			bool rangeFogActive                               : 1;
     74 			bool localViewerActive                            : 1;
     75 			bool pointSizeActive                              : 1;
     76 			bool pointScaleActive                             : 1;
     77 			bool transformFeedbackQueryEnabled                : 1;
     78 			uint64_t transformFeedbackEnabled                 : 64;
     79 			unsigned char verticesPerPrimitive                : 2; // 1 (points), 2 (lines) or 3 (triangles)
     81 			bool preTransformed : 1;
     82 			bool superSampling  : 1;
     83 			bool multiSampling  : 1;
     85 			struct TextureState
     86 			{
     87 				TexGen texGenActive                       : BITS(TEXGEN_LAST);
     88 				unsigned char textureTransformCountActive : 3;
     89 				unsigned char texCoordIndexActive         : 3;
     90 			};
     92 			TextureState textureState[8];
     94 			Sampler::State sampler[VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS];
     96 			struct Input
     97 			{
     98 				operator bool() const   // Returns true if stream contains data
     99 				{
    100 					return count != 0;
    101 				}
    103 				StreamType type    : BITS(STREAMTYPE_LAST);
    104 				unsigned int count : 3;
    105 				bool normalized    : 1;
    106 				unsigned int attribType : BITS(VertexShader::ATTRIBTYPE_LAST);
    107 			};
    109 			struct Output
    110 			{
    111 				union
    112 				{
    113 					unsigned char write : 4;
    115 					struct
    116 					{
    117 						unsigned char xWrite : 1;
    118 						unsigned char yWrite : 1;
    119 						unsigned char zWrite : 1;
    120 						unsigned char wWrite : 1;
    121 					};
    122 				};
    124 				union
    125 				{
    126 					unsigned char clamp : 4;
    128 					struct
    129 					{
    130 						unsigned char xClamp : 1;
    131 						unsigned char yClamp : 1;
    132 						unsigned char zClamp : 1;
    133 						unsigned char wClamp : 1;
    134 					};
    135 				};
    136 			};
    138 			Input input[MAX_VERTEX_INPUTS];
    139 			Output output[MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUTS];
    140 		};
    142 		struct State : States
    143 		{
    144 			State();
    146 			bool operator==(const State &state) const;
    148 			unsigned int hash;
    149 		};
    151 		struct FixedFunction
    152 		{
    153 			float4 transformT[12][4];
    154 			float4 cameraTransformT[12][4];
    155 			float4 normalTransformT[12][4];
    156 			float4 textureTransform[8][4];
    158 			float4 lightPosition[8];
    159 			float4 lightAmbient[8];
    160 			float4 lightSpecular[8];
    161 			float4 lightDiffuse[8];
    162 			float4 attenuationConstant[8];
    163 			float4 attenuationLinear[8];
    164 			float4 attenuationQuadratic[8];
    165 			float lightRange[8];
    166 			float4 materialDiffuse;
    167 			float4 materialSpecular;
    168 			float materialShininess;
    169 			float4 globalAmbient;
    170 			float4 materialEmission;
    171 			float4 materialAmbient;
    172 		};
    174 		struct PointSprite
    175 		{
    176 			float4 pointSize;
    177 			float pointSizeMin;
    178 			float pointSizeMax;
    179 			float pointScaleA;
    180 			float pointScaleB;
    181 			float pointScaleC;
    182 		};
    184 		typedef void (*RoutinePointer)(Vertex *output, unsigned int *batch, VertexTask *vertexTask, DrawData *draw);
    186 		VertexProcessor(Context *context);
    188 		virtual ~VertexProcessor();
    190 		void setInputStream(int index, const Stream &stream);
    191 		void resetInputStreams(bool preTransformed);
    193 		void setFloatConstant(unsigned int index, const float value[4]);
    194 		void setIntegerConstant(unsigned int index, const int integer[4]);
    195 		void setBooleanConstant(unsigned int index, int boolean);
    197 		void setUniformBuffer(int index, sw::Resource* uniformBuffer, int offset);
    198 		void lockUniformBuffers(byte** u, sw::Resource* uniformBuffers[]);
    200 		void setTransformFeedbackBuffer(int index, sw::Resource* transformFeedbackBuffer, int offset, unsigned int reg, unsigned int row, unsigned int col, unsigned int stride);
    201 		void lockTransformFeedbackBuffers(byte** t, unsigned int* v, unsigned int* r, unsigned int* c, unsigned int* s, sw::Resource* transformFeedbackBuffers[]);
    203 		// Transformations
    204 		void setModelMatrix(const Matrix &M, int i = 0);
    205 		void setViewMatrix(const Matrix &V);
    206 		void setBaseMatrix(const Matrix &B);
    207 		void setProjectionMatrix(const Matrix &P);
    209 		// Lighting
    210 		void setLightingEnable(bool lightingEnable);
    211 		void setLightEnable(unsigned int light, bool lightEnable);
    212 		void setSpecularEnable(bool specularEnable);
    214 		void setGlobalAmbient(const Color<float> &globalAmbient);
    215 		void setLightPosition(unsigned int light, const Point &lightPosition);
    216 		void setLightViewPosition(unsigned int light, const Point &lightPosition);
    217 		void setLightDiffuse(unsigned int light, const Color<float> &lightDiffuse);
    218 		void setLightSpecular(unsigned int light, const Color<float> &lightSpecular);
    219 		void setLightAmbient(unsigned int light, const Color<float> &lightAmbient);
    220 		void setLightAttenuation(unsigned int light, float constant, float linear, float quadratic);
    221 		void setLightRange(unsigned int light, float lightRange);
    223 		void setInstanceID(int instanceID);
    225 		void setFogEnable(bool fogEnable);
    226 		void setVertexFogMode(FogMode fogMode);
    227 		void setRangeFogEnable(bool enable);
    229 		void setColorVertexEnable(bool colorVertexEnable);
    230 		void setDiffuseMaterialSource(MaterialSource diffuseMaterialSource);
    231 		void setSpecularMaterialSource(MaterialSource specularMaterialSource);
    232 		void setAmbientMaterialSource(MaterialSource ambientMaterialSource);
    233 		void setEmissiveMaterialSource(MaterialSource emissiveMaterialSource);
    235 		void setMaterialEmission(const Color<float> &emission);
    236 		void setMaterialAmbient(const Color<float> &materialAmbient);
    237 		void setMaterialDiffuse(const Color<float> &diffuseColor);
    238 		void setMaterialSpecular(const Color<float> &specularColor);
    239 		void setMaterialShininess(float specularPower);
    241 		void setIndexedVertexBlendEnable(bool indexedVertexBlendEnable);
    242 		void setVertexBlendMatrixCount(unsigned int vertexBlendMatrixCount);
    244 		void setTextureWrap(unsigned int stage, int mask);
    245 		void setTexGen(unsigned int stage, TexGen texGen);
    246 		void setLocalViewer(bool localViewer);
    247 		void setNormalizeNormals(bool normalizeNormals);
    248 		void setTextureMatrix(int stage, const Matrix &T);
    249 		void setTextureTransform(int stage, int count, bool project);
    251 		void setTextureFilter(unsigned int sampler, FilterType textureFilter);
    252 		void setMipmapFilter(unsigned int sampler, MipmapType mipmapFilter);
    253 		void setGatherEnable(unsigned int sampler, bool enable);
    254 		void setAddressingModeU(unsigned int sampler, AddressingMode addressingMode);
    255 		void setAddressingModeV(unsigned int sampler, AddressingMode addressingMode);
    256 		void setAddressingModeW(unsigned int sampler, AddressingMode addressingMode);
    257 		void setReadSRGB(unsigned int sampler, bool sRGB);
    258 		void setMipmapLOD(unsigned int sampler, float bias);
    259 		void setBorderColor(unsigned int sampler, const Color<float> &borderColor);
    260 		void setMaxAnisotropy(unsigned int stage, float maxAnisotropy);
    261 		void setHighPrecisionFiltering(unsigned int sampler, bool highPrecisionFiltering);
    262 		void setSwizzleR(unsigned int sampler, SwizzleType swizzleR);
    263 		void setSwizzleG(unsigned int sampler, SwizzleType swizzleG);
    264 		void setSwizzleB(unsigned int sampler, SwizzleType swizzleB);
    265 		void setSwizzleA(unsigned int sampler, SwizzleType swizzleA);
    266 		void setCompareFunc(unsigned int sampler, CompareFunc compare);
    267 		void setBaseLevel(unsigned int sampler, int baseLevel);
    268 		void setMaxLevel(unsigned int sampler, int maxLevel);
    269 		void setMinLod(unsigned int sampler, float minLod);
    270 		void setMaxLod(unsigned int sampler, float maxLod);
    271 		void setSyncRequired(unsigned int sampler, bool isSincRequired);
    273 		void setPointSize(float pointSize);
    274 		void setPointSizeMin(float pointSizeMin);
    275 		void setPointSizeMax(float pointSizeMax);
    276 		void setPointScaleA(float pointScaleA);
    277 		void setPointScaleB(float pointScaleB);
    278 		void setPointScaleC(float pointScaleC);
    280 		void setTransformFeedbackQueryEnabled(bool enable);
    281 		void enableTransformFeedback(uint64_t enable);
    283 	protected:
    284 		const Matrix &getModelTransform(int i);
    285 		const Matrix &getViewTransform();
    287 		const State update(DrawType drawType);
    288 		Routine *routine(const State &state);
    290 		bool isFixedFunction();
    291 		void setRoutineCacheSize(int cacheSize);
    293 		// Shader constants
    294 		float4 c[VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS + 1];   // One extra for indices out of range, c[VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS] = {0, 0, 0, 0}
    295 		int4 i[16];
    296 		bool b[16];
    298 		PointSprite point;
    299 		FixedFunction ff;
    301 	private:
    302 		struct UniformBufferInfo
    303 		{
    304 			UniformBufferInfo();
    306 			Resource* buffer;
    307 			int offset;
    308 		};
    309 		UniformBufferInfo uniformBufferInfo[MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS];
    311 		struct TransformFeedbackInfo
    312 		{
    313 			TransformFeedbackInfo();
    315 			Resource* buffer;
    316 			unsigned int offset;
    317 			unsigned int reg;
    318 			unsigned int row;
    319 			unsigned int col;
    320 			unsigned int stride;
    321 		};
    322 		TransformFeedbackInfo transformFeedbackInfo[MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS];
    324 		void updateTransform();
    325 		void setTransform(const Matrix &M, int i);
    326 		void setCameraTransform(const Matrix &M, int i);
    327 		void setNormalTransform(const Matrix &M, int i);
    329 		Context *const context;
    331 		RoutineCache<State> *routineCache;
    333 	protected:
    334 		Matrix M[12];      // Model/Geometry/World matrix
    335 		Matrix V;          // View/Camera/Eye matrix
    336 		Matrix B;          // Base matrix
    337 		Matrix P;          // Projection matrix
    338 		Matrix PB;         // P * B
    339 		Matrix PBV;        // P * B * V
    340 		Matrix PBVM[12];   // P * B * V * M
    342 		// Update hierarchy
    343 		bool updateMatrix;
    344 		bool updateModelMatrix[12];
    345 		bool updateViewMatrix;
    346 		bool updateBaseMatrix;
    347 		bool updateProjectionMatrix;
    348 		bool updateLighting;
    349 	};
    350 }
    352 #endif   // sw_VertexProcessor_hpp