Lines Matching full:menu
34 <!-- Phone Info screen. Menu item label. Used for diagnostic info screens, precise translation isn't needed -->
36 <!-- Phone Info screen. Menu item label. Used for diagnostic info screens, precise translation isn't needed -->
38 <!-- Phone Info screen. Menu item label. Used for diagnostic info screens, precise translation isn't needed -->
40 <!-- Phone Info screen. Menu item label. Used for diagnostic info screens, precise translation isn't needed -->
197 <!-- Bluetooth settings screen, menu item to scan for nearby bluetooth devices -->
426 <!-- The title of the dialog to pick an activity. This is shown when there are multiple activities that can do a particular action. For example, suppose you click on the "Share" menu item in the Browser. Since you can share the webpage URL via many communication methods, this dialog would come up with choices like "Email", "IM", etc. This is a generic message, and the previous example is a single possible scenario (so please don't assume it's for the browser or anything :) ). -->
512 <!-- Menu item on Select time zone screen -->
514 <!-- Menu item on Select time zone screen -->
697 <!-- Bluetooth settings. Context menu item for a device. Action will connect to all profiles on the device. -->
699 <!-- Bluetooth settings. Context menu item for a device. Action will disconnect from all profiles on the device. -->
701 <!-- Bluetooth settings. Context menu item for a device. Action will first pair, and then connect to all profiles on the device. -->
703 <!-- Bluetooth settings. Context menu item for a device. Action will remove pairing with the device. -->
705 <!-- Bluetooth settings. Context menu item for a device. Action will disconnect and remove pairing with the device. -->
707 <!-- Bluetooth settings. Context menu item for a device. Action will take the user to another screen where they can choose exactly which profiles to connect to. -->
791 <!-- Menu option to scan Wi-Fi networks -->
793 <!-- Menu option to Wi-Fi advanced settings -->
795 <!-- Menu option to connect to a Wi-Fi network -->
797 <!-- Menu option to delete a Wi-Fi network -->
799 <!-- Menu option to modify a Wi-Fi network configuration -->
875 <!-- Menu ietm to save the IP settings -->
877 <!-- Menu ietm to cancel the IP settings -->
917 Menu item for WifiManager disableNetwork API-->
920 Menu item for WifiManager enableNetwork API-->
923 Menu item for WifiManager disconnect API-->
926 Menu item for WifiManager getConfiguredNetworks API-->
929 Menu item for WifiManager getConnectionInfo API-->
932 Menu item on Wifi information screen-->
935 Menu item on Wifi information screen-->
990 Menu item on Wifi information screen-->
1342 <!-- Edit access point screen menu option to delete this APN -->
1344 <!-- APNs screen menu option to create a brand spanking new APN -->
1346 <!-- Edit access point screen menu option to save the user's changes for this APN to the persistent storage -->
1348 <!-- Edit access point screen menu option to discard the user's changes for this APN -->
1362 <!-- APNs screen menu option to reset default APN settings -->
1539 <!-- Security & location settings screen, change unlock pattern screen hint on bottom of screen. We are telling them to press the menu button to see more options or help. -->
1540 <string name="lockpattern_recording_intro_footer">Press Menu for help.</string>
1661 <!-- Manage applications screen, menu item. Sorts all of the apps in the list alphabetically. -->
1663 <!-- Manage applications screen, menu item. Sorts all of the apps in the list based on their file size. This is used to uninstall when space is getting low. -->
1667 <!-- Text for menu option in ManageApps screen to present various menu options -->
1824 <!-- User dictionary settings. The title of the menu item to add a new word to the user dictionary. -->
1830 <!-- User dictionary settings. The title of the context menu item to edit the current word -->
1832 <!-- User dictionary settings. The title of the context menu item to delete the current word -->
1835 <string name="user_dict_settings_empty_text">You do not have any words in the user dictionary. You can add a word through the menu.</string>
1866 <!-- Quick launch screen, when assigning an app to a shortcut, this menu item to show a list of all applications. -->
1868 <!-- Quick launch screen, when assigning an app to a shortcut, this menu item to show a list of all shortcutable applications -->
1874 <!-- Input Methods Settings localized format string for generating the appropriate "Foo settings" menu label for the Input Method named "Foo" -->
2176 <!-- Menu label for viewing battery usage since unplugged -->
2178 <!-- Menu label for viewing battery usage since unplugged -->
2180 <!-- Menu label for viewing battery usage total -->
2182 <!-- Menu label for refreshing with latest usage numbers -->
2476 <!-- Privacy settings menu title -->
2484 <!-- Backup data menu title -->
2488 <!-- Auto-restore menu title -->