Lines Matching full:error
53 UnicodeString message=UnicodeString("ERROR: PluralFormat basic test");
63 dataerrln("ERROR: Could not create NumberFormat instance with default locale ");
84 dataerrln("ERROR: PluralFormat constructor failed!");
95 errln("ERROR: clone plural format test failed!");
100 dataerrln("ERROR: PluralFormat constructor failed! - [0]%s [1]%s", u_errorName(status[0]), u_errorName(status[1]));
107 errln("ERROR: assignment operator test failed!");
113 dataerrln("ERROR: PluralFormat constructor failed! - %s", u_errorName(status[1]));
158 dataerrln("ERROR: create PluralRules instance failed in unit tests.- exitting");
169 dataerrln("ERROR: PluralFormat constructor failed in unit tests.- exitting");
174 errln("ERROR: PluralFormat failed to detect syntax error with pattern: "+checkSyntaxtData[i]);
186 UnicodeString message=UnicodeString("ERROR: PluralFormat tests various pattern ...");
188 dataerrln("ERROR: Could not create NumberFormat instance with default locale ");
194 dataerrln("ERROR: PluralFormat constructor failed in unit tests.- exitting");
199 errln("ERROR: PluralFormat failed to apply pattern- "+patternTestData[i]);
213 dataerrln("ERROR: Could not create PluralFormat instance in setLocale() test - exitting. ");
220 dataerrln("ERROR: Could not setLocale() with English locale ");
224 message = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Error set locale: pattern is not reset!");
230 dataerrln("ERROR: Could not create NumberFormat instance with English locale ");
471 dataerrln("ERROR: Could not create PluralFormat or NumberFormat - exitting");
500 errln("ERROR: Unexpected plural format - got:"+plResult+ UnicodeString(" expecting:")+numResult);
542 errln("ERROR: Failed to format number in locale data tests with locale: "+
547 errln("ERROR: Unexpected format result in locale: "+UnicodeString(localeArray[i])+