Lines Matching full:item
53 \item \verb|-V|, \verb|-Version|
58 \item \verb|-s|, \verb|-stats|, \verb|-statistics|
65 \item \verb|-f|, \verb|-family| followed by a protocol family
74 \item \verb|-4|
78 \item \verb|-6|
82 \item \verb|-0|
87 \item \verb|-o|, \verb|-oneline|
94 \item \verb|-r|, \verb|-resolve|
112 \item \verb|link| --- network device
113 \item \verb|address| --- protocol (IP or IPv6) address on a device
114 \item \verb|neighbour| --- ARP or NDISC cache entry
115 \item \verb|route| --- routing table entry
116 \item \verb|rule| --- rule in routing policy database
117 \item \verb|maddress| --- multicast address
118 \item \verb|mroute| --- multicast routing cache entry
119 \item \verb|tunnel| --- tunnel over IP
162 \item
168 \item
171 \item
175 \item
180 \item
201 \item Netlink is not configured in the kernel. The message is:
206 \item RTNETLINK is not configured in the kernel. In this case
213 \item The \verb|CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES| option was not selected
240 \item \verb|dev NAME| (default)
244 \item \verb|up| and \verb|down|
248 \item \verb|arp on| or \verb|arp off|
259 \item \verb|multicast on| or \verb|multicast off|
263 \item \verb|dynamic on| or \verb|dynamic off|
267 \item \verb|name NAME|
273 \item \verb|txqueuelen NUMBER| or \verb|txqlen NUMBER|
277 \item \verb|mtu NUMBER|
281 \item \verb|address LLADDRESS|
285 \item \verb|broadcast LLADDRESS|, \verb|brd LLADDRESS| or \verb|peer LLADDRESS|
297 \item \verb|netns PID|
318 \item \verb|ip link set dummy address 00:00:00:00:00:01|
322 \item \verb|ip link set dummy up|
337 \item \verb|dev NAME| (default)
342 \item \verb|up|
394 \item \verb|UP| --- the device is turned on. It is ready to accept
398 \item \verb|LOOPBACK| --- the interface does not communicate with other
402 \item \verb|BROADCAST| --- the device has the facility to send packets
405 \item \verb|POINTOPOINT| --- the link has only two ends with one node
415 \item \verb|MULTICAST| --- is an advisory flag indicating that the interface
427 \item \verb|PROMISC| --- the device listens to and feeds to the kernel all
433 \item \verb|ALLMULTI| --- the device receives all multicast packets
436 \item \verb|NOARP| --- this flag is different from the other ones. It has
442 \item \verb|DYNAMIC| --- is an advisory flag indicating that the interface is
445 \item \verb|SLAVE| --- this interface is bonded to some other interfaces
498 \item \verb|bytes| --- the total number of bytes received or transmitted
502 \item \verb|packets| --- the total number of packets received or transmitted
504 \item \verb|errors| --- the total number of receiver or transmitter errors.
505 \item \verb|dropped| --- the total number of packets dropped due to lack
507 \item \verb|overrun| --- the total number of receiver overruns resulting
511 \item \verb|mcast| --- the total number of received multicast packets. This option
513 \item \verb|carrier| --- total number of link media failures f.e.\ because
515 \item \verb|collsns| --- the total number of collision events
518 \item \verb|compressed| --- the total number of compressed packets. This is
572 \item \verb|dev NAME|
576 \item \verb|local ADDRESS| (default)
584 \item \verb|peer ADDRESS|
593 \item \verb|broadcast ADDRESS|
608 \item \verb|label NAME|
616 \item \verb|scope SCOPE_VALUE|
623 \item \verb|global| --- the address is globally valid.
624 \item \verb|site| --- (IPv6 only) the address is site local,
626 \item \verb|link| --- the address is link local, i.e.\
628 \item \verb|host| --- the address is valid only inside this host.
638 \item \verb|ip addr add dev lo brd + scope host|
642 \item \verb|ip addr add brd + dev eth0 label eth0:Alias|
660 \item \verb|ip addr del dev lo|
665 \item Disable IP on the interface \verb|eth0|:
685 \item \verb|dev NAME| (default)
689 \item \verb|scope SCOPE_VAL|
693 \item \verb|to PREFIX|
697 \item \verb|label PATTERN|
703 \item \verb|dynamic| and \verb|permanent|
708 \item \verb|tentative|
713 \item \verb|deprecated|
718 \item \verb|primary| and \verb|secondary|
750 \item \verb|secondary|
765 \item \verb|dynamic|
773 \item \verb|deprecated|
778 \item \verb|tentative|
865 \item \verb|to ADDRESS| (default)
869 \item \verb|dev NAME|
874 \item \verb|lladdr LLADDRESS|
879 \item \verb|nud NUD_STATE|
885 \item \verb|permanent| --- the neighbour entry is valid forever and can be only be removed
887 \item \verb|noarp| --- the neighbour entry is valid. No attempts to validate
889 \item \verb|reachable| --- the neighbour entry is valid until the reachability
891 \item \verb|stale| --- the neighbour entry is valid but suspicious.
900 \item \verb|ip neigh add lladdr 0:0:0:0:0:1 dev eth0 nud perm|
904 \item \verb|ip neigh chg dev eth0 nud reachable|
922 \item \verb|ip neigh del dev eth0|
952 \item \verb|to ADDRESS| (default)
956 \item \verb|dev NAME|
960 \item \verb|unused|
964 \item \verb|nud NUD_STATE|
999 \item\verb|none| --- the state of the neighbour is void.
1000 \item\verb|incomplete| --- the neighbour is in the process of resolution.
1001 \item\verb|reachable| --- the neighbour is valid and apparently reachable.
1002 \item\verb|stale| --- the neighbour is valid, but is probably already
1004 \item\verb|delay| --- a packet has been sent to the stale neighbour and the kernel is waiting
1006 \item\verb|probe| --- the delay timer expired but no confirmation was received.
1008 \item\verb|failed| --- resolution has failed.
1009 \item\verb|noarp| --- the neighbour is valid. No attempts to check the entry
1011 \item\verb|permanent| --- it is a \verb|noarp| entry, but only the administrator
1036 \item the entry was used 12 seconds ago.
1037 \item the entry was confirmed 13 seconds ago.
1038 \item the entry was updated 20 seconds ago.
1090 \item The longest matching prefix is selected. All shorter ones
1093 \item If the TOS of some route with the longest prefix is equal to the TOS
1101 \item If several routes remain after the previous steps, then
1104 \item If we still have several routes, then the {\em first\/} of them
1157 \item \verb|unicast| --- the route entry describes real paths to the
1159 \item \verb|unreachable| --- these destinations are unreachable. Packets
1162 \item \verb|blackhole| --- these destinations are unreachable. Packets
1164 \item \verb|prohibit| --- these destinations are unreachable. Packets
1167 \item \verb|local| --- the destinations are assigned to this
1169 \item \verb|broadcast| --- the destinations are broadcast addresses.
1171 \item \verb|throw| --- a special control route used together with policy
1177 \item \verb|nat| --- a special NAT route. Destinations covered by the prefix
1182 \item \verb|anycast| --- ({\em not implemented\/}) the destinations are
1186 \item \verb|multicast| --- a special type used for multicast routing.
1220 \item \verb|to PREFIX| or \verb|to TYPE PREFIX| (default)
1230 \item \verb|tos TOS| or \verb|dsfield TOS|
1239 \item \verb|metric NUMBER| or \verb|preference NUMBER|
1243 \item \verb|table TABLEID|
1252 \item \verb|dev NAME|
1256 \item \verb|via ADDRESS|
1264 \item \verb|src ADDRESS|
1269 \item \verb|realm REALMID|
1276 \item \verb|mtu MTU| or \verb|mtu lock MTU|
1284 \item \verb|window NUMBER|
1290 \item \verb|rtt NUMBER|
1295 \item \verb|rttvar NUMBER|
1300 \item \verb|ssthresh NUMBER|
1305 \item \verb|cwnd NUMBER|
1311 \item \verb|advmss NUMBER|
1321 \item \verb|reordering NUMBER|
1327 \item \verb|hoplimit NUMBER|
1333 \item \verb|initcwnd NUMBER|
1339 \item \verb|nexthop NEXTHOP|
1344 \item \verb|via ADDRESS| is the nexthop router.
1345 \item \verb|dev NAME| is the output device.
1346 \item \verb|weight NUMBER| is a weight for this element of a multipath
1350 \item \verb|scope SCOPE_VAL|
1360 \item \verb|protocol RTPROTO|
1370 \item \verb|redirect| --- the route was installed due to an ICMP redirect.
1371 \item \verb|kernel| --- the route was installed by the kernel during
1373 \item \verb|boot| --- the route was installed during the bootup sequence.
1375 \item \verb|static| --- the route was installed by the administrator
1378 \item \verb|ra| --- the route was installed by Router Discovery protocol.
1387 \item \verb|onlink|
1393 \item \verb|equalize|
1419 \item add a plain route to network 10.0.0/24 via gateway
1423 \item change it to a direct route via the \verb|dummy| device
1427 \item add a default multipath route splitting the load between \verb|ppp0|
1437 \item announce that the address is not a real one, but
1468 \item delete the multipath route created by the command in previous subsection
1487 \item \verb|to SELECTOR| (default)
1501 \item \verb|tos TOS| or \verb|dsfield TOS|
1506 \item \verb|table TABLEID|
1512 \item \verb|all| --- list all of the tables.
1513 \item \verb|cache| --- dump the routing cache.
1520 \item \verb|cloned| or \verb|cached|
1526 \item \verb|from SELECTOR|
1532 \item \verb|protocol RTPROTO|
1537 \item \verb|scope SCOPE_VAL|
1541 \item \verb|type TYPE|
1545 \item \verb|dev NAME|
1549 \item \verb|via PREFIX|
1553 \item \verb|src PREFIX|
1558 \item \verb|realm REALMID| or \verb|realms FROMREALM/TOREALM|
1620 \item \verb|local| --- packets are delivered locally.
1625 \item \verb|reject| --- the path is bad. Any attempt to use it results
1628 \item \verb|mc| --- the destination is multicast.
1630 \item \verb|brd| --- the destination is broadcast.
1632 \item \verb|src-direct| --- the source is on a directly connected
1635 \item \verb|redirected| --- the route was created by an ICMP Redirect.
1637 \item \verb|redirect| --- packets going via this route will
1640 \item \verb|fastroute| --- the route is eligible to be used for fastroute.
1642 \item \verb|equalize| --- make packet by packet randomization
1645 \item \verb|dst-nat| --- the destination address requires translation.
1647 \item \verb|src-nat| --- the source address requires translation.
1649 \item \verb|masq| --- the source address requires masquerading.
1652 \item \verb|notify| --- ({\em not implemented}) change/deletion
1658 \item \verb|error| --- on \verb|reject| routes it is error code
1665 \item \verb|expires| --- this entry will expire after this timeout.
1667 \item \verb|iif| --- the packets for this path are expected to arrive
1674 \item \verb|users| --- the number of users of this entry.
1675 \item \verb|age| --- shows when this route was last used.
1676 \item \verb|used| --- the number of lookups of this route since its creation.
1766 \item \verb|to ADDRESS| (default)
1770 \item \verb|from ADDRESS|
1774 \item \verb|tos TOS| or \verb|dsfield TOS|
1778 \item \verb|iif NAME|
1782 \item \verb|oif NAME|
1786 \item \verb|connected|
1811 \item
1819 \item Find a route to forward packets arriving on \verb|eth0|
1835 \item Find a multicast route for packets arriving on \verb|eth0|
1932 \item packet source address.
1933 \item packet destination address.
1934 \item TOS.
1935 \item incoming interface (which is packet metadata, rather than a packet field).
1967 \item Priority: 0, Selector: match anything, Action: lookup routing
1975 \item Priority: 32766, Selector: match anything, Action: lookup routing
1981 \item Priority: 32767, Selector: match anything, Action: lookup routing
2008 \item \verb|unicast| --- the rule prescribes to return the route found
2010 \item \verb|blackhole| --- the rule prescribes to silently drop the packet.
2011 \item \verb|unreachable| --- the rule prescribes to generate a ``Network
2013 \item \verb|prohibit| --- the rule prescribes to generate
2015 \item \verb|nat| --- the rule prescribes to translate the source address
2034 \item \verb|type TYPE| (default)
2039 \item \verb|from PREFIX|
2043 \item \verb|to PREFIX|
2047 \item \verb|iif NAME|
2054 \item \verb|tos TOS| or \verb|dsfield TOS|
2058 \item \verb|fwmark MARK|
2062 \item \verb|priority PREFERENCE|
2079 \item \verb|table TABLEID|
2083 \item \verb|realms FROM/TO|
2089 \item \verb|nat ADDRESS|
2108 \item Route packets with source addresses from 192.203.80/24
2114 \item Translate packet source address into
2120 \item Delete the unused default rule:
2186 \item \verb|dev NAME| (default)
2232 \item \verb|address LLADDRESS| (default)
2236 \item \verb|dev NAME|
2295 \item \verb|to PREFIX| (default)
2300 \item \verb|iif NAME|
2305 \item \verb|from PREFIX|
2370 \item \verb|name NAME| (default)
2374 \item \verb|mode MODE|
2379 \item \verb|remote ADDRESS|
2383 \item \verb|local ADDRESS|
2388 \item \verb|ttl N|
2395 \item \verb|tos T| or \verb|dsfield T|
2402 \item \verb|dev NAME|
2408 \item \verb|nopmtudisc|
2414 \item \verb|key K|, \verb|ikey K|, \verb|okey K|
2422 \item \verb|csum|, \verb|icsum|, \verb|ocsum|
2430 \item \verb|seq|, \verb|iseq|, \verb|oseq|
2486 \item \verb|CsumErrs| --- the total number of packets dropped
2488 \item \verb|OutOfSeq| --- the total number of packets dropped
2491 \item \verb|Mcasts| --- the total number of multicast packets
2493 \item \verb|DeadLoop| --- the total number of packets which were not
2495 \item \verb|NoRoute| --- the total number of packets which were not
2497 \item \verb|NoBufs| --- the total number of packets which were not
2588 \item If the route has a realm, the destination realm of the packet is set to it.
2589 \item If the rule has a source realm, the source realm of the packet is set to it.
2592 \item If at least one of the realms is still unknown, the kernel finds
2594 \item If the source realm is still unknown, get it from the reversed route.
2595 \item If one of the realms is still unknown, swap the realms of reversed
2691 \item
2706 \item Otherwise, IP routing tables can contain an explicit source
2711 \item Otherwise, the kernel searches through the list of addresses
2716 \item IPv6 searches for the first valid, not deprecated address
2719 \item IP searches for the first valid address with a scope wider
2730 \item Otherwise, if the scope of the destination is \verb|link| or \verb|host|,
2733 \item Otherwise, all interfaces are scanned to search for an address
2930 \item \verb|ip| --- package \verb|iproute2|.
2931 \item \verb|arping| --- package \verb|iputils|.
2932 \item \verb|rdisc| --- package \verb|iputils|.