Lines Matching full:dbg
70 private static final boolean DBG = (PhoneApp.DBG_LEVEL >= 2);
125 if (DBG) log("ConnectionHandler: updating mute state for each connection");
153 if (DBG) log("connection: " + cn + "not accounted for, removing.");
178 if (DBG) log("Extended NW onServiceConnected");
183 if (DBG) log("Extended NW onServiceDisconnected");
201 if (DBG) log("Extended NW bindService IExtendedNetworkService");
224 if (DBG) log("answerCall()...");
247 if (DBG) log("answerCall: call state = " + call.getState());
276 //if (DBG) log("sPhone.acceptCall");
323 if (DBG) log("HANGUP ringing call");
326 if (DBG) log("HANGUP foreground call");
329 if (DBG) log("HANGUP background call");
333 if (DBG) log("hungup=" + hungup);
339 if (DBG) log("hangup ringing call");
349 if (DBG) log("hangup ringing call");
352 if (DBG) log("hangup Call waiting call");
360 if (DBG) log("No Ringing call to hangup");
366 if (DBG) log("hangup ringing call");
374 if (DBG) log("hangup active call");
379 if (DBG) log("hangup holding call");
396 if (DBG) log("endCallInternal: Hang up Ringing Call");
402 if (DBG) log("endCallInternal: Hang up Foreground Call");
444 if (DBG) log("end holding & answer waiting: 1");
450 if (DBG) log("end holding & answer waiting: 2");
456 if (DBG) log("answerAndEndActive()...");
505 if (DBG) log("placeCall: '" + number + "'...");
508 if (DBG) log("===> phone.dial() returned: " + cn);
515 if (DBG) log("dialed MMI code: " + number);
521 if (DBG) log("Extended NW bindService setUssdString (" + number + ")");
598 if (DBG) log("placeCallVia: '" + number + "' GW:'" + gatewayUri + "'");
674 if (DBG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onReceive: (CDMA) sending empty flash to network");
682 if (DBG) log("switchHoldingAndActive");
717 if (DBG) log("problem retrieving mute value for this connection.");
732 if (DBG) log("mergeCalls");
738 if (DBG) log("mergeCalls");
759 if (DBG) log("separateCall: " + c.getAddress());
780 if (DBG) log("displayMMIInitiate: " + mmiCode);
815 if (DBG) log("running USSD code, displaying indeterminate progress.");
826 if (DBG) log("Extended NW displayMMIInitiate (" + textmsg+ ")");
846 if (DBG) log("not a USSD code, displaying status toast.");
852 if (DBG) log("running USSD code, displaying indeterminate progress.");
883 if (DBG) log("displayMMIComplete: state=" + state);
888 if (DBG) log("Extended NW displayMMIComplete removeMsg");
899 if (DBG) log("- using text from PENDING MMI message: '" + text + "'");
918 if (DBG) log("- using text from MMI message: '" + text + "'");
932 if (DBG) log("displaying PUK unblocking progress dialog.");
961 if (DBG) log("MMI code has finished running.");
970 if (DBG) log("Extended NW displayMMIInitiate (" + text + ")");
991 if (DBG) log("USSD code has requested user input. Constructing input dialog.");
1090 if (DBG) log("cancelMmiCode: num pending MMIs = " + count);
1205 if (DBG) log("getCallerInfo: number = " + number);
1307 if (DBG) log("startGetCallerInfo: query based on Uri: " + userDataObject);
1325 if (DBG) {
1357 if (DBG) log("startGetCallerInfo: No query to start, send trivial reply.");
1363 if (DBG) log("startGetCallerInfo: query based on number: " + number);
1373 if (DBG) log("startGetCallerInfo: query already running, adding listener: " +
1378 if (DBG) log("startGetCallerInfo: updatedNumber initially = " + updatedNumber);
1391 if (DBG) log("startGetCallerInfo: updatedNumber=" + updatedNumber);
1392 if (DBG) log("startGetCallerInfo: CNAP Info from FW(2): name="
1407 if (DBG) log("startGetCallerInfo: No query to attach to, send trivial reply.");
1418 if (DBG) log("startGetCallerInfo: CNAP Info from FW(3): name="
1430 if (DBG) log("startGetCallerInfo: query already done, returning CallerInfo");
1443 if (DBG) log("query complete, updating connection.userdata");
1448 if (DBG) log("- onQueryComplete: CallerInfo:" + ci);
1487 if (DBG
1514 if (DBG) log("getCompactNameFromCallerInfo: compactName=" + compactName);
1570 // if (DBG) log(" - CONN: " + conn + ", state = " + conn.getState());
1620 if (DBG) log("showIncomingCallUi()...");
1663 if (DBG) log("turnOnSpeaker(flag=" + flag + ", store=" + store + ")...");
1693 if (DBG) log("restoreSpeakerMode, restoring to: " + sIsSpeakerEnabled);
1708 if (DBG) log("turnOnNoiseSuppression: " + flag);
1731 if (DBG) log("restoreNoiseSuppression, restoring to: " + sIsNoiseSuppressionEnabled);
1751 if (DBG) log("isNoiseSuppressionOn: " + noiseSuppression);
1774 if (DBG) log("problem retrieving mute value for this connection.");
1784 if (DBG) log("setMute: " + muted);
1791 if (DBG) log(" setMicrophoneMute: " + muted);
1826 if (DBG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "setAudioMode(" + audioModeToString(mode) + ")...");
1851 if (DBG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "setAudioMode(), state is " + sAudioBehaviourState +
1877 if (DBG
1907 if (DBG) log("handleHeadsetHook: ringing (both lines in use) ==> answer!");
1910 if (DBG) log("handleHeadsetHook: ringing ==> answer!");
1920 if (DBG) log("handleHeadsetHook: longpress -> hangup");
1929 if (DBG) log("handleHeadsetHook: UNmuting...");
1932 if (DBG) log("handleHeadsetHook: muting...");
2082 if (DBG) log("checkCnapSpecialCases, PRIVATE string: " + n);
2088 if (DBG) log("checkCnapSpecialCases, UNKNOWN string: " + n);
2091 if (DBG) log("checkCnapSpecialCases, normal str. number: " + n);
2111 if (DBG) log("modifyForSpecialCnapCases: initially, number=" + number
2139 if (DBG) log("SpecialCnap: number=" + number
2144 if (DBG) log("modifyForSpecialCnapCases: returning number string=" + number);
2283 if (DBG) log("activateSpeakerIfDocked()...");
2287 if (DBG) log("activateSpeakerIfDocked(): Phone in a dock -> may need to turn on speaker.");