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899 DAC_FIXED_SETTINGSDAC_FIXED_FREQFrequency for fixed host DACDAC_FIXED_FMTFormat for fixed host DACDAC_FIXED_CHANNELSDAC_VOICESNumber of voices for DACADC_FIXED_SETTINGSADC_FIXED_FREQFrequency for fixed host ADCADC_FIXED_FMTFormat for fixed host ADCADC_FIXED_CHANNELSADC_VOICESNumber of voices for ADCTIMER_PERIODPLIVE(undocumented)LOG_TO_MONITORTheoretically supports many %s voices
954 Use fixed settings for host DACNumber of channels for fixed DAC (1 - mono, 2 - stereo)Use fixed settings for host ADCNumber of channels for fixed ADC (1 - mono, 2 - stereo)Timer period in HZ (0 - use lowest possible)print logging messages to monitor instead of stderr????| ? G?`_? ?Y @8???  ??(P???? (09  ?? p) ?* ? ?   0 P?0????  0 @ ` p ??0???? P ` p$?? ???$`? ??? 0!0`?  ???@ M?? M?8? z  ????8`
4894 ADCDACFailed to open `%s':
4906 defaultDAC_SIZE_IN_USECDAC_PERIOD_SIZEDAC_BUFFER_SIZEADC_SIZE_IN_USECADC_PERIOD_SIZEADC_BUFFER_SIZETHRESHOLD(undocumented)DAC_DEVADC_DEVADC device nameVERBOSEBehave in a more verbose wayparameter | requested value | obtained value
4929 Could not allocate ADC buffer (%d samples, each %d bytes)
4938 ALSA audio (www.alsa-project.org)DAC period/buffer size in microseconds (otherwise in frames)DAC period size (0 to go with system default)DAC buffer size (0 to go with system default)ADC period/buffer size in microseconds (otherwise in frames)ADC period size (0 to go with system default)ADC buffer size (0 to go with system default)DAC device name (for instance dmix)?!*
6369 ADCDACFailed to open `%s'
6375 OSS audio (www.opensound.com)/dev/dspFRAGSIZEFragment size in bytesNFRAGSNumber of fragmentsMMAPDAC_DEVPath to DAC deviceADC_DEVPath to ADC deviceDEBUGInternal logic error: Bad audio format %d
6382 warning: Misaligned ADC buffer, size %d, alignment %d
6383 Could not allocate ADC buffer (%d samples, each %d bytes)