Lines Matching full:fail
75 dataerrln("FAIL: construction of Latin-Greek - %s",u_errorName(status));
80 errln("FAIL: getID returned " + ID + " instead of Latin-Greek");
92 errln("FAIL: " + ID);
96 errln("FAIL: getID() returned " + t->getID() + " instead of " + ID);
101 errln("FAIL: calling getAvailableID(index > coundAvailableIDs) should make index=0\n");
107 errln("FAIL: construction");
116 errln("FAIL: getID or clone failed");
121 errln("FAIL: construction");
123 errln("FAIL: getID or clone failed");
141 dataerrln("FAIL: in instantiation - %s", u_errorName(status));
149 errln("FAIL: getInverse() ");
172 errln("FAIL: in instantiation for" + TransID[i]);
177 errln("FAIL :getInverse() for " + TransID[i] + " returned " + inver1->getID() + " instead of " + TransID[i+1]);
197 dataerrln("FAIL: construction - %s", u_errorName(status));
204 errln("FAIL: clone or getID failed");
206 errln("FAIL: clone or getID failed");
246 dataerrln("FAIL: construction: " + dispNames[i+0] + " - " + u_errorName(status));
252 // doTest(message, name, dispNames[i+1]); //!!! This will obviously fail for any locale other than english and its children!!!
295 dataerrln("FAIL: construction: " + Data[i+0] + " Error: " + u_errorName(status));
342 dataerrln("FAIL: construction: " + prettify(Data2[i+0]) + " - " + u_errorName(status));
349 // errln("FAIL: calling transliterate on " + t->getID());
374 errln("FAIL: start greater than limit value returned" + gotResBuf);
401 errln("FAIL : construction");
426 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: can't create Any-Hex, " +
436 errln("FAIL: " + t->getID()+ ".translitere(Replaceable, int[], UnicodeString, UErrorCode)-->" + (UnicodeString)u_errorName(status));
455 errln("FAIL: invalid index values didn't throw U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR throw" + (UnicodeString)u_errorName(status));
494 errln("FAIL: " + t->getID()+ ".transliterate(Replaceable, int32_t[], UnicodeString, UErrorCode)-->" + (UnicodeString)u_errorName(status));
517 errln("FAIL: " + t->getID()+ ".transliterate(Replaceable, int32_t[], UChar, UErrorCode)-->" + (UnicodeString)u_errorName(status));
557 dataerrln("FAIL : construction - %s", u_errorName(status));
566 dataerrln("FAIL : construction - %s", u_errorName(status));
604 errln("FAIL: " + t->getID()+ ".transliterate(Replaceable, int32_t[], UErrorCode)-->" + (UnicodeString)u_errorName(status));
650 errln("FAIL: TestA-TestB already registered\n");
656 errln("FAIL: TestA-TestB inverse already registered\n");
674 errln("FAIL: TestA-TestB not registered\n");
685 errln("FAIL: TestA-TestB inverse not registered\n");
695 errln("FAIL: TestA-TestB isn't unregistered\n");
785 errln("FAIL: getFilter failed. Didn't return null when the transliterator used no filtering");
807 errln("FAIL: adoptFilter or getFilter round trip failed");
864 errln("FAIL: " + t->getID()+ ".transliterate(Replaceable, int32_t[], UnicodeString, UErrorCode)-->" + (UnicodeString)u_errorName(status));
896 errln("FAIL: " + prettify(log) + ", expected " + prettify(expected));
905 dataerrln((UnicodeString)"FAIL:" + message + " failed Got-->" + prettify(result)+ ", Expected--> " + prettify(expected) );
911 // transliterator, just to verify that they don't fail in some
915 errln("FAIL at line %d from line %d: %s", __LINE__, line, #a); return; }}
976 errln("FAIL: UnicodeFunctor::toMatcher did not return NULL");
979 errln("FAIL: UnicodeFunctor::toReplacer did not return NULL");