Lines Matching full:dhcp
25 #: cache.c:798 dhcp.c:785
30 #: cache.c:856 dhcp.c:801
35 #: cache.c:863 dhcp.c:875
51 msgid "not giving name %s to the DHCP lease of %s because the name exists in %s with address %s"
52 msgstr "gir ikke navnet %s til DHCP leien for %s fordi navnet eksisterer i %s med adressen %s"
150 msgid "Enable DHCP in the range given with lease duration."
151 msgstr "Aktiver DHCP i det gitte omr?det med leie varighet"
163 msgid "Read DHCP host specs from file"
167 msgid "Read DHCP option specs from file"
190 msgid "Map DHCP user class to tag."
191 msgstr "Map DHCP bruker klasse til opsjon sett."
207 msgid "Don't do DHCP for hosts with tag set."
208 msgstr "Ikke utf?r DHCP for klienter i opsjon sett."
213 msgstr "Ikke utf?r DHCP for klienter i opsjon sett."
220 msgid "Assume we are the only DHCP server on the local network."
221 msgstr "Anta at vi er den eneste DHCP tjeneren p? det lokale nettverket."
225 msgid "Specify where to store DHCP leases (defaults to %s)."
226 msgstr "Spesifiser hvor DHCP leiene skal lagres (standard er %s)."
237 msgid "Specify BOOTP options to DHCP server."
238 msgstr "Spesifiser BOOTP opsjoner til DHCP tjener."
256 msgid "Specify options to be sent to DHCP clients."
257 msgstr "Sett ekstra opsjoner som skal fordeles til DHCP klientene."
260 msgid "DHCP option sent even if the client does not request it."
300 msgid "Specify the domain to be assigned in DHCP leases."
301 msgstr "Spesifiser domenet som skal tildeles i DHCP leien."
323 msgid "Map DHCP vendor class to tag."
324 msgstr "Map DHCP produsent klasse til opsjon sett."
339 msgid "Display this message. Use --help dhcp for known DHCP options."
349 msgid "Specify maximum number of DHCP leases (defaults to %s)."
350 msgstr "Spesifiser maksimum antall DHCP leier (standard er %s)"
375 msgid "Read DHCP static host information from %s."
376 msgstr "Les DHCP statisk vert informasjon fra %s."
383 msgid "Do not provide DHCP on this interface, only provide DNS."
384 msgstr "Ikke lever DHCP p? dette nettverkskortet, kun lever DNS."
393 msgstr "Map DHCP produsent klasse til opsjon sett."
396 msgid "Treat DHCP requests on aliases as arriving from interface."
400 msgid "Disable ICMP echo address checking in the DHCP server."
404 msgid "Script to run on DHCP lease creation and destruction."
423 msgstr "Spesifiser maksimum antall DHCP leier (standard er %s)"
431 msgid "Ignore hostnames provided by DHCP clients."
435 msgid "Do NOT reuse filename and server fields for extra DHCP options."
457 msgstr "Spesifiser maksimum antall DHCP leier (standard er %s)"
468 msgid "Extra logging for DHCP."
488 msgid "Use alternative ports for DHCP."
505 msgid "Use only fully qualified domain names for DHCP clients."
515 msgstr "Sett ekstra opsjoner som skal fordeles til DHCP klientene."
546 msgid "Known DHCP options:\n"
550 msgid "bad dhcp-option"
551 msgstr "d?rlig dhcp-opsjon"
559 msgid "bad domain in dhcp-option"
560 msgstr "d?rlig domene i dhcp-opsjon"
563 msgid "dhcp-option too long"
564 msgstr "dhcp-opsjon for lang"
567 msgid "illegal dhcp-match"
584 msgid "only one dhcp-hostsfile allowed"
588 msgid "only one dhcp-optsfile allowed"
629 msgid "bad dhcp-range"
630 msgstr "d?rlig dhcp-omr?de"
637 msgid "inconsistent DHCP range"
638 msgstr "ikke konsistent DHCP omr?de"
642 msgid "bad DHCP host name"
702 msgid "unsupported option (check that dnsmasq was compiled with DHCP/TFTP/DBus support)"
800 #: option.c:2945 network.c:754 dhcp.c:734
811 msgid "there must be a default domain when --dhcp-fqdn is set"
1009 msgid "DHCP, static leases only on %.0s%s, lease time %s"
1010 msgstr "DHCP, statisk leie kun p? %.0s%s, leie tid %s"
1014 msgid "DHCP, proxy on subnet %.0s%s%.0s"
1019 msgid "DHCP, IP range %s -- %s, lease time %s"
1020 msgstr "DHCP, IP omr?de %s -- %s, leie tid %s"
1113 #: dhcp.c:40
1115 msgid "cannot create DHCP socket: %s"
1116 msgstr "kan ikke lage DHCP socket: %s"
1118 #: dhcp.c:52
1120 msgid "failed to set options on DHCP socket: %s"
1121 msgstr "feilet ? sette opsjoner p? DHCP socket: %s"
1123 #: dhcp.c:65
1125 msgid "failed to set SO_REUSE{ADDR|PORT} on DHCP socket: %s"
1126 msgstr "feilet ? sette SO_REUSEADDR p? DHCP socket: %s"
1128 #: dhcp.c:77
1130 msgid "failed to bind DHCP server socket: %s"
1131 msgstr "feilet ? binde DHCP tjener socket: %s"
1133 #: dhcp.c:90
1138 #: dhcp.c:226
1140 msgid "DHCP packet received on %s which has no address"
1143 #: dhcp.c:385
1145 msgid "DHCP range %s -- %s is not consistent with netmask %s"
1146 msgstr "DHCP omr?de %s -- %s er ikke konsistent med nettmaske %s"
1148 #: dhcp.c:772
1153 #: dhcp.c:815
1158 #: dhcp.c:897
1160 msgid "duplicate IP address %s in dhcp-config directive."
1161 msgstr "dubliserte IP adresser i %s dhcp-config direktiv."
1163 #: dhcp.c:900
1166 msgstr "dubliserte IP adresser i %s dhcp-config direktiv."
1168 #: dhcp.c:943
1170 msgid "%s has more than one address in hostsfile, using %s for DHCP"
1173 #: dhcp.c:948
1175 msgid "duplicate IP address %s (%s) in dhcp-config directive"
1176 msgstr "dubliserte IP adresser i %s (%s) i dhcp-config direktiv"
1204 msgid "no address range available for DHCP request %s %s"
1205 msgstr "ingen adresse omr?de tilgjengelig for DHCP krav %s %s"
1217 msgid "%u Available DHCP subnet: %s/%s"
1222 msgid "%u Available DHCP range: %s -- %s"
1274 msgid "disabling DHCP static address %s for %s"
1275 msgstr "deaktiverer DHCP statisk adresse %s"
1351 msgid "cannot send DHCP/BOOTP option %d: no space left in packet"
1352 msgstr "kan ikke sende DHCP opsjon %d: ikke mer plass i pakken"
1360 msgid "Ignoring domain %s for DHCP host name %s"
1392 msgid "cannot create DHCP BPF socket: %s"
1393 msgstr "kan ikke lage DHCP BPF socket: %s"
1397 msgid "DHCP request for unsupported hardware type (%d) received on %s"
1398 msgstr "DHCP krav for ikke st?ttet maskinvare type (%d) mottatt p? %s"
1453 #~ msgid "Ignoring DHCP lease for %s because it has an illegal domain part"
1454 #~ msgstr "Ignorerer DHCP leie for %s siden den har en ulovlig domene del"
1460 #~ msgid "illegal domain %s in dhcp-config directive."
1461 #~ msgstr "dubliserte IP adresser i %s dhcp-config direktiv."
1470 #~ msgid "bad dhcp-host"
1471 #~ msgstr "d?rlig dhcp-vert"
1476 #~ msgid "Ignoring DHCP host name %s because it has an illegal domain part"
1477 #~ msgstr "Ignorerer DHCP verts navn %s p? grunn av ulovlig domene del"
1490 #~ msgstr "kan ikke sende DHCP opsjon %d: ikke mer plass i pakken"
1501 #~ msgid "DHCP, %s will be written every %s"
1502 #~ msgstr "DHCP, %s vil bli skrevet hver %s"
1504 #~ msgid "cannot create DHCP packet socket: %s. Is CONFIG_PACKET enabled in your kernel?"
1505 #~ msgstr "kan ikke lage DHCP pakke socket: %s. Er CONFIG_PACKET aktivert i din kjerne?"