Lines Matching full:self
193 WebCoreObjCFinalizeOnMainThread(self);
208 NSWindow *currentWindow = [self currentWindow];
274 ASSERT([self currentWindow] != nil);
277 NSRect boundsInWindow = [self convertRect:[self bounds] toView:nil];
278 NSRect visibleRectInWindow = [self convertRect:[self visibleRect] toView:nil];
281 float borderViewHeight = [[self currentWindow] frame].size.height;
286 WindowRef windowRef = (WindowRef)[[self currentWindow] windowRef];
293 [self fixWindowPort];
319 if (window.width <= 0 || window.height <= 0 || window.x < -100000 || [self shouldClipOutPlugin]) {
408 boundsInWindow = [self bounds];
439 if ([NSGraphicsContext currentContext] == [[self currentWindow] graphicsContext]) {
448 NSView *opaqueAncestor = [self opaqueAncestor];
454 NSRect dirtyRect = [self convertRect:dirtyRects[dirtyRectIndex] fromView:opaqueAncestor];
494 if (![self canDraw]) {
499 ASSERT([NSView focusView] == self);
520 if ([NSGraphicsContext currentContext] == [[self currentWindow] graphicsContext]) {
524 NSView *opaqueAncestor = [self opaqueAncestor];
531 reinterpret_cast<NSRect&>(convertedDirtyRects[i]) = [self convertRect:dirtyRects[i] fromView:opaqueAncestor];
554 return [self saveAndSetNewPortStateForUpdate:NO];
559 ASSERT([self currentWindow]);
566 WindowRef windowRef = (WindowRef)[[self currentWindow] windowRef];
590 ASSERT([NSView focusView] == self);
609 if (![self window])
625 Frame* frame = core([self webFrame]);
633 ASSERT((drawingModel != NPDrawingModelCoreGraphics) || !eventIsDrawRect || [NSView focusView] == self);
640 portState = [self saveAndSetNewPortStateForUpdate:eventIsDrawRect];
642 [self setWindowIfNecessary];
657 // Temporarily retain self in case the plug-in view is released while sending an event.
658 [[self retain] autorelease];
661 [self willCallPlugInFunction];
666 [self didCallPlugInFunction];
669 if ([self currentWindow])
670 [self restorePortState:portState];
840 [self willCallPlugInFunction];
846 [self didCallPlugInFunction];
909 WindowRef windowRef = (WindowRef)[[self window] windowRef];
940 if (![self canDraw])
944 [self tellQuickTimeToChill];
945 else if (drawingModel == NPDrawingModelCoreGraphics && ![self canDraw] && _isFlash) {
952 BOOL didLockFocus = [NSView focusView] != self && [self lockFocusIfCanDraw];
954 PortState portState = [self saveAndSetNewPortState];
956 [self setWindowIfNecessary];
957 [self restorePortState:portState];
961 [self setWindowIfNecessary];
964 [self unlockFocus];
972 if (![self isNewWindowEqualToOldWindow]) {
981 [self willCallPlugInFunction];
986 [self didCallPlugInFunction];
1041 NPError npErr = [self _createPlugin];
1044 [self _destroyPlugin];
1071 [self _destroyPlugin];
1088 accleratedCompositingEnabled = [[[self webView] preferences] acceleratedCompositingEnabled];
1091 [self element]->setNeedsStyleRecalc(SyntheticStyleChange);
1093 [self setWantsLayer:YES];
1102 _eventHandler.set(WebNetscapePluginEventHandler::create(self));
1128 if ([self _shouldCancelSrcStream])
1132 [self _redeliverStream];
1140 [request _web_setHTTPReferrer:core([self webFrame])->loader()->outgoingReferrer()];
1141 [self loadRequest:request inTarget:nil withNotifyData:nil sendNotification:NO];
1170 [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
1179 [self _destroyPlugin];
1252 WebPluginContainerCheck *check = [WebPluginContainerCheck checkWithRequest:[self requestWithURLCString:urlCString]
1254 resultObject:self
1256 controller:self
1276 pluginCallback([self plugin], [contextInfo checkRequestID], (policy == PolicyUse), [contextInfo context]);
1298 [self cancelCheckIfAllowedToLoadURL:[[check contextInfo] checkRequestID]];
1327 self
1328 if (!self)
1335 [self release];
1339 return self;
1382 [self fini];
1392 [self fini];
1406 [self sendDrawRectEvent:rect];
1408 NSBitmapImageRep *printedPluginBitmap = [self _printedPluginBitmap];
1414 NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
1430 [self willCallPlugInFunction];
1435 [self didCallPlugInFunction];
1459 [self stop];
1468 _manualStream = WebNetscapePluginStream::create(core([self webFrame])->loader());
1483 if ([self _shouldCancelSrcStream]) {
1484 NSURLResponse *response = [[self dataSource] response];
1491 [[self dataSource] _documentLoader]->cancelMainResourceLoad(error);
1496 _manualStream->setRequestURL([[[self dataSource] request] URL]);
1497 _manualStream->setPlugin([self plugin]);
1500 _manualStream->startStreamWithResponse([[self dataSource] response]);
1551 NSString *result = [[self webFrame] _stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:JSString forceUserGesture:[JSPluginRequest isCurrentEventUserGesture]];
1561 [self willCallPlugInFunction];
1566 [self didCallPlugInFunction];
1593 [self willCallPlugInFunction];
1598 [self didCallPlugInFunction];
1609 [self webFrame:webFrame didFinishLoadWithReason:reason];
1626 frame = kit(core([self webFrame])->loader()->findFrameForNavigation(frameName));
1628 WebView *currentWebView = [self webView];
1637 [self willCallPlugInFunction];
1642 [self didCallPlugInFunction];
1654 ASSERT(frame == nil || [self webFrame] == frame);
1655 [self evaluateJavaScriptPluginRequest:pluginRequest];
1667 [frame _setInternalLoadDelegate:self];
1680 if ([[self dataSource] _documentLoader]->isStopping())
1688 WebFrame *frame = [self webFrame];
1692 if ([[self dataSource] _documentLoader] != core([self webFrame])->loader()->activeDocumentLoader() &&
1699 if (![[[self webView] preferences] isJavaScriptEnabled]) {
1703 // Don't allow a JavaScript request from a standalone plug-in that is self-targetted
1708 if (!SecurityOrigin::canLoad(URL, String(), core([self webFrame])->document()))
1730 [self performSelector:@selector(loadPluginRequest:) withObject:pluginRequest afterDelay:0];
1746 NSMutableURLRequest *request = [self requestWithURLCString:URLCString];
1747 return [self loadRequest:request inTarget:cTarget withNotifyData:notifyData sendNotification:YES];
1754 NSMutableURLRequest *request = [self requestWithURLCString:URLCString];
1755 return [self loadRequest:request inTarget:cTarget withNotifyData:NULL sendNotification:NO];
1799 NSMutableURLRequest *request = [self requestWithURLCString:URLCString];
1839 return [self loadRequest:request inTarget:target withNotifyData:notifyData sendNotification:sendNotification];
1850 return [self _postURL:URLCString target:target len:len buf:buf file:file notifyData:notifyData sendNotification:YES allowHeaders:YES];
1861 return [self _postURL:URLCString target:target len:len buf:buf file:file notifyData:NULL sendNotification:NO allowHeaders:file];
1895 NSString *userAgent = [[self webView] userAgentForURL:_baseURL.get()];
1921 WebView *wv = [self webView];
1929 [self invalidatePluginContentRect:NSMakeRect(invalidRect->left, invalidRect->top,
1959 [self invalidatePluginContentRect:invalidRect];
1965 [self invalidatePluginContentRect:[self bounds]];
1966 [[self window] displayIfNeeded];
1974 Frame* frame = core([self webFrame]);
2068 *(NPBool *)value = [[[self webView] preferences] acceleratedCompositingEnabled];
2085 if (self != [[self class] currentPluginView])
2113 if (self != [[self class] currentPluginView])
2179 [NSMenu popUpContextMenu:(NSMenu *)menu withEvent:currentEvent forView:self];
2190 NSURL *URL = [self URLWithCString:url];
2194 if (Frame* frame = core([self webFrame])) {
2214 NSURL *URL = [self URLWithCString:url];
2239 NSURL *URL = [self URLWithCString:url];
2247 if (Frame* frame = core([self webFrame])) {
2286 WebCore::CString location = [self resolvedURLStringForURL:url target:target];
2348 plugin->ndata = self;
2360 [[self class] setCurrentPluginView:self];
2362 [[self class] setCurrentPluginView:nil];
2364 [self _workaroundSilverlightFullScreenBug:YES];
2374 [self _workaroundSilverlightFullScreenBug:NO];
2380 if (Frame* frame = core([self webFrame]))
2381 frame->script()->cleanupScriptObjectsForPlugin(self);
2447 [self willCallPlugInFunction];
2452 [self didCallPlugInFunction];
2463 if ([self dataSource] && _isStarted) {
2466 NSData *data = [[[self dataSource] data] subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, _dataLengthReceived)];
2468 [self pluginView:self receivedData:data];
2469 if (![[self dataSource] isLoading]) {
2471 [self pluginView:self receivedError:_error.get()];
2473 [self pluginViewFinishedLoading:self];