/external/libcxx/test/std/localization/locale.categories/category.numeric/locale.num.get/facet.num.get.members/ |
test_neg_one.pass.cpp | 43 std::ostringstream ss; local 44 assert(ss << value); 45 std::string res = ss.str();
/external/libunwind/tests/ |
ia64-test-setjmp.c | 118 stack_t ss; local 123 ss.ss_sp = malloc (2 * SIGSTKSZ); 124 if (ss.ss_sp == NULL) 129 ss.ss_flags = 0; 130 ss.ss_size = 2 * SIGSTKSZ; 131 if (sigaltstack (&ss, NULL) < 0)
/external/mdnsresponder/mDNSWindows/ |
PosixCompat.c | 82 struct sockaddr_storage ss; local 83 int sslen = sizeof( ss ); 85 ZeroMemory( &ss, sizeof( ss ) ); 86 ss.ss_family = family; 88 if ( WSAStringToAddressA( ( LPSTR ) addr, family, NULL, ( struct sockaddr* ) &ss, &sslen ) == 0 ) 90 if ( family == AF_INET ) { memcpy( dst, &( ( struct sockaddr_in* ) &ss)->sin_addr, sizeof( IN_ADDR ) ); return 1; } 91 else if ( family == AF_INET6 ) { memcpy( dst, &( ( struct sockaddr_in6* ) &ss)->sin6_addr, sizeof( IN6_ADDR ) ); return 1; }
/external/nanohttpd/core/src/test/java/fi/iki/elonen/ |
ServerSocketFactoryTest.java | 66 ServerSocket ss = null; local 68 ss = this.getServerSocketFactory().create(); 71 Assert.assertTrue(ss != null); 81 ServerSocket ss = null; local 83 ss = ssFactory.create(); 86 Assert.assertTrue(ss == null);
/external/swiftshader/third_party/LLVM/unittests/ADT/ |
StringMapTest.cpp | 149 std::stringstream ss; local 150 ss << "key_" << i; 151 testMap[ss.str()] = i; 158 std::stringstream ss; local 159 ss << "key_" << it->second; 160 ASSERT_STREQ(ss.str().c_str(), it->first().data());
/external/swiftshader/third_party/SPIRV-Tools/test/ |
huffman_codec.cpp | 60 std::stringstream ss; local 61 huffman.PrintTree(ss); 83 EXPECT_EQ(expected, ss.str()); 88 std::stringstream ss; local 89 huffman.PrintTable(ss); 110 EXPECT_EQ(expected, ss.str()); 266 std::stringstream ss; local 267 huffman.PrintTree(ss); 275 EXPECT_EQ(expected, ss.str()); 288 std::stringstream ss; local [all...] |
text_to_binary.control_flow_test.cpp | 239 std::stringstream ss; local 240 ss << integer_width << " " << integer_signedness; 242 ss.str(),
/external/swiftshader/third_party/SPIRV-Tools/test/val/ |
val_non_uniform_test.cpp | 36 std::ostringstream ss; local 37 ss << R"( 49 ss << capabilities_and_extensions; 50 ss << "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"; 51 ss << "OpEntryPoint " << execution_model << " %main \"main\"\n"; 53 ss << "OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n"; 56 ss << R"( 91 ss << body; 93 ss << R"( 97 return ss.str() [all...] |
/external/swiftshader/third_party/llvm-7.0/llvm/utils/unittest/googlemock/src/ |
gmock-cardinalities.cc | 55 std::stringstream ss; local 57 ss << "The invocation lower bound must be >= 0, " 59 internal::Expect(false, __FILE__, __LINE__, ss.str()); 61 ss << "The invocation upper bound must be >= 0, " 63 internal::Expect(false, __FILE__, __LINE__, ss.str()); 65 ss << "The invocation upper bound (" << max 68 internal::Expect(false, __FILE__, __LINE__, ss.str()); 101 std::stringstream ss; local 102 ss << n << " times"; 103 return ss.str() [all...] |
/external/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/ |
rpc_collective_executor_mgr.cc | 121 StepSequence* ss = response->add_step_sequence(); local 122 ss->set_graph_key(graph_key); 123 ss->set_next_step_id(gks->next_step_id_); 132 for (const StepSequence& ss : resp.step_sequence()) { 134 auto it = sequence_table_.find(ss.graph_key()); 136 gks = new GraphKeySequence(ss.graph_key()); 137 sequence_table_[ss.graph_key()] = gks; 141 gks->next_step_id_ = ss.next_step_id();
/external/toybox/toys/other/ |
inotifyd.c | 40 char *prog_args[5], **ss = toys.optargs; local 52 while (*++ss) { 53 char *path = *ss, *masks = strchr(*ss, ':');
/external/toybox/toys/posix/ |
test.c | 50 char *s = args[1], *ss = "eqnegtgeltle"; local 53 if (*s=='-' && strlen(s)==3 && (s = strstr(ss, s+1)) && !((i = s-ss)&1)) {
/external/u-boot/drivers/spi/ |
soft_spi_legacy.c | 49 struct soft_spi_slave *ss; local 54 ss = spi_alloc_slave(struct soft_spi_slave, bus, cs); 55 if (!ss) 58 ss->mode = mode; 62 return &ss->slave; 67 struct soft_spi_slave *ss = to_soft_spi(slave); local 69 free(ss); 77 struct soft_spi_slave *ss = to_soft_spi(slave); local 83 if (ss->mode & SPI_CPOL) 114 struct soft_spi_slave *ss = to_soft_spi(slave) local [all...] |
/external/v8/src/ic/ |
ic-stats.cc | 133 std::stringstream ss; local 134 ss << map; 135 value->SetString("map", ss.str());
/external/webrtc/webrtc/common_audio/resampler/ |
resampler_unittest.cc | 77 std::ostringstream ss; local 78 ss << "Input rate: " << kRates[i] << ", output rate: " << kRates[j] 80 SCOPED_TRACE(ss.str()); 96 std::ostringstream ss; local 97 ss << "Input rate: " << kRates[i] << ", output rate: " << kRates[j]; 98 SCOPED_TRACE(ss.str()); 118 std::ostringstream ss; local 119 ss << "Input rate: " << kRates[i] << ", output rate: " << kRates[j]; 120 SCOPED_TRACE(ss.str());
/external/webrtc/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/ |
neteq.cc | 32 std::stringstream ss; local 33 ss << "sample_rate_hz=" << sample_rate_hz << ", enable_audio_classifier=" 41 return ss.str();
/frameworks/av/media/libeffects/factory/ |
EffectsFactoryState.c | 116 char ss[256]; local 128 snprintf(ss, sizeof(ss), "%s UUID: %s\n", idt, s); 129 strlcat(str, ss, len); 132 snprintf(ss, sizeof(ss), "%s TYPE: %s\n", idt, s); 133 strlcat(str, ss, len);
/external/oj-libjdwp/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/ |
SocketTransportService.java | 49 ServerSocket ss; field in class:SocketTransportService.SocketListenKey 51 SocketListenKey(ServerSocket ss) { 52 this.ss = ss; 56 return ss; 64 InetAddress address = ss.getInetAddress(); 108 return result + ":" + ss.getLocalPort(); 254 ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(); local 255 ss.bind(sa); 256 return new SocketListenKey(ss); 302 ServerSocket ss = ((SocketListenKey)listener).socket(); local 323 ServerSocket ss; local [all...] |
/art/runtime/mirror/ |
method_type.cc | 156 std::ostringstream ss; local 157 ss << "("; 162 ss << p_types->GetWithoutChecks(i)->PrettyDescriptor(); 164 ss << ", "; 168 ss << ")"; 169 ss << GetRType()->PrettyDescriptor(); 171 return ss.str();
/bionic/tests/ |
netdb_test.cpp | 115 sockaddr_storage ss; local 116 memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss)); 117 sockaddr* sa = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&ss); 120 ss.ss_family = AF_INET; 121 socklen_t too_much = sizeof(ss); 131 ss.ss_family = AF_INET6;
setjmp_test.cpp | 74 sigset64_t ss; local 75 sigemptyset64(&ss); 76 sigaddset64(&ss, SIGUSR1 + offset); 78 sigaddset64(&ss, __SIGRTMIN); 79 sigaddset64(&ss, SIGRTMIN + offset); 80 return ss; 100 SigSets ss; local 101 sigprocmask64(SIG_SETMASK, &ss.one, nullptr); 104 sigprocmask64(SIG_SETMASK, &ss.two, nullptr); 108 AssertSigmaskEquals(ss.two) 118 SigSets ss; local 140 SigSets ss; local 156 SigSets ss; local [all...] |
/build/kati/ |
strutil_test.cc | 34 vector<StringPiece> ss; local 36 ss.push_back(tok); 38 assert(ss.size() == 4LU); 39 ASSERT_EQ(ss[0], "foo"); 40 ASSERT_EQ(ss[1], "bar"); 41 ASSERT_EQ(ss[2], "baz"); 42 ASSERT_EQ(ss[3], "hogeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"); 187 vector<StringPiece> ss; local 189 ss.push_back(tok); 191 assert(ss.size() == 2LU) [all...] |
/cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/audio/wavelib/ |
DspFftServer.java | 54 double cc, ss, t1, t2; local 87 ss = sign * mSin.mData[aa]; 90 t1 = cc * r.mReal[kk + n1] - ss * r.mImag[kk + n1]; 91 t2 = ss * r.mReal[kk + n1] + cc * r.mImag[kk + n1];
/device/generic/goldfish-opengl/android-emu/android/base/ |
SubAllocator.cpp | 53 std::stringstream ss; local 54 ss << "SubAllocator " << task << ": "; 55 ss << "Out of range: " << std::hex << addr << " "; 56 ss << "Range: " << 59 std::string msg = ss.str();
/device/google/bonito/health/ |
HealthService.cpp | 93 std::stringstream ss; local 94 ss << "mmc0 " << std::hex << value; 95 info->version = ss.str();