Lines Matching full:self
47 * @param self HashMap handle
50 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null; ESR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if system is out of memory
52 ESR_ReturnCode(*put)(struct HashMap_t* self, const LCHAR* key, void* value);
57 * @param self HashMap handle
59 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
61 ESR_ReturnCode(*remove)(struct HashMap_t* self, const LCHAR* key);
66 * @param self HashMap handle
68 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
70 ESR_ReturnCode(*removeAndFree)(struct HashMap_t* self, const LCHAR* key);
75 * @param self HashMap handle
77 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null; ESR_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS if index is out of bounds
79 ESR_ReturnCode(*removeAtIndex)(struct HashMap_t* self, const size_t index);
84 * @param self HashMap handle
85 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
87 ESR_ReturnCode(*removeAll)(struct HashMap_t* self);
92 * @param self HashMap handle
93 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
95 ESR_ReturnCode(*removeAndFreeAll)(struct HashMap_t* self);
100 * @param self HashMap handle
103 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
105 ESR_ReturnCode(*containsKey)(struct HashMap_t* self, const LCHAR* key, ESR_BOOL* exists);
110 * @param self HashMap handle
112 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
114 ESR_ReturnCode(*getSize)(struct HashMap_t* self, size_t* size);
120 * @param self HashMap handle
124 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null; ESR_NO_MATCH_ERROR if key cannot be found
126 ESR_ReturnCode(*get)(struct HashMap_t* self, const LCHAR* key, void** value);
130 * @param self HashMap handle
133 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null; ESR_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS if index is out of bounds
135 ESR_ReturnCode(*getKeyAtIndex)(struct HashMap_t* self, const size_t index, LCHAR** key);
139 * @param self HashMap handle
142 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null; ESR_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS if index is out of bounds
144 ESR_ReturnCode(*getValueAtIndex)(struct HashMap_t* self, const size_t index, void** value);
148 * @param self HashMap handle
149 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
151 ESR_ReturnCode(*destroy)(struct HashMap_t* self);
158 * @param self HashMap handle
159 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self or the value it points to are null
161 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapCreate(HashMap** self);
166 * @param self HashMap handle
167 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self or the value it points to are null
169 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapCreateBins(size_t nbBins, HashMap** self);
174 * @param self HashMap handle
177 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null; ESR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if system is out of memory
179 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapPut(HashMap* self, const LCHAR* key, void* value);
186 * @param self HashMap handle
188 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
190 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapRemove(HashMap* self, const LCHAR* key);
195 * @param self HashMap handle
197 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
199 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapRemoveAndFree(HashMap* self, const LCHAR* key);
203 * @param self HashMap handle
205 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null; ESR_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS if index is out of bounds
207 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapRemoveAtIndex(HashMap* self, const size_t index);
211 * @param self HashMap handle
212 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
214 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapRemoveAll(HashMap* self);
218 * @param self HashMap handle
219 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
221 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapRemoveAndFreeAll(HashMap* self);
225 * @param self HashMap handle
228 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
230 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapContainsKey(HashMap* self, const LCHAR* key, ESR_BOOL* exists);
234 * @param self HashMap handle
236 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
238 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapGetSize(HashMap* self, size_t* size);
243 * @param self HashMap handle
247 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null; ESR_NO_MATCH_ERROR if key cannot be found
249 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapGet(HashMap* self, const LCHAR* key, void** value);
253 * @param self HashMap handle
256 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null; ESR_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS if index is out of bounds
258 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapGetKeyAtIndex(HashMap* self, const size_t index, LCHAR** key);
262 * @param self HashMap handle
265 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null; ESR_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUNDS if index is out of bounds
267 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapGetValueAtIndex(HashMap* self, const size_t index, void** value);
271 * @param self HashMap handle
272 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null
274 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode HashMapDestroy(HashMap* self);