/external/python/cpython3/Lib/lib2to3/fixes/ |
fix_dict.py | 73 new = pytree.Node(syms.power, args) 75 new.prefix = "" 76 new = Call(Name("iter" if isiter else "list"), [new]) 78 new = pytree.Node(syms.power, [new] + tail) 79 new.prefix = node.prefix 80 return new
fix_intern.py | 39 new = ImportAndCall(node, results, names) 41 return new
fix_reload.py | 36 new = ImportAndCall(node, results, names) 38 return new
/external/grpc-grpc/src/ruby/bin/ |
math_client.rb | 39 LOGGER = Logger.new(STDOUT) 47 req = Math::DivArgs.new(dividend: 7, divisor: 3) 58 reqs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map { |x| Math::Num.new(num: x) } 68 req = Math::FibArgs.new(limit: 11) 81 reqs << Math::DivArgs.new(dividend: 7, divisor: 3) 82 reqs << Math::DivArgs.new(dividend: 5, divisor: 2) 83 reqs << Math::DivArgs.new(dividend: 7, divisor: 2) 101 GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials.new(certs[0]) 109 OptionParser.new do |opts| 127 stub = Math::Math::Stub.new(options['host'], **stub_opts [all...] |
/external/python/cpython2/Lib/test/ |
test_marshal.py | 55 new = marshal.loads(marshal.dumps(b)) 56 self.assertEqual(b, new) 57 self.assertEqual(type(b), type(new)) 59 new = marshal.load(file(test_support.TESTFN, "rb")) 60 self.assertEqual(b, new) 61 self.assertEqual(type(b), type(new)) 114 new = marshal.loads(marshal.dumps(s)) 115 self.assertEqual(s, new) 116 self.assertEqual(type(s), type(new)) 118 new = marshal.load(file(test_support.TESTFN, "rb") [all...] |
/external/grpc-grpc/src/csharp/Grpc.Core.Tests/ |
ChannelOptionsTest.cs | 33 var option = new ChannelOption("somename", 1); 44 var option = new ChannelOption("somename", "ABCDEF"); 55 Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentNullException), () => { new ChannelOption(null, "abc"); }); 56 Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentNullException), () => { new ChannelOption(null, 1); }); 57 Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentNullException), () => { new ChannelOption("abc", null); }); 70 var options = new List<ChannelOption>(); 78 var options = new List<ChannelOption> 80 new ChannelOption("ABC", "XYZ"), 81 new ChannelOption("somename", "IJKLM"), 82 new ChannelOption("intoption", 12345) [all...] |
ClientServerTest.cs | 44 helper = new MockServiceHelper(Host); 60 helper.UnaryHandler = new UnaryServerMethod<string, string>((request, context) => 73 helper.UnaryHandler = new UnaryServerMethod<string, string>((request, context) => 75 throw new Exception("This was thrown on purpose by a test"); 88 helper.UnaryHandler = new UnaryServerMethod<string, string>((request, context) => 90 throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.Unauthenticated, "")); 105 helper.UnaryHandler = new UnaryServerMethod<string, string>((request, context) => 107 var trailers = new Metadata { {"xyz", "xyz-value"} }; 108 throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.Unauthenticated, ""), trailers) [all...] |
/external/libchrome/mojo/public/js/lib/ |
control_message_proxy.js | 9 var runOrClosePipeMessageParams = new 16 var builder = new internal.MessageV0Builder(messageName, payloadSize); 24 var messageValidator = new internal.Validator(message); 31 throw new Error("Control message name is not kRunMessageId"); 45 var reader = new internal.MessageReader(message); 65 var builder = new internal.MessageV1Builder(messageName, 79 var runMessageParams = new mojo.interfaceControl.RunMessageParams(); 80 runMessageParams.input = new mojo.interfaceControl.RunInput(); 82 new mojo.interfaceControl.QueryVersion(); 91 var runOrClosePipeInput = new mojo.interfaceControl.RunOrClosePipeInput() [all...] |
/external/grpc-grpc/src/csharp/Grpc.Core.Tests/Internal/ |
AsyncCallTest.cs | 40 channel = new Channel("localhost", ChannelCredentials.Insecure); 42 fakeCall = new FakeNativeCall(); 44 var callDetails = new CallInvocationDetails<string, string>(channel, "someMethod", null, Marshallers.StringMarshaller, Marshallers.StringMarshaller, new CallOptions()); 45 asyncCall = new AsyncCall<string, string>(callDetails, fakeCall); 69 () => asyncCall.SendMessageAsync("abc", new WriteFlags())); 77 new ClientSideStatus(Status.DefaultSuccess, new Metadata()), 79 new Metadata()); 91 new Metadata()) [all...] |
/external/antlr/runtime/Perl5/examples/id/ |
id.pl | 12 my $input = ANTLR::Runtime::ANTLRStringStream->new({ input => "Hello World!\n42\n" }); 13 my $lexer = IDLexer->new({ input => $input });
/external/antlr/runtime/Ruby/test/functional/lexer/ |
syn-pred.rb | 26 lexer = SyntacticPredicateGate::Lexer.new( 'ac' )
/external/antlr/runtime/Ruby/test/unit/ |
test-recognizers.rb | 11 TrivialToken = Struct.new(:type) do 27 src = TestSource.new 42 stream = StringStream.new('foo') 43 TLexer.new(stream)
/external/cldr/tools/scripts/ |
platformDiffTool.sh | 17 rm -rf ${TREE}.new 18 mkdir ${TREE}.new 19 cp -r ${TREE}/CVS ${TREE}.new/ 23 mv ${TREE}.new ${TREE}
/external/elfutils/config/ |
Makefile.am | 52 sed "/^%changelog/r $$tmpname" $@ > $@.new; \ 54 mv -f $@.new $@
/external/grpc-grpc/examples/ruby/without_protobuf/ |
echo_client.rb | 28 stub = EchoWithoutProtobuf::Stub.new('localhost:50051', :this_channel_is_insecure)
/external/grpc-grpc/src/ruby/end2end/ |
client_memory_usage_driver.rb | 21 server_runner = ServerRunner.new(EchoServerImpl)
/external/grpc-grpc/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/ |
interceptor_registry.rb | 50 InterceptionContext.new(@interceptors)
/external/grpc-grpc/src/ruby/lib/grpc/ |
logconfig.rb | 39 LOGGER = NoopLogger.new
/external/grpc-grpc/src/ruby/spec/support/ |
helpers.rb | 51 t = Thread.new { server.run } 69 klass.new(host, :this_channel_is_insecure, **opts) 81 RpcServer.new(**server_opts) 93 GRPC::Core::Server.new(server_args)
/external/grpc-grpc/src/ruby/stress/ |
metrics_server.rb | 20 raise NoMethodError.new 24 raise NoMethodError.new 28 raise NoMethodError.new 45 response = GaugeResponse.new(:name => gauge.get_name)
/external/icu/icu4c/source/tools/memcheck/ |
ICUMemCheck.pl | 51 if ($symbols =~ /U +operator new\(unsigned int\)/) { 54 if ($symbols =~ /U +operator new\[\]\(unsigned int\)/) {
/external/lzma/CS/7zip/Compress/LZMA/ |
LzmaDecoder.cs | 13 BitDecoder m_Choice = new BitDecoder();
14 BitDecoder m_Choice2 = new BitDecoder();
15 BitTreeDecoder[] m_LowCoder = new BitTreeDecoder[Base.kNumPosStatesMax];
16 BitTreeDecoder[] m_MidCoder = new BitTreeDecoder[Base.kNumPosStatesMax];
17 BitTreeDecoder m_HighCoder = new BitTreeDecoder(Base.kNumHighLenBits);
24 m_LowCoder[posState] = new BitTreeDecoder(Base.kNumLowLenBits);
25 m_MidCoder[posState] = new BitTreeDecoder(Base.kNumMidLenBits);
66 public void Create() { m_Decoders = new BitDecoder[0x300]; }
113 m_Coders = new Decoder2[numStates];
135 LZ.OutWindow m_OutWindow = new LZ.OutWindow(); [all...] |
/external/lzma/CS/7zip/Compress/LzmaAlone/ |
LzmaAlone.cs | 48 throw (new Exception("can't Write"));
52 throw (new Exception("can't Seek"));
56 throw (new Exception("can't SetLength"));
115 throw (new Exception("Command line error"));
129 SwitchForm[] kSwitchForms = new SwitchForm[13];
131 kSwitchForms[sw++] = new SwitchForm("?", SwitchType.Simple, false);
132 kSwitchForms[sw++] = new SwitchForm("H", SwitchType.Simple, false);
133 kSwitchForms[sw++] = new SwitchForm("A", SwitchType.UnLimitedPostString, false, 1);
134 kSwitchForms[sw++] = new SwitchForm("D", SwitchType.UnLimitedPostString, false, 1);
135 kSwitchForms[sw++] = new SwitchForm("FB", SwitchType.UnLimitedPostString, false, 1); [all...] |
/external/grpc-grpc/src/ruby/spec/generic/ |
rpc_desc_spec.rb | 27 @request_response = RpcDesc.new('rr', Object.new, Object.new, 'encode', 29 @client_streamer = RpcDesc.new('cs', Stream.new(Object.new), Object.new, 31 @server_streamer = RpcDesc.new('ss', Object.new, Stream.new(Object.new) [all...] |
/external/icu/icu4c/source/test/perf/perldriver/ |
Dataset.pm | 17 # Create a new Dataset with the given data. 18 sub new { subroutine 30 my $stats = Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new(); 73 # Divide two Datasets and return a new one, maintaining the 74 # mean+/-error. The new Dataset has no data points. 84 my $result = Dataset->new(); 91 # subtracts two Datasets and return a new one, maintaining the 92 # mean+/-error. The new Dataset has no data points. 97 my $result = Dataset->new(); 104 # adds two Datasets and return a new one, maintaining th [all...] |