Lines Matching full:path
32 # To override the location where the nightly builds are downloaded or the path
34 # the following lines (use "~/" to specify a path from your home directory):
37 # $nightlyDownloadDirectory = "~/path/to/nightly/downloads";
38 # $safariPath = "/path/to/";
43 use File::Path;
88 "safari-path=s" => \$safariPath,
109 [--safari-path path] path to Safari application bundle (default: /Applications/
225 my $path = File::Spec->catfile($directory, $filename);
226 if (! -f $path) {
228 `curl -# -o '$path' '$urlBase/$filename'`;
269 my ($path) = @_;
270 my $versionPlist = File::Spec->catdir(dirname(dirname($path)), "version.plist");