Lines Matching full:tests
8 [==========] Running 57 tests from 26 test cases.
27 [----------] 2 tests from PassingTest
32 [----------] 3 tests from FatalFailureTest
61 [----------] 5 tests from SCOPED_TRACETest
198 [----------] 4 tests from MixedUpTestCaseTest
205 All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture
211 of the classes to put the tests into different test cases.
215 All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture
221 of the classes to put the tests into different test cases.
223 [----------] 2 tests from MixedUpTestCaseWithSameTestNameTest
228 All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture
234 of the classes to put the tests into different test cases.
236 [----------] 2 tests from TEST_F_before_TEST_in_same_test_case
241 All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture
249 [----------] 2 tests from TEST_before_TEST_F_in_same_test_case
254 All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture
262 [----------] 7 tests from ExpectNonfatalFailureTest
301 [----------] 7 tests from ExpectFatalFailureTest
340 [----------] 2 tests from TypedTest/0, where TypeParam = int
349 [----------] 2 tests from Unsigned/TypedTestP/0, where TypeParam = unsigned char
358 [----------] 2 tests from Unsigned/TypedTestP/1, where TypeParam = unsigned int
367 [----------] 4 tests from ExpectFailureTest
463 [==========] 57 tests from 26 test cases ran.
464 [ PASSED ] 21 tests.
465 [ FAILED ] 36 tests, listed below:
507 [==========] Running 4 tests from 2 test cases.
509 [----------] 3 tests from FatalFailureTest
528 [----------] 3 tests from FatalFailureTest (? ms total)
543 [==========] 4 tests from 2 test cases ran. (? ms total)
544 [ PASSED ] 0 tests.
545 [ FAILED ] 4 tests, listed below: