Lines Matching full:echo
51 echo "ERROR: Missing parameter after option '$1'"
59 echo "ERROR: Only one of -e, -d or -s <serial> can be used at the same time!"
102 echo "$1"
182 echo "ERROR: Unknown option '$opt', use --help for list of valid ones."
197 echo "Usage: $PROGNAME [options]"
198 echo ""
199 echo "Setup a gdb debugging session for your Android NDK application."
200 echo "Read $$NDK/docs/NDK-GDB.TXT for complete usage instructions."
201 echo ""
202 echo "Valid options:"
203 echo ""
204 echo " --help|-h|-? Print this help"
205 echo " --verbose Enable verbose mode"
206 echo " --force Kill existing debug session if it exists"
207 echo " --start Launch application instead of attaching to existing one"
208 echo " --launch=<name> Same as --start, but specify activity name (see below)"
209 echo " --launch-list List all launchable activity names from manifest"
210 echo " --project=<path> Specify application project path"
211 echo " -p <path> Same as --project=<path>"
212 echo " --port=<port> Use tcp:localhost:<port> to communicate with gdbserver [$DEBUG_PORT]"
213 echo " --exec=<file> Execute gdb initialization commands in <file> after connection"
214 echo " -x <file> Same as --exec=<file>"
215 echo " --adb=<file> Use specific adb command [$ADB_CMD]"
216 echo " --awk=<file> Use specific awk command [$AWK_CMD]"
217 echo " -e Connect to single emulator instance"
218 echo " -d Connect to single target device"
219 echo " -s <serial> Connect to specific emulator or device"
220 echo ""
228 echo "ERROR: Invalid initialization file: $OPTION_EXEC"
239 echo "ERROR: The 'adb' tool is not in your path."
240 echo " You can change your PATH variable, or use"
241 echo " --adb=<executable> to point to a valid one."
249 echo "ERROR: Could not run ADB with: $ADB_CMD"
271 echo "ERROR: Could not run '$AWK_CMD' command. Do you have it installed properly?"
275 echo "ERROR: Your version of 'awk' is obsolete. Please use --awk=<file> to point to Nawk or Gawk!"
287 echo "ERROR: Your --project option does not point to a directory!"
291 echo "ERROR: Your --project does not point to an Android project path!"
292 echo " It is missing a $MANIFEST file."
310 echo "ERROR: Launch this script from an application project directory, or use --project=<path>."
321 echo "ERROR: Could not extract package name from $PROJECT/$MANIFEST."
322 echo " Please check that the file is well-formed!"
337 echo "ERROR: Package $PACKAGE_NAME is not debuggable ! Please fix your manifest,"
338 echo " rebuild your application and re-install it to fix this."
348 echo "ERROR: Could not connect to device or emulator!"
349 echo " Please check that an emulator is running or a device is connected"
350 echo " through USB to this machine. You can use -e, -d and -s <serial>"
351 echo " in case of multiple ones."
359 echo "ERROR: Could not find target device's supported API level !"
360 echo "ndk-gdb will only work if your device is running Android 2.2 or higher."
365 echo "ERROR: ndk-gdb requires a target device running Android 2.2 (API level 8) or higher."
366 echo "The target device is running API level $API_LEVEL !"
397 echo "ERROR: The device does not support the application's targetted CPU ABIs!"
401 echo " Device supports: $CPU_ABI $CPU_ABI2"
402 echo " Package supports: $APP_ABIS"
410 echo "ERROR: Could not find gdbserver binary under $PROJECT/libs/$COMPAT_ABI"
411 echo " This usually means you modified your AndroidManifest.xml to set"
412 echo " the android:debuggable flag to 'true' but did not rebuild the"
413 echo " native binaries. Please call 'ndk-build' to do so,"
414 echo " *then* re-install to the device !"
424 echo "ERROR: Non-debuggable application installed on the target device."
425 echo " Please re-install the debuggable version !"
443 echo "ERROR: Could not extract package's data directory. Are you sure that"
444 echo " your installed application is debuggable?"
457 echo "ERROR: Could not extract name of launchable activity from manifest!"
458 echo " Try to use --launch=<name> directly instead as a work-around."
463 echo "ERROR: It seems that your Application does not have any launchable activity!"
464 echo " Please fix your manifest file and rebuild/re-install your application."
474 echo "ERROR: Could not launch specified activity: $OPTION_LAUNCH"
475 echo " Use --launch-list to dump a list of valid values."
487 echo "ERROR: Could not extract PID of application on device/emulator."
489 echo " Weird, this probably means one of these:"
490 echo ""
491 echo " - The installed package does not match your current manifest."
492 echo " - The application process was terminated."
493 echo ""
494 echo " Try using the --verbose option and look at its output for details."
496 echo " Are you sure the application is already started?"
497 echo " Consider using --start or --launch=<name> if not."
506 echo "ERROR: Another debug session running, Use --force to kill it."
520 echo "ERROR: Could not launch gdbserver on the device?"
529 echo "ERROR: Could not setup network redirection to gdbserver?"
530 echo " Maybe using --port=<port> to use a different TCP port might help?"
544 echo "target remote :$DEBUG_PORT" >> $GDBSETUP