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     41 /*
     42 //
     43 //  Purpose:
     44 //     Cryptography Primitive.
     45 //     Message block processing according to SM5
     46 //
     47 //  Contents:
     48 //     UpdateSM3()
     49 //
     50 //
     51 */
     53 #include "owndefs.h"
     54 #include "owncp.h"
     55 #include "pcphash.h"
     56 #include "pcptool.h"
     58 #if !defined(_ENABLE_ALG_SM3_)
     59 #pragma message("IPP_ALG_HASH_SM3 disabled")
     61 #else
     62 #pragma message("IPP_ALG_HASH_SM3 enabled")
     64 #if !((_IPP32E>=_IPP32E_U8) || (_IPP32E==_IPP32E_N8) )
     66 /*
     67 // SM3 Specific Macros
     68 // (reference SM3 Cryptographic Hash Algorithm,
     69 //  Chinese Commercial Cryptography Administration Office, 2010.12)
     70 */
     72 /* T1 and T2 are base for additive const generation */
     73 #define T1  (0x79CC4519)
     74 #define T2  (0x7A879D8A)
     76 // boolean functions (0<=nr<16)
     77 #define FF1(x,y,z) ((x)^(y)^(z))
     78 #define GG1(x,y,z) ((x)^(y)^(z))
     79 // boolean functions (16<=nr<64)
     80 #define FF2(x,y,z) (((x)&(y)) | ((x)&(z)) | ((y)&(z)))
     81 #define GG2(x,y,z) (((x)&(y)) | (~(x)&(z)))
     83 // P0 permutation:
     84 #define P0(x)  ((x) ^ ROL32((x),9) ^ ROL32((x),17))
     85 // P1 permutation:
     86 #define P1(x)  ((x) ^ ROL32((x),15) ^ ROL32((x),23))
     88 // update W
     89 #define WUPDATE(nr, W) (P1(W[((nr)-16)&15] ^ W[((nr)-9)&15] ^ ROL32(W[((nr)-3)&15],15)) ^ ROL32(W[((nr)-13)&15],7) ^ W[((nr)-6)&15])
     91 // SM3 steps
     92 #define SM3_STEP1(nr, A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, Tj, W)  { \
     93    TT1 = FF1(A,B,C) + D + (W[nr&15] ^ W[(nr+4)&15]); \
     94    TT2 = GG1(E,F,G) + H + W[nr&15]; \
     95    H = ROL32(A,12); \
     96    D = ROL32(H + E +Tj, 7); \
     97    H ^= D; \
     98    D += TT2; \
     99    H += TT1; \
    100    B = ROL32(B, 9); \
    101    D = P0(D); \
    102    F = ROL32(F, 19); \
    103    /*Tj = ROL32(Tj, 1);*/ \
    104    W[(nr)&15] = WUPDATE(nr, W); \
    105 }
    107 #define SM3_STEP2(nr, A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, Tj, W)  { \
    108    TT1 = FF2(A,B,C) + D + (W[nr&15] ^ W[(nr+4)&15]); \
    109    TT2 = GG2(E,F,G) + H + W[nr&15]; \
    110    H = ROL32(A,12); \
    111    D = ROL32(H + E +Tj, 7); \
    112    H ^= D; \
    113    D += TT2; \
    114    H += TT1; \
    115    B = ROL32(B, 9); \
    116    D = P0(D); \
    117    F = ROL32(F, 19); \
    118    /*Tj = ROL32(Tj, 1);*/ \
    119    W[(nr)&15] = WUPDATE(nr, W); \
    120 }
    122 #define SM3_STEP3(nr, A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, Tj, W)  { \
    123    TT1 = FF2(A,B,C) + D + (W[nr&15] ^ W[(nr+4)&15]); \
    124    TT2 = GG2(E,F,G) + H + W[nr&15]; \
    125    H = ROL32(A,12); \
    126    D = ROL32(H + E +Tj, 7); \
    127    H ^= D; \
    128    D += TT2; \
    129    H += TT1; \
    130    B = ROL32(B, 9); \
    131    D = P0(D); \
    132    F = ROL32(F, 19); \
    133    /*Tj = ROL32(Tj, 1);*/ \
    134 }
    136 #define COMPACT_SM3_STEP(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, FF, GG, W,Tj, r)  { \
    137    TT1 = FF((r)&0x30, A,B,C) + D + (W[(r)] ^ W[(r)+4]); \
    138    TT2 = GG((r)&0x30, E,F,G) + H + W[(r)]; \
    139    \
    140    _H = ROL32(A,12); \
    141    _D = ROL32(_H + E +Tj[(r)], 7); \
    142    _H ^= _D;   \
    143    _D += TT2;  \
    144    _H += TT1;  \
    145    _D = P0(_D);\
    146    \
    147    H = G; \
    148    G = ROL32(F,19); \
    149    F = E; \
    150    E =_D; \
    151    D = C; \
    152    C = ROL32(B, 9); \
    153    B = A; \
    154    A =_H; \
    155 }
    158 /*F*
    159 //    Name: UpdateSM3
    160 //
    161 // Purpose: Update internal hash according to input message stream.
    162 //
    163 // Parameters:
    164 //    uniHash  pointer to in/out hash
    165 //    mblk     pointer to message stream
    166 //    mlen     message stream length (multiple by message block size)
    167 //    uniParam pointer to the optional parameter
    168 //
    169 *F*/
    170 #if defined(_ALG_SM3_COMPACT_)
    171 #pragma message("SM3 compact")
    173 __INLINE Ipp32u MagicFF(int s, Ipp32u a, Ipp32u b, Ipp32u c)
    174 {
    175    switch(s) {
    176       case 0: return FF1(a,b,c);
    177       default:return FF2(a,b,c);
    178    }
    179 }
    180 __INLINE Ipp32u MagicGG(int s, Ipp32u e, Ipp32u f, Ipp32u g)
    181 {
    182    switch(s) {
    183       case 0: return GG1(e,f,g);
    184       default:return GG2(e,f,g);
    185    }
    186 }
    188 void UpdateSM3(void* uniHash, const Ipp8u* mblk, int mlen, const void* uniParam)
    189 {
    190    Ipp32u* data = (Ipp32u*)mblk;
    192    Ipp32u* hash = (Ipp32u*)uniHash;
    193    Ipp32u* SM3_cnt_loc = (Ipp32u*)uniParam;
    195    for(; mlen>=MBS_SM3; data += MBS_SM3/sizeof(Ipp32u), mlen -= MBS_SM3) {
    196       int r;
    198       /*
    199       // expand message block
    200       */
    201       Ipp32u W[68];
    202       /* initialize the first 16 words in the array W (remember about endian) */
    203       for(r=0; r<16; r++) {
    204          #if (IPP_ENDIAN == IPP_BIG_ENDIAN)
    205          W[r] = data[r];
    206          #else
    207          W[r] = ENDIANNESS( data[r] );
    208          #endif
    209       }
    210       for(; r<68; r++)
    211          W[r] = P1(W[r-16] ^ W[r-9] ^ ROL32(W[r-3],15)) ^ ROL32(W[r-13],7) ^ W[r-6];
    213       /*
    214       // update hash
    215       */
    216       {
    217          /* init A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H by the input hash */
    218          Ipp32u A = hash[0];
    219          Ipp32u B = hash[1];
    220          Ipp32u C = hash[2];
    221          Ipp32u D = hash[3];
    222          Ipp32u E = hash[4];
    223          Ipp32u F = hash[5];
    224          Ipp32u G = hash[6];
    225          Ipp32u H = hash[7];
    227          Ipp32u TT1, TT2, _H, _D;
    228          for(r=0; r<64; r++)
    229             COMPACT_SM3_STEP(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, MagicFF,MagicGG, W, SM3_cnt_loc, r);
    231          /* update hash */
    232          hash[0] ^= A;
    233          hash[1] ^= B;
    234          hash[2] ^= C;
    235          hash[3] ^= D;
    236          hash[4] ^= E;
    237          hash[5] ^= F;
    238          hash[6] ^= G;
    239          hash[7] ^= H;
    240       }
    241    }
    242 }
    244 #else
    245 void UpdateSM3(void* uniHash, const Ipp8u* mblk, int mlen, const void* uniParam)
    246 {
    247    Ipp32u* data = (Ipp32u*)mblk;
    249    Ipp32u* hash = (Ipp32u*)uniHash;
    250    Ipp32u* SM3_cnt_loc = (Ipp32u*)uniParam;
    252    for(; mlen>=MBS_SM3; data += MBS_SM3/sizeof(Ipp32u), mlen -= MBS_SM3) {
    254       /* copy input hash */
    255       Ipp32u A = hash[0];
    256       Ipp32u B = hash[1];
    257       Ipp32u C = hash[2];
    258       Ipp32u D = hash[3];
    259       Ipp32u E = hash[4];
    260       Ipp32u F = hash[5];
    261       Ipp32u G = hash[6];
    262       Ipp32u H = hash[7];
    264       Ipp32u W[16];
    265       int j;
    268       /* initialize the first 16 words in the array W (remember about endian) */
    269       for(j=0; j<16; j++) {
    270          #if (IPP_ENDIAN == IPP_BIG_ENDIAN)
    271          W[j] = data[j];
    272          #else
    273          W[j] = ENDIANNESS( data[j] );
    274          #endif
    275       }
    277       /* apply compression function */
    278       {
    279          Ipp32u TT1, TT2;
    280          SM3_STEP1( 0,  A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, SM3_cnt_loc[0], W);
    281          SM3_STEP1( 1,  H,A,B,C,D,E,F,G, SM3_cnt_loc[1], W);
    282          SM3_STEP1( 2,  G,H,A,B,C,D,E,F, SM3_cnt_loc[2], W);
    283          SM3_STEP1( 3,  F,G,H,A,B,C,D,E, SM3_cnt_loc[3], W);
    284          SM3_STEP1( 4,  E,F,G,H,A,B,C,D, SM3_cnt_loc[4], W);
    285          SM3_STEP1( 5,  D,E,F,G,H,A,B,C, SM3_cnt_loc[5], W);
    286          SM3_STEP1( 6,  C,D,E,F,G,H,A,B, SM3_cnt_loc[6], W);
    287          SM3_STEP1( 7,  B,C,D,E,F,G,H,A, SM3_cnt_loc[7], W);
    289          SM3_STEP1( 8,  A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, SM3_cnt_loc[ 8], W);
    290          SM3_STEP1( 9,  H,A,B,C,D,E,F,G, SM3_cnt_loc[ 9], W);
    291          SM3_STEP1(10,  G,H,A,B,C,D,E,F, SM3_cnt_loc[10], W);
    292          SM3_STEP1(11,  F,G,H,A,B,C,D,E, SM3_cnt_loc[11], W);
    293          SM3_STEP1(12,  E,F,G,H,A,B,C,D, SM3_cnt_loc[12], W);
    294          SM3_STEP1(13,  D,E,F,G,H,A,B,C, SM3_cnt_loc[13], W);
    295          SM3_STEP1(14,  C,D,E,F,G,H,A,B, SM3_cnt_loc[14], W);
    296          SM3_STEP1(15,  B,C,D,E,F,G,H,A, SM3_cnt_loc[15], W);
    298          SM3_STEP2(16,  A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, SM3_cnt_loc[16], W);
    299          SM3_STEP2(17,  H,A,B,C,D,E,F,G, SM3_cnt_loc[17], W);
    300          SM3_STEP2(18,  G,H,A,B,C,D,E,F, SM3_cnt_loc[18], W);
    301          SM3_STEP2(19,  F,G,H,A,B,C,D,E, SM3_cnt_loc[19], W);
    302          SM3_STEP2(20,  E,F,G,H,A,B,C,D, SM3_cnt_loc[20], W);
    303          SM3_STEP2(21,  D,E,F,G,H,A,B,C, SM3_cnt_loc[21], W);
    304          SM3_STEP2(22,  C,D,E,F,G,H,A,B, SM3_cnt_loc[22], W);
    305          SM3_STEP2(23,  B,C,D,E,F,G,H,A, SM3_cnt_loc[23], W);
    307          SM3_STEP2(24,  A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, SM3_cnt_loc[24], W);
    308          SM3_STEP2(25,  H,A,B,C,D,E,F,G, SM3_cnt_loc[25], W);
    309          SM3_STEP2(26,  G,H,A,B,C,D,E,F, SM3_cnt_loc[26], W);
    310          SM3_STEP2(27,  F,G,H,A,B,C,D,E, SM3_cnt_loc[27], W);
    311          SM3_STEP2(28,  E,F,G,H,A,B,C,D, SM3_cnt_loc[28], W);
    312          SM3_STEP2(29,  D,E,F,G,H,A,B,C, SM3_cnt_loc[29], W);
    313          SM3_STEP2(30,  C,D,E,F,G,H,A,B, SM3_cnt_loc[30], W);
    314          SM3_STEP2(31,  B,C,D,E,F,G,H,A, SM3_cnt_loc[31], W);
    316          SM3_STEP2(32,  A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, SM3_cnt_loc[32], W);
    317          SM3_STEP2(33,  H,A,B,C,D,E,F,G, SM3_cnt_loc[33], W);
    318          SM3_STEP2(34,  G,H,A,B,C,D,E,F, SM3_cnt_loc[34], W);
    319          SM3_STEP2(35,  F,G,H,A,B,C,D,E, SM3_cnt_loc[35], W);
    320          SM3_STEP2(36,  E,F,G,H,A,B,C,D, SM3_cnt_loc[36], W);
    321          SM3_STEP2(37,  D,E,F,G,H,A,B,C, SM3_cnt_loc[37], W);
    322          SM3_STEP2(38,  C,D,E,F,G,H,A,B, SM3_cnt_loc[38], W);
    323          SM3_STEP2(39,  B,C,D,E,F,G,H,A, SM3_cnt_loc[39], W);
    325          SM3_STEP2(40,  A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, SM3_cnt_loc[40], W);
    326          SM3_STEP2(41,  H,A,B,C,D,E,F,G, SM3_cnt_loc[41], W);
    327          SM3_STEP2(42,  G,H,A,B,C,D,E,F, SM3_cnt_loc[42], W);
    328          SM3_STEP2(43,  F,G,H,A,B,C,D,E, SM3_cnt_loc[43], W);
    329          SM3_STEP2(44,  E,F,G,H,A,B,C,D, SM3_cnt_loc[44], W);
    330          SM3_STEP2(45,  D,E,F,G,H,A,B,C, SM3_cnt_loc[45], W);
    331          SM3_STEP2(46,  C,D,E,F,G,H,A,B, SM3_cnt_loc[46], W);
    332          SM3_STEP2(47,  B,C,D,E,F,G,H,A, SM3_cnt_loc[47], W);
    334          SM3_STEP2(48,  A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, SM3_cnt_loc[48], W);
    335          SM3_STEP2(49,  H,A,B,C,D,E,F,G, SM3_cnt_loc[49], W);
    336          SM3_STEP2(50,  G,H,A,B,C,D,E,F, SM3_cnt_loc[50], W);
    337          SM3_STEP2(51,  F,G,H,A,B,C,D,E, SM3_cnt_loc[51], W);
    338          SM3_STEP3(52,  E,F,G,H,A,B,C,D, SM3_cnt_loc[52], W);
    339          SM3_STEP3(53,  D,E,F,G,H,A,B,C, SM3_cnt_loc[53], W);
    340          SM3_STEP3(54,  C,D,E,F,G,H,A,B, SM3_cnt_loc[54], W);
    341          SM3_STEP3(55,  B,C,D,E,F,G,H,A, SM3_cnt_loc[55], W);
    343          SM3_STEP3(56,  A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, SM3_cnt_loc[56], W);
    344          SM3_STEP3(57,  H,A,B,C,D,E,F,G, SM3_cnt_loc[57], W);
    345          SM3_STEP3(58,  G,H,A,B,C,D,E,F, SM3_cnt_loc[58], W);
    346          SM3_STEP3(59,  F,G,H,A,B,C,D,E, SM3_cnt_loc[59], W);
    347          SM3_STEP3(60,  E,F,G,H,A,B,C,D, SM3_cnt_loc[60], W);
    348          SM3_STEP3(61,  D,E,F,G,H,A,B,C, SM3_cnt_loc[61], W);
    349          SM3_STEP3(62,  C,D,E,F,G,H,A,B, SM3_cnt_loc[62], W);
    350          SM3_STEP3(63,  B,C,D,E,F,G,H,A, SM3_cnt_loc[63], W);
    351       }
    352       /* update hash */
    353       hash[0] ^= A;
    354       hash[1] ^= B;
    355       hash[2] ^= C;
    356       hash[3] ^= D;
    357       hash[4] ^= E;
    358       hash[5] ^= F;
    359       hash[6] ^= G;
    360       hash[7] ^= H;
    361    }
    362 }
    363 #endif
    365 #endif /* _PX/_W7/_T7, _MX/_M7 versions */
    366 #endif /* IPP_ALG_HASH_SM3 */