Perform the identified binary operation on the two source registers, storing the result in the first source register.
Op & Format | Mnemonic / Syntax | Arguments |
---|---|---| 23x | binop vAA, vBB, vCC 90: add-int 91: sub-int 92: mul-int 93: div-int 94: rem-int 95: and-int 96: or-int 97: xor-int 98: shl-int 99: shr-int 9a: ushr-int 9b: add-long 9c: sub-long 9d: mul-long 9e: div-long 9f: rem-long a0: and-long a1: or-long a2: xor-long a3: shl-long a4: shr-long a5: ushr-long a6: add-float a7: sub-float a8: mul-float a9: div-float aa: rem-float ab: add-double ac: sub-double ad: mul-double ae: div-double af: rem-double |
A: destination register or pair (8 bits)B: first source register or pair (8 bits)C: second source register or pair (8 bits) |