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Lines Matching refs:Element

27 #include "Element.h"
64 Element::Element(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document* document, ConstructionType type)
70 PassRefPtr<Element> Element::create(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document* document)
72 return adoptRef(new Element(tagName, document, CreateElement));
75 Element::~Element()
81 inline ElementRareData* Element::rareData() const
87 inline ElementRareData* Element::ensureRareData()
92 NodeRareData* Element::createRareData()
97 PassRefPtr<Node> Element::cloneNode(bool deep)
102 PassRefPtr<Element> Element::cloneElementWithChildren()
104 RefPtr<Element> clone = cloneElementWithoutChildren();
109 PassRefPtr<Element> Element::cloneElementWithoutChildren()
111 RefPtr<Element> clone = document()->createElement(tagQName(), false);
125 void Element::removeAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, ExceptionCode& ec)
135 void Element::setAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
141 void Element::setCStringAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const char* cStringValue)
147 void Element::setBooleanAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, bool b)
158 NamedNodeMap* Element::attributes() const
163 Node::NodeType Element::nodeType() const
168 const AtomicString& Element::getIDAttribute() const
173 bool Element::hasAttribute(const QualifiedName& name) const
178 const AtomicString& Element::getAttribute(const QualifiedName& name) const
195 void Element::scrollIntoView(bool alignToTop)
208 void Element::scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(bool centerIfNeeded)
220 void Element::scrollByUnits(int units, ScrollGranularity granularity)
235 void Element::scrollByLines(int lines)
240 void Element::scrollByPages(int pages)
279 int Element::offsetLeft()
287 int Element::offsetTop()
295 int Element::offsetWidth()
303 int Element::offsetHeight()
311 Element* Element::offsetParent()
316 return static_cast<Element*>(offsetParent->node());
320 int Element::clientLeft()
329 int Element::clientTop()
338 int Element::clientWidth()
342 // When in strict mode, clientWidth for the document element should return the width of the containing frame.
343 // When in quirks mode, clientWidth for the body element should return the width of the containing frame.
358 int Element::clientHeight()
362 // When in strict mode, clientHeight for the document element should return the height of the containing frame.
363 // When in quirks mode, clientHeight for the body element should return the height of the containing frame.
379 int Element::scrollLeft() const
387 int Element::scrollTop() const
395 void Element::setScrollLeft(int newLeft)
402 void Element::setScrollTop(int newTop)
409 int Element::scrollWidth() const
417 int Element::scrollHeight() const
425 PassRefPtr<ClientRectList> Element::getClientRects() const
450 PassRefPtr<ClientRect> Element::getBoundingClientRect() const
477 static inline bool shouldIgnoreAttributeCase(const Element* e)
482 const AtomicString& Element::getAttribute(const String& name) const
504 const AtomicString& Element::getAttributeNS(const String& namespaceURI, const String& localName) const
509 void Element::setAttribute(const AtomicString& name, const AtomicString& value, ExceptionCode& ec)
545 void Element::setAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value, ExceptionCode&)
574 PassRefPtr<Attribute> Element::createAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
579 void Element::attributeChanged(Attribute* attr, bool)
585 void Element::updateAfterAttributeChanged(Attribute* attr)
601 // If the content of an element changes due to an attribute change, notify accessibility.
606 void Element::recalcStyleIfNeededAfterAttributeChanged(Attribute* attr)
627 void Element::setAttributeMap(PassRefPtr<NamedNodeMap> list, FragmentScriptingPermission scriptingPermission)
647 // If the element is created as result of a paste or drag-n-drop operation
670 bool Element::hasAttributes() const
683 String Element::nodeName() const
688 String Element::nodeNamePreservingCase() const
693 void Element::setPrefix(const AtomicString& prefix, ExceptionCode& ec)
703 KURL Element::baseURI() const
721 void Element::createAttributeMap() const
723 namedAttrMap = NamedNodeMap::create(const_cast<Element*>(this));
726 bool Element::isURLAttribute(Attribute*) const
731 const QualifiedName& Element::imageSourceAttributeName() const
736 RenderObject* Element::createRenderer(RenderArena* arena, RenderStyle* style)
749 void Element::insertedIntoDocument()
764 void Element::removedFromDocument()
777 void Element::attach()
797 void Element::detach()
809 bool Element::pseudoStyleCacheIsInvalid(const RenderStyle* currentStyle, RenderStyle* newStyle)
837 void Element::recalcStyle(StyleChange change)
903 // If "rem" units are used anywhere in the document, and if the document element's font size changes, then go ahead and force font updating
932 bool Element::childTypeAllowed(NodeType type)
948 static void checkForSiblingStyleChanges(Element* e, RenderStyle* style, bool finishedParsingCallback,
962 // Find the first element node following |afterChange|
985 // Find the last element node going backwards from |beforeChange|
1001 // The + selector. We need to invalidate the first element following the insertion point. It is the only possible element
1028 void Element::childrenChanged(bool changedByParser, Node* beforeChange, Node* afterChange, int childCountDelta)
1035 void Element::finishParsingChildren()
1042 void Element::dispatchAttrRemovalEvent(Attribute*)
1055 void Element::dispatchAttrAdditionEvent(Attribute*)
1068 String Element::openTagStartToString() const
1094 void Element::formatForDebugger(char* buffer, unsigned length) const
1124 PassRefPtr<Attr> Element::setAttributeNode(Attr* attr, ExceptionCode& ec)
1133 PassRefPtr<Attr> Element::setAttributeNodeNS(Attr* attr, ExceptionCode& ec)
1142 PassRefPtr<Attr> Element::removeAttributeNode(Attr* attr, ExceptionCode& ec)
1164 void Element::setAttributeNS(const AtomicString& namespaceURI, const AtomicString& qualifiedName, const AtomicString& value, ExceptionCode& ec, FragmentScriptingPermission scriptingPermission)
1178 void Element::removeAttribute(const String& name, ExceptionCode& ec)
1197 void Element::removeAttributeNS(const String& namespaceURI, const String& localName, ExceptionCode& ec)
1202 PassRefPtr<Attr> Element::getAttributeNode(const String& name)
1211 PassRefPtr<Attr> Element::getAttributeNodeNS(const String& namespaceURI, const String& localName)
1219 bool Element::hasAttribute(const String& name) const
1231 bool Element::hasAttributeNS(const String& namespaceURI, const String& localName) const
1239 CSSStyleDeclaration *Element::style()
1244 void Element::focus(bool restorePreviousSelection)
1277 void Element::updateFocusAppearance(bool /*restorePreviousSelection*/)
1300 void Element::blur()
1312 String Element::innerText() const
1320 return plainText(rangeOfContents(const_cast<Element*>(this)).get());
1323 String Element::outerText() const
1333 String Element::title() const
1338 IntSize Element::minimumSizeForResizing() const
1343 void Element::setMinimumSizeForResizing(const IntSize& size)
1350 RenderStyle* Element::computedStyle()
1366 void Element::cancelFocusAppearanceUpdate()
1374 void Element::normalizeAttributes()
1388 Element* Element::firstElementChild() const
1393 return static_cast<Element*>(n);
1396 Element* Element::lastElementChild() const
1401 return static_cast<Element*>(n);
1404 Element* Element::previousElementSibling() const
1409 return static_cast<Element*>(n);
1412 Element* Element::nextElementSibling() const
1417 return static_cast<Element*>(n);
1420 unsigned Element::childElementCount() const
1431 bool Element::webkitMatchesSelector(const String& selector, ExceptionCode& ec)
1464 KURL Element::getURLAttribute(const QualifiedName& name) const
1475 const QualifiedName& Element::rareIDAttributeName() const