Lines Matching full:self
122 self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect styleMask:style backing:bufferingType defer:flag];
123 if (self==nil) return nil;
131 return self;
189 self = (CarbonWindowAdapter*)[super _initContent:NULL styleMask:styleMask backing:backingStoreType defer:YES contentView:carbonWindowContentView];
190 if (!self) return nil;
197 [self _setWindowNumber:(NSInteger)nativeWindow];
201 [self reconcileToCarbonWindowBounds];
214 osStatus = InstallEventHandler( GetWindowEventTarget(_windowRef), NSCarbonWindowHandleEvent, GetEventTypeCount( kEvents ), kEvents, (void*)self, &_eventHandler);
216 [self release];
220 osStatus = InstallEventHandler( GetControlEventTarget( HIViewGetRoot( _windowRef ) ), NSCarbonWindowHandleEvent, 1, &kControlBoundsChangedEvent, (void*)self, &_eventHandler);
222 [self release];
227 osStatus = InstallEventHandler( GetControlEventTarget( contentView ), NSCarbonWindowHandleEvent, 1, &kControlBoundsChangedEvent, (void*)self, &_eventHandler);
229 [self release];
235 windowAsProperty = self;
238 [self release];
246 [self _setVisible:(BOOL)IsWindowVisible( _windowRef )];
249 return self;
262 if ( [self windowNumber] != -1 )
264 CGContextRef cgContext = (CGContextRef)[[self _threadContext] graphicsPort];
273 WebCoreObjCFinalizeOnMainThread(self);
280 return [self initWithCarbonWindowRef:inWindowRef takingOwnership:inWindowRefIsOwned disableOrdering:YES carbon:NO];
286 if (WebCoreObjCScheduleDeallocateOnMainThread([CarbonWindowAdapter class], self))
332 if ([self _hasWindowRef]) {
333 osStatus = GetWindowClass([self windowRef], &windowClass);
369 [self _setFrame:newWindowFrameRect];
421 firstResponder = [self firstResponder];
424 [self makeFirstResponder:self];
438 NSResponder *firstResponder = [self firstResponder];
458 // There's no override of _addCursorRect:cursor:forView:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because Carbon windows won't have subviews, and therefore won't have cursor rects.
522 return self;
527 // There's no override of _discardCursorRectsForView, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because Carbon windows won't have subviews, and therefore won't have cursor rects.
530 // There's no override of _forceFlushWindowToScreen, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is.
536 // There's no override of _globalWindowNum, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is.
561 // There's no override of _orderOutAndCalcKeyWithCounter:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is.
564 // There's no override of _realHeartBeatThreadContext, despite the fact that NSWindows's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might not do anything that will effect a Carbon window.
567 // There's no override of _registerWithDockIfNeeded, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is.
570 // There's no override of _removeCursorRect:cursor:forView:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because Carbon windows won't have subviews, and therefore won't have cursor rects.
573 // There's no override of _setAvoidsActivation:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is.
579 // There's no override of _setFrameCommon:display:stashSize:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is.
582 // There's no override of _setWindowNumber:, despite the fact that NSWindow's modifies _windowNum and invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is.
588 [self _setWindowNumber:-1];
599 // There's no override of _threadContext, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might not do anything that will effect a Carbon window.
690 // There's no override of deminiaturize:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is.
693 // There's no override of disableCursorRects, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because Carbon windows won't have subviews, and therefore won't have cursor rects.
697 // There's no override of enableCursorRects, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because Carbon windows won't have subviews, and therefore won't have cursor rects.
717 [self release];
726 // There's no override of miniaturize:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is.
747 // There's no override of setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is.
750 // There's no override of setBackingType:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it's apparently not expected to do anything anyway, judging from the current implementation of PSsetwindowtype().
788 [_contentView setNextResponder:self];
793 // There's no override of setDepthLimit:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is.
797 WindowClass windowClass = [self _carbonWindowClass];
809 // There's no override of setLevel:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is.
967 [self _handleRootBoundsChanged];
969 [self _handleContentBoundsChanged];
977 [self _setVisible:YES];
981 [self _setVisible:NO];
985 [self makeKeyWindow];
989 [self resignKeyWindow];
993 [self reconcileToCarbonWindowBounds];