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Lines Matching full:nil

164         NSPoint localPoint = [htmlView convertPoint:point fromView:nil];
188 NSPoint localPoint = [htmlView convertPoint:point fromView:nil];
426 // A WebHTMLView has a single input context, but we return nil when in non-editable content to avoid making input methods do their work.
561 mouseDownEvent = nil;
562 keyDownEvent = nil;
563 pluginController = nil;
564 toolTip = nil;
565 completionController = nil;
566 dataSource = nil;
567 highlighters = nil;
571 layerHostingView = nil;
589 while ((path = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) {
620 while ((path = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) {
631 return [fragment firstChild] != nil ? fragment : nil;
636 static NSArray *elements = nil;
637 if (elements == nil) {
648 @"object", nil];
670 DOMDocumentFragment *fragment = nil;
754 return nil;
764 NSAttributedString *attributedString = nil;
769 if (attributedString == nil && [types containsObject:NSRTFPboardType])
771 if (attributedString != nil) {
779 if (string != nil)
791 return nil;
809 if ([self _shouldInsertFragment:nil replacingDOMRange:range givenAction:WebViewInsertActionPasted]) {
820 [webView _setInsertionPasteboard:nil];
833 [webView _setInsertionPasteboard:nil];
842 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:WKMouseMovedNotification() object:nil];
872 [notificationCenter removeObserver:self name:NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification object:nil];
873 [notificationCenter removeObserver:self name:NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification object:nil];
913 return coreFrame ? kit(coreFrame->selection()->toNormalizedRange().get()) : nil;
944 if (attributedString == nil) {
947 NSData *RTFDData = [attributedString RTFDFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [attributedString length]) documentAttributes:nil];
951 if (attributedString == nil) {
957 NSData *RTFData = [attributedString RTFFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [attributedString length]) documentAttributes:nil];
974 [pasteboard setData:nil forType:WebSmartPastePboardType];
1001 // FIXME: this can fail if the dataSource is nil, which happens when the WebView is tearing down from the window closing.
1117 nil];
1201 ASSERT(_private->savedSubviews == nil);
1206 NSArray* newSubviews = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:_private->layerHostingView, nil];
1209 _subviews = nil;
1211 _subviews = nil;
1224 ASSERT(_subviews == nil);
1228 ASSERT(_subviews == nil);
1231 _private->savedSubviews = nil;
1271 // On window close we will be called when the datasource is nil, then hit an assert in _topHTMLView
1272 // So check if the dataSource is nil before calling [self _isTopHTMLView], this can be removed
1425 return nil;
1450 return nil;
1456 lastHitView = nil;
1461 ASSERT(_private->trackingRectOwner == nil);
1470 ASSERT(_private->trackingRectOwner == nil);
1480 ASSERT(_private->trackingRectOwner == nil);
1492 _private->trackingRectOwner = nil;
1515 if (_private != nil) {
1516 _private->trackingRectOwner = nil;
1553 NSString *toolTip = [string length] == 0 ? nil : string;
1555 if ((toolTip == nil || oldToolTip == nil) ? toolTip == oldToolTip : [toolTip isEqualToString:oldToolTip]) {
1583 NSPoint locationForHitTest = [[contentView superview] convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil];
1589 WebHTMLView *view = nil;
1628 static NSArray *types = nil;
1634 NSURLPboardType, NSRTFDPboardType, NSRTFPboardType, NSStringPboardType, NSColorPboardType, kUTTypePNG, nil];
1643 return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:WebArchivePboardType, NSRTFDPboardType, NSRTFPboardType, NSStringPboardType, nil];
1770 *beforeString = nil;
1772 *afterString = nil;
1786 if (_private->autoscrollTimer == nil) {
1788 target:self selector:@selector(_autoscroll) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain];
1803 _private->autoscrollTimer = nil;
1805 _private->autoscrollTriggerEvent = nil;
1888 return nil;
1900 return coreFrame ? kit(coreFrame->editor()->insertOrderedList().get()) : nil;
1906 return coreFrame ? kit(coreFrame->editor()->insertUnorderedList().get()) : nil;
1924 return coreFrame ? kit(coreFrame->editor()->increaseSelectionListLevel().get()) : nil;
1930 return coreFrame ? kit(coreFrame->editor()->increaseSelectionListLevelOrdered().get()) : nil;
1936 return coreFrame ? kit(coreFrame->editor()->increaseSelectionListLevelUnordered().get()) : nil;
1965 NSMutableArray *mutableTypes = nil;
1979 // Check for a nil _private here in case we were created with initWithCoder. In that case, the WebView is just throwing
1992 [_private->pluginController setDataSource:nil];
2037 return nil;
2039 return [[self _frame] _documentFragmentWithMarkupString:HTMLString baseURLString:nil];
2046 NSAttributedString *string = nil;
2049 if (string == nil)
2051 if (string == nil)
2052 return nil;
2056 self, @"WebResourceHandler", nil];
2086 textEncodingName:nil
2087 frameName:nil];
2096 textEncodingName:nil
2097 frameName:nil];
2107 textEncodingName:nil
2108 frameName:nil];
2120 textEncodingName:nil
2121 frameName:nil];
2131 nil;
2135 return nil;
2146 return nil;
2182 return _private->layerHostingView != nil;
2218 if (object == nil) {
2280 return nil;
2304 _private = nil;
2762 // This can be called during teardown when _webView is nil. Return NO when this happens, because CallUIDelegateReturningBoolean
2763 // assumes the WebVIew is non-nil.
2779 && NSPointInRect([event locationInWindow], [self convertRect:[self visibleRect] toView:nil])) {
2837 name:WKMouseMovedNotification() object:nil];
2850 [[self _webView] _mouseDidMoveOverElement:nil modifierFlags:0];
2887 [notificationCenter addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowDidBecomeKey:) name:NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification object:nil];
2888 [notificationCenter addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowDidResignKey:) name:NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification object:nil];
2901 if ([self superview] != nil)
2908 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:_WebViewDidStartAcceleratedCompositingNotification object:webView userInfo:nil];
2960 [[self subviews] _web_makePluginViewsPerformSelector:@selector(viewDidMoveToHostWindow) withObject:nil];
3070 return nil;
3074 return nil;
3084 return nil;
3089 return nil;
3093 return nil;
3097 return nil;
3101 return nil;
3177 // UIDelegate to nil, then the UIDelegate will be stale and this code will crash.
3325 NSPoint point = [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil];
3331 NSPoint point = [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil];
3343 WebHTMLView *hitHTMLView = [hitView isKindOfClass:[self class]] ? (WebHTMLView *)hitView : nil;
3359 [hitHTMLView _setMouseDownEvent:nil];
3374 WebHTMLView *hitHTMLView = [hitView isKindOfClass:[self class]] ? (WebHTMLView *)hitView : nil;
3381 [hitHTMLView _setMouseDownEvent:nil];
3411 // If the web page handles the context menu event and menuForEvent: returns nil, we'll get control click events here.
3507 NSFileWrapper *wrapper = nil;
3508 NSURL *draggingImageURL = nil;
3537 return nil;
3546 if (wrapper == nil) {
3548 return nil;
3558 [[NSFileManager defaultManager] _webkit_setMetadataURL:[draggingImageURL absoluteString] referrer:nil atPath:path];
3570 [self _setMouseDownEvent:nil];
3682 BOOL hadDataSource = _private->dataSource != nil;
3723 _private->pageRects = nil;
3822 ASSERT_ARG(initiatingOperation, initiatingOperation != nil);
3841 ASSERT(currentOperation == nil);
4031 return nil;
4049 return [accTree accessibilityHitTest:[self convertPoint:windowCoord fromView:nil]];
4077 attributes:coreFrame ? coreFrame->fontAttributesForSelectionStart() : nil];
4078 NSData *data = [string RTFFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [string length]) documentAttributes:nil];
4086 if (fontPasteboard == nil)
4087 return nil;
4089 if (data == nil || [data length] == 0)
4090 return nil;
4093 if (string == nil || [string length] == 0)
4094 return nil;
4106 // FIXME: If color is non-nil and rgbColor is nil, that means we got some kind
4109 if (rgbColor == nil)
4129 if (shadow == nil)
4136 if (color == nil)
4279 [fontPasteboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSFontPboardType] owner:nil];
4318 if (a == nil || b == nil)
4406 nil];
4415 nil];
4430 NSUnderlineColorAttributeName /* NSColor, default nil: same as foreground color */
4431 NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName /* NSColor, default nil: same as foreground color */
4437 NSStrokeColorAttributeName /* NSColor, default nil: same as foreground color */
4462 else if ([b objectForKey:NSShadowAttributeName] == nil)
4571 [self selectWord:nil];
4891 // Returns nil instead of the next responder if called when the
4901 return nil;
4927 [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(_updateControlTints) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
4965 while ((view = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
4997 NSFont *font = nil;
5006 if (font == nil)
5008 ASSERT(font != nil);
5075 return [self _documentFragmentFromPasteboard:pasteboard inContext:nil allowPlainText:NO];
5298 rect = [self convertRect:rect toView:nil];
5300 NSData *data = [attrString RTFFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [attrString length]) documentAttributes:nil];
5306 NSPoint windowPoint = [self convertPoint:rect.origin toView:nil];
5309 dictionaryServiceWindowShow(nil, attrString, CFRangeMake(0, [attrString length]), nil,
5310 coreGraphicsScreenPointForAppKitScreenPoint(screenPoint), false, nil);
5462 nil];
5473 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:_WebViewDidStartAcceleratedCompositingNotification object:[self _webView] userInfo:nil];
5483 [_private->layerHostingView setLayer:nil];
5486 _private->layerHostingView = nil;
5532 NSMarkedClauseSegmentAttributeName, NSTextInputReplacementRangeAttributeName, nil];
5546 return _private->exposeInputContext ? [super inputContext] : nil;
5552 LOG(TextInput, "textStorage -> nil");
5553 return nil;
5570 thePoint = [self convertPoint:thePoint fromView:nil];
5603 resultRect = [self convertRect:resultRect toView:nil];
5642 LOG(TextInput, "attributedSubstringFromRange:(%u, %u) -> nil", nsRange.location, nsRange.length);
5643 return nil;
5647 LOG(TextInput, "attributedSubstringFromRange:(%u, %u) -> nil", nsRange.location, nsRange.length);
5648 return nil;
5904 // WebCore routinely sets the selection to None when editing, and IMs become unhappy when an input context suddenly turns nil, see bug 26009.
5939 return nil;
5962 return nil;
5985 [self _writeSelectionWithPasteboardTypes:types toPasteboard:pasteboard cachedAttributedString:nil];
6077 return nil;
6162 [_lastResponderInChain setNextResponder:nil];
6163 _lastResponderInChain = nil;