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155     uint32 dataLoc; /*use this to point to for following variable-length data*/
236 uint32 totalTxDescriptors; /* Total TX Descriptors - in the past it was configured per AC */
373 uint32 *controlBlock; /* array of two 32-bit entries in the following order:
402 uint32 numTxMemBlks; /* Number of blocks that FW allocated for TX packets.*/
403 uint32 numRxMemBlks; /* Number of blocks that FW allocated for RX packets. */
447 uint32 PLCPErrorCount; /* The number of PLCP errors since the last time this */
451 uint32 FCSErrorCount; /* The number of FCS errors since the last time this */
455 uint32 validFrameCount; /* The number of MPDU’s without PLCP header errors received*/
459 uint32 seqNumMissCount; /* the number of missed sequence numbers in the squentially */
476 uint32 mediumUsage; /* report to the host the value of medium usage registers*/
477 uint32 period; /* report to the host the value of medium period registers*/
561 uint32 ConfigOptions; /* The configuration of the receiver in the WiLink. */
564 uint32 FilterOptions; /* The types of frames that the WiLink can receive. */
794 uint32 debug1;
795 uint32 debug2;
796 uint32 debug3;
797 uint32 debug4;
798 uint32 debug5;
799 uint32 debug6;
804 uint32 numOfTxProcs;
805 uint32 numOfPreparedDescs;
806 uint32 numOfTxXfr;
807 uint32 numOfTxDma;
808 uint32 numOfTxCmplt;
809 uint32 numOfRxProcs;
810 uint32 numOfRxData;
815 uint32 numOfTxTemplatePrepared;
816 uint32 numOfTxDataPrepared;
817 uint32 numOfTxTemplateProgrammed;
818 uint32 numOfTxDataProgrammed;
819 uint32 numOfTxBurstProgrammed;
820 uint32 numOfTxStarts;
821 uint32 numOfTxImmResp;
822 uint32 numOfTxStartTempaltes;
823 uint32 numOfTxStartIntTemplate;
824 uint32 numOfTxStartFwGen;
825 uint32 numOfTxStartData;
826 uint32 numOfTxStartNullFrame;
827 uint32 numOfTxExch;
828 uint32 numOfTxRetryTemplate;
829 uint32 numOfTxRetryData;
830 uint32 numOfTxExchPending;
831 uint32 numOfTxExchExpiry;
832 uint32 numOfTxExchMismatch;
833 uint32 numOfTxDoneTemplate;
834 uint32 numOfTxDoneData;
835 uint32 numOfTxDoneIntTemplate;
836 uint32 numOfTxPreXfr;
837 uint32 numOfTxXfr;
838 uint32 numOfTxXfrOutOfMem;
839 uint32 numOfTxDmaProgrammed;
840 uint32 numOfTxDmaDone;
846 uint32
847 uint32 RxHdrOverflow;
848 uint32 RxHWStuck;
849 uint32 RxDroppedFrame;
850 uint32 RxCompleteDroppedFrame;
851 uint32 RxAllocFrame;
852 uint32 RxDoneQueue;
853 uint32 RxDone;
854 uint32 RxDefrag;
855 uint32 RxDefragEnd;
856 uint32 RxMic;
857 uint32 RxMicEnd;
858 uint32 RxXfr;
859 uint32 RxXfrEnd;
860 uint32 RxCmplt;
861 uint32 RxPreCmplt;
862 uint32 RxCmpltTask;
863 uint32 RxPhyHdr;
864 uint32 RxTimeout;
870 uint32 RxDMAErrors;
871 uint32 TxDMAErrors;
877 uint32 IRQs; /* irqisr() */
883 uint32 WepAddrKeyCount; /* Count of WEP address keys configured*/
884 uint32 WepDefaultKeyCount; /* Count of default keys configured*/
885 uint32 WepKeyNotFound; /* count of number of times that WEP key not found on lookup*/
886 uint32 WepDecryptFail; /* count of number of times that WEP key decryption failed*/
887 uint32 WepEncryptFail; /* count of number of times that WEP key encryption failed*/
888 uint32 WepDecPackets; /* WEP Packets Decrypted*/
889 uint32 WepDecInterrupt; /* WEP Decrypt Interrupts*/
890 uint32 WepEnPackets; /* WEP Packets Encrypted*/
891 uint32 WepEnInterrupt; /* WEP Encrypt Interrupts*/
898 uint32 MissingBcnsCnt; /* Count the amount of missing beacon interrupts to the host.*/
899 uint32 RcvdBeaconsCnt; /* Count the number of received beacons.*/
900 uint32 ConnectionOutOfSync; /* Count the number of times TSF Out Of Sync occures, meaning we lost more consecutive beacons that defined by the host's threshold.*/
901 uint32 ContMissBcnsSpread[PWR_STAT_MAX_CONT_MISSED_BCNS_SPREAD]; /* Gives statistics about the spread continuous missed beacons.*/
909 uint32 RcvdAwakeBeaconsCnt; /* Count the number of beacons in awake mode.*/
915 uint32 MicRxPkts;
916 uint32 MicCalcFailure;
922 uint32 AesEncryptFail;
923 uint32 AesDecryptFail;
924 uint32 AesEncryptPackets;
925 uint32 AesDecryptPackets;
926 uint32 AesEncryptInterrupt;
927 uint32 AesDecryptInterrupt;
932 uint32 GemEncryptFail;
933 uint32 GemDecryptFail;
934 uint32 GemEncryptPackets;
935 uint32 GemDecryptPackets;
936 uint32 GemEncryptInterrupt;
937 uint32 GemDecryptInterrupt;
942 uint32 calibration;
943 uint32 rxMismatch;
944 uint32 rxMemEmpty;
950 uint32 psPollTimeOuts;
951 uint32 upsdTimeOuts;
952 uint32 upsdMaxAPturn;
953 uint32 psPollMaxAPturn;
954 uint32 psPollUtilization;
955 uint32 upsdUtilization;
960 uint32 beaconFilter;
961 uint32 arpFilter;
962 uint32 MCFilter;
963 uint32 dupFilter;
964 uint32 dataFilter;
965 uint32 ibssFilter;
970 uint32 initCalTotal;
971 uint32 initRadioBandsFail;
972 uint32 initSetParams;
973 uint32 initTxClpcFail;
974 uint32 initRxIqMmFail;
975 uint32 tuneCalTotal;
976 uint32 tuneDrpwRTrimFail;
977 uint32 tuneDrpwPdBufFail;
978 uint32 tuneDrpwTxMixFreqFail;
979 uint32 tuneDrpwTaCal;
980 uint32 tuneDrpwRxIf2Gain;
981 uint32 tuneDrpwRxDac;
982 uint32 tuneDrpwChanTune;
983 uint32 tuneDrpwRxTxLpf;
984 uint32 tuneDrpwLnaTank;
985 uint32 tuneTxLOLeakFail;
986 uint32 tuneTxIqMmFail;
987 uint32 tuneTxPdetFail;
988 uint32 tuneTxPPAFail;
989 uint32 tuneTxClpcFail;
990 uint32 tuneRxAnaDcFail;
991 uint32 tuneRxIqMmFail;
992 uint32 calStateFail;
1028 uint32 MissedBeacons; /* The current number of consecutive lost beacons*/
1057 uint32 Options; /* Data flow options - refer to above definitions*/
1058 uint32 dataflowOptions; /* Data flow options - refer to above definitions*/
1129 uint32 APSDConf[2]; /* Not supported in this version !!!*/
1243 uint32 counters[NOISE_HIST_LEN]; /* This array of eight 32 bit counters describes */
1247 uint32 numOfLostCycles; /* This field indicates the number of measurement */
1250 uint32 numOfTxHwGenLostCycles; /* This field indicates the number of measurement */
1254 uint32 numOfRxLostCycles; /* This field indicates the number of measurement */
1270 uint32 pdThreshold; /* The packet detection threshold in the PHY.*/
1289 uint32 numOfClasses; /* The number of transmission rate */
1396 uint32 hostClkSettlingTime; /* Host CLK settling time (in uSec units) */
1471 uint32 lowEventMask; /* Indicates which events are masked and which are not*/
1474 uint32 highEventMask; /* Not in use (should always be set to 0xFFFFFFFF).*/
1493 uint32 TSFMissedThreshold; /* The number of consecutive beacons that can be */
1497 uint32 BSSLossTimeout; /* The delay (in time units) between the time at */
1636 uint32 coexParams[SOFT_GEMINI_PARAMS_MAX];
1697 uint32 coexPllStabilizationTime; /* The time duration in uSec required for COEX PLL to stabilize.
1732 uint32 CurrentTSFHigh;
1733 uint32 CurrentTSFLow;
1734 uint32 lastTBTTHigh;
1735 uint32 lastTBTTLow;
1774 uint32 RxMsduLifeTime; /* The maximum amount of time, in TU, that the WiLink */
1821 uint32 dot11RxDot11Mode; /* refer to above table*/
1879 uint32 ConfigPsOnWmmMode; /* TRUE - Configure PS to work on WMM mode - do not send the NULL/PS_POLL
1973 uint32 unmatchedPacketsCount; /* number of packets didn't match any filter (when the feature was enabled). */
1974 uint32 matchedPacketsCount[MAX_DATA_FILTERS]; /* number of packets matching each of the filters */
2106 uint32 period; /*at range 1000-3600000 (msec). (To allow better range for debugging)*/
2141 uint32 uHtCapabilites; /*
2236 uint32 HardWareVersion; /* This 4 byte field specifies the WiLink hardware version. */
2276 uint32 awakeTimeCnt_Low;
2277 uint32 awakeTimeCnt_Hi;
2278 uint32 powerDownTimeCnt_Low;
2279 uint32 powerDownTimeCnt_Hi;
2280 uint32 elpTimeCnt_Low;
2281 uint32 elpTimeCnt_Hi;
2282 uint32 ListenMode11BTimeCnt_Low;
2283 uint32 ListenMode11BTimeCnt_Hi;
2284 uint32 ListenModeOFDMTimeCnt_Low;
2285 uint32 ListenModeOFDMTimeCnt_Hi;
2398 uint32 moderation_timeout_usec;