Lines Matching full:bstr
226 BSTR nameBSTR;
691 BSTR identifier = 0;
2388 /* [in] */ BSTR mimeType,
2405 /* [in] */ BSTR /*mimeType*/,
2421 /* [size_is][in] */ BSTR* /*mimeTypes*/,
2430 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* /*url*/)
2438 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* /*urlTitle*/)
2487 /* [in] */ BSTR frameName,
2488 /* [in] */ BSTR groupName)
2541 BSTR localStoragePath;
2548 BSTR path;
2910 /* [in] */ BSTR applicationName)
2918 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* applicationName)
2927 /* [in] */ BSTR userAgentString)
2935 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* userAgentString)
2947 /* [in] */ BSTR url,
2948 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* userAgent)
2965 /* [in] */ BSTR encodingName)
2971 BSTR oldEncoding;
2985 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* encodingName)
3019 /* [in] */ BSTR /*media*/)
3026 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* /*media*/)
3033 /* [in] */ BSTR script, // assumes input does not have "JavaScript" at the begining.
3034 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* result)
3085 BSTR identifier = 0;
3116 /* [in] */ BSTR /*anIdentifier*/)
3123 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* /*anIdentifier*/)
3217 /* [in] */ BSTR str,
3259 HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebView::executeCoreCommandByName(BSTR bName, BSTR bValue)
3277 BSTR str, BOOL caseSensitive, BOOL highlight, UINT limit, UINT* matches)
3360 /* [in] */ BSTR /*forMIMEType*/)
3367 /* [in] */ BSTR groupName)
3376 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* groupName)
3448 /* [size_is][in] */ BSTR* /*types*/,
3466 /* [size_is][in] */ BSTR* /*withPasteboardTypes*/,
3475 /* [out, retval] */ BSTR* text)
3535 /* [in] */ BSTR /*urlString*/)
3542 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* urlString)
3583 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* /*title*/)
3597 /* [in] */ BSTR scheme)
3844 /* [in] */ BSTR /*pseudoElement*/,
4054 /* [in] */ BSTR /*text*/,
4151 /* [in] */ BSTR text)
4161 /* [in] */ BSTR /*markupString*/)
4218 /* [in] */ BSTR url)
4374 BSTR nameBSTR;
4406 BSTR str;
4696 /* [in] */ BSTR extension,
4697 /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* mimeType)
4937 BSTR applicationName,
4938 BSTR* groupName)
5006 /* [in] */ BSTR directory)
5693 HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebView::registerEmbeddedViewMIMEType(BSTR mimeType)
5773 static String toString(BSTR bstr)
5775 return String(bstr, SysStringLen(bstr));
5778 static KURL toKURL(BSTR bstr)
5780 return KURL(KURL(), toString(bstr));
5821 static PassOwnPtr<Vector<String> > toStringVector(unsigned patternsCount, BSTR* patterns)
5832 HRESULT WebView::addUserScriptToGroup(BSTR groupName, IWebScriptWorld* iWorld, BSTR source, BSTR url,
5833 unsigned whitelistCount, BSTR* whitelist,
5834 unsigned blacklistCount, BSTR* blacklist,
5857 HRESULT WebView::addUserStyleSheetToGroup(BSTR groupName, IWebScriptWorld* iWorld, BSTR source, BSTR url,
5858 unsigned whitelistCount, BSTR* whitelist,
5859 unsigned blacklistCount, BSTR* blacklist)
5880 HRESULT WebView::removeUserScriptFromGroup(BSTR groupName, IWebScriptWorld* iWorld, BSTR url)
5900 HRESULT WebView::removeUserStyleSheetFromGroup(BSTR groupName, IWebScriptWorld* iWorld, BSTR url)
5920 HRESULT WebView::removeUserScriptsFromGroup(BSTR groupName, IWebScriptWorld* iWorld)
5939 HRESULT WebView::removeUserStyleSheetsFromGroup(BSTR groupName, IWebScriptWorld* iWorld)
5958 HRESULT WebView::removeAllUserContentFromGroup(BSTR groupName)
5992 HRESULT WebView::whiteListAccessFromOrigin(BSTR sourceOrigin, BSTR destinationProtocol, BSTR destinationHost, BOOL allowDestinationSubdomains)
6018 HRESULT WebView::addVisitedLinks(BSTR* visitedURLs, unsigned visitedURLCount)
6023 BSTR url = visitedURLs[i];
6221 BSTR descriptionBSTR;
6235 HRESULT WebView::setDomainRelaxationForbiddenForURLScheme(BOOL forbidden, BSTR scheme)