Lines Matching full:will
25 The following DTD syntax will not parse at this time in TinyXml:<p>
50 Note: If compiling the test code in Linux, setting the environment variable TINYXML_USE_STL=YES/NO will control STL compilation. In the Windows project file, STL and non STL targets are provided. In your project, its probably easiest to add the line "#define TIXML_USE_STL" as the first line of <a class="el" href="tinyxml_8h-source.html">tinyxml.h</a>.<p>
54 Normally, TinyXml will try to detect the correct encoding and use it. However, by setting the value of TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING in the header file, TinyXml can be forced to always use one encoding.<p>
55 TinyXml will assume Legacy Mode until one of the following occurs: <ol>
57 If the non-standard but common "UTF-8 lead bytes" (0xef 0xbb 0xbf) begin the file or data stream, TinyXml will read it as UTF-8. </li>
59 If the declaration tag is read, and it has an encoding="UTF-8", then TinyXml will read it as UTF-8. </li>
61 If the declaration tag is read, and it has no encoding specified, then TinyXml will read it as UTF-8. </li>
63 If the declaration tag is read, and it has an encoding="something else", then TinyXml will read it as Legacy Mode. In legacy mode, TinyXml will work as it did before. It's not clear what that mode does exactly, but old content should keep working. </li>
68 What happens if the encoding is incorrectly set or detected? TinyXml will try to read and pass through text seen as improperly encoded. You may get some strange results or mangled characters. You may want to force TinyXml to the correct mode.<p>
88 will have the Value() of "Far & Away" when queried from the <a class="el" href="classTiXmlText.html">TiXmlText</a> object, and will be written back to the XML stream/file as an ampersand. Older versions of TinyXml "preserved" character entities, but the newer versions will translate them into characters.<p>
96 Generates formatted output, with plenty of white space, intended to be as human-readable as possible. They are very fast, and tolerant of ill formed XML documents. For example, an XML document that contains 2 root elements and 2 declarations, will still print.<p>
104 Generates condensed output, intended for network transmission rather than readability. Depending on your system's implementation of the ostream class, these may be somewhat slower. (Or may not.) Not tolerant of ill formed XML: a document should contain the correct one root element. Additional root level elements will not be streamed out.<p>
108 Reads XML from a stream, making it useful for network transmission. The tricky part is knowing when the XML document is complete, since there will almost certainly be other data in the stream. TinyXml will assume the XML data is complete after it reads the root element. Put another way, documents that are ill-constructed with more than one root element will not read correctly. Also note that operator>> is somewhat slower than Parse, due to both implementation of the STL and limitations of TinyXml.<p>
111 The world simply does not agree on whether white space should be kept, or condensed. For example, pretend the '_' is a space, and look at "Hello____world". HTML, and at least some XML parsers, will interpret this as "Hello_world". They condense white space. Some XML parsers do not, and will leave it as "Hello____world". (Remember to keep pretending the _ is a space.) Others suggest that __Hello___world__ should become Hello___world.<p>
146 A Linux Makefile and a Windows Visual C++ .dsw file is provided. Simply compile and run. It will write the file demotest.xml to your disk and generate output on the screen. It also tests walking the DOM by printing out the number of nodes found using different techniques.<p>
147 The Linux makefile is very generic and will probably run on other systems, but is only tested on Linux. You no longer need to run 'make depend'. The dependecies have been hard coded.<p>
165 In the tinyxml directory, type "make clean" then "make". The executable file 'xmltest' will be created.<p>
178 Its not much of a To Do list, but it will
184 The first line is a declaration, and gets turned into the <a class="el" href="classTiXmlDeclaration.html">TiXmlDeclaration</a> class. It will be the first child of the document node.<p>
188 A comment. Will become a <a class="el" href="classTiXmlComment.html">TiXmlComment</a> object.<p>
218 This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.<p>
233 We appreciate your suggestions, and would love to know if you use TinyXml. Hopefully you will enjoy it and find it useful. Please post questions, comments, file bugs, or contact us at:<p>