Lines Matching full:self
1149 movl offGlue_self(%eax), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self
1151 movl offThread_exception(%ecx), %edx # %edx<- glue->self->exception
1153 SET_VREG %edx, rINST # vAA<- glue->self->exception
1853 movl offGlue_self(%eax), %eax # %eax<- glue->self
1864 call dvmLockObject # call: (struct Thread* self,
1871 movl offGlue_self(%eax), %eax # %eax<- glue->self
1872 movl offThread_exception(%eax), %eax # %eax<- glue->self->exception
1920 push offGlue_self(%eax) # push parameter self
1921 call dvmUnlockObject # call: (struct Thread* self,
2417 movl offGlue_self(%eax), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self
18412 movl offGlue_self(%edx), %eax # %eax<- glue->self
18415 call dvmCheckSuspendPending # call: (Thread* self)
18457 movl offGlue_self(%ecx), %eax# %eax<- glue->self
18461 call dvmCheckSuspendPending # call: (Thread* self)
18644 movl offGlue_self(%eax), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self
18646 movl rFP, offThread_curFrame(%ecx) # glue->self->curFrame<- newFP
18657 movl offGlue_self(%edx), %edx # %edx<- glue->self
18658 movl offThread_jniLocal_topCookie(%edx), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self->thread->refNext
18662 movl %eax, offThread_curFrame(%edx) # glue->self->curFrame<- newFP
18663 movl %edx, -8(%esp) # save glue->self
18664 movl %edx, -16(%esp) # push parameter glue->self
18682 movl -8(%esp), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self
18686 movl rFP, offThread_curFrame(%ecx) # glue->self->curFrame<- rFP
18687 movl %eax, offThread_jniLocal_topCookie(%ecx) # glue->self<- newSaveArea->localRefCookie
18693 movl offGlue_self(%ecx), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self
18694 movl %ecx, -4(%esp) # push parameter self
18696 call dvmHandleStackOverflow # call: (Thread* self)
18736 movl offGlue_self(rINST), %eax# %eax<- glue->self
18739 call dvmCheckSuspendPending # call: (Thread* self)
18759 movl offGlue_self(rINST), %ecx # %eax<- glue->self
18763 movl rFP, offThread_curFrame(%ecx) # glue->self->curFrame<- rFP
18781 movl offGlue_self(%eax), %edx # %edx<- glue->self
18782 movl offThread_exception(%edx), %ecx # %ecx<- pMterpGlue->self->exception
18783 movl %edx, -4(%esp) # push parameter self
18787 # call: (Object* obj, Thread* self)
18789 movl 4(%esp), %edx # %edx<- glue->self
18790 movl $0, offThread_exception(%edx) # glue->self->exception<- NULL
18801 movl %edx, -12(%esp) # push parameter 2<- glue->self->exception
18810 movl %edx, -20(%esp) # push parameter 0<- glue->self
18817 call dvmFindCatchBlock # call: (Thread* self, int relPc, Object* exception,
18829 movl -4(%esp), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self
18833 movl %ecx, -12(%esp) # push parameter 2 glue->self
18835 call dvmCleanupStackOverflow # call: (Thread* self)
18841 movl %ecx, -12(%esp) # push parameter 2 glue->self
18845 * adjust locals to match self->curFrame and updated PC
18861 call dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc # call: (Object* obj, Thread* self)
18867 movl -12(%esp), %edx # %edx<- glue->self
18874 * -8(%esp) = exception, -4(%esp) = self
18878 movl -4(%esp), %edx # %edx<- glue->self
18879 movzb offThread_stackOverflowed(%edx), %eax # %eax<- self->stackOverflowed
18883 movl %edx, -12(%esp) # push parameter 1 glue->self
18885 call dvmCleanupStackOverflow # call: (Thread* self)
18891 * -8(%esp) = exception, -4(%esp) = self
18895 movl -4(%esp), %edx # %edx<- glue->self
18896 self<- exception
18898 call dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc # call: (Object* obj, Thread* self)