- 1. Vertical
- Demonstrates a simple relative layout.
- 2. Simple Form
- Demonstrates a more complex relative layout to create a form.
- 1. Vertical
- Demonstrates a simple LinearLayout, with child width set to WRAP_CONTENT.
- 2. Vertical (Fill Screen)
- Demonstrates a simple LinearLayout, with child width set to MATCH_PARENT.
- 3. Vertical (Padded)
- Demonstrates a LinearLayout where one of the elements can expand to fill any remaining screen space (weight=1).
- 4. Horizontal
- Demonstrates a horizontal LinearLayout, plus an expanding column.
- 5. Simple Form
- Demonstrates nested layouts to create a user form.
- 6. Uniform Size
- LinearLayout which uses a combination of wrap_content on itself and match_parent on its children to get every item to be the same width.
- 7. Fill Parent
- Demonstrates a horizontal linear layout with equally sized columns. Some columns force their height to match the parent.
- 8. Gravity
- Demonstrates a simple linear layout with menu options demonstrating horizontal and vertical gravity options.
- 9. Layout Weight
- Demonstrates how the layout_weight attribute can shrink an element too big to fit on screen.
- 1. Short
- Demonstrates scrolling screen with buttons altermating with a text view.
- 2. Long
- Demonstrates a longer scrolling screen similar to ScrollView1.
- 1. Basic
- Demonstrates a basic TableLayout with identical children.
- 2. Empty Cells
- Demonstrates a TableLayout with column-spanning rows and different child objects.
- 3. Long Content
- Rows have different number of columns and content doesn't fit on screen: column 4 of row 2 shrinks all of the other columns
- 4. Stretchable
- Demonstrates a TableLayout with a stretchable column.
- 5. Spanning and Stretchable
- Demonstrates a complex TableLayout with spanning columns and stretchable columns to create a menu-like layout.
- 6. More Spanning and Stretchable
- Similar to example 5, but with an additional "checked" column.
- 7. Column Collapse
- Similar to example 6, but now with buttons on the bottom of the screen that enable you dynamically hide or show columns.
- 8. Toggle Stretch
- Demonstrates toggling the "stretch" value on a column to fill the screen width.
- 9. Toggle Shrink
- Demonstrates toggling the "shrink" value on a column to make an over-wide table shrink to fit the screen size.
- 10. Simple Form
- Demonstrates using a table to design a user form.
- 11. Gravity
- Demonstrates the use of advanced gravity attributes, such as center_horizontal and right|bottom to align cell contents in a table.
- 12. Various Widths
- Demonstrates the use of elements of various widths in a table.
Demonstrates the use of the android:layout_alignBaseline XML attribute in various page layouts.
- 1. Top
- Demonstrates the default baseline alignment in a simple LinearLayout with items at the top of the screen.
- 2. Bottom
- Demonstrates the default baseline alignment in a simple LinearLayout with items at the bottom of the screen.
- 3. Center
- Demonstrates the default baseline alignment in a simple LinearLayout with items in the center of the screen.
- 4. Everywhere
- Demonstrates the default baseline alignment in a complex LinearLayout.
- 6. Multi-line
- Demonstrates a baseline alignment with a multiline field.
- 7. Relative
- Demonstrates baseline alignment in a RelativeLayout.
- BaselineNested1
- Demonstrates baseline aligning specific elements in three parallel vertical LinearLayout objects.
- BaselineNested2
- Demonstrates baseline aligning specific elements in three mixed vertical and horizontal LinearLayout objects.
- BaselineNested3
- Demonstrates baseline alignment within nested LinearLayout objects.
Radio Group
- Radio Group
- Demonstrates using radio buttons and capturing the selected item.
- 1. Basic
- Demonstrates a scrollable LinearLayout object.
- 2. Fancy
- Demonstrates a scrollable LinearLayout object with a custom thumb slider image.
- Visibility
- Demonstrates toggling the visibility of a View object between visible, invisible, and gone.
- 1. Array
- Demonstrates binding a ListAdapter to a string array as a data source, and displaying the elements on the screen.
- 2. Cursor (People)
- Demonstrates binding results from a database query to a field in a template.
- 3. Cursor (Phones)
- Demonstrates binding multiple columns from a database query to fields in a template.
- 4. ListAdapter
- Demonstrates implementing a custom ListAdapter to return View objects laid out in a custom manner.
- 5. Separators
- Demonstrates implementing a custom ListAdapter that includes separators between some items.
- 6. ListAdapter Collapsed
- Demonstrates another custom list adapter with that returns expandible items.
- 7. Cursor (Phones)
- Demonstrates a list adapter where data comes from a Cursor object.
- 8. Photos
- Demonstrates a list activity that uses a custom ListAdapter, setting the view for an empty item, and also how to customize the layout of a ListActivity.
- CustomView
- Demonstrates implementing a custom view subclass.
- ImageButton
- Demonstrates an ImageButton: a button with an arbitrary graphic on it.
Date Widgets
- 1. Dialog
- Demonstrates the DatePickerDialog and TimePickerDialog picker dialogs.
- 2. Inline
- Demonstrates using a TimePicker directly in a layout without using a confirmation button or dialog.
- 1. Icons
- Demonstrates implementing a Gallery widget and extending GalleryAdapter to create a custom class to serve out source images to the widget.
- 2. People
- Demonstrates populating a Gallery with images from the contacts photos.
- Spinner
- Demonstrates populating two Spinner widgets with values.
- 1. Icon Grid
- Demonstrates populating a GridView widget with a list of applications using a custom ListAdapter object.
- 2. Photo Grid
- Demonstrates populating a GridView widget with images using a custom ListAdapter object.
- ImageSwitcher
- Demonstrates using the ImageSwitcher widget with a custom Adapter.
- TextSwitcher
- Demonstrates using the TextSwitcher widget.
- 1. Shake
- Demonstrates a simple tweened animation (android.view.animation.Animation).
- 2. Push
- Demonstrates a variety of transformations (android.view.animation.Animation), including fading, motion, and rotation.
- 1. Theme White
- Demonstrates a variety of common form type widgets, such as check boxes and radio buttons using the white theme.
- 2. Theme Dark
- Demonstrates a variety of common form type widgets, such as check boxes and radio buttons using the dark theme.
Auto Complete
- 1. Screen Top
- Demonstrates the use of AutoCompleteTextView, an autocomplete dropdown box below a text box, with data taken from an array.
- 2. Screen Bottom
- Demonstrates an autocomplete box above a text box.
- 3. Scroll
- Demonstrates an autocomplete text box in the midst of a vertical list.
- 4. Contacts
- Demonstrates an autocomplete text box that gets its content from a database query.
- 5. Contacts with Hint
- Demonstates an autocomplete text box that understands the * wildcard.
Progress Bar
- 1. Incremental
- Demonstrates large and small rotating progress indicators that can be incremented or decremented in units.
- 2. Smooth
- Demonstrates large and small continuously rotating progress indicators used to indicate a generic "busy" message.
- 3. Dialogs
- Demonstrates a ProgressDialog, a popup dialog that hosts a progress bar. This example demonstrates both determinate and indeterminate progress indicators.
- 4. In Title Bar
- Demonstrates an Activity screen with a progress indicator loaded by setting the WindowPolicy's progress indicator feature.
- 1. Vertical
- Demonstrates how to block selection of a specific screen element.
- 2. Horizontal
- Demonstrates how to change the order of which screen element is selected when the user presses arrow keys.
- 3. Circular
- Another version of Focus2.