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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 # Copyright 2017 The PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 """Generates a coverage report for given binaries using llvm-gcov & lcov.
      8 Requires llvm-cov 3.5 or later.
      9 Requires lcov 1.11 or later.
     10 Requires that 'use_coverage = true' is set in args.gn.
     11 """
     13 import argparse
     14 from collections import namedtuple
     15 import os
     16 import pprint
     17 import re
     18 import subprocess
     19 import sys
     22 # Add src dir to path to avoid having to set PYTHONPATH.
     23 sys.path.append(
     24     os.path.abspath(
     25        os.path.join(
     26           os.path.dirname(__file__),
     27           os.path.pardir,
     28           os.path.pardir,
     29           os.path.pardir)))
     31 from testing.tools.common import GetBooleanGnArg
     34 # 'binary' is the file that is to be run for the test.
     35 # 'use_test_runner' indicates if 'binary' depends on test_runner.py and thus
     36 # requires special handling.
     37 TestSpec = namedtuple('TestSpec', 'binary, use_test_runner')
     39 # All of the coverage tests that the script knows how to run.
     40 COVERAGE_TESTS = {
     41     'pdfium_unittests': TestSpec('pdfium_unittests', False),
     42     'pdfium_embeddertests': TestSpec('pdfium_embeddertests', False),
     43     'corpus_tests': TestSpec('run_corpus_tests.py', True),
     44     'javascript_tests': TestSpec('run_javascript_tests.py', True),
     45     'pixel_tests': TestSpec('run_pixel_tests.py', True),
     46 }
     48 # Coverage tests that are known to take a long time to run, so are not in the
     49 # default set. The user must either explicitly invoke these tests or pass in
     50 # --slow.
     51 SLOW_TESTS = ['corpus_tests', 'javascript_tests', 'pixel_tests']
     53 class CoverageExecutor(object):
     55   def __init__(self, parser, args):
     56     """Initialize executor based on the current script environment
     58     Args:
     59         parser: argparse.ArgumentParser for handling improper inputs.
     60         args: Dictionary of arguments passed into the calling script.
     61     """
     62     self.dry_run = args['dry_run']
     63     self.verbose = args['verbose']
     65     llvm_cov = self.determine_proper_llvm_cov()
     66     if not llvm_cov:
     67       print 'Unable to find appropriate llvm-cov to use'
     68       sys.exit(1)
     69     self.lcov_env = os.environ
     70     self.lcov_env['LLVM_COV_BIN'] = llvm_cov
     72     self.lcov = self.determine_proper_lcov()
     73     if not self.lcov:
     74       print 'Unable to find appropriate lcov to use'
     75       sys.exit(1)
     77     self.coverage_files = set()
     78     self.source_directory = args['source_directory']
     79     if not os.path.isdir(self.source_directory):
     80       parser.error("'%s' needs to be a directory" % self.source_directory)
     82     self.build_directory = args['build_directory']
     83     if not os.path.isdir(self.build_directory):
     84       parser.error("'%s' needs to be a directory" % self.build_directory)
     86     self.coverage_tests = self.calculate_coverage_tests(args)
     87     if not self.coverage_tests:
     88       parser.error(
     89           'No valid tests in set to be run. This is likely due to bad command '
     90           'line arguments')
     92     if not GetBooleanGnArg('use_coverage', self.build_directory, self.verbose):
     93       parser.error(
     94           'use_coverage does not appear to be set to true for build, but is '
     95           'needed')
     97     self.use_goma = GetBooleanGnArg('use_goma', self.build_directory,
     98                                     self.verbose)
    100     self.output_directory = args['output_directory']
    101     if not os.path.exists(self.output_directory):
    102       if not self.dry_run:
    103         os.makedirs(self.output_directory)
    104     elif not os.path.isdir(self.output_directory):
    105       parser.error('%s exists, but is not a directory' % self.output_directory)
    106     self.coverage_totals_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory,
    107                                              'pdfium_totals.info')
    109   def check_output(self, args, dry_run=False, env=None):
    110     """Dry run aware wrapper of subprocess.check_output()"""
    111     if dry_run:
    112       print "Would have run '%s'" % ' '.join(args)
    113       return ''
    115     output = subprocess.check_output(args, env=env)
    117     if self.verbose:
    118       print "check_output(%s) returned '%s'" % (args, output)
    119     return output
    121   def call(self, args, dry_run=False, env=None):
    122     """Dry run aware wrapper of subprocess.call()"""
    123     if dry_run:
    124       print "Would have run '%s'" % ' '.join(args)
    125       return 0
    127     output = subprocess.call(args, env=env)
    129     if self.verbose:
    130       print 'call(%s) returned %s' % (args, output)
    131     return output
    133   def call_lcov(self, args, dry_run=False, needs_directory=True):
    134     """Wrapper to call lcov that adds appropriate arguments as needed."""
    135     lcov_args = [
    136         self.lcov, '--config-file',
    137         os.path.join(self.source_directory, 'testing', 'tools', 'coverage',
    138                      'lcovrc'),
    139         '--gcov-tool',
    140         os.path.join(self.source_directory, 'testing', 'tools', 'coverage',
    141                      'llvm-gcov')
    142     ]
    143     if needs_directory:
    144       lcov_args.extend(['--directory', self.source_directory])
    145     if not self.verbose:
    146       lcov_args.append('--quiet')
    147     lcov_args.extend(args)
    148     return self.call(lcov_args, dry_run=dry_run, env=self.lcov_env)
    150   def calculate_coverage_tests(self, args):
    151     """Determine which tests should be run."""
    152     testing_tools_directory = os.path.join(self.source_directory, 'testing',
    153                                            'tools')
    154     coverage_tests = {}
    155     for name in COVERAGE_TESTS.keys():
    156       test_spec = COVERAGE_TESTS[name]
    157       if test_spec.use_test_runner:
    158         binary_path = os.path.join(testing_tools_directory, test_spec.binary)
    159       else:
    160         binary_path = os.path.join(self.build_directory, test_spec.binary)
    161       coverage_tests[name] = TestSpec(binary_path, test_spec.use_test_runner)
    163     if args['tests']:
    164       return {name: spec
    165         for name, spec in coverage_tests.iteritems() if name in args['tests']}
    166     elif not args['slow']:
    167       return {name: spec
    168         for name, spec in coverage_tests.iteritems() if name not in SLOW_TESTS}
    169     else:
    170       return coverage_tests
    172   def find_acceptable_binary(self, binary_name, version_regex,
    173                              min_major_version, min_minor_version):
    174     """Find the newest version of binary that meets the min version."""
    175     min_version = (min_major_version, min_minor_version)
    176     parsed_versions = {}
    177     # When calling Bash builtins like this the command and arguments must be
    178     # passed in as a single string instead of as separate list members.
    179     potential_binaries = self.check_output(
    180         ['bash', '-c', 'compgen -abck %s' % binary_name]).splitlines()
    181     for binary in potential_binaries:
    182       if self.verbose:
    183         print 'Testing llvm-cov binary, %s' % binary
    184       # Assuming that scripts that don't respond to --version correctly are not
    185       # valid binaries and just happened to get globbed in. This is true for
    186       # lcov and llvm-cov
    187       try:
    188         version_output = self.check_output([binary, '--version']).splitlines()
    189       except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    190         if self.verbose:
    191           print '--version returned failure status 1, so ignoring'
    192         continue
    194       for line in version_output:
    195         matcher = re.match(version_regex, line)
    196         if matcher:
    197           parsed_version = (int(matcher.group(1)), int(matcher.group(2)))
    198           if parsed_version >= min_version:
    199             parsed_versions[parsed_version] = binary
    200           break
    202     if not parsed_versions:
    203       return None
    204     return parsed_versions[max(parsed_versions)]
    206   def determine_proper_llvm_cov(self):
    207     """Find a version of llvm_cov that will work with the script."""
    208     version_regex = re.compile('.*LLVM version ([\d]+)\.([\d]+).*')
    209     return self.find_acceptable_binary('llvm-cov', version_regex, 3, 5)
    211   def determine_proper_lcov(self):
    212     """Find a version of lcov that will work with the script."""
    213     version_regex = re.compile('.*LCOV version ([\d]+)\.([\d]+).*')
    214     return self.find_acceptable_binary('lcov', version_regex, 1, 11)
    216   def build_binaries(self):
    217     """Build all the binaries that are going to be needed for coverage
    218     generation."""
    219     call_args = ['ninja']
    220     if self.use_goma:
    221       call_args.extend(['-j', '250'])
    222     call_args.extend(['-C', self.build_directory])
    223     return self.call(call_args, dry_run=self.dry_run) == 0
    225   def generate_coverage(self, name, spec):
    226     """Generate the coverage data for a test
    228     Args:
    229         name: Name associated with the test to be run. This is used as a label
    230               in the coverage data, so should be unique across all of the tests
    231               being run.
    232         spec: Tuple containing the path to the binary to run, and if this test
    233               uses test_runner.py.
    234     """
    235     if self.verbose:
    236       print "Generating coverage for test '%s', using data '%s'" % (name, spec)
    237     if not os.path.exists(spec.binary):
    238       print('Unable to generate coverage for %s, since it appears to not exist'
    239             ' @ %s') % (name, spec.binary)
    240       return False
    242     if self.call_lcov(['--zerocounters'], dry_run=self.dry_run):
    243       print 'Unable to clear counters for %s' % name
    244       return False
    246     binary_args = [spec.binary]
    247     if spec.use_test_runner:
    248       # Test runner performs multi-threading in the wrapper script, not the test
    249       # binary, so need -j 1, otherwise multiple processes will be writing to
    250       # the code coverage files, invalidating results.
    251       # TODO(pdfium:811): Rewrite how test runner tests work, so that they can
    252       # be run in multi-threaded mode.
    253       binary_args.extend(['-j', '1', '--build-dir', self.build_directory])
    254     if self.call(binary_args, dry_run=self.dry_run) and self.verbose:
    255       print('Running %s appears to have failed, which might affect '
    256             'results') % spec.binary
    258     output_raw_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory, '%s_raw.info' % name)
    259     if self.call_lcov(
    260         ['--capture', '--test-name', name, '--output-file', output_raw_path],
    261         dry_run=self.dry_run):
    262       print 'Unable to capture coverage data for %s' % name
    263       return False
    265     output_filtered_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory,
    266                                         '%s_filtered.info' % name)
    267     output_filters = [
    268         '/usr/include/*', '*third_party*', '*testing*', '*_unittest.cpp',
    269         '*_embeddertest.cpp'
    270     ]
    271     if self.call_lcov(
    272         ['--remove', output_raw_path] + output_filters +
    273         ['--output-file', output_filtered_path],
    274         dry_run=self.dry_run,
    275         needs_directory=False):
    276       print 'Unable to filter coverage data for %s' % name
    277       return False
    279     self.coverage_files.add(output_filtered_path)
    280     return True
    282   def merge_coverage(self):
    283     """Merge all of the coverage data sets into one for report generation."""
    284     merge_args = []
    285     for coverage_file in self.coverage_files:
    286       merge_args.extend(['--add-tracefile', coverage_file])
    288     merge_args.extend(['--output-file', self.coverage_totals_path])
    289     return self.call_lcov(
    290         merge_args, dry_run=self.dry_run, needs_directory=False) == 0
    292   def generate_report(self):
    293     """Produce HTML coverage report based on combined coverage data set."""
    294     config_file = os.path.join(
    295         self.source_directory, 'testing', 'tools', 'coverage', 'lcovrc')
    297     lcov_args = ['genhtml',
    298       '--config-file', config_file,
    299       '--legend',
    300       '--demangle-cpp',
    301       '--show-details',
    302       '--prefix', self.source_directory,
    303       '--ignore-errors',
    304       'source', self.coverage_totals_path,
    305       '--output-directory', self.output_directory]
    306     return self.call(lcov_args, dry_run=self.dry_run) == 0
    308   def run(self):
    309     """Setup environment, execute the tests and generate coverage report"""
    310     if not self.build_binaries():
    311       print 'Failed to successfully build binaries'
    312       return False
    314     for name in self.coverage_tests.keys():
    315       if not self.generate_coverage(name, self.coverage_tests[name]):
    316         print 'Failed to successfully generate coverage data'
    317         return False
    319     if not self.merge_coverage():
    320       print 'Failed to successfully merge generated coverage data'
    321       return False
    323     if not self.generate_report():
    324       print 'Failed to successfully generated coverage report'
    325       return False
    327     return True
    330 def main():
    331   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    332   parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
    333   parser.description = ('Generates a coverage report for given binaries using '
    334                         'llvm-cov & lcov.\n\n'
    335                         'Requires llvm-cov 3.5 or later.\n'
    336                         'Requires lcov 1.11 or later.\n\n'
    337                         'By default runs pdfium_unittests and '
    338                         'pdfium_embeddertests. If --slow is passed in then all '
    339                         'tests will be run. If any of the tests are specified '
    340                         'on the command line, then only those will be run.')
    341   parser.add_argument(
    342       '-s',
    343       '--source_directory',
    344       help='Location of PDFium source directory, defaults to CWD',
    345       default=os.getcwd())
    346   build_default = os.path.join('out', 'Coverage')
    347   parser.add_argument(
    348       '-b',
    349       '--build_directory',
    350       help=
    351       'Location of PDFium build directory with coverage enabled, defaults to '
    352       '%s under CWD' % build_default,
    353       default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), build_default))
    354   output_default = 'coverage_report'
    355   parser.add_argument(
    356       '-o',
    357       '--output_directory',
    358       help='Location to write out coverage report to, defaults to %s under CWD '
    359       % output_default,
    360       default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), output_default))
    361   parser.add_argument(
    362       '-n',
    363       '--dry-run',
    364       help='Output commands instead of executing them',
    365       action='store_true')
    366   parser.add_argument(
    367       '-v',
    368       '--verbose',
    369       help='Output additional diagnostic information',
    370       action='store_true')
    371   parser.add_argument(
    372       '--slow',
    373       help='Run all tests, even those known to take a long time. Ignored if '
    374       'specific tests are passed in.',
    375       action='store_true')
    376   parser.add_argument(
    377       'tests',
    378       help='Tests to be run, defaults to all. Valid entries are %s' %
    379       COVERAGE_TESTS.keys(),
    380       nargs='*')
    382   args = vars(parser.parse_args())
    383   if args['verbose']:
    384     pprint.pprint(args)
    386   executor = CoverageExecutor(parser, args)
    387   if executor.run():
    388     return 0
    389   return 1
    392 if __name__ == '__main__':
    393   sys.exit(main())