Lines Matching full:textit
34 \def\undefined{{\rm \textit{undefined}}}
136 You may be wondering, \textit{Tom, why did you write a crypto library. I already have one.} Well the reason falls into
161 with \textit{cycles per byte} timings that are comparable (and often favourable) to other libraries such as OpenSSL and
166 pseudo--random number generators (PRNG), and bignum math routines are all used within the API through \textit{descriptor} tables which
168 directly (\textit{e.g. sha256\_process()}) this descriptor interface allows the developer to customize their
172 that for the PRNG needs within the library (\textit{e.g. making a RSA key}). All the developer has to do
175 (\textit{or whatever they call it}) has been invented. It can be added to the library and used within applications
181 you have to update the associated support code as well. In LibTomCrypt the associated code (\textit{chaining modes in this case})
194 They can be removed from a build by simply commenting out the two appropriate lines in \textit{tomcrypt\_custom.h}. The rest
257 To include the prototypes for \textit{LibTomCrypt.a} into your own program simply include \textit{tomcrypt.h} like so:
267 The header file \textit{tomcrypt.h} also includes \textit{stdio.h}, \textit{string.h}, \textit{stdlib.h}, \textit{time.h} and \textit{ctype.h}.
319 Certain functions such as (for example) \textit{rsa\_export()} give an output that is variable length. To prevent buffer overflows you
353 \textit{x} so that the calling application will know how many bytes were used.
360 Certain functions such as \textit{rsa\_make\_key()} require a Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG). These functions do not setup
363 Certain PRNG algorithms do not require a \textit{prng\_state} argument (sprng for example). The \textit{prng\_state} argument
392 Most functions require inputs that are arrays of the data type \textit{unsigned char}. Whether it is a symmetric key, IV
393 for a chaining mode or public key packet it is assumed that regardless of the actual size of \textit{unsigned char} only the
395 must pass in (a pointer to) an array of 32 \textit{unsigned char} variables. Certain routines (such as SAFER+) take
396 textit{unsigned char} is not eight bits.
398 For the purposes of this library, the term \textit{byte} will refer to an octet or eight bit word. Typically an array of
399 type \textit{byte} will be synonymous with an array of type \textit{unsigned char.}
409 All ciphers store their scheduled keys in a single data type called \textit{symmetric\_key}. This allows all ciphers to
424 If the function returns successfully the variable \textit{skey} will have a scheduled key stored in it. It's important to note
425 that you should only used this scheduled key with the intended cipher. For example, if you call \textit{blowfish\_setup()} do not
426 pass the scheduled key onto \textit{rc5\_ecb\_encrypt()}. All built--in setup functions do not allocate memory off the heap so
444 which cipher you are using.}, storing the result in the \textit{ct} buffer (\textit{pt} resp.). It is possible that the input and output buffer are
445 the same buffer. For the encrypt function \textit{pt}\footnote{pt stands for plaintext.} is the input and
446 \textit{ct}\footnote{ct stands for ciphertext.} is the output. For the decryption function it's the opposite. They both
464 Essentially, it will round the input keysize in \textit{keysize} down to the next appropriate key size. This function
484 This should indicate a keysize of sixteen bytes is suggested by storing 16 in \textit{keysize.}
560 To facilitate automatic routines an array of cipher descriptors is provided in the array \textit{cipher\_descriptor}. An element
588 Where \textit{name} is the lower case ASCII version of the name. The fields \textit{min\_key\_length} and \textit{max\_key\_length}
589 are the minimum and maximum key sizes in bytes. The \textit{block\_length} member is the block size of the cipher
591 the min and max key lengths but not always everything in between. The \textit{default\_rounds} field is the default number
598 marked when \textit{name} equals {\bf NULL}.
640 rijndael\_desc and rijndael\_enc\_desc provide the cipher named \textit{rijndael}. The descriptors aes\_desc and
641 aes\_enc\_desc provide the cipher name \textit{aes}. Functionally both \textit{rijndael} and \textit{aes} are the same cipher. The
642 only difference is when you call find\_cipher() you have to pass the correct name. The cipher descriptors with \textit{enc}
644 and tables. The decryption and self--test function pointers of both \textit{encrypt only} descriptors are set to \textbf{NULL} and
647 The \textit{encrypt only} descriptors are useful for applications that only use the encryption function of the cipher. Algorithms such
648 as EAX, PMAC and OMAC only require the encryption function. So far this \textit{encrypt only} functionality has only been implemented for
652 Note that for \textit{DES} and \textit{3DES} they use 8 and 24 byte keys but only 7 and 21 [respectively] bytes of the keys are in
657 Note that \textit{Twofish} has additional configuration options (Figure \ref{fig:twofishopts}) that take place at build time. These options are found in
658 the file \textit{tomcrypt\_cfg.h}. The first option is \textit{TWOFISH\_SMALL} which when defined will force the Twofish code
659 to not pre-compute the Twofish \textit{$g(X)$} function as a set of four $8 \times 32$ s-boxes. This means that a scheduled
660 key will require less ram but the resulting cipher will be slower. The second option is \textit{TWOFISH\_TABLES} which when
663 speed increase is useful when \textit{TWOFISH\_SMALL} is defined since the s-boxes and MDS multiply form the heart of the
723 A good safety would be to check the return value of \textit{find\_cipher()} before accessing the desired function. In order
849 you want is XXX there is a structure called \textit{symmetric\_XXX} that will contain the information required to
875 In each case, \textit{cipher} is the index into the cipher\_descriptor array of the cipher you want to use. The \textit{IV} value is
879 parameters \textit{key}, \textit{keylen} and \textit{num\_rounds} are the same as in the XXX\_setup() function call. The final parameter
883 In the case of CTR mode there is an additional parameter \textit{ctr\_mode} which specifies the mode that the counter is to be used in.
886 increment then encrypt is also supported. By OR'ing \textbf{LTC\_CTR\_RFC3686} with the CTR \textit{mode} value, ctr\_start() will increment
906 Where \textit{XXX} is one of $\lbrace ecb, cbc, ctr, cfb, ofb \rbrace$.
908 In all cases, \textit{len} is the size of the buffer (as number of octets) to encrypt or decrypt. The CTR, OFB and CFB modes are order sensitive but not
909 chunk sensitive. That is you can encrypt \textit{ABCDEF} in three calls like \textit{AB}, \textit{CD}, \textit{EF} or two like \textit{ABCDE} and \textit{F}
910 and end up with the same ciphertext. However, encrypting \textit{ABC} and \textit{DABC} will result in different ciphertexts. All
913 In the ECB and CBC cases, \textit{len} must be a multiple of the ciphers block size. In the CBC case, you must manually pad the end of your message (either with
932 The XXX\_getiv() functions will read the IV out of the chaining mode and store it into \textit{IV} along with the length of the IV
933 stored in \textit{len}. The XXX\_setiv will initialize the chaining mode state as if the original IV were the new IV specified. The length
938 What the \textit{setiv} function will do depends on the mode being changed. In CBC mode, the new IV replaces the existing IV as if it
1037 $K_2$ is the \textit{tweak} key and is always 16 octets long. The tweak value is \textbf{NOT} a nonce or IV value it must be random and secret.
1052 This will initialize the LRW context with the given (16 octet) \textit{IV}, cipher $K_1$ \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} octets and the (16 octet) $K_2$ \textit{tweak}.
1053 While LRW was specified to be used only with AES, LibTomCrypt will allow any 128--bit block cipher to be specified as indexed by \textit{cipher}. The
1054 number of rounds for the block cipher \textit{num\_rounds} can be 0 to use the default number of rounds for the given cipher.
1071 These will encrypt (or decrypt) the plaintext to the ciphertext buffer (or vice versa). The length is specified by \textit{len} in octets but must be a multiple
1086 These will get or set the 16--octet IV. Note that setting the IV is the same as \textit{seeking} and unlike other modes is not a free operation. It requires
1099 against the plaintext to encrypt. F8 mode comes with the additional twist that the counter value is secret, encrypted by a \textit{salt key}. We
1113 This will start the F8 mode state using \textit{key} as the secret key, \textit{IV} as the counter. It uses the \textit{salt\_key} as IV encryption key
1114 (\textit{m} in the RFC 3711). The salt\_key can be shorter than the secret key but it should not be longer.
1163 authentication\footnote{Note that since EAX only requires OMAC and CTR you may use \textit{encrypt only} cipher descriptors with this mode.}.
1164 It is initialized with a random \textit{nonce} that can be shared publicly, a \textit{header} which can be fixed and public, and a random secret symmetric key.
1166 The \textit{header} data is meant to be meta--data associated with a stream that isn't private (e.g., protocol messages). It can
1170 called a \textit{tag} is only emitted when the message is finished. In the interim, the user can process any arbitrary
1187 Where \textit{eax} is the EAX state. The \textit{cipher} parameter is the index of the desired cipher in the descriptor table.
1188 The \textit{key} parameter is the shared secret symmetric key of length \textit{keylen} octets. The \textit{nonce} parameter is the
1189 random public string of length \textit{noncelen} octets. The \textit{header} parameter is the random (or fixed or \textbf{NULL}) header for the
1190 message of length \textit{headerlen} octets.
1192 When this function completes, the \textit{eax} state will be initialized such that you can now either have data decrypted or
1193 encrypted in EAX mode. Note: if \textit{headerlen} is zero you may pass \textit{header} as \textbf{NULL} to indicate there is no initial header data.
1208 The function \textit{eax\_encrypt} will encrypt the bytes in \textit{pt} of \textit{length} octets, and store the ciphertext in
1209 \textit{ct}. Note: \textit{ct} and \textit{pt} may be the same region in memory. This function will also send the ciphertext
1210 through the OMAC function. The function \textit{eax\_decrypt} decrypts \textit{ct}, and stores it in \textit{pt}. This also allows
1211 \textit{pt} and \textit{ct} to be the same region in memory.
1213 You cannot both encrypt or decrypt with the same \textit{eax} context. For bi--directional communication you will need to initialize
1226 This will add the \textit{length} octet from \textit{header} to the given \textit{eax} header. Once the message is finished, the
1227 \textit{tag} (checksum) may be computed with the following function:
1235 This will terminate the EAX state \textit{eax}, and store up to \textit{taglen} bytes of the message tag in \textit{tag}. The function
1236 then stores how many bytes of the tag were written out back in to \textit{taglen}.
1328 the tag it computed while decrypting the message. If the tags match then it stores a $1$ in \textit{res}, otherwise it stores a $0$.
1332 P. Rogaway, M. Bellare, J. Black, T. Krovetz, \textit{OCB: A Block Cipher Mode of Operation for Efficient Authenticated Encryption}.}
1345 This will initialize the \textit{ocb} context using cipher descriptor \textit{cipher}. It will use a \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen}
1346 and the random \textit{nonce}. Note that \textit{nonce} must be a random (public) string the same length as the block ciphers
1349 This mode has no \textit{Associated Data} like EAX mode does which means you cannot authenticate metadata along with the stream.
1363 This will encrypt (or decrypt for the latter) a fixed length of data from \textit{pt} to \textit{ct} (vice versa for the latter).
1364 They assume that \textit{pt} and \textit{ct} are the same size as the block cipher's block size. Note that you cannot call
1365 both functions given a single \textit{ocb} state. For bi-directional communication you will have to initialize two \textit{ocb}
1366 states (with different nonces). Also \textit{pt} and \textit{ct} may point to the same location in memory.
1382 This will terminate an encrypt stream \textit{ocb}. If you have trailing bytes of plaintext that will not complete a block
1383 you can pass them here. This will also encrypt the \textit{ptlen} bytes in \textit{pt} and store them in \textit{ct}. It will also
1384 store up to \textit{taglen} bytes of the tag into \textit{tag}.
1386 Note that \textit{ptlen} must be less than or equal to the block size of block cipher chosen. Also note that if you have
1402 tag of the message (internally) and then compare it against the \textit{taglen} bytes of \textit{tag} provided. By default
1403 \textit{res} is set to zero. If all \textit{taglen} bytes of \textit{tag} can be verified then \textit{res} is set to one (authenticated
1420 This will OCB encrypt the message \textit{pt} of length \textit{ptlen}, and store the ciphertext in \textit{ct}. The length \textit{ptlen}
1435 Similarly, this will OCB decrypt, and compare the internally computed tag against the tag provided. \textit{res} is set
1440 it is only meant for \textit{packet} mode where the length of the input is known in advance. Since it is a packet mode function, CCM only has one
1457 This performs the \textit{CCM} operation on the data. The \textit{cipher} variable indicates which cipher in the descriptor table to use. It must have a
1460 The key can be specified in one of two fashions. First, it can be passed as an array of octets in \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen}. Alternatively,
1461 it can be passed in as a previously scheduled key in \textit{uskey}. The latter fashion saves time when the same key is used for multiple packets. If
1462 \textit{uskey} is not \textbf{NULL}, then \textit{key} may be \textbf{NULL} (and vice-versa).
1464 The nonce or salt is \textit{nonce} of length \textit{noncelen} octets. The header is meta--data you want to send with the message but not have
1465 encrypted, it is stored in \textit{header} of length \textit{headerlen} octets. The header can be zero octets long (if $headerlen = 0$ then
1466 you can pass \textit{header} as \textbf{NULL}).
1468 The plaintext is stored in \textit{pt}, and the ciphertext in \textit{ct}. The length of both are expected to be equal and is passed in as \textit{ptlen}. It is
1469 allowable that $pt = ct$. The \textit{direction} variable indicates whether encryption (direction $=$ \textbf{CCM\_ENCRYPT}) or
1543 however, unlike EAX it cannot accept \textit{additional authentication data} (meta--data) after plaintext has been processed. This mode also only works with
1559 This initializes the GCM state \textit{gcm} for the given cipher indexed by \textit{cipher}, with a secret key \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} octets. The cipher
1571 This adds the initial vector octets from \textit{IV} of length \textit{IVlen} to the GCM state \textit{gcm}. You can call this function as many times as required
1574 Note: the GCM protocols provides a \textit{shortcut} for 12--byte IVs where no pre-processing is to be done. If you want to minimize per packet latency it is ideal
1588 This adds the additional authentication data \textit{adata} of length \textit{adatalen} to the GCM state \textit{gcm}.
1601 This processes message data where \textit{pt} is the plaintext and \textit{ct} is the ciphertext. The length of both are equal and stored in \textit{ptlen}. Depending on
1602 the mode \textit{pt} is the input and \textit{ct} is the output (or vice versa). When \textit{direction} equals \textbf{GCM\_ENCRYPT} the plaintext is read,
1603 encrypted and stored in the ciphertext buffer. When \textit{direction} equals \textbf{GCM\_DECRYPT} the opposite occurs.
1614 This terminates the GCM state \textit{gcm} and stores the tag in \textit{tag} of length \textit{taglen} octets.
1625 This will reset the GCM state \textit{gcm} to the state that gcm\_init() left it. The user would then call gcm\_add\_iv(), gcm\_add\_aad(), etc.
1751 Like the ciphers, there are hash core functions and a universal data type to hold the hash state called \textit{hash\_state}. To initialize hash
1783 This function will finish up the hash and store the result in the \textit{out} array. You must ensure that \textit{out} is long
1784 enough for the hash in question. Often hashes are used to get keys for symmetric ciphers so the \textit{XXX\_done()} functions
1785 will wipe the \textit{md} variable before returning automatically.
1817 Like the set of ciphers, the set of hashes have descriptors as well. They are stored in an array called \textit{hash\_descriptor} and
1839 The \textit{name} member is the name of the hash function (all lowercase). The \textit{hashsize} member is the size of the digest output
1840 in bytes, while \textit{blocksize} is the size of blocks the hash expects to the compression function. Technically, this detail is not important
1843 The \textit{init} member initializes the hash, \textit{process} passes data through the hash, \textit{done} terminates the hash and retrieves the
1844 digest. The \textit{test} member tests the hash against the specified test vectors.
1846 There is a function to search the array as well called \textit{int find\_hash(char *name)}. It returns -1 if the hash is not found, otherwise, the
1915 This will hash the data pointed to by \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen}. The hash used is indexed by the \textit{hash} parameter. The message
1916 digest is stored in \textit{out}, and the \textit{outlen} parameter is updated to hold the message digest size.
1927 This will hash the file named by \textit{fname} using the hash indexed by \textit{hash}. The file named in this function call must be readable by the
1929 when it is called. The message digest is stored in \textit{out}, and the \textit{outlen} parameter is updated to hold the message digest size.
1939 This will hash the file identified by the handle \textit{in} using the hash indexed by \textit{hash}. This will begin hashing from the current file pointer position, and
1941 when it is called. The message digest is stored in \textit{out}, and the \textit{outlen} parameter is updated to hold the message digest size.
2014 An addition to the suite of hash functions is the \textit{Cipher Hash Construction} or \textit{CHC} mode. In this mode
2018 In order to use the CHC system the developer will have to take a few extra steps. First the \textit{chc\_desc} hash
2092 The \textit{hmac} parameter is the state for the HMAC code. The \textit{hash} parameter is the index into the descriptor table of the hash you want
2093 to use to authenticate the message. The \textit{key} parameter is the pointer to the array of chars that make up the key. The \textit{keylen} parameter is the
2101 \textit{hmac} is the HMAC state you are working with. \textit{buf} is the array of octets to send into the HMAC process. \textit{len} is the
2110 The \textit{hmac} parameter is the HMAC state you are working with. The \textit{out} parameter is the array of octets where the HMAC code should be stored.
2111 You must set \textit{outlen} to the size of the destination buffer before calling this function. It is updated with the length of the HMAC code
2112 produced (depending on which hash was picked). If \textit{outlen} is less than the size of the message digest (and ultimately
2113 the HMAC code) then the HMAC code is truncated as per FIPS-198 specifications (e.g. take the first \textit{outlen} bytes).
2127 This will produce an HMAC code for the array of octets in \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen}. The index into the hash descriptor
2128 table must be provided in \textit{hash}. It uses the key from \textit{key} with a key length of \textit{keylen}.
2129 The result is stored in the array of octets \textit{out} and the length in \textit{outlen}. The value of \textit{outlen} must be set
2139 \textit{hash} is the index into the hash descriptor table of the hash you want to use. \textit{fname} is the filename to process.
2140 \textit{key} is the array of octets to use as the key of length \textit{keylen}. \textit{out} is the array of octets where the
2200 OMAC\footnote{\url{}}, which stands for \textit{One-Key CBC MAC} is an
2213 The \textit{omac} parameter is the state for the OMAC algorithm. The \textit{cipher} parameter is the index into the cipher\_descriptor table
2215 wish to use. The \textit{key} and \textit{keylen} parameters are the keys used to authenticate the data.
2224 This will send \textit{inlen} bytes from \textit{in} through the active OMAC state \textit{state}. Returns \textbf{CRYPT\_OK} if the
2246 Which will terminate the OMAC and output the \textit{tag} (MAC) to \textit{out}. Note that unlike the HMAC and other code
2247 \textit{outlen} can be smaller than the default MAC size (for instance AES would make a 16-byte tag). Part of the OMAC
2249 the output MAC code will only be five bytes long. If \textit{outlen} is larger than the default size it is set to the default
2263 This will compute the OMAC of \textit{inlen} bytes of \textit{in} using the key \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} bytes and the cipher
2264 specified by the \textit{cipher}'th entry in the cipher\_descriptor table. It will store the MAC in \textit{out} with the same
2277 Which will OMAC the entire contents of the file specified by \textit{filename} using the key \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} bytes
2278 and the cipher specified by the \textit{cipher}'th entry in the cipher\_descriptor table. It will store the MAC in \textit{out} with
2337 The PMAC\footnote{J.Black, P.Rogaway, \textit{A Block--Cipher Mode of Operation for Parallelizable Message Authentication}}
2350 Which initializes the \textit{pmac} state with the given \textit{cipher} and \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} bytes. The chosen cipher
2361 This will process \textit{inlen} bytes of \textit{in} in the given \textit{state}. The function is not sensitive to the granularity of the
2383 This will store up to \textit{outlen} bytes of the tag for the given \textit{state} into \textit{out}. Note that if \textit{outlen} is larger
2384 than the size of the tag it is set to the amount of bytes stored in \textit{out}.
2397 This will compute the PMAC of \textit{msglen} bytes of \textit{msg} using the key \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} bytes, and the cipher
2398 specified by the \textit{cipher}'th entry in the cipher\_descriptor table. It will store the MAC in \textit{out} with the same
2411 Which will PMAC the entire contents of the file specified by \textit{filename} using the key \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} bytes,
2412 and the cipher specified by the \textit{cipher}'th entry in the cipher\_descriptor table. It will store the MAC in \textit{out} with
2423 Pelican MAC is a new (experimental) MAC by the AES team that uses four rounds of AES as a \textit{mixing function}. It achieves a very high
2441 This will process \textit{inlen} bytes of \textit{in} through the Pelican MAC. It's best that you pass in multiples of 16 bytes as it makes the
2449 This terminates a Pelican MAC and writes the 16--octet tag to \textit{out}.
2511 This will initialize the XCBC--MAC state \textit{xcbc}, with the key specified in \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} octets. The cipher indicated
2512 by the \textit{cipher} index can be either a 64 or 128--bit block cipher. This will return \textbf{CRYPT\_OK} on success.
2523 This will add the message octets pointed to by \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} to the XCBC--MAC state pointed to by \textit{state}. Like the other MAC functions,
2535 This will retrieve the XCBC--MAC tag from the state pointed to by \textit{state}, and store it in the array pointed to by \textit{out}. The \textit{outlen} parameter
2548 This will compute the XCBC--MAC of \textit{msglen} bytes of \textit{msg}, using the key \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} bytes, and the cipher
2549 specified by the \textit{cipher}'th entry in the cipher\_descriptor table. It will store the MAC in \textit{out} with the same rules as xcbc\_done().
2561 Which will XCBC--MAC the entire contents of the file specified by \textit{filename} using the key \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} bytes, and the cipher
2562 specified by the \textit{cipher}'th entry in the cipher\_descriptor table. It will store the MAC in \textit{out} with the same rules as xcbc\_done().
2597 This will initialize the F9--MAC state \textit{f9}, with the key specified in \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} octets. The cipher indicated
2598 by the \textit{cipher} index can be either a 64 or 128--bit block cipher. This will return \textbf{CRYPT\_OK} on success.
2608 This will add the message octets pointed to by \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} to the F9--MAC state pointed to by \textit{state}. Like the other MAC functions,
2620 This will retrieve the F9--MAC tag from the state pointed to by \textit{state}, and store it in the array pointed to by \textit{out}. The \textit{outlen} parameter
2634 This will compute the F9--MAC of \textit{msglen} bytes of \textit{msg}, using the key \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} bytes, and the cipher
2635 specified by the \textit{cipher}'th entry in the cipher\_descriptor table. It will store the MAC in \textit{out} with the same rules as f9\_done().
2647 Which will F9--MAC the entire contents of the file specified by \textit{filename} using the key \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} bytes, and the cipher
2648 specified by the \textit{cipher}'th entry in the cipher\_descriptor table. It will store the MAC in \textit{out} with the same rules as f9\_done().
2665 key generation. There is a universal structure called \textit{prng\_state}. To initialize a PRNG call:
2712 This will write a \textit{PRNG state} to the buffer \textit{out} of length \textit{outlen} bytes. The idea of
2713 the export is meant to be used as a \textit{seed file}. That is, when the program starts up there will not likely
2724 \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} as the initial seed. You must pass the same seed length as was exported
2727 Note that importing a state will not \textit{resume} the PRNG from where it left off. That is, if you export
2796 PRNGs have descriptors that allow plugin driven functions to be created using PRNGs. The plugin descriptors are stored in the structure \textit{prng\_descriptor}. The
2828 This will search the PRNG descriptor table for the PRNG named \textit{name}. It will return -1 if the PRNG is not found, otherwise, it returns
2864 \textit{Note:} This PRNG is still secure for most tasks but is no longer recommended. Users
2972 Which will try one of three methods of getting random data. The first is to open the popular \textit{/dev/random} device which
2973 on most *NIX platforms provides cryptographic random bits\footnote{This device is available in Windows through the Cygwin compiler suite. It emulates \textit{/dev/random} via the Microsoft CSP.}.
2975 clock drift method that is also somewhat popular but gives bits of lower entropy. The \textit{callback} parameter is a pointer to a function that returns void. It is
2986 This will try to initialize the prng with a state of at least \textit{bits} of entropy. The \textit{callback} parameter works much like
2987 the callback in \textit{rng\_get\_bytes()}. It is highly recommended that you use this function to setup your PRNGs unless you have a
3058 textit{v1.5} and \textit{v2.1} algorithms.
3081 This will encode the message pointed to by \textit{msg} of length \textit{msglen} octets. The \textit{block\_type} parameter must be set to
3082 \textbf{LTC\_PKCS\_1\_EME} to perform encryption padding. It must be set to \textbf{LTC\_PKCS\_1\_EMSA} to perform signature padding. The \textit{modulus\_bitlen}
3083 parameter indicates the length of the modulus in bits. The padded data is stored in \textit{out} with a length of \textit{outlen} octets. The output will not be
3086 Only encryption padding requires a PRNG. When performing signature padding the \textit{prng\_idx} parameter may be left to zero as it is not checked for validity.
3102 This will remove the PKCS padding data pointed to by \textit{msg} of length \textit{msglen}. The decoded data is stored in \textit{out} of length
3103 \textit{outlen}. If the padding is valid, a 1 is stored in \textit{is\_valid}, otherwise, a 0 is stored. The \textit{block\_type} parameter must be set to either
3129 This accepts \textit{msg} as input of length \textit{msglen} which will be OAEP padded. The \textit{lparam} variable is an additional system specific
3131 \textit{lparam} can be set to \textbf{NULL}.
3134 \textit{modulus\_bitlen}. \textit{hash\_idx} is the index into the hash descriptor table of the hash desired. PKCS \#1 allows any hash to be
3136 sized input message. \textit{prng\_idx} and \textit{prng} are the random number generator arguments required to randomize the padding process.
3137 The padded message is stored in \textit{out} along with the length in \textit{outlen}.
3139 If $h$ is the length of the hash and $m$ the length of the modulus (both in octets) then the maximum payload for \textit{msg} is
3161 This function decodes an OAEP encoded message and outputs the original message that was passed to the OAEP encoder. \textit{msg} is the
3162 output of pkcs\_1\_oaep\_encode() of length \textit{msglen}. \textit{lparam} is the same system variable passed to the OAEP encoder. If it does not
3163 match what was used during encoding this function will not decode the packet. \textit{modulus\_bitlen} is the size of the RSA modulus in bits
3164 and must match what was used during encoding. Similarly the \textit{hash\_idx} index into the hash descriptor table must match what was used
3167 If the function succeeds it decodes the OAEP encoded message into \textit{out} of length \textit{outlen} and stores a
3168 $1$ in \textit{res}. If the packet is invalid it stores $0$ in \textit{res} and if the function fails for another reason
3190 This function assumes the message to be PSS encoded has previously been hashed. The input hash \textit{msghash} is of length
3191 \textit{msghashlen}. PSS allows a variable length random salt (it can be zero length) to be introduced in the signature process.
3192 \textit{hash\_idx} is the index into the hash descriptor table of the hash to use. \textit{prng\_idx} and \textit{prng} are the random
3195 Similar to OAEP encoding \textit{modulus\_bitlen} is the size of the RSA modulus (in bits). It limits the size of the salt. If $m$ is the length
3216 This will decode the PSS encoded message in \textit{sig} of length \textit{siglen} and compare it to values in \textit{msghash} of length
3217 \textit{msghashlen}. If the block is a valid PSS block and the decoded hash equals the hash supplied \textit{res} is set to non--zero. Otherwise,
3220 It's important to use the same \textit{saltlen} and hash for both encoding and decoding as otherwise the procedure will not work.
3225 RSA is a public key algorithm that is based on the inability to find the \textit{e-th} root modulo a composite of unknown
3229 The system begins with with two primes $p$ and $q$ and their product $N = pq$. The order or \textit{Euler totient} of the
3239 can sign a message by \textit{decrypting} it. Others can verify it by \textit{encrypting} it.
3255 For RSA routines a single \textit{rsa\_key} structure is used. To make a new RSA key call:
3265 Where \textit{wprng} is the index into the PRNG descriptor array. The \textit{size} parameter is the size in bytes of the RSA modulus desired.
3266 The \textit{e} parameter is the encryption exponent desired, typical values are 3, 17, 257 and 65537. Stick with 65537 since it is big enough to prevent
3267 trivial math attacks, and not super slow. The \textit{key} parameter is where the constructed key is placed. All keys must be at
3268 least 128 bytes, and no more than 512 bytes in size (\textit{that is from 1024 to 4096 bits}).
3271 Note: the \textit{rsa\_make\_key()} function allocates memory at run--time when you make the key. Make sure to call
3272 \textit{rsa\_free()} (see below) when you are finished with the key. If \textit{rsa\_make\_key()} fails it will automatically
3292 This will load the bignum from \textit{in} as a big endian integer in the format PKCS \#1 specifies, raises it to either \textit{e} or \textit{d} and stores the result
3293 in \textit{out} and the size of the result in \textit{outlen}. \textit{which} is set to {\bf PK\_PUBLIC} to use \textit{e}
3294 (i.e. for encryption/verifying) and set to {\bf PK\_PRIVATE} to use \textit{d} as the exponent (i.e. for decrypting/signing).
3316 This function will OAEP pad \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} bytes, RSA encrypt it, and store the ciphertext
3317 in \textit{out} of length \textit{outlen} octets. The \textit{lparam} and \textit{lparamlen} are the same parameters you would pass
3341 The parameters are all the same as for rsa\_encrypt\_key() except for the addition of the \textit{padding} parameter. It must be set to
3360 This function will RSA decrypt \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} then OAEP de-pad the resulting data and store it in
3361 \textit{out} of length \textit{outlen}. The \textit{lparam} and \textit
3364 If the RSA decrypted data is not a valid OAEP packet then \textit{stat} is set to $0$. Otherwise, it is set to $1$.
3385 Similar to the extended encryption, the new parameter \textit{padding} indicates which version of the PKCS \#1 standard to use.
3392 Similar to RSA key encryption RSA is also used to \textit{digitally sign} message digests (hashes). To facilitate this
3408 This will PSS encode the message digest pointed to by \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} octets. Next, the PSS encoded hash will be RSA
3409 \textit{signed} and the output stored in the buffer pointed to by \textit{out} of length \textit{outlen} octets.
3411 The \textit{hash\_idx} parameter indicates which hash will be used to create the PSS encoding. It should be the same as the hash used to
3412 hash the message being signed. The \textit{saltlen} parameter indicates the length of the desired salt, and should typically be small. A good
3413 default value is between 8 and 16 octets. Strictly, it must be small than $modulus\_len - hLen - 2$ where \textit{modulus\_len} is the size of
3414 the RSA modulus (in octets), and \textit{hLen} is the length of the message digest produced by the chosen hash.
3435 This will PKCS encode the message digest pointed to by \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} octets. Next, the PKCS encoded hash will be RSA
3436 \textit{signed} and the output stored in the buffer pointed to by \textit{out} of length \textit{outlen} octets. The \textit{padding} parameter
3440 When performing a v1.5 signature the \textit{prng}, \textit{prng\_idx}, and \textit{hash\_idx} parameters are not checked and can be left to any
3456 This will RSA \textit{verify} the signature pointed to by \textit{sig} of length \textit{siglen} octets. Next, the RSA decoded data is PSS decoded
3457 and the extracted hash is compared against the message digest pointed to by \textit{msghash} of length \textit{msghashlen} octets.
3459 If the RSA decoded data is not a valid PSS message, or if the PSS decoded hash does not match the \textit{msghash}
3460 value, \textit{res} is set to $0$. Otherwise, if the function succeeds, and signature is valid \textit{res} is set to $1$.
3480 This will RSA \textit{verify} the signature pointed to by \textit{sig} of length \textit{siglen} octets. Next, the RSA decoded data is PKCS decoded
3481 and the extracted hash is compared against the message digest pointed to by \textit{msghash} of length \textit{msghashlen} octets.
3483 If the RSA decoded data is not a valid PSS message, or if the PKCS decoded hash does not match the \textit{msghash}
3484 value, \textit{res} is set to $0$. Otherwise, if the function succeeds, and signature is valid \textit{res} is set to $1$.
3486 The \textit{padding} parameter must be set to \textbf{LTC\_PKCS\_1\_V1\_5} to perform a v1.5 verification. Otherwise, it must be set to
3487 \textbf{LTC\_PKCS\_1\_PSS} to perform a v2.1 verification. When performing a v1.5 verification the \textit{hash\_idx} parameter is ignored.
3579 This will export the RSA key in either a RSAPublicKey or RSAPrivateKey (PKCS \#1 types) depending on the value of \textit{type}. When it is
3592 This will import the key stored in \textit{inlen} and import it to \textit{key}. If the function fails it will automatically free any allocated memory. This
3727 There is a key structure called \textit{ecc\_key} used by the ECC functions. There is a function to make a key:
3736 The \textit{keysize} is the size of the modulus in bytes desired. Currently directly supported values are 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 48, and 65 bytes which
3754 This function generates a random ECC key over the curve specified by the parameters by \textit{dp}. The rest of the parameters are equivalent to
3773 This will export the key with the given \textit{type} (\textbf{PK\_PUBLIC} or \textbf{PK\_PRIVATE}), and store it to \textit{out}.
3783 This will import the ECC key from \textit{in}, and store it in the ecc\_key structure pointed to by \textit{key}. If the operation fails it will free
3796 This will import the key from the array pointed to by \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} octets. The key is stored in
3797 the ECC structure pointed to by \textit{key}. The curve is specified by the parameters pointed to by \textit{dp}. The function will free
3809 The ECC key pointed to by \textit{key} is exported in public fashion to the array pointed to by \textit{out}. The ANSI X9.63 format used is from
3821 This will import the key stored in the array pointed to by \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} octets. The imported key is stored in the ECC key pointed to by
3822 \textit{key}. The function will free any allocated memory upon error.
3834 This will import the key stored in the array pointed to by \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} octets using the domain parameters pointed to by \textit{dp}.
3835 The imported key is stored in the ECC key pointed to by \textit{key}. The function will free any allocated memory upon error.
3846 The \textit{private\_key} is typically the local private key, and \textit{public\_key} is the key the remote party has shared.
3868 plaintext in the array pointed to by \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} octets. It uses the public ECC key pointed to by \textit{key}, and
3869 hash algorithm indexed by \textit{hash} to construct a shared secret which may be XOR'ed against the plaintext. The ciphertext is stored in
3870 the output buffer pointed to by \textit{out} of length \textit{outlen} octets.
3872 The data is encrypted to the public ECC \textit{key} such that only the holder of the private key can decrypt the payload. To have multiple
3885 This function will decrypt an encrypted payload. The \textit{key} provided must be the private key corresponding to the public key
3920 This function will EC--DSA sign the message digest stored in the array pointed to by \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} octets. The signature
3921 will be stored in the array pointed to by \textit{out} of length \textit{outlen} octets. The function requires a properly seeded PRNG, and
3922 the ECC \textit{key} provided must be a private key.
3935 This function will verify the EC-DSA signature in the array pointed to by \textit{sig} of length \textit{siglen} octets, against the message digest
3936 pointed to by the array \textit{hash} of length \textit{hashlen}. It will store a non--zero value in \textit{stat} if the signature is valid. Note:
3938 The ECC \textit{key} must be the public (or private) ECC key corresponding to the key that performed the signature.
3953 reduce the bandwidth of the signatures. For example, to have \textit{80-bits of security} with ElGamal, you need a group with an order of at least 1024--bits.
4004 The variable \textit{prng} is an active PRNG state and \textit{wprng} the index to the descriptor. \textit{group\_size} and
4005 \textit{modulus\_size} control the difficulty of forging a signature. Both parameters are in bytes. The larger the
4006 \textit{group\_size} the more difficult a forgery becomes upto a limit. The value of $group\_size$ is limited by
4068 This will test \textit{key} and store the result in \textit{stat}. If the result is $stat = 0$ the DSA key failed one of the tests
4086 Which will sign the data in \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} bytes. The signature is stored in \textit{out} and the size
4087 of the signature in \textit{outlen}. If the signature is longer than the size you initially specify in \textit{outlen} nothing
4088 is stored and the function returns an error code. The DSA \textit{key} must be of the \textbf{PK\_PRIVATE} persuasion.
4102 Which will verify the data in \textit{hash} of length \textit{inlen} against the signature stored in \textit{sig} of length \textit{siglen}.
4103 It will set \textit{stat} to $1$ if the signature is valid, otherwise it sets \textit{stat} to $0$.
4125 This will encrypt the payload in \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} and store the ciphertext in the output buffer \textit{out}. The
4126 length of the ciphertext \textit{outlen} must be originally set to the length of the output buffer. The DSA \textit{key} can be
4139 This will decrypt the ciphertext \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen}, and store the original payload in \textit{out} of length \textit{outlen}.
4140 The DSA \textit{key} must be a private key.
4153 This will export the DSA \textit{key} to the buffer \textit{out} and set the length in \textit{outlen} (which must have been previously
4154 initialized to the maximum buffer size). The \textit{type} variable may be either \textbf{PK\_PRIVATE} or \textbf{PK\_PUBLIC}
4167 This will import the DSA key from the buffer \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} to the \textit{key}. If the process fails the function
4173 are all provided with three basic functions with \textit{similar} prototypes. One function has been dedicated to calculate the length in octets of a given
4192 The \textit{type} field is one of the following ASN.1 field definitions. The \textit{data} pointer is a void pointer to the data to be encoded (or the destination) and the
4193 \textit{size} field is specific to what you are encoding (e.g. number of bits in the BIT STRING data type). The \textit{used} field is primarily for the CHOICE decoder
4195 \textit{LTC\_SET\_ASN1(list, index, Type, Data, Size)} has been provided.
4197 It will assign to the \textit{index}th position in the \textit{list} the triplet (Type, Data, Size). An example usage would be:
4267 This encodes a sequence of items pointed to by \textit{list} where the list has \textit{inlen} items in it. The SEQUENCE will be encoded to \textit{out} and of length \textit{outlen}. The
4268 function will terminate when it reads all the items out of the list (upto \textit{inlen}) or it encounters an item in the list with a type of \textbf{LTC\_ASN1\_EOL}.
4270 The \textit{data} pointer in the list would be the same pointer you would pass to the respective ASN.1 encoder (e.g. der\_encode\_bit\_string()) and it is simply passed on
4272 the \textit{data} pointer is simply a pointer to another \textbf{ltc\_asn1\_list}.
4278 Decoding a SEQUENCE is similar to encoding. You set up an array of \textbf{ltc\_asn1\_list} where in this case the \textit{size} member is the maximum size
4279 (in certain cases). For types such as IA5 STRING, BIT STRING, OCTET STRING (etc) the \textit{size} field is updated after successful decoding to reflect how many
4289 This will decode upto \textit{outlen} items from the input buffer \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} octets. The function will stop (gracefully) when it runs out of items to decode.
4292 For the following types the \textit{size} field will be updated to reflect the number of units read of the given type.
4312 This will get the encoding size for the given \textit{list} of length \textit{inlen} and store it in \textit{outlen}.
4331 The list of items are specified as a triple of the form \textit{(type, size, data)} where \textit{type} is an \textbf{int}, \textit{size} is a \textbf{unsigned long}
4332 and \textit{data} is \textbf{void} pointer. The list of items must be terminated with an item with the type \textbf{LTC\_ASN1\_EOL}.
4334 It is ideal that you cast the \textit{size} values to unsigned long to ensure that the proper data type is passed to the function. Constants such as \textit{1} without
4335 a cast or prototype are of type \textbf{int} by default. Appending \textit{UL} or pre-pending \textit{(unsigned long)} is enough to cast it to the correct type.
4376 This will encode the list of ASN.1 objects in \textit{list} of length \textit{inlen} objects, and store the output in \textit{out} of length \textit{outlen} bytes.
4380 This function will \textbf{NOT} recognize \textit{DEFAULT} objects, and it is the responsibility of the caller to remove them as required.
4394 This will decode the SET specified by \textit{list} of length \textit{outlen} objects from the input buffer \textit{in} of length \textit{inlen} octets.
4402 A \textit{SET OF} object is an array of identical objects (e.g. OCTET STRING) sorted in ascending order by the DER encoding of the object. They are
4414 This will encode a \textit{SET OF} containing the \textit{list} of \textit{inlen} ASN.1 objects and store the encoding in the output buffer \textit{out} of length \textit{outlen}.
4420 Since the decoding of a \textit{SET OF} object is unambiguous it can be decoded with der\_decode\_sequence().
4423 Like the SET type the der\_length\_sequence() function can be used to determine the length of a \textit{SET OF} object.
4444 a bignum to store the value, the \textit{short} INTEGER functions were made available.
4618 The time can be offset plus or minus a set amount of hours (off\_hh) and minutes (off\_mm). When \textit{off\_dir} is zero, the time will be added otherwise it
4620 \textit{2005, June 20th, 22:04:00} with a time offset of +05h00.
4636 The encoder will store time in one of the two ASN.1 formats, either \textit{YYMMDDhhmmssZ} or \textit{YYMMDDhhmmss$\pm$hhmm}, and perform minimal error checking on the
4643 The CHOICE ASN.1 type represents a union of ASN.1 types all of which are stored in a \textit{ltc\_asn1\_list}. There is no encoder for the CHOICE type, only a
4657 This will decode the input in the \textit{in} field of length \textit{inlen}. It uses the provided ASN.1 list specified in the \textit{list} field which has
4658 \textit{outlen} elements. The \textit{inlen} field will be updated with the length of the decoded data type, as well as the respective entry in the \textit{list} field
4659 will have the \textit{used} flag set to non--zero to reflect it was the data type decoded.
4662 The ASN.1 \textit{flexi} decoder allows the developer to decode arbitrary ASN.1 DER packets (provided they use data types LibTomCrypt supports) without first knowing
4666 The flexi decoder uses the same \textit{ltc\_asn1\_list} but instead of being stored in an array it uses the linked list pointers \textit{prev}, \textit{next}, \textit{parent}
4667 and \textit{child}. The list works as a \textit{doubly-linked list} structure where decoded items at the same level are siblings (using next and prev) and items
4680 This will decode items in the \textit{in} buffer of max input length \textit{inlen} and store the newly created pointer to the list in \textit{out}. This function allocates
4681 all required memory for the decoding. It stores the number of octets read back into \textit{inlen}.
4683 The function will terminate when either it hits an invalid ASN.1 tag, or it reads \textit{inlen} octets. An early termination is a soft error, and returns
4684 normally. The decoded list \textit{out} will point to the very first element of the list (e.g. both parent and prev pointers will be \textbf{NULL}).
4689 have to convert the list by first storing all of the siblings in an array then storing all the children as sub-lists of a sequence using the \textit{.data}
4723 At this point \textit{list} would point to the SEQUENCE identified by \textit
4724 node with the following code will bring us to the \textit{Name} portion of the SEQUENCE:
4730 Now \textit{list} points to the \textit{Name} member (with the tag IA5 STRING). The \textit{data}, \textit{size}, and \textit{type} members of \textit{list} should reflect
4731 that of an IA5 STRING. The sibbling will now be the \textit{LoginToken} SEQUENCE. The sibbling has a child node which points to the \textit{passwdHash} OCTET STRING.
4739 At this point, \textit{list} will point to the \textit{passwdHash} member of the innermost SEQUENCE. This node has a sibbling, the \textit{pubkey} member of the SEQUENCE.
4740 The \textit{LastOn} member of the SEQUENCE is a sibbling of the LoginToken node, if we wanted to walk there we would have to go up and over via:
4785 Where \textit{password} is the user's password. Since the algorithm allows binary passwords you must also specify the length in \textit{password\_len}.
4786 The \textit{salt} is a fixed size 8--byte array which should be random for each user and session. The \textit{iteration\_count} is the delay desired
4787 on the password. The \textit{hash\_idx} is the index of the hash you wish to use in the descriptor table.
4789 The output of length up to \textit{outlen} is stored in \textit{out}. If \textit{outlen} is initially larger than the size of the hash functions output
4790 it is set to the number of bytes stored. If it is smaller than not all of the hash output is stored in \textit{out}.
4809 Where \textit{password} is the users password. Since the algorithm allows binary passwords you must also specify the length in \textit{password\_len}.
4810 The \textit{salt} is an array of size \textit{salt\_len}. It should be random for each user and session. The \textit{iteration\_count} is the delay desired
4811 on the password. The \textit{hash\_idx} is the index of the hash you wish to use in the descriptor table. The output of length up to
4812 \textit{outlen} is stored in \textit{out}.
4871 Where \textit{in} is the binary string and \textit{out} is where the ASCII output is placed. You must set the value of \textit{outlen} prior
4872 to calling this function and it sets the length of the base64 output in \textit{outlen} when it is done. To decode a base64
4890 When making random primes the trial division step is in fact an optimized implementation of \textit{Implementation of Fast RSA Key Generation on Smart Cards}\footnote{Chenghuai Lu, Andre L. M. dos Santos and Francisco R. Pimentel}.
4904 To test if a \textit{mp\_int} is prime call:
4908 This puts a one in \textit{result} if the number is probably prime, otherwise it places a zero in it. It is assumed that if
4909 it returns an error that the value in \textit{result} is undefined. To make
4917 Where \textit{len} is the size of the prime in bytes ($2 \le len \le 256$). You can set \textit{len} to the negative size you want
4919 \textit{len = -128} to the function. Upon success it will return {\bf CRYPT\_OK} and \textit{N} will contain an integer which
4927 does provide two RNG sources that will address the largest amount of end users as possible. The \textit{sprng} PRNG provides an easy to
4954 For symmetric ciphers, use as large as of a key as possible. For the most part \textit{bits are cheap} so using a 256--bit key
5049 The MAKE, CC and AR flags can all be overwritten. They default to \textit{make}, \textit{\$CC} and \textit{\$AR} respectively.
5056 \begin{flushleft} will build and install the libraries with the \textit{gmake} tool. Similarly, \end{flushleft}
5062 \begin{flushleft} will build the library using \textit{arm--gcc} as the compiler and \textit{arm--ar} as the archiver. \end{flushleft}
5073 This will turn off optimizations and add \textit{-g3} to the CFLAGS which enables debugging.
5077 \textbf{LIBNAME} is the name of the output library (archive) to create. It defaults to \textit{libtomcrypt.a} for static builds and \textit{} for
5081 Similarly \textbf{LIBTEST} and \textbf{LIBTEST\_S} are the names for the profiling and testing library. The default is \textit{libtomcrypt\_prof.a} for
5082 static and \textit{libtomcrypt\} for shared.
5087 directory which defaults to \textit{/usr/lib}. \textbf{INCPATH} is the prefix for the header file directory which defaults to \textit{/usr/include}.
5088 \textbf{DATADIR} is the prefix for the data (documentation) directory which defaults to \textit{/usr/share/doc/libtomcrypt/pdf}.
5097 This will build the library and install it to the directories under \textit{/home/tom/project/}. e.g.
5144 This will install the library using the TomsFastMath library and link the \textit{libtfm.a} library out of the default library search path. The two
5175 This will compile \textit{myprogram} and link it against the LibTomCrypt library as well as TomsFastMath (which must have been previously installed). Note that
5181 LibTomCrypt can also be built as a shared library through the \textit{makefile.shared} make script. It is similar to use as the static script except
5192 The file \textit{tomcrypt\_cfg.h} is what lets you control various high level macros which control the behaviour of the library. Build options are also
5193 stored in \textit{tomcrypt\_custom.h} which allow the enabling and disabling of various algorithms.
5206 platforms define \textbf{ENDIAN\_BIG}. Similarly when the default word size of an \textit{unsigned long} is 32-bits define \textbf{ENDIAN\_32BITWORD}
5213 There are also options you can specify from the \textit{tomcrypt\_custom.h} header file.
5253 is not \textit{portable} since unaligned accesses are not covered by the ISO C specifications.
5257 By design the \textit{fast} mode functions won't get unaligned on their own. For instance, if you call ctr\_encrypt() right after calling
5263 The simplest precaution is to make sure you process all data in power of two blocks and handle \textit{remainder} at the end. e.g. If you are
5267 If you do plan on using the \textit{LTC\_FAST} mode you have to also define a \textit{LTC\_FAST\_TYPE} macro which resolves to an optimal sized
5286 the header file \textit{tomcrypt\_custom.h} for more details. It is meant to provide literally an easy method of trimming the library
5329 descriptors for the respective library are built and included in the library as \textit{gmp\_desc}, \textit{ltm\_desc}, or \textit{tfm\_desc} respectively.
5355 At the heart of this flexibility is the \textit{descriptor} system. A descriptor is essentially just a C \textit{struct} which describes the algorithm and provides pointers
5634 The \textit{name} parameter specifies the name of the cipher. This is what a developer would pass to find\_cipher() to find the cipher in the descriptor
5641 The minimum key length is \textit{min\_key\_length} and is measured in octets. Similarly the maximum key length is \textit{max\_key\_length}. They can be equal
5645 The size of the ciphers plaintext or ciphertext is \textit{block\_length} and is measured in octets.
5648 Some ciphers allow different number of rounds to be used. Usually you just use the default. The default round count is \textit{default\_rounds}.
5651 To initialize a cipher (for ECB mode) the function setup() was provided. It accepts an array of key octets \textit{key} of length \textit{keylen} octets. The user
5652 can specify the number of rounds they want through \textit{num\_rounds} where $num\_rounds = 0$ means use the default. The destination of a scheduled key is stored
5653 in \textit{skey}.
5655 Inside the \textit{symmetric\_key} union there is a \textit{void *data} which you can use to allocate data if you need a data structure that does not fit with the existing
5656 ones provided. Just make sure in your \textit{done()} function that you free the allocated memory.
5663 The test() function is used to self--test the \textit{device}. It takes no arguments and returns \textbf{CRYPT\_OK} if all is working properly. You may return
5678 through the accel\_ecb\_encrypt and accel\_ecb\_decrypt pointers. The \textit{blocks} count is the number of complete blocks to process.
5682 The \textit{blocks} value is the number of complete blocks to process. The \textit{IV} is the CBC initial vector. It is an input upon calling this function and must be
5687 The \textit{blocks} value is the number of complete blocks to process. The \textit{IV} is the CTR counter vector. It is an input upon calling this function and must be
5688 updated by the function before returning. The \textit{mode} value indicates whether the counter is big (mode = CTR\_COUNTER\_BIG\_ENDIAN) or
5700 The \textit{CTR pad} is empty when a multiple (including zero) blocks of text have been processed. That is, if you pass in seven bytes to AES--CTR mode you would have to
5707 These functions are meant for accelerated LRW. They process blocks of input in lengths of multiples of 16 octets. They must accept the \textit{IV} and \textit{tweak}
5708 state variables and updated them prior to returning. Note that you may want to disable \textbf{LRW\_TABLES} in \textit{tomcrypt\_custom.h} if you intend
5713 Note that calling lrw\_done() will only invoke the cipher\_descriptor[].done() function on the \textit{symmetric\_key} parameter of the LRW state. That means
5832 The \textit{hashsize} variable indicates the length of the output in octets.
5835 The \textit{blocksize} variable indicates the length of input (in octets) that the hash processes in a given
5961 An exported PRNG state is data that the PRNG can later import to resume activity. They're not meant to resume \textit{the same session}
5966 it hasn't proven hard to write \textit{glue} to use math libraries so far. The basic descriptor looks like.
6396 All \textit{bignums} are accessed through an opaque \textit{void *} data type. You must internally cast the pointer if you need to access members of your bignum structure. During
6397 the init calls a \textit{void **} will be passed where you allocate your structure and set the pointer then initialize the number to zero. During the deinit calls you must
6404 The digit routines (including functions with the \textit{i} suffix) use a \textit{unsigned long} to represent the digit. If your internal digit is larger than this you must
6405 then partition your digits. Normally this does not matter as \textit{unsigned long} will be the same size as your register size. Note that if your digit is smaller
6406 than an \textit{unsigned long} that is also acceptable as the \textit{bits\_per\_digit} parameter will specify this.
6433 This will add the point $P$ to the point $Q$ and store it in the point $R$. The $mp$ parameter is the \textit{b} value from the montgomery\_setup() call. The input points
6475 The call reads the \textit{in} buffer as an unsigned char array in big endian format. Then it performs the exponentiation and stores the output in big endian format
6476 to the \textit{out} buffer. The output must be zero padded (leading bytes) so that the length of the output matches the length of the modulus (in bytes). For example,