Lines Matching full:echo
13 echo STLport Configuration Tool for Windows
14 echo.
19 echo Please specify at least the compiler you are going to use,
20 echo use "configure --help" to see the available ones.
26 echo # STLport Configuration Tool for Windows > build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
27 echo # >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
28 echo # config.mak generated with command line: >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
29 echo # configure %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
30 echo # >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
88 echo Unknown option: %1
91 echo.
106 echo The first parameter must be the compiler name, here are the available
107 echo keywords:
108 echo.
109 echo msvc6 Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
110 echo msvc7 Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2002
111 echo msvc71 Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003
112 echo msvc8 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
113 echo msvc9 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
114 echo icl Intel C++ Compiler
115 echo evc3 Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 3 (*)
116 echo evc4 Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ .NET (*)
117 echo evc8 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 compiling for CE
118 echo evc9 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 compiling for CE
119 echo.
120 echo (*) For these compilers the target processor is determined automatically.
121 echo You must run the WCE*.BAT file you wish to build STLport for before
122 echo running configure.
123 echo.
124 echo Then the following options are available:
125 echo.
126 echo "-p <platform>" or "--platform <platform>"
127 echo Build STLport for the specified platform. Not all existing platforms are
128 echo available, only the ones that make a difference when building STLport are.
129 echo The following keywords are available:
130 echo win95 Windows 95 compatible
131 echo win98 Windows 98 and up to Windows XP excluded
132 echo winxp Windows XP or later (default)
133 echo.
134 echo "-x"
135 echo Enables cross-compiling; the result is that all built files that are
136 echo normally put under "bin" and "lib" get extra subfolders depending on
137 echo the compiler name.
138 echo.
139 echo "--with-static-rtl"
140 echo "--with-dynamic-rtl"
141 echo Enables usage of static (libc.lib family) or dynamic (msvcrt.lib family)
142 echo C/C++ runtime library when linking with STLport. If you want your appli/dll
143 echo to link statically with STLport but using the dynamic C runtime use
144 echo --with-dynamic-rtl; if you want to link dynamicaly with STLport but using the
145 echo static C runtime use --with-static-rtl. See README.options for details.
146 echo Don't forget to signal the link method when building your appli or dll, in
147 echo stlport/stl/config/host.h set the following macro depending on the configure
148 echo option:
149 echo "--with-static-rtl -> _STLP_USE_DYNAMIC_LIB"
150 echo "--with-dynamic-rtl -> _STLP_USE_STATIC_LIB"
151 echo.
152 echo "--use-boost <boost install path>"
153 echo Request use of boost support ( For the moment only the boost
154 echo type_traits library is used to get type information and to implement some
155 echo specific workaround not directly implemented by STLport. To use the same
156 echo support when using STLport for your application don't forget to define
157 echo _STLP_USE_BOOST_SUPPORT in stlport/stl/config/user_config.h file.
158 echo.
159 echo "--without-thread"
160 echo Per default STLport libraries are built in order to be usable in a multithreaded
161 echo context. If you don't need this you can ask for a not thread safe version with
162 echo this option.
163 echo.
164 echo "--without-rtti"
165 echo Remove rtti (run time type information) support if available.
166 echo.
167 echo "--extra-cxxflag <additional compilation options>"
168 echo Use this option to add any compilation flag to the build system. For instance
169 echo it can be used to activate a specific processor optimization depending on your
170 echo processor. For Visual C++ .Net 2003, to activate pentium 3 optim you will use:
171 echo --extra-cxxflag /G7
172 echo If you have several options use several --extra-cxxflag options. For instance
173 echo to also force use of wchar_t as an intrinsic type:
174 echo --extra-cxxflag /G7 --extra-cxxflag /Zc:wchar_t
175 echo.
176 echo "--with-lib-motif <motif>"
177 echo Use this option to customize the generated library name. The motif will be used
178 echo in the last place before version information, separated by an underscore, ex:
179 echo stlportd_MOTIF.5.0.lib
180 echo stlportstld_static_MOTIF.5.1.lib
181 echo Do not forget to define _STLP_LIB_NAME_MOTIF macro in STLport configuration file
182 echo to the same value if you want to keep the auto link feature supported by some
183 echo compilers.
184 echo.
185 echo "--without-stlport"
186 echo Option specially targetting build of the unit tests project without STLport. This
187 echo is a good way to challenge the C++ Standard library implementation comming with
188 echo your compiler with STLport.
189 echo.
190 echo "--clean"
191 echo Removes the build configuration file.
215 echo Unknown compiler: %1
220 echo Setting compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
221 echo COMPILER_NAME=vc6 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
226 echo Setting compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2002
227 echo COMPILER_NAME=vc70 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
232 echo Setting compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003
233 echo COMPILER_NAME=vc71 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
238 echo Setting compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
239 echo COMPILER_NAME=vc8 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
244 echo Setting compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
245 echo COMPILER_NAME=vc9 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
250 echo TARGET_OS=x86 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
252 echo !include msvc.mak > .\build\lib\Makefile
253 echo !include msvc.mak > .\build\test\unit\Makefile
254 echo !include msvc.mak > .\build\test\eh\Makefile
258 echo Setting compiler: Intel C++ Compiler
259 echo COMPILER_NAME=icl >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
260 echo TARGET_OS=x86 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
262 echo !include icl.mak > .\build\lib\Makefile
263 echo !include icl.mak > .\build\test\unit\Makefile
264 echo !include icl.mak > .\build\test\eh\Makefile
268 echo Setting compiler: Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 3
269 echo COMPILER_NAME=evc3 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
271 echo CEVERSION=300 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
276 echo Setting compiler: Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ .NET
277 echo COMPILER_NAME=evc4 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
279 echo OSVERSION not set, assuming target is CE 4.2
280 echo CEVERSION=420 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
282 echo CEVERSION=400 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
284 echo CEVERSION=420 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
286 echo CEVERSION=500 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
288 echo Unknown value for OSVERSION.
295 echo Setting compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2005 for Windows CE
296 echo COMPILER_NAME=evc8 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
299 echo OSVERSION not set, assuming target is CE 5.0
300 echo CEVERSION=500 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
302 echo CEVERSION=400 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
304 echo CEVERSION=420 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
306 echo CEVERSION=500 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
308 echo Unknown value for OSVERSION.
313 echo !include evc.mak > .\build\lib\Makefile
314 echo !include evc.mak > .\build\test\unit\Makefile
315 echo !include evc.mak > .\build\test\eh\Makefile
319 echo Setting compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2008 for Windows CE
320 echo COMPILER_NAME=evc9 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
323 echo OSVERSION not set, assuming target is CE 5.0
324 echo CEVERSION=500 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
326 echo CEVERSION=400 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
328 echo CEVERSION=420 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
330 echo CEVERSION=500 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
332 echo Unknown value for OSVERSION.
337 echo !include evc.mak > .\build\lib\Makefile
338 echo !include evc.mak > .\build\test\unit\Makefile
339 echo !include evc.mak > .\build\test\eh\Makefile
345 echo !include evc.mak > .\build\lib\Makefile
346 echo !include evc.mak > .\build\test\unit\Makefile
347 echo !include evc.mak > .\build\test\eh\Makefile
386 echo Unknown target CPU: %TARGETCPU%
390 echo Target processor: ARM
391 echo TARGET_PROC=arm >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
392 echo TARGET_PROC_SUBTYPE=%TARGETCPU% >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
396 echo Target processor: x86
397 echo TARGET_PROC=x86 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
401 echo Target processor: Emulator
402 echo TARGET_PROC=x86 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
403 echo TARGET_PROC_SUBTYPE=emulator >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
407 echo Target processor: MIPS
408 echo TARGET_PROC=mips >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
409 echo TARGET_PROC_SUBTYPE=%TARGETCPU% >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
414 echo Target processor: %TARGETCPU%
415 echo TARGET_PROC=sh3 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
419 echo Target processor: %TARGETCPU%
420 echo TARGET_PROC=sh4 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
438 echo Unknown platform: %2
442 echo Setting platform: Windows 95
443 echo WINVER=0x0400 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
448 echo Setting platform: Windows 98
449 echo WINVER=0x0410 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
454 echo Setting platform: Windows XP
455 echo WINVER=0x0501 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
472 echo Setting up for cross compiling.
473 echo CROSS_COMPILING=1 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
492 echo Error: Setting C runtime library for compiler other than microsoft ones!
496 echo Selecting static C runtime library for STLport
497 echo WITH_STATIC_RTL=1 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
501 echo Selecting dynamic C runtime library for STLport
502 echo WITH_DYNAMIC_RTL=1 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
518 echo Error: Invalid boost intallation folder ("%2").
522 echo Activating boost support using "%2" path
523 echo STLP_BUILD_BOOST_PATH="%2" >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
536 echo Removing thread safety support
537 echo WITHOUT_THREAD=1 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
546 echo Removing rtti support
547 echo WITHOUT_RTTI=1 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
556 echo Adding '%2' compilation option
559 echo DEFS = %2 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
564 echo DEFS = $(DEFS) %2 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
576 echo Using '%2' in generated library names
578 echo LIB_MOTIF = %2 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
589 echo Configured to build without STLport
591 echo WITHOUT_STLPORT=1 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
603 echo STLport configuration file removed.
615 echo Setting platform: Windows XP
616 echo.
617 echo WINVER=0x0501 >> build\Makefiles\nmake\config.mak
620 echo Done configuring STLport.
621 echo.
622 echo Go to build/lib folder and type "nmake clean install" to build and
623 echo install STLport to the "lib" and "bin" folders.
624 echo Go to build/test/unit folder and type nmake clean install to
625 echo build unit tests and install them in bin folder.
626 echo.