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82 <li>The MapView will require an API key on final Android 1.0 devices. This key can be obtained at no cost from Google, and will allow access to the full MapView API. In this release, the API key must be provided but can be any dummy value. In the final 1.0-compatible SDKs, this will need to be a real key.
88 <p>The ADT Plugin that accompanies this SDK includes a preview of the Graphical Layout Editor. Files located in <project>/res/layout[-qualifiers]/ will be opened with the new layout editor. This is very much a work in progress, and provided here for preview purpose. The editor feature is subject to change.
115 <li>Creating new views in a relative layout automatically puts each new elements below each other using the <i>layout_below</i> attribute. However, until the layout file is saved, they will appear stacked on top of each other.
135 <li>If a layout fails to render, check the android console (in the standard Eclipse Console view). Errors/Exceptions will be displayed in there.
145 <li>Launch configuration now has an option to disable the boot animation. This will let the emulator start faster on older computers.</li>
146 <li>Installation of application is now more robust and will notify of installation failure. Also installation is blocking, removing issues where ADT tried to launch the activity before the app was installed.</li>
162 specify which port the emulator should bind to for the console. <port> must be an *even* integer between 5554 and 5584 inclusive. The corresponding ADB port will be <port>+1.</li>
163 <li>The <code>-adb-port</code> command is deprecated. Please do not use it, as it will be removed soon and you cannot use both -port and -adb-port at the same time.</li>
164 <li>Voice/sms are automatically forwarded to other emulator instances running on the same machine, as long as you use their console port number as the destination phone number. For example, if you have two emulators running, the first one will typically use console port 5554, and the second one will use port 5556, dialing 5556 on the first emulator will generate an incoming call on the second emulator. You can also hold/unhold calls. This also works when sending SMS messages from one emulator to the other.</li>
184 <li>Starting with this release, Android .apk files must be cryptographically signed, or the system will reject them upon installation. The purpose of this requirement is to securely and uniquely identify developers, so that the system can -- for example -- safely let multiple .apk files signed by the same developer share resources.
186 <li>There are no requirements on the key used to sign .apk files; locally-generated and self-signed keys are allowed. There is no PKI, and developers will not be required to purchase certificates, or similar. For developers who use the Eclipse/ADT plugin, application signing will be largely automatic. Developers who do not use Eclipse/ADT can use the standard Java jarsigner tool to sign .apk files.
203 <li>Due to significant API changes in the upstream open-source project and due to the timeline of getting certain Bluetooth profile implementations certified, a comprehensive Bluetooth API will not be possible or present in Android 1.0.
205 <li>Due to the security risks inherent in accepting arbitrary data from "outside" the device, the data messaging facility of the GTalkService will not be present in Android 1.0. The GTalkService will provide connectivity to Google's servers for Google Talk instant messaging, but the API has been removed from this release while we improve the service. Note that this will be a Google-specific service and is not part of the core of Android.
207 <li>We know that these changes will affect many developers who have worked with the prior early looks at the SDK, and we are very sorry for the resulting inconvenience. We look forward to the possibilty of restoring some or all of this functionality in a later version of the Android platform.
215 <li>Many internal and non-public APIs have been removed from the documentation. Classes and methods that are not present in the documentation are non-public and should not be used, even though they may appear in tools such as IDEs. A future version of the SDK will ship with an android.jar file that contains only public classes, to help developers avoid accidentally using non-public APIs.
223 <li>For performance and maintainability reasons, some APIs were moved into separate modules that must be explicitly included in the application via a directive in AndroidManifest.xml. Notable APIs that fall into this category are the MapView, and the java.awt.* classes, which each now reside in separate modules that must be imported. Developers who overlook this requirement will see ClassNotFoundExceptions that seem spurious.
225 <li>Developers who use 'adb push' to install applications must now use 'adb install', since the full package manager is now implemented. 'adb push' will no longer work to install .apk files.
254 <li>The final set of Intent patterns honored by Android 1.0 has not yet been fully documented. Documentation will be provided in future releases.
256 <li>We regret to inform developers that Android 1.0 will not support 3.5" floppy disks.
258 <li>Unfortunately, the ability to play audio streams from memory (such as via an InputStream or Reader) will not be possible in Android 1.0. As a workaround, we recommend that developers save media content to SD card and use MediaPlayer to play from a file URI, or embed a small HTTP server and play from a URI on localhost (such as
260 <li>Android now supports modules or libraries that can be optionally linked into applications; a good example is the MapView, which has been moved into such a library. However, Android 1.0 will not support the ability for third-party developers to create such libraries for sharing with other applications.
313 "process" attribute with a value like ":someProcess" will be
314 recognized and a debugger will be connected accordingly.
318 <li>ADT has launch modes for device target selection. Automatic mode will: 1) launch an emulator if no device is present, 2) automatically target the device if only one is connected, and 3) prompt the user if 2 or more are connected. Manual mode will always prompt the user.<br /><br /></li>
337 <li>917465: Unanswered incoming calls placed from the emulator console will result in an unfinished call UI if you press the call back button</li>
339 <li>912168: Extremely rapid or prolonged scrolling in the Maps application or MapsView will result in application errors</li>
353 <li>1021777: Setting a power requirement in a <code>Criteria</code> object passed to <code>{@link android.location.LocationManager#getBestProvider getBestProvider()}</code> will result in a value not being returned.</li>
376 <li>Adds editor capabilities for working with Android manifest files, such as syntax highlighting and autocompletion. The editor capabilities require the Web Tools WST plugin for Eclipse, which is included in <a href="">most Eclipse packages</a>. Not having WST does not prevent the ADT plugin from working. If necessary, you can download and install WST from the Web Tools Project <a href="">downloads page</a>. To update directly from an Eclipse installation, you can add a remote update site with this URL: . Note that installing WST on Eclipse 3.4 will require installing other packages, as detailed on the WTP downloads page</a>.
381 <li>Adds support for referenced projects. Android projects will add to the apk package any code from referenced projects.</li>
481 <p>On Windows, the emulator screen will sometimes show up off-screen when it is started. The workaround for this is to right-click on the emulator taskbar entry, select Move, and move the window using keyboard arrow keys</p>
493 <p>On Mac OS X 10.5, adb will emit warnings about deprecated API use when first used.</p>
496 <p>extremely rapid or prolonged scrolling in the Maps application or in a MapView will result in application errors.</p>
499 <p>The emulator console listens for connections on ports 5554-5587. Future versions will only accept connections from localhost. It is recommend that you use a firewall to block external connections to those ports on your development machine.</p>
505 <p>On Mac OS X 10.5, the emulator will emit warnings about deprecated API use when started from the command line.</p>
514 <p>Unanswered incoming calls placed from the emulator console, will result in an unfinished call UI if you press the call back button.</p>
520 <p>On Ubuntu 7.10 (Gusty), the Eclipse package installed by the <code>apt-get install eclipse</code> command uses java-gcj by default. This configuration is not compatible with the Android Eclipse plugin (ADT) and will result in "Class not found" errors whenever you access an ADT feature.</p>