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      1 // Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 package com.google.devtools.common.options;
     17 import com.google.devtools.common.options.OptionsParser.ConstructionException;
     18 import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
     19 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
     20 import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
     21 import java.lang.reflect.Type;
     22 import java.util.Collections;
     23 import java.util.Comparator;
     25 /**
     26  * Everything the {@link OptionsParser} needs to know about how an option is defined.
     27  *
     28  * <p>An {@code OptionDefinition} is effectively a wrapper around the {@link Option} annotation and
     29  * the {@link Field} that is annotated, and should contain all logic about default settings and
     30  * behavior.
     31  */
     32 public class OptionDefinition implements Comparable<OptionDefinition> {
     34   // TODO(b/65049598) make ConstructionException checked, which will make this checked as well.
     35   static class NotAnOptionException extends ConstructionException {
     36     NotAnOptionException(Field field) {
     37       super(
     38           "The field "
     39               + field.getName()
     40               + " does not have the right annotation to be considered an option.");
     41     }
     42   }
     44   /**
     45    * If the {@code field} is annotated with the appropriate @{@link Option} annotation, returns the
     46    * {@code OptionDefinition} for that option. Otherwise, throws a {@link NotAnOptionException}.
     47    *
     48    * <p>These values are cached in the {@link OptionsData} layer and should be accessed through
     49    * {@link OptionsParser#getOptionDefinitions(Class)}.
     50    */
     51   static OptionDefinition extractOptionDefinition(Field field) {
     52     Option annotation = field == null ? null : field.getAnnotation(Option.class);
     53     if (annotation == null) {
     54       throw new NotAnOptionException(field);
     55     }
     56     return new OptionDefinition(field, annotation);
     57   }
     59   private final Field field;
     60   private final Option optionAnnotation;
     61   private Converter<?> converter = null;
     62   private Object defaultValue = null;
     64   private OptionDefinition(Field field, Option optionAnnotation) {
     65     this.field = field;
     66     this.optionAnnotation = optionAnnotation;
     67   }
     69   /** Returns the underlying {@code field} for this {@code OptionDefinition}. */
     70   public Field getField() {
     71     return field;
     72   }
     74   /**
     75    * Returns the name of the option ("--name").
     76    *
     77    * <p>Labelled "Option" name to distinguish it from the field's name.
     78    */
     79   public String getOptionName() {
     80     return optionAnnotation.name();
     81   }
     83   /** The single-character abbreviation of the option ("-a"). */
     84   public char getAbbreviation() {
     85     return optionAnnotation.abbrev();
     86   }
     88   /** {@link Option#help()} */
     89   public String getHelpText() {
     90     return optionAnnotation.help();
     91   }
     93   /** {@link Option#valueHelp()} */
     94   public String getValueTypeHelpText() {
     95     return optionAnnotation.valueHelp();
     96   }
     98   /** {@link Option#defaultValue()} */
     99   public String getUnparsedDefaultValue() {
    100     return optionAnnotation.defaultValue();
    101   }
    103   /** {@link Option#category()} */
    104   public String getOptionCategory() {
    105     return optionAnnotation.category();
    106   }
    108   /** {@link Option#documentationCategory()} */
    109   public OptionDocumentationCategory getDocumentationCategory() {
    110     return optionAnnotation.documentationCategory();
    111   }
    113   /** {@link Option#effectTags()} */
    114   public OptionEffectTag[] getOptionEffectTags() {
    115     return optionAnnotation.effectTags();
    116   }
    118   /** {@link Option#metadataTags()} */
    119   public OptionMetadataTag[] getOptionMetadataTags() {
    120     return optionAnnotation.metadataTags();
    121   }
    123   /** {@link Option#converter()} ()} */
    124   @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"})
    125   public Class<? extends Converter> getProvidedConverter() {
    126     return optionAnnotation.converter();
    127   }
    129   /** {@link Option#allowMultiple()} */
    130   public boolean allowsMultiple() {
    131     return optionAnnotation.allowMultiple();
    132   }
    134   /** {@link Option#expansion()} */
    135   public String[] getOptionExpansion() {
    136     return optionAnnotation.expansion();
    137   }
    139   /** {@link Option#expansionFunction()} ()} */
    140   public Class<? extends ExpansionFunction> getExpansionFunction() {
    141     return optionAnnotation.expansionFunction();
    142   }
    144   /** {@link Option#implicitRequirements()} ()} */
    145   public String[] getImplicitRequirements() {
    146     return optionAnnotation.implicitRequirements();
    147   }
    149   /** {@link Option#deprecationWarning()} ()} */
    150   public String getDeprecationWarning() {
    151     return optionAnnotation.deprecationWarning();
    152   }
    154   /** {@link Option#oldName()} ()} ()} */
    155   public String getOldOptionName() {
    156     return optionAnnotation.oldName();
    157   }
    159   /** Returns whether an option --foo has a negative equivalent --nofoo. */
    160   public boolean hasNegativeOption() {
    161     return getType().equals(boolean.class) || getType().equals(TriState.class);
    162   }
    164   /** The type of the optionDefinition. */
    165   public Class<?> getType() {
    166     return field.getType();
    167   }
    169   /** Whether this field has type Void. */
    170   boolean isVoidField() {
    171     return getType().equals(Void.class);
    172   }
    174   public boolean isSpecialNullDefault() {
    175     return getUnparsedDefaultValue().equals("null") && !getType().isPrimitive();
    176   }
    178   /** Returns whether the arg is an expansion option. */
    179   public boolean isExpansionOption() {
    180     return (getOptionExpansion().length > 0 || usesExpansionFunction());
    181   }
    183   /** Returns whether the arg is an expansion option. */
    184   public boolean hasImplicitRequirements() {
    185     return (getImplicitRequirements().length > 0);
    186   }
    188   /**
    189    * Returns whether the arg is an expansion option defined by an expansion function (and not a
    190    * constant expansion value).
    191    */
    192   public boolean usesExpansionFunction() {
    193     return getExpansionFunction() != ExpansionFunction.class;
    194   }
    196   /**
    197    * For an option that does not use {@link Option#allowMultiple}, returns its type. For an option
    198    * that does use it, asserts that the type is a {@code List<T>} and returns its element type
    199    * {@code T}.
    200    */
    201   Type getFieldSingularType() {
    202     Type fieldType = getField().getGenericType();
    203     if (allowsMultiple()) {
    204       // The validity of the converter is checked at compile time. We know the type to be
    205       // List<singularType>.
    206       ParameterizedType pfieldType = (ParameterizedType) fieldType;
    207       fieldType = pfieldType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
    208     }
    209     return fieldType;
    210   }
    212   /**
    213    * Retrieves the {@link Converter} that will be used for this option, taking into account the
    214    * default converters if an explicit one is not specified.
    215    *
    216    * <p>Memoizes the converter-finding logic to avoid repeating the computation.
    217    */
    218   public Converter<?> getConverter() {
    219     if (converter != null) {
    220       return converter;
    221     }
    222     Class<? extends Converter> converterClass = getProvidedConverter();
    223     if (converterClass == Converter.class) {
    224       // No converter provided, use the default one.
    225       Type type = getFieldSingularType();
    226       converter = Converters.DEFAULT_CONVERTERS.get(type);
    227     } else {
    228       try {
    229         // Instantiate the given Converter class.
    230         Constructor<?> constructor = converterClass.getConstructor();
    231         converter = (Converter<?>) constructor.newInstance();
    232       } catch (SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | ReflectiveOperationException e) {
    233         // This indicates an error in the Converter, and should be discovered the first time it is
    234         // used.
    235         throw new ConstructionException(
    236             String.format("Error in the provided converter for option %s", getField().getName()),
    237             e);
    238       }
    239     }
    240     return converter;
    241   }
    243   /**
    244    * Returns whether a field should be considered as boolean.
    245    *
    246    * <p>Can be used for usage help and controlling whether the "no" prefix is allowed.
    247    */
    248   public boolean usesBooleanValueSyntax() {
    249     return getType().equals(boolean.class)
    250         || getType().equals(TriState.class)
    251         || getConverter() instanceof BoolOrEnumConverter;
    252   }
    254   /** Returns the evaluated default value for this option & memoizes the result. */
    255   public Object getDefaultValue() {
    256     if (defaultValue != null || isSpecialNullDefault()) {
    257       return defaultValue;
    258     }
    259     Converter<?> converter = getConverter();
    260     String defaultValueAsString = getUnparsedDefaultValue();
    261     boolean allowsMultiple = allowsMultiple();
    262     // If the option allows multiple values then we intentionally return the empty list as
    263     // the default value of this option since it is not always the case that an option
    264     // that allows multiple values will have a converter that returns a list value.
    265     if (allowsMultiple) {
    266       defaultValue = Collections.emptyList();
    267     } else {
    268       // Otherwise try to convert the default value using the converter
    269       try {
    270         defaultValue = converter.convert(defaultValueAsString);
    271       } catch (OptionsParsingException e) {
    272         throw new ConstructionException(
    273             String.format(
    274                 "OptionsParsingException while retrieving the default value for %s: %s",
    275                 getField().getName(), e.getMessage()),
    276             e);
    277       }
    278     }
    279     return defaultValue;
    280   }
    282   /**
    283    * {@link OptionDefinition} is really a wrapper around a {@link Field} that caches information
    284    * obtained through reflection. Checking that the fields they represent are equal is sufficient
    285    * to check that two {@link OptionDefinition} objects are equal.
    286    */
    287   @Override
    288   public boolean equals(Object object) {
    289     if (!(object instanceof OptionDefinition)) {
    290       return false;
    291     }
    292     OptionDefinition otherOption = (OptionDefinition) object;
    293     return field.equals(otherOption.field);
    294   }
    296   @Override
    297   public int hashCode() {
    298     return field.hashCode();
    299   }
    301   @Override
    302   public int compareTo(OptionDefinition o) {
    303     return getOptionName().compareTo(o.getOptionName());
    304   }
    306   @Override
    307   public String toString() {
    308     return String.format("option '--%s'", getOptionName());
    309   }
    311   static final Comparator<OptionDefinition> BY_OPTION_NAME =
    312       Comparator.comparing(OptionDefinition::getOptionName);
    314   /**
    315    * An ordering relation for option-field fields that first groups together options of the same
    316    * category, then sorts by name within the category.
    317    */
    318   static final Comparator<OptionDefinition> BY_CATEGORY =
    319       (left, right) -> {
    320         int r = left.getOptionCategory().compareTo(right.getOptionCategory());
    321         return r == 0 ? BY_OPTION_NAME.compare(left, right) : r;
    322       };
    323 }