Lines Matching full:cell
536 void RenderThemeMac::updateCheckedState(NSCell* cell, const RenderObject* o)
538 bool oldIndeterminate = [cell state] == NSMixedState;
543 [cell setState:indeterminate ? NSMixedState : (checked ? NSOnState : NSOffState)];
547 bool oldChecked = [cell state] == NSOnState;
549 [cell setState:checked ? NSOnState : NSOffState];
552 void RenderThemeMac::updateEnabledState(NSCell* cell, const RenderObject* o)
554 bool oldEnabled = [cell isEnabled];
557 [cell setEnabled:enabled];
560 void RenderThemeMac::updateFocusedState(NSCell* cell, const RenderObject* o)
562 bool oldFocused = [cell showsFirstResponder];
565 [cell setShowsFirstResponder:focused];
568 void RenderThemeMac::updatePressedState(NSCell* cell, const RenderObject* o)
570 bool oldPressed = [cell isHighlighted];
573 [cell setHighlighted:pressed];
578 // An alternate way to implement this would be to get the appropriate cell object
604 void RenderThemeMac::setControlSize(NSCell* cell, const IntSize* sizes, const IntSize& minSize, float zoomLevel)
615 if (size != [cell controlSize]) // Only update if we have to, since AppKit does work even if the size is the same.
616 [cell setControlSize:size];
755 // On Leopard, the cell will draw outside of the given rect, so we have to clip to the rect