/external/toolchain-utils/android_bench_suite/ |
set_flags.py | 32 def replace_flags(bench, android_type, file_type, cflags, ldflags): 37 if ldflags: 38 ldflags = '\", \"'.join(ldflags.split()) 44 if not ldflags: 45 ldflags = '' 47 ldflags = '\"' + ldflags + '\",' 60 line = line.replace('LDFLAGS_FOR_BENCH_SUITE', ldflags) 78 def replace_flags_in_dir(bench, cflags, ldflags) [all...] |
build_bench.py | 53 '--ldflags', help='Specify linker flags for the toolchain.') 59 # CFLAGS/LDFLAGS in the android makefile of each benchmark 60 def set_flags(bench, cflags, ldflags): 67 if not ldflags: 68 logging.info('No LDFLAGS specifed, using default settings.') 69 ldflags = '' 71 logging.info('Ldflags setting to "%s"...', ldflags) 74 add_flags(cflags, ldflags) 129 ldflags) [all...] |
run.py | 79 '--ldflags', 221 def check_count(compiler, llvm_version, build_os, cflags, ldflags): 233 if len(ldflags) != 0: 234 if count != 0 and len(ldflags) != count: 236 count = len(ldflags) 249 ldflags): 260 if ldflags: 261 build_cmd.append('--ldflags=' + ldflags[setting_no]) 401 ldflags = arguments.ldflag [all...] |
/external/icu/icu4c/source/config/ |
test-icu-config.sh | 28 icu-config --ldflags 29 icu-config --ldflags-searchpath 30 icu-config --ldflags-libsonly 31 icu-config --ldflags-system 32 icu-config --ldflags-ustdio 49 icu-config --detect-prefix --ldflags
icu-config-bottom | 48 echo " --ldflags Print -L search path and -l libraries to link with ICU [LDFLAGS]. This is for the data, uc (common), and i18n libraries only. " 49 echo " --ldflags-libsonly Same as --ldflags, but only the -l directives" 50 echo " --ldflags-searchpath Print only -L (search path) directive" 51 echo " --ldflags-system Print only system libs ICU links with (-lpthread, -lm)" 52 echo " --ldflags-icuio Print ICU icuio link directive. Use in addition to --ldflags " 53 echo " --ldflags-obsolete Print ICU obsolete link directive. Use in addition to --ldflags. (requires icuapps/obsolete to be built and installed.) [all...] |
/external/compiler-rt/test/builtins/timing/ |
time | 7 ldflags=$4 9 if gcc -arch $arch -Os $file $ldflags -DLIBNAME=$name
/external/libvpx/libvpx/tools/ |
set_analyzer_env.sh | 25 unset CFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS 48 echo "export LDFLAGS=\"\${LDFLAGS} --rtlib=compiler-rt -lgcc_s\"" 69 ldflags="-fsanitize=${sanitizer}" 81 ldflags="${ldflags} -flto -fuse-ld=gold" 92 export LDFLAGS="${ldflags}"
/external/toolchain-utils/go/ |
go_target | 22 -ldflags | -ldflags=*) return 0 ;;
/external/u-boot/arch/m68k/ |
Makefile | 27 ldflags-$(CONFIG_MCF5441x) := --got=single 28 ldflags-$(CONFIG_MCF5445x) := --got=single 29 ldflags-$(CONFIG_MCF547x_8x) := --got=single 33 PLATFORM_LDFLAGS += $(ldflags-y)
/external/autotest/client/tests/aio_dio_bugs/ |
aio_dio_bugs.py | 22 ldflags = '-L ' + self.autodir + '/deps/libaio/lib' 24 self.gcc_flags = ldflags + ' ' + cflags
/external/jemalloc/android/scripts/ |
conf_arm.sh | 26 ldflags=( 57 LDFLAGS=\"${ldflags[@]}\" \
conf_arm64.sh | 26 ldflags=( 56 LDFLAGS=\"${ldflags[@]}\" \
conf_mips.sh | 25 ldflags=( 55 LDFLAGS=\"${ldflags[@]}\" \
conf_x86.sh | 26 ldflags=( 57 LDFLAGS=\"${ldflags[@]}\" \
conf_x86_64.sh | 26 ldflags=( 57 LDFLAGS=\"${ldflags[@]}\" \
/external/libunwind/android/ |
conf_arm.sh | 36 ldflags=( 65 LDFLAGS=\"${ldflags[@]}\" \
conf_mips.sh | 34 ldflags=( 62 LDFLAGS=\"${ldflags[@]}\" \
conf_x86.sh | 34 ldflags=( 62 LDFLAGS=\"${ldflags[@]}\" \
/external/toybox/kconfig/lxdialog/ |
check-lxdialog.sh | 5 ldflags() function 75 "-ldflags") 78 ldflags
/external/llvm/tools/llvm-go/ |
llvm-go.go | 92 args := append([]string{"--ldflags", "--libs", "--system-libs"}, components...) 93 ldflags := llvmConfig(args...) 97 ldflags = "-Wl,-rpath," + llvmConfig("--libdir") + " " + ldflags 102 ld: ldflags, 140 #cgo LDFLAGS: %s 148 func runGoWithLLVMEnv(args []string, cc, cxx, gocmd, llgo, cppflags, cxxflags, ldflags string) { 184 "CGO_LDFLAGS=" + flags.ld + " " + ldflags, 242 ldflags := os.Getenv("CGO_LDFLAGS") 255 {"ldflags", &ldflags} [all...] |
/external/ImageMagick/Magick++/bin/ |
Magick++-config.in | 11 usage='Usage: Magick++-config [--cppflags] [--cxxflags] [--exec-prefix] [--ldflags] [--libs] [--prefix] [--version] 15 "c++ -o magick magick.cpp `Magick++-config --cppflags --cxxflags --ldflags --libs`"' 52 --ldflags)
/external/ImageMagick/MagickCore/ |
MagickCore-config.in | 11 Usage: MagickCore-config [--cflags] [--cppflags] [--exec-prefix] [--ldflags] [--libs] [--prefix] [--version]" 15 echo "Example: gcc \`MagickCore-config --cflags --cppflags\` -o core core.c \`Magick-config --ldflags --libs\`" 1>&2 49 --ldflags)
/external/ImageMagick/MagickWand/ |
MagickWand-config.in | 11 Usage: MagickWand-config [--cflags] [--cppflags] [--exec-prefix] [--ldflags] [--libs] [--prefix] [--version]" 15 echo "Example: gcc \`MagickWand-config --cflags --cppflags\` -o wand wand.c \`MagickWand-config --ldflags --libs\`" 1>&2 49 --ldflags)
/external/icu/icu4c/source/samples/uresb/ |
Makefile | 45 LDFLAGS += -L$(ICU_PATH)/source/tools/toolutil $(shell icu-config --ldflags-toolutil --ldflags-icuio) 67 $(CC) -o $(TARGET) $(LDFLAGS)
/external/u-boot/scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/ |
check-lxdialog.sh | 6 ldflags() function 66 printf "Usage: $0 [-check compiler options|-ccflags|-ldflags compiler options]\n" 84 "-ldflags") 87 ldflags