Lines Matching full:echo
19 echo "$@" | tr ' ' '\n' | awk 'BEGIN {max=0} {len=length($1); if (len > max) max=len} END {print max}'
26 echo $@ | tr '-' '_'
33 echo $@ | tr '_' '-'
74 echo `var_value OPTIONS_$1_$2`
92 echo "$1" | grep -q -E -e '^--[^=]+=<.+>$'
101 echo "$1" | grep -q -E -e '^--[^=]+$'
109 echo "$1" | grep -q -E -e '^-[A-Za-z0-9]<.+>$'
118 echo "$1" | grep -q -E -e '^-.$'
125 echo "ERROR: Invalid option format: $1"
126 echo " Check register_option call"
152 echo "Usage: $PROGNAME [options] $PROGRAM_PARAMETERS"
153 echo ""
156 echo ""
158 echo "Valid options (defaults are in brackets):"
159 echo ""
162 AWK_SCRIPT=`echo "{ printf \"%-${maxw}s\", \\$1 }"`
168 echo " $text $abstract [$default]"
170 echo " $text $abstract"
173 echo ""
178 echo "ERROR: Option '$1' does not take arguments. See --help for usage."
184 echo "ERROR: Option '$1' requires an argument. See --help for usage."
239 echo "ERROR: Unknown option '$1'. Use --help for list of valid values."
243 #echo "Found opt='$opt' otype='$otype' value='$value'"
281 echo "ERROR: Unknown option '$opt'. See --help for usage."
350 echo "ERROR: Invalid sysroot path: $SYSROOT"
351 echo " Use --sysroot=<path> to indicate a valid one."
371 echo "ERROR: Missing toolchain name!"
392 echo "Invalid toolchain specified. Expected (arm-eabi-*|x86-*)"
393 echo ""
419 echo "ERROR: Toolchain '$TOOLCHAIN' not installed in '$NDK_DIR'!"
420 echo " Ensure that the toolchain has been installed there before."