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10   <li><a href="#StackOverflow">Android on Stack Overflow</a></li>
11 <li><a href="#MailingLists">Mailing lists</a>
13 <li><a href="#BeforeYouPost">Before you post</a></li>
14 <li><a href="#UsingEmail">Using email with the mailing lists</a></li>
15 <li><a href="#ApplicationDeveloperLists">Application developer mailing lists</a></li>
17 <li><a href="#MarketHelp">Android Market Help Forum</a></li>
25 <p>The lists on this page are primarily for discussion about Android application development. If you are seeking discussion about Android source code (not application development), then please refer to the <a href="http://source.android.com/discuss">Open Source Project Mailing lists</a>.</p>
29 <p><a href="http://stackoverflow.com">Stack Overflow</a> is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for programmers. It's a great place to ask technical questions about developing and maintaining Android applications. The site is especially useful for asking questions with definite answers, but can also be used for discussing best practices.</p>
31 <p>On the site, questions and answers relating to Android use the <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/android">'android' tag</a>. You can look for Android topics by adding '<code>[android]</code>' to your search query, or by visiting the tag page at:</p>
33 <p style="margin-left: 2em"><a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/android">http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/android</a></p>
35 <p>If you want to ask a question on Stack Overflow, you can use <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask">this form</a>. Before submitting the form, make sure to add the 'android' tag so that other Android developers will be able to find your question. As always, before submitting a new question, take a look at the existing topics to see whether another developer has already asked or answered the question.</p>
37 <p>If you are getting started with Android development, Stack Overflow may be a great location to ask questions about general Java programming or setting up the Eclipse development environment. Simply tag your questions with the <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/java">Java</a> or <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/eclipse">Eclipse</a> tags in these cases.</p>
42 <p>There are a number of mailing lists, powered by <a href="http://groups.google.com">Google Groups</a>, available for discussing Android application development.</p>
50 <li>Look through the support information available in the 'More' section of this tab. You may find the answer to your question in the <a href="{@docRoot}resources/faq/commontasks.html">Common Tasks</a>, <a href="{@docRoot}resources/faq/troubleshooting.html">Troubleshooting Tips</a>, or <a href="{@docRoot}resources/faq/index.html">FAQs</a> sections.</li>
59 the <a href="http://source.android.com/discuss/android-discussion-groups-charter">mailing list charter</a></strong> that covers the community guidelines.
71 phrasing your questions, read <a href="http://www.catb.org/%7Eesr/faqs/smart-questions.html">How To Ask Questions The Smart Way</a>.
77 <p>Instead of using the <a href="http://groups.google.com/">Google Groups</a> site, you can use your email client of choice to participate in the mailing lists.</p>
81 <ol><li>Sign into the group via the Google Groups site. For example, for the android-framework group you would visit <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/android-framework">http://groups.google.com/group/android-framework</a>.</li>
89 <li><strong><a href="http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers">android-developers</a></strong>
90 (<a href="mailto:android-developers-subscribe@googlegroups.com">subscribe via email</a>)<br>
94 <li><strong><a href="http://groups.google.com/group/android-discuss">android-discuss</a></strong>
95 (<a href="mailto:android-discuss-subscribe@googlegroups.com">subscribe via email</a>)<br>
99 <li><strong><a href="http://groups.google.com/group/android-ndk">android-ndk</a></strong>
100 (<a href="mailto:android-ndk-subscribe@googlegroups.com">subscribe via email</a>)<br>
104 <li><strong><a href="http://groups.google.com/group/android-security-discuss">android-security-discuss</a></strong>
105 (<a href="mailto:android-security-discuss-subscribe@googlegroups.com">subscribe via email</a>)<br>
109 <li><strong><a href="http://groups.google.com/group/android-security-announce">android-security-announce</a></strong>
110 (<a href="mailto:android-security-announce-subscribe@googlegroups.com">subscribe via email</a>)<br>
118 <p>The <a href="http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Android+Market">Android Market Help Forum</a> is a web-based discussion forum where you can ask questions or report issues relating to Android Market.</p>
120 <p style="margin-left: 2em"><a href="http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Android+Market">http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Android+Market</a></p>